Describe The Context: (Students, Grade Level,: Vanessa Matusin LTM 640: Adolescent Literacy Field Observation Lesson Two

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Vanessa Matusin

LTM 640: Adolescent Literacy

Field Observation Lesson Two

Describe the context: (Students, grade level, Our school is Carmen High School, Southeast
geographic location, community and school Campus. We are located on 25th and Oklahoma
population, socio-economic profile, school and Milwaukees south side. The total
culture, availability of technology, content, minority enrollment in 98%, predominantly
learning styles, ethnic breakdown, special being Hispanic, bilingual students. 88% of
needs, . . Be detailed. Do not make casual students are considered to be economically
references, or surface level connects to disadvantaged.
students backgrounds, interest, and
Carmen High School believes that their school
learning needs. Provide details on class
culture is an integral part of the educational
demographics, significant subgroups of
journey. School spirit is high at Carmen, and it
students with similar characteristics and varied
strives for a high standard of character
strengths (including personal cultural and
development. Students are required to self-
community assests. Identify their learning
reflect on qualities such as Respect,
needs. Identify their strengths, learning styles.)
Responsibility, and Trust, and they score
Include the schools philosophy, vision and
themselves based on their own evaluation.
mission statement. Explain how these affects,
This provides the students the chance to
or guides instruction in the classroom.
introspectively evaluate their own character
Each student has their own laptop that they are
required to bring with them to each class.
(Carmen operates on blocks of 90 minutes).
Each course designs lessons around the
students ability to use their laptops. Laptops
do not go home with the students. Many of my
students have indicated that they dont have
internet access at home, but they do have a 40
minute block built in each day for them to
complete online work during the school day.
The particular class I am teaching is an RTI
group for 9th grade students with a reading
level of 6th grade or lower. The students in my
class range from 4th to 6th grade reading levels.
Seven of the students are Hispanic (2 female, 5
male) and 1 student is an African American
Carmens mission statement is: At Carmen
High School of Science and Technology, we
envision Students Achieving proficiency in
scientific inquiry, creative discovery, and
constructive problem-solving; professional-
Vanessa Matusin
LTM 640: Adolescent Literacy
Field Observation Lesson Two

level skills in the uses of 21st century

technology; and admission to colleges that will
enable them to become civic leaders, authors,
artists, scientists, teachers, doctors, or
successful in any other family- and
community- sustaining career.
This mission connects to the lesson design of
the school because we integrate technology and
real-world experiences into our classroom.
Carmen hires teaching coaches for each teacher
to ensure that our lessons offer our students
rigor, student engagement, real-world meaning,
and student interest.
Learning Goals/Objectives Standard: CCSS Reading Standards for
Literature Grade 9 . 1
Content Standards
1. Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to
Affective Objectives: (related to student support analysis of what the text says explicitly as
attitudes and values; think dispositions) well as inferences drawn from the text.
Cognitive: (related to the mastery of Students will be able to cite evidence from a
knowledge: think Bloom) text to develop their own perspective in group
For help please go to Blooms Taxonomy of discussion.
Learning Domains Affective Objectives: Students will develop the
Webbs DOK understanding of needing evidence to support
their claims.
Cognitive: Understand and Apply Students
will understand the need for evidence in a text
and apply that in a group discussion format.

Pre-Assessment: (What will you do/what have The students have had one previous
you done to know that the student(s) need to introduction to citing evidence. We will first
be taught this information.) do an anticipation guide, to help students use
their prior knowledge and incorporate that into
a discussion.
(Criteria / Look Fors; How will you assess
I will assess student learning during our
learning? What will you do to know if the
discussion of the material, as well as a
Vanessa Matusin
LTM 640: Adolescent Literacy
Field Observation Lesson Two

students have met the objectives?) formative assessment which will tell me how
they have mastered the objective.
There is no rubric for this introductory lessons
assessment, but their responses will be scored
What Rubrics or other scoring scales and data will be gathered electronically.
will be used?

Students will take home a self-assessment and

Students Self-Assessment complete for growthwork. We will turn in and
discuss during the next class period.

Enduring Understanding/Essential
Question(s): (What are the big ideas? What
Why is evidence important?
thought provoking question(s) will guide the
lesson?) How does evidence help us shape our

Instructional Procedures Learning

Strategies: (Be sure to include specific
Our reading strategy will focus around the
strategies to develop literacy of content)
strategy of an anticipation guide. The
anticipation guide will be used for multiple
functions. First, it will engage the students
interest, as they begin to think about their own
Pre (How will you motivate, activate prior experiences. Second, it will activate prior
knowledge, . . .) knowledge about the content. Third, it will
provide students with the opportunity to think
about their own perspectives in preparation for
a group discussion.
The other strategy used is a double diary entry.
This will help students organize the evidence
that they find within their text, while
simultaneously helping them develop a
thoughtful inquiry into the connection of the
text to the claim.
Vanessa Matusin
LTM 640: Adolescent Literacy
Field Observation Lesson Two

Hook (5 minutes):
Students will be given an anticipatory guide.
They will be asked to carefully read each
statement and decide if they agree or disagree.
After each statement has been answered, we
will have a short discussion about their
answers. The discussion will range from
helpful uses of cellphones to possible reasons
that cellphones may be a distraction to
Students will be prompted to discuss a time
when cellphones were a distraction to someone
they know, with an elbow partner. Then, to
another partner, they will discuss a time when
cellphones were useful to get information. (4
Lesson: We will review the criteria for
During effective evidence. Students will be prompted
Demonstration to read an article that discusses whether or not
cellphones should be used in classrooms. (This
is a hot topic for the students, because they are
not allowed to have their phones with them at
Students will be prompted to fill out a double
Practice diary entry. They must find evidence that
supports the claim Cellphones should be
allowed in classrooms, and also for the claim
Closure Cellphones should not be allowed in
classrooms. They then have two options
where they can choose which claim theyd like
Extension to find evidence for. For the other category of
the double diary entry, the students will be
prompted to write down their opinions and
questions that come from the evidence. (15

After they have filled out the double diary

entry, students will create their own claim, and
support it with two pieces of evidence that they
Vanessa Matusin
LTM 640: Adolescent Literacy
Field Observation Lesson Two

consider to be important. (3 mins)

Students will then participate in a discussion

where they will share their claim and evidence,
in response to other students evidence. (8

Google Forms Formative (5 mins)

Students will answer google forms questions
about the text as an exit slip (formative
Students will take home a self-reflection and
be ready to discuss their answers for next class.

Student Accommodations Students are all in RTI, grouped together for

their specific grade reading level. None of
Differentiation/Planning for Individual
them have IEPs, or need accommodations.
Needs(IEP goals if known; PBIS):
This lesson was designed to fit the needs of
their RTI.
Resources and Materials: (Include - Anticipatory Guide
technology where - Finding Text Worksheet
applicable/available/appropriate) - Article
- Chromebook

Reflection (What theory/theorists are you This lesson is created around Banduras social
using to guide your practice/planning of this learning theory. This is because the close
lesson?) reading discussion will engage students to
learn from each others processes. They will
discuss their thinking and evidence after they
read the text, with the intention of gaining and
more meaningful understanding of the
evidence through their discussions with each
Vanessa Matusin
LTM 640: Adolescent Literacy
Field Observation Lesson Two

Alignment This lesson is aligned to the objective through

purposeful questioning, discussions, and
reflections of the text to create a deeper
understanding of the evidence.

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