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Eisenhower Matrix

A five-star general in the United States Army, and then president, Dwight Eisenhower was famous for his
productivity strategy which is known as the Eisenhower Box / Eisenhower Matrix. Its just a simple
decision-making tool that can be used any time at any place. Let me brief you a little more about the use
of this matrix and how to be more productive.
Distinction between Urgent
Urgent means something needs to get done as soon as possible. Because of an outside deadline or a fast
moving plan, its an issue that needs to be addressed now. What urgent doesnt, and shouldnt, convey is
how significant the outcome of that particular project is. It may be that its quite significant, but theres
another word to distinguish that.

Important means that the outcome of the project, email, or meeting has an outsized effect. There are
phone calls and then there are important phone calls the latter group are the ones that requires an extra
level of attention because the outcome is critical, involving a key client, a major deliverable, or an essential
phase of a project.

The Important Checklist:

It will affect many people or projects if incomplete
Other tasks depend on its completion
It contributes a lot of value
Its low effort-high results (80/20 principle)
The Urgent Checklist:
It is overdue
It is due soon
It demands immediate attention
The consequences of not doing it are immediate
The matrix consists of an area divided into following four quadrants:


Highest priority task, these are the tasks youve left to the last-minute or are those originated due to an
unforeseen emergencies. Such situations should be eliminated as possible, instead of waiting for the last-
minute to get these tasks done.


While not urgent, all your available time shall be spent in this quadrant. Though this is the most neglected
quadrant, tasks in this quadrant are more critical for your success. Delaying the tasks in this quadrant
leads to shifting of tasks to the quadrant 1.

Better make an immediate decision on these tasks as they require attention, but dont help in achieving
goals. Mostly originated from other people. Avoid these as much as possible, but at the same time help
people find another way of getting it done.


Tasks those dont contribute to your goal. Dont attempt doing it and start spending time in
the IMPORTANT, BUT NOT URGENT quadrant. One way of eliminating these kinds of tasks is to stay
focused on your most important work.
The secret of an effective time management is spending 75% of time on the 2nd quadrant, and remaining
25% on the 1st and 3rd quadrants. Later, one can think of ways to reduce the time spent on 1st quadrant,
3rd quadrant, and 4th quadrant tasks and increase the time spent on 2nd quadrant tasks.

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