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World History II: Unit 2 Project Draft

Goal: Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger

Project Outline:
The countrys background, the cause and effects of our MDG in our country, what
government has done so far, and our suggestions will be all in the cards. However, our cards
will be divided into 4 different colors that represent 4 sections so the players wont get

Parts (or Materials) of the project:

2 identical decks of cards (each deck has 24 cards)
2 identical information sheet (divided into 4 sections as mentioned above)
Instructions and Rules Paper

How to Play:
Both players decide the penalties for the loser beforehand (optional, for more fun)
Follow the instructions

Repeat these instructions every turn:

1. Both players read the information sheet for 15 seconds to gather as much
information as much as possible. (might change as seems fit)
2. Both players draw a card from the the top of the deck and place it upward on the
playing area. (Each card has its own sign, scissor, paper, and rock)
3. Both players ask each other the question on their own card. (For example, Player
1 drew Card A, therefore, he must ask Player 2 the question that is on Card A.)
4. Decide who wins the round using Point Rules.
5. Repeat this until the cards run out or until the game reached the time that players
6. The winner is the player with more points.

Point Rules
If both players answer the opponents question correctly or incorrectly, grants 1 point
to the player that wins Rock Paper Scissors, or no points granted if the signs are the

If only one player answer the question correctly, that player grants 1 point.

How the game demonstrates learning objectives?

As the game progress, players will gradually gain information about Venezuelas
condition through the information sheet since they are required to read it every turn
throughout the game. The data in the information sheets will be pretty detailed and
contain every learning objectives.

These pictures are for additional clarification. Information sheet will be put aside each
player ,faced down, and will only be flipped at the start of the turn (for more about
instructions look at instruction section). The information sheet will be divided into 5 sections
as shown in the left picture, for example, yellow color means it is about background
information about the country while red color represents the problems of the country
(according to MDG), so the players can find what they are looking for easier.

The format of the cards will includes the cards title, picture, question, and attribute
(rock, paper, scissor) as shown in the right picture. The back of every card will have a color
according to their relation to sections. This way players can know which section they should
be looking for by looking at the opponents color of the top card.

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