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Haley Reynolds

Lesson Kindergarten: Three Ways To Teacher:

November 23rd,
Title/Focus Read Date:


General 1. (#2 ELA) The child listens, speaks, reads, and writes, views
Learning and represents to comprehend and respond personally and
Outcomes: critically to oral, print and other media texts.
2. (#4 ELA) The child listens, speaks, reads, writes, views, and
represents to enhance the clarity and artistry of
Specific 1. Uses prior knowledge (#2 ELA)
Learning 2. Uses phonics and structural analysis (#2 ELA)
3. Expands Knowledge of Language (#4 ELA)

1. At the end of the lesson, students will be able to make connections among sounds,
letters, words, pictures and meaning. (Understanding)
2. Students will be able to understand that stories can be recorded in pictures and
print and can be listened to, read or viewed (Understanding)
3. Students will be able to retell ideas to clarify meaning in response to the picture
and text they are reading. (Remembering)
Alberta Program of Studies Kindergarten (Early Literacy)
Video: Alligator Chomp- Jack Hartmann
Visual Journal- For demonstration, and for the students to display their work in
Computer- Used for the Alligator Chomp Video
Pencils- Used for Journals, that way students are able to fix any mistakes they
may have made
Picture books for the students to use- Used for their work in their visual journal,
the books are already provided by Mrs.Webb in the classroom
Book Turtle Island By Kevin Sherry, Chicken Story Time By Sandy Asher,
The Colour Thief By The Colour Thief
Iphone- For pictures of the students reading
Tv- Used to display the anchor chart and photos of students
Pencil Crayons- For work in their visual journal
Crayons- For work in their visual journal
Have the Alligator Chomp video on the computer before the students come in
to the classroom
Have the visual journals ready and prepped for the students before the lesson has
Have certain books picked out that will be used in the lesson
Have photos of the students ready to show on the tv

Observations: The students effort and participation in the
How the students express their knowledge of the
story they are reading
Whether the students are able to connect the story
to their work in their journal
If the students are following directions, and who
may need more support
Essential Question: What does it mean to be a reader?
Products/Performances: Students will work towards visually representing
their understanding of the three ways of reading
through their visual journal

Introduction Time
Attention Grabber: Wait until all students are sitting on the
The Number Three carpet and are present within the classroom
and quiet.
Have the three already on the board and 5mins
ask the students what number it is
Get students to show you on their hands
the number three
Transition to Body Once they have guessed the number three,
explain that they will be using the number
three today to explore the three ways of 2
reading. mins
But before ask the students the question on
what a reader is.
Body Time
1st way of Reading: Have the anchor chart pulled up on the tv
Read the Pictures already, so that when the students sit down
at the carpet they are able to look at it
Ask students their ideas on how to read a
book and what they must do in order to
read the book successfully
Introduce that there is another way to read
and write on the anchor chart while
reading it to the class that is by reading the
book through the pictures
Demonstrate this by using the each of the
three books covers (Turtle Island, The
Colour Thief, and Chicken Story Time)
and showing how the pictures on the cover
tell us what the book is about
If the students are able to tell you what the
book is about by reading the pictures,
appraise them and highlight their work to
the class by saying they were reading the
2nd way of Reading: Go over how we now know we can read
Read the Words the pictures as one way of reading. Ask the
students what another way of reading
could be.
Point out the words on the covers of some
of the books and see if the class can pick
up on what you are trying to say.
Point to the student in the anchor chart and
explain to the students that this student is
using another way to read, reading the
Transition to Video Let the students know that they are going
to be listening to a video on patterns from
our friend Jack (Jack Hartman) 2
Get them all standing up on the carpet mins
making sure they have enough space that
they do not bump into each other.
Pattern Video: Students and teacher will follow along to
Alligator Chomp the movements in the song.
(Body Break) Once the song is over, bring the students 3 min
back to sitting quietly at the carpet to go
over the last way to read.
3rd way to Read: Point out that the boy in the picture on the
Retell the story anchor chart is reading and remembering
the story so he is retelling.
Show the students the book Turtle
Island and ask if any of them remember
what the story is about
Once a student puts up their hand and tells 5-7
you what they remember, appraise that mins
student and use thats student as a way to
demonstrate to the class how this student
remembered the story and thus was
retelling what they remembered
Then, explain to the students that we have
some examples of reading that the
students were doing in the class this week.
Once the photos are up on the tv screen,
go through them.
Such as Kaden was remembering the color
story, so he was retelling the story.
Hannah and Caleb were collaborating and
reading the pictures.
Ashely knew that the book was about a
chicken because she read the picture.
Nakelle was retelling the story to Ava.
Transition into activity Let the students know that they will be
using a book of their choice to demonstrate
the three ways of reading in their visual
Tell the students we will be heading to mins
table four where you will demonstrate the
activity in the visual journal

Activity: Once all the students are around the table,

3 ways to read represented you will pick the book that you have talked
in Visual Journals about to the class Turtle Island
Show the students the picture of the three
ways to write, and model for them how
they will be doing their drawing and
writing on the blank page after the page
with the picture.
Explain to the students they will be using
the cover of the book for this activity
Demonstrate to the students how to draw
the picture on the book by drawing it out
yourself for the students to observe.
(Remember to let the students know that 57
you are reading the pictures as you are mins
drawing it out
After you have drawn out the picture,
show the students how you will add colour
to your picture
Like it is on your book
Once you have finished colouring your
picture, explain to the students that they
will then write the title of the book on the
page where their picture is.
After finishing the title, the students will
be told that they have the choice to go eat
snack or be workers in their journals
Remind the students that if they are
working in their journals, that once they
are finished they must come to Miss
Reynolds, or Mrs. Webb to tell us about
the book they have chosen.
Direct the students to where they will be
working, and where their journals are

End of Lesson Students will head to their backpacks to

get their snacks, or head to their journals to
start working
Once the students are finished their
journals, ask them what their book was 5
about and how they found it out. (such as mins
did they read the pictures, read the words,
or have read the story before and are
retelling the story) Write this on page
where the anchor chart is.
Assessment By having the students orally explain their
reasoning behind their drawing of the book
and the title, the teacher is able to
formatively assess where the student is in
their reading, and whether they are able to
connect what they have worked on in their
journal to the book they are reading.
Adaptation For students that have trouble writing, slips of
paper will be provided for them for the teacher to
write the words out that the student will be able to
look at and write down on their own. This is used
for students that may have trouble understanding
letters and how they are supposed to write them.
Some students will need their words outlined in
yellow marker in their journal, where they will
trace them with their own pencil. This is used for
students that may have trouble with their fine
motor skills and need more support when writing
their letters.
For students that may have trouble reading, after
they have finished writing their words, they are
able to work with the teacher at a table, where
they are given support on how to sound out the
letters in order to read the words.

How does this By giving students the opportunity to demonstrate how they
individual lesson read and understand a story, they are gaining confidence in their
scaffold learning abilities on reading and writing. By demonstrating to them that
opportunities for there are three ways to read, the teacher is not limiting students
students? in how they can express their ability to read, but more giving
many opportunities for the students to demonstrate their
understanding of the book they are reading. By getting the
students to represent their work in their journal, and then being
able to explain what they have drawn and how it represents
what they have read; demonstrates how the students ability to
orally and visually represent their learning. This type of lesson
allows the teacher to expand on the learner centered approach,
where the students are able to learn by not only watching, but
by also doing the activity themselves.

What assumptions
does this lesson
make about what This lesson assumes that students should have a basic
students already knowledge behind
know? Basic knowledge about colors and emotions that could
be represented in the picture they are reading
Basic knowledge behind reading and what a reader is

In what ways is This lesson is connected to the next lesson, as we are working
this lesson on making superheroes. These superheroes stand for what the
connected to the students believe their superpower stands for in the classroom. A
next lesson? book will be read to the students based on superpowers, where
they will have to create their own superhero, draw their
superpower, and write what their superpower is. This way the
students in this lesson will be practicing their reading and
writing for our next activity.

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