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Michael Chavez

Emily Litle


4 December 2017

Catalonia Independence

We have seen how much controversy have been in the past months about Catalonia

trying to gain its independence from Spain. Catalonia is located in northeastern Spain and

its consider one of the wealthiest regions of Spain. This region of Spain has its own

language, flag, history, and culture. It is important to us because is something that has to

deal with our world to know what is going on. I am interested in this topic because soccer is

involve in it. It will affect soccer in different aspects due to Catalonia wanting to gain its

independence from Spain. The state of Catalonia should independent itself because they

have the sources to succeed as an independent country.

As I mentioned above, people would not agree with my point of view because

everyone has different thoughts as others. According to Nick Ottens, he gives out some

points why Catalonia shouldnt separate from Spain. Nick Ottens is a Netherlands political

analyst who specialist in politics in North America and Europe. Nick Ottens states that, An

independent Catalonia would struggle to borrow with its poor credit ratings (Ottens). That

will be a problem for Catalonia because its just starting to grow as a country. Another

point of view is that Catalonia would lose access to the European single market (Ottens).

This means that if given independence on exports and finance could be calamitous (Ottens).
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For every other argument no matter what its about there is always going to be an opposing


Not only that another point of view soccer fans have about this topic is the Classico.

The Classico is the rivalry between Barcelona and Real Madrid both elite teams. This

affects them because Barcelona is the Catalonian capital. If Catalonia become its own

country Barcelona is going to be remove from the Spanish league. According to the Irish

Times News, Javier Tebas is the president of the Spanish league that had warned Fc

Barcelona to leave the league (Fitzpatrick). Many people wouldnt like that to happen

because is one of the best matches the league has. Victor Font, a potential presidential

candidate at Barcelona explains how El Clasico is a big business for them. About 70

percent of the value of La Liga is Barcelona-Real Madrid (Victor Font). This ties into

Catalonia deserving independence because it will affect the soccer industry in a huge way.

In my own opinion, I agree with all those people that are supporting to gain its

independence because Catalonia has the sources to succeed as a country. One thing that

supports Catalonia is that is one of the wealthiest states from Spain. I believe Catalonia will

have the money to be able to manage the finances. According to Harret Alexander from The

Telegraph, he states that, Catalonia has been for a long time the region that has been the

most successful in the trading industry (Alexander). The trading industry is something big

in a country. Its were they get money out of trading with other countries. Having

experience in the trading industry is like having advantage to success as a country. James

Badcock says that not only because of the trading industry but also because they are able to
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manage finances, services, and high tech companies (Alexander). Those sources are some

of the sources a country might have strong in order to succeed.

Many folks that are passionate for soccer will agree with me that if Catalonia

separates from Spain, Spain National Team will lose some key players. Catalonia will have

a powerful and strong national team. What this means is that players who are call to play

for Spain are born in the state of Catalonia. Those players will be playing for the national

team of Catalonia. According to Sky Sports, Gerard Pique and Cesc Fabregas are among

those players who are born in different region of Catalonia. Soccer fans know who Sergio

Ramos is, he is the captain of Spain national team that had problems with his compatriot

Gerard Pique due to his support to Catalonia. Pique decided to quit playing for Spain

because fans started yelling him to get out of Spain. We the people would like to see that

national team because not only those too players there are also other players that will play

for Catalonia. Sky Sports states that, This past weekend, during the FC Barcelona-Las

Palmas, more than 750 people were injured in clashes between police and voters trying to

vote in the referendum (Sky Sports). The following lineup will be: Kiko Castilla, Vidal,

Pique, Bartra, Alba, Busquets, Xavi, Fabregas, Deulofeu, Tello, and Gerard. I had to relate

this topic because I love soccer and thats why I included on my paper because it wont

affect Catalonia if they gain their independence from Spain. They will be set to have a

national team that will compete to and put the name of Catalonia on top of other countries.

People who are into this topic might have different views but I say that Catalonia

should gain its independence from Spain. If we the people imagine how it would be if

Catalonia become independent we will see them succeed. I see Catalonia managing

finances well, they will succeed in soccer, and Catalonia will do a better job in government
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than Spain is doing. If my argument would be implemented we would see another new flag

another new country to learn about. I believe Catalonia should become an independent

country. We Americans are proud of democracy and we should support other countries.
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Works Cited

Alexander, Harret, Badcock, James, Why does Catalonia want independence from Spain?

The Telegraph,

independence-spain/, 10 Oct. 2017

Fitzpatrick, Richard, What lies ahead for Barca in an independent Catalonia? Irish Times


in-an-independent-catalonia-1.3252605, 12 Oct. 2017

How could Catalonia line up? And what would Spains national team look like? Sky


catalonia-line-up-and-what-would-spains-national-team-look-like, 10 Feb. 2017

Ottens, Nick, The Arguments For and Against Catalan Independence Atlantic Sentinel,

independence/, 13 Sept. 2017

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