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November 11, 2017

To Whom It May Concern:

Mr. Jerry Sigala is a great young individual who has shown true character, work ethic,
respect, and people skills throughout the duration of time that Ive known him. I personally
witnessed Jerry both within the classroom setting as well as in the athletic realm, and can
say without hesitation that he is an individual who devotes %100 of his dedication and
energy towards his tasks and goals. He is shelf motivated, intelligent, and works will with
others in a collaborative setting.

I have known Mr. Sigala since the year 2011. In addition to the mentioned attributions, I
would like to add that Mr. Sigala was always a team player and was able to handle stress
in a professional manner.

I am more than honored to recommend Mr. Sigala for a position within the prestigious
program of Education at the University of Texas at El Paso.


David J. Gardea
English Teacher/Varsity Football Coach
Clint High School

Success is a journey, not a destination

13890 Alameda Avenue (915) 926-8300 Clint, Texas 79836
Fax: (915) 851-5375

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