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Section A

1. Circle the correct answer.

apple orange pear

bat cat fox

cat cake can

shoe coat bag

hen dog duck

goose gate goat

(vii) chair television sofa

(viii) television cupboard bed

8 marks
2. Spell the following words.

1. ___ ___ ___ 2. __ __ __ __

3. __ __ __ 4. __ __ __ __

5. __ __ __ __ /5 marks

Section B

1..Match the masculine to the feminine.

Masculine Feminine

king lady

prince queen

bull princess

cock sparrow cow

lord hen-sparrow

usher usherette

/6 marks
2. Fill in the plural word.

Singular Plural

(i) tree

(ii) box

(iii) woman

(iv) mouse

(v) foot


3 .Underline the noun.

(i) The pencil is sharp.

(ii) The tiger is fierce.

(iii) The book is thick.

(iv) I live in Shah Alam.

(v) Her eyes are brown.

/5 marks

4. .Fill in the blank with the correct collective noun.

bunch , , string pack fleet bouquet

(i). (iv).

A ---------------- of grapes. A-----------------------of ships.

(ii). (v) .

A-----------------------of flowers. A ---------------------of wolves.

(iii). A --------------------of beads /6 marks

5.Fill in the blank with a suitable adjective

hot pretty blue green


Allah made

(i) the mountains .. .

(ii) the sea ...

(iii) the grass ..

(iv) the sun

(v) the butterflies

/5 marks

Section C

1. Arrange the sentences below in the correct order. Write the number in the box

Water the seed.

Dig a hole.

A leaf grows.

Put the seed.

A flower grows.

It grows taller.
/6 marks
Section C

2. Read the passage and answer the questions below.

My name is Ali. I am seven years old. I live in Shah Alam. I like to eat fish and chips.

I have a pet cat. I called it Tom.

(i) What is my name?

My name is _____________________________________________________.

(ii) How old am I?

I am _______________________________________________________

(iii) Where do I live?

I live in _______________________________________________________.

(iv) What is my cats name?

My cats name is _______________________________________________.

(v) What do I like to eat?

I like to eat ______________________________________________________.

/5 marks

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