Understanding Treaty 7 Focus Questions

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Understanding Treaty 7: Addressing Southern Albertas History

Focus Questions
As a Canadian Citizen when you stand up to honour the Canadian flag and show
your respect have you ever asked yourself these 3 important questions?

1. How was Canada created?

2. What should the Canadian Identity contain?
3. And, where do my roots begin in this country?

According to the Canadian Oxford Dictionary (1998), the definition for citizenship
means the fact of being a citizen of a country and the qualities considered desirable
in a person viewed as a member of society.

Now ask yourself these 2 questions:

1. Have I been a responsible Canadian citizen?
2. If so, what do I know about the Treaties and Treaty 7?

As teachers it is important to address our Canadian history in an honest and

appropriate manner but it is also significant to reflect on your own understanding
and the knowledge you have or will eventually obtain when it comes to Treaty 7
and how all Southern Albertans are a part of this treaty.

Educators help guide student learning which has a substantial influence over
student identity. According to Alberta Education, the Teaching Quality Standard
(TQS) will eventually include First Nations, Metis, and Inuit content which is
essential to Canadian history, laws, and building healthy and strong relationships
between Indigenous people and Canadians.

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