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Lesson Plan Format

NAME: Vanessa Matusin

Lesson Title: Gender Identity Grade level: 9th Grade
Total Time: 90 mins # Students: 16

WI State Language Standard

4. Acquire and use accurately general academic and domain-specific words

and phrases, sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career
readiness level; demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering
a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.

Essential Question(s):
- What is Gender?
- How do we learn about our gender?
- What is a stereotype?
- How do stereotypes affect us?

Instructional Objective(s):
Students will analyze the way gender and stereotypes affect our identities, and how our society is
changing to be inclusive of transgender identities.


Formative Assessment:

Students will submit work, thoughts and questions on a Padlet, which we will discuss as a group
as they move through the module.

Summative Assessment: Students will respond to a worksheet that corresponds to an article

about Transgender Civil Rights Issues.
Disabilities/Diverse Needs Represented - There will be a "padlet" board online, which will
engage students of all learning types. Student will watch videos, read text, write comments and
questions and discuss aloud in class. This is to engage students who are normally quiet and don't
speak aloud in class, and will also provide visual stimulation for those who prefer to visually

Student Accommodations and/or Modifications

- Students will have access to a spell/grammar check as they post their comments online. Many
students prefer to type their answers versus handwriting because they have access to online tools
like thesaurus and dictionaries. The module on Padlet asks students the ability to research articles
and pictures according to my prompts. The open ended forum allows for students to post on what
interests them, according to their understanding of the gender spectrum. Some students will post
articles that address an in depth look at gender identity, while other students may post about the
basic foundations. We will discuss the answers aloud in class.

Instructional Procedures
(including specific times)

Intro: Play First 2 Minutes of Queen "I want to Break Free" Lyric Video. How does Freddie
Mercury address gender stereotypes in the opening scene? How do the lyrics correlate to the
video? Does anyone have current examples of musicians or entertainers that bend gender
stereotypes, how? Lady Gaga? - 5 Minutes

Male stereotypes- Have students post pictures or comments that expand on male stereotypes.
Discuss with whole group, while reading their comments from Padlet. 10 Minutes

Female stereotypes- Have students post pictures or comments that expand on male stereotypes.
Discuss with whole group, while reading their comments from Padlet. 10 Minutes

Stereotypes in Advertisements- Students will look through article of 25 examples of gender

stereotypes in Advertisements. Then they will post their own example of advertisement. They
will post what potential effects this advertisements might have. 15 Minutes

Stereotypes in the Media- Students will take a short quiz to see if they can identify stereotypes
in the media. They will look over their answers and see if any surprised them. They will post
other examples of Gender stereotypes in the media, and what effects they might have. 15

Short Video- Students will observe a 4 year old girl giving herself a make-up makeover based
on what she sees in Disney's Frozen movie. Students will be prompted to comment on things
they noticed about her gender influences. (Justin Beiber poster in the background, wears
make up just like "Ana", constantly says "I'm so pretty") - 5 Minutes

Disney Stereotypes- Students will look at a picture of how the Disney Male's attract their
princesses. All are supposed to be "charming, handsome, and rich". How does this effect both
boy's and girl's perception of love and identity? - 5 Minutes
A New Disney Princess- Students will read an article about the new Princess "Moana". She
bends gender stereotypes by being a strong courageous girl, without a love interest. Students
will discuss differences between past Disney characters, or other characters in movies. They
will post examples of other characters that bend gender roles. - 15 Minutes

Lee Mokobe Poem- Lee Mokobe's poem starts her as a child praying to be "Normal" and she
describes how she was treated as other children at school outed her as "gay". She describes
her struggles to find peace with her own identity. In the end of the poem, she says that her
"prayers" have been answered, but not because she was made to be normal, but because she
finally felt at peace with who she is inside. Students will post what they think of the poem, and
ideas that stood out. - 10 Minutes

Transgender Bathroom Article- Students will read the article and answer corresponding
questions on a worksheet. They may talk with their table partner if desired. This will take the
rest of the period and will be assigned for homework. 15 Minutes

Language Demands:
3 Questions (Blooms or DOK)

- How is gender identity learned?

- What effect to gender stereotypes have on our identities?
- How are gender stereotypes changing within our society?

Materials Needed

Padlet Module
16 Worksheets
Students will need personal laptops

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