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Disorderly (adj.

Disheveled - ,,,
,,, (of a person's hair,
Brightly or appearance) untidy; disordered.
a man with long, disheveled hair
Highly ornate(adj) Elegance(n)
Garish-,, Baroque - Panache-
noun Flamboyant- Sweet, innocent,
flamboyant confidenceResembling an angel
of style or manner.
obtrusively bright and showy; lurid. he entertained Palm Springs society with
a state of disorganization or untidiness. (of a person or their behavior) tending to attract
garish shirts in all sorts of colors Angelic-, ,
great panache
her gray hair was in disarray attention because of their exuberance, of or relating to angels.
Glaring- ,,,
, , confidence, and stylishness.
the angelic
her angelic
verb a flamboyant display of aerobatics
, of or denoting a style of French Gothic a tuft or plume of feathers, especially as a
(someone or something) into a state of Cherubicor
headdress on a ,
architecture marked by wavy flamelike tracery
,-or untidiness.
and ornate decoration. having
This the childlike
picture shows innocence
us how to or wearplump
a plumed
adjective the inspection disarrayed the usual schedule
To house his accumulation of art and helmet with
prettiness ofaawarrior's
cherub. panache .
giving out or reflecting a strong or curiosities he bought the htel of the abbots
strip (someone) of clothing.
a round, cherubic face
dazzling light. of Cluny that had been built in the flamboyant Flamboyance- ,,
the glaring attendantsun damsels to help to disarray her style around 1500.
Gothic Seraphic - characteristic of or resembling a
Ugly (adj) Exuberance Ungainly(adj)
seraph or seraphim.
highly obvious or conspicuous. Rococo-, a seraphic smile
there is a glaring omission in the
Dowdy ,,(of a person, typically Unprepossessing ,,
,,, (of a
above data
a woman, or their clothes) unfashionable and without
adjective Scatter
(v) not person or movement) awkward;
style in appearance. (of furnitureparticularly attractive
or architecture) or characterized
of or appealing to the eye. clumsy.
she could achieve the kind of casual chic that by made
an elaborately
Disperse distribute or spread over a wide area.
stare in an angry or fierce way. despite ornamental late baroque
his unprepossessing appearance he had an ungainly walk
stormsincan disperse seeds via high altitudes
every other
she glared woman
at him, cheeksher look dowdystyle
her around alsoof decoration
an animalprevalent
magnetism 18th-century
Swarthy (adj) ,
Continental Europe, with , , ,
flushingnoun Unsightly
patterns involving
motifs and ,,
scrollwork. , -,
, , ,,
(of theSlovenly
sun or an,,
electric light) shine (especially
noun unpleasant to look at; ugly.
, , dark-skinned.
with a of a person
strong appearance) messythe
or theirlight.
or dazzling andrococo unsightly
style of art,warts
decoration, or she looked frail Luster
standing next to her
architecture. (n.)
the sun dirty.
glared out of a clear blue Unappealing not inviting or strong and swarthy brother
sky he was upbraided for his slovenly appearance In the Svindersvik manor, Disband the , , Lustrous (adj.)
characteristics of Swedish rococo were
also adverb
boiled down thetocompany ,
faces some
their essence and
even (of an
choices Fey (adj.)
- ,,,,
enhanced by its minute size.
organized group) break up or cause to prepossessing (adj)
, ,
, ,-
break up and stop functioning. resplendent (adj)
( especially ,of a person) having an
,, glaze (v)
untidy or disheveled appearance.
were unwashed and unkempt The IRA's war has ended and the organisation panorama (n.)
refulgent blue eyes
Slipshod , (typically of a shall not disband . panoply (adj)
person or method
Incandescent- of work) characterized by a
phantasmagoria (n.)
lack of care, thought, or organization.
Dispel ,, , adorn (v)
he'd caused many problems with his slipshod , , ,
emitting light as a result of being ogle (v) make (a doubt, feeling, or belief)
plumes also noun
of incandescent liquid disappear.
coiffure (n.)
rock the brightness of the day did nothing to dispel trappings (n.)
Haphazard also adv. Haphazardly
Elaine's dejection
passionate or brilliant.
Mravinsky's incandescent Disseminate , ,
performance of Siegfried's Funeral , spread or disperse (something,
March especially information) widely.
health authorities should foster good practice by
disseminating information
waste (something, especially money or time) in a
reckless and foolish manner.

entrepreneurs squander their profits on

expensive cars

Strew ,

scatter or spread (things) untidily over a surface

or area.

a small room with newspapers strewn all over

the floor

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