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Testing Our Education

What Our Statitcs Say

In 2015 the US continued its streak in academic achievements. We consistently rank below the
top ten according to The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. This test is
conducted every three years in 72 countries. Their finding also matched that of the U.S.
Department of Education, where they stated that the US has remained stagnant in its academic
progress for the past ten years. The nations report card reported that just 33 percent of eighth-
grade student are at or above proficiency in math, and only 34 percent in reading.

What the People Say

When asking parents how they feel about testing in schools, 67% said that there is too much
emphasis placed on testing, and only 14 percent said they felt testing was necessary. That shows
a distinct conflict between the public and our current school system.

How We Compare
Finland, one of leading countries in academics has zero dependency on test. They have a 93%
graduation rate and 2 in 3 students will go to college. In the US we have an 83% graduation rate
and only 64% will attend a two-year college.

What Our Schools Are Telling Us

Teachers used to be allowed self-worth, but testing has taken that away. Now they can only rely
on the test scores of their students to determine if they are effective, quality teachers. It has
become increasingly more difficult and desirable for a teacher to want to come up with content
that engages the student. Kids are becoming withdrawn, develop little self-worth, talk about
suicide, and become medicated because they are not meeting standards. Our student are
overmedicated and have low self-worth because they are being told that their best isn't good

Help Stop Standardized Testing by Joining the Movement


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