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Crime Scene Report

Ryan Goodwin,

Crime Scene Description- On November 15th from 2-4 PM my group and I were

dispatched to crime scene Two, where upon arrival we were greeted by an on scene officer and

the area already taped off. The area was backed by the ocean with part of the crime scene

actually in the water. The middle of the crime scene was on a small hill that had an abundance

of trees and a few steep rocks. The side of the crime scene neighbored a nearby building. The

first thing you noticed in the enclosed area is the victim whose body was found near a log right

off the water front. She was a young female believed to be between the ages of 16-24. Starting

with the body we found a strand of a blonde hair barely visible to the naked eye, let alone the

virtual eye. The hair was located on her chest, assumed to be her assailants. There was also

dried blood found under her fingertips, possibly from the killer when the victim tried to put up a

fight. Both samples were packed up to later be tested at our crime lab. Moving away from the

body there was the victim's underwear, this piece of evidence made it clear there was a sexual

assault on the victim. The underwear was bright pink and found about five feet away from the

body, the evidence was bagged to be tested later on for DNA. A little further down the water line

was more of the victim's personal belonging, next to a large rock we found the victim's purse

which was also pink, an open pill bottle, and a peculiar white powder, believed to be a drug.

Upon walking around the crime scene almost where we entered the yellow tape was the victim's

ID and wallet which was ALSO pink, this piece of evidence was the furthest piece from the body

possibly put by the assailant to try and hide it. These pieces of evidence were carefully bagged

and tagged to be tested later on in the lab.

Crime Scene Photos

The Victims ID and wallet found far from the body

iteself. Found near the base of a tree to the left of
the entrance of the crime scene.

The Victim's Purse in the back, the strange

white powder right next to it and a Pill
bottle.Found adjacent to the body about 10

The victim's Underwear found near the body.

Found about 6 down the shoreline from the body, sitting
next to large rocks.

Blonde Strands of Hair found on the victim's shirt

in the middle of her chest.

A clear picture of the victim's body the way it

was found. Body found next to water edge at
the back of the crime scene. Next to large log.
A clear sign of struggle with blood on the victim's
skin and under her fingernails.

The three investigators leading this

Case, The Three Amigos.
Allelic Ladder From the Victim

DNA from Under victims Fingertips

DNA Analysis

For the DNA analysis we had to look at the crime scene results that we collected and then
processed in the crime lab. Once we got the results we looked for the 13 alleles. After finding
that we used the allele frequency chart in canvas to get the frequencies off the chart. We then
had to find two allele frequencies do to the fact of it being heterozygous. After you have the
frequencies you multiply them together then multiply that by 2, for example, 2(.152)(.012) this
gives you you probability for that allele. You do this one time for your 13 alleles then you need to
multiply those individual answers together to get your over probability (pm) which we calculated
to be 4.56015e-20.

The following chart is the toxicology report from our victim. Her BAC or the concentration of
ethanol in her system was at a .292. That is abnormally high with the legal limit to operate a
vehicle being .08. The victim is almost four times the legal limit putting her at an extremely
intoxicated state at the time of her death, possibly a lethal amount of alcohol in the system. It is
especially dangerous having that high of a concentration due to her gender and size.

So in conclusion we arrived at the crime scene, searched the taped off area for any evidence
that we could find. Once we found all the evidence we proceeded to the crime lab to analyze the
evidence that we had just found. We got the DNA results we had to find the probability of all 13
alleles that we were presented with. In our professional opinion the girl was taken to the scene
of the crime while incredibly intoxicated, there are no suspects at the moment. The cause of
death is unknown but could be in part due to the excess amount of alcohol in her system.The
toxicology report shows the high levels of ethanol that were in her system at the time of death.

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