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The city of Bastion is of almost unlimited potential for those that inhabit it, but they must
follow along with it's odd and self governing ethos. The city has a strange kind of semi-
sentient genius loci to it that demands the attention of those that inhabit it in return for its
gifts and full potential. It has been untold eons however, and the main source of this
must be reconstructed in order for the effect to fully take place.

Bastion is a biome sized wonder that elevates the city and those that live within it to
almost unlimited potential if they focus solely on its development. The central core of
Bastion must be reconstructed however for this to take effect. Andrew is bad at math
and doesnt understand balancing so is asking for a cost.

Once activated a beacon of light shoots out and summons the denizens of the empire
that constructed it back to Bastion. The empire may collapse the populations of all their
current provinces into Bastion for no cost, as the common folk flock to their new
paradise. They may bring back half of the material and trade used to create structures
in those left provinces along as well.

Bastion has several benefits, but only functions if the empire controlling has 1 province.
If the empire expands the city will cease its beneficial effects and will revert back to
normal. The wonder doesnt turn back on either, so you dont get to pull any cheesy shit.
Its a pretty smart city.

The first of its effects is already known, in that it may be explored in practical perpetuity,
with rewards, disaster, and surprises around every corner, as well as the additional
unique discovery option that new uncommon resource slots may be found.

The second is that Bastion is setup to have infrastructure that builds on top of itself in
specialized building slots called districts equal to the number of population in the city.
Districts must be specialized to a single numerical resource (ie, food, material, research,
security) or structural theme (ie military, naval, magic, crafting). Buildings in a district
may be built as attachments to that district, and may be built incrementally over time.
Existing buildings, may be rebuilt into their relevant district for the cost of 1 material
each. You may have multiple districts dedicated to a single resource or theme, but each
district can only hold one structure of a kind, (Ie you may have 2 research based
districts, but each district can only have 1 Library). If Bastion is hit by a natural disaster
that destroys structures each district is rolled for as a separate province, putting all your
eggs in one basket does mean you might drop them all.
The third effect is that not only is Bastions layout efficient and effective, but the people
living there are able to do the work of hundreds with just a handful. Many effects that
work off of per province or number of provinces like morale, are now dictated by the
population of Bastion. If an effects is measured on number of provinces or gives an
effect per province, Bastion has an effective province count equal to half of its total
population. This includes effects such as powers that gives resources per province,
morale penalties, costs of certain blessings (ie Blessing of Rains), and anything else
Andrew hasnt thought of after combing through the wiki.

The third effect is that expeditions now cost 5 Trade, and may be dispatched to exploit a
single uncommon or rare resource in a discovered province adding its benefits and
meeting requirements for structures in Bastion.

Grand architect xp buy abilities

Presiding over Bastion is the Grand Architect, an individual chosen and singled out for
greatness at the apex of the city. There is no ritual or rite, the Grand Architect simply
finds themselves connected to the city because the city chooses them. The Grand
Architect may invest part of themselves into the city, awakening hidden and long
inactive machinery to better serve the people in a very direct sense. Overtime the
Architect and Bastion may grow to an almost omnipotent status, becoming the beating
heart and guiding mind of the city.

By spending XP and a downtime, the Grand Architect may purchase special structures
found on the Unique Token list. These structures awaken from deep within Bastion,
almost miraculously, at the Architects will, hinting at what vast wonders this place may
still hide. Andrew is bad at how much things should cost in terms of XP so Im asking for
a price assignment to the buildings found on the Unique Token list with the except of
magical and divine nodes.

Over time the city and the architect become one to an extent that the Architect may gain
greater control over the goings on. At certain numbers of XP Bastion gains additional
effects as long as the Architect is presiding over it.

-10,000xp: Bastion and its people become amazingly efficient with little loss of material
or wealth in keeping structures at peak efficiency. All upkeep costs for structures or
units are reduced by 1.
-15,000XP: The city learns to streamline its less effective buildings with all structures
that only produce 1 unit of resource now producing an additional 1 point of that
-20,000XP: The Architect can now empower his people with a fraction of their
connection to Bastion. Once a turn the Architect may use a downtime to enhance a
single unit of population, allowing to effectively count as 2 population for all beneficial

Wonder Plans

Bastion can be made to improve upon itself through enhancements to the entire city
itself. These enhancements are wonders and take up a wonder slot in Bastion. These
improvements are powerful, and much like Bastion itself are only functional when the
empire only has a single province.

Efficiency Generator- The central tower of Bastion holds a centralized upper chamber
that seems to network to the rest of the entire city. This central hub is currently dark and
ruined, but if it could be rebuilt and repowered the chamber may be able to give
readouts and information on the entire city that could be streamlined by a single

Effect: For every structure a district focused on a numerical resource has, it produces
one of that resource.
Material/Trade for repairs: ???, Requires: Sufficient power source, Requires: Unique
Cohort to act as the central efficiency coordinator.

Internal City Terracing- Bastion sits upon a great stone pillar whose internal structure
has yet to be fully exploited. Mysterious ruins lurk beneath the city, but if they could be
explored and rendered safe then work could be done to start to dig deeper into the pillar
and claim the as of yet unused space. This effort would require not only the work of
brave individuals, but a large of amount of material and manpower to make sure the
effort does not simply see the pillar collapse upon itself.

Effect: Bastion essentially becomes a terraced province with an entirely separate

province lurking beneath city. This terraced province may use all the resources and
benefits of Bastion, but must be built upon with structures.
Material/Trade costs of necessary support structures: ???, Requires: 20 Industry,
Requires: Solving the Epic POI that is underneath Bastion.

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