The Ellen's On Your Facebook Video and Discussion: Emoji Discussion Sticks Likes Worksheet Bio-Poem Worksheet

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Susanna Medina

Rocky Mountain High School

Financial Life Management
Unit 1 2 3 4
Title: Branding and Consumerism 10/11/17


Rationale: This lesson will wrap up our consumerism unit in a way that allows students to see what effects
their social media decisions have on their lives.

Evidence Outcome/ Assessment : (Audience, Behavior, Condition, Depth)

Learning Target: Understand how personal choices can affect me as a consumer and as a professional.
Success Criteria: I can discuss how social media affects my life as a consumer. I can reflect on how I brand
myself to the public.

Lesson Activities

Materials and Resource:

Emoji discussion sticks
Likes worksheet
Bio-poem worksheet

Anticipatory Set:
The Ellens on your facebook video and discussion
We will wrap up our costing activity and ask questions about their labs
Tie it into being consumers and based on what you buy - stores give you coupons
Wallet activity - say you found a wallet and hand out different objects to each table. They will have to infer what they
can based on this person. Tie into things you ACTIVELY SAY about yourself - PASSIVELY SAY about yourself-
Transition into things in the middle - like maybe things you ACTIVELY want to say about yourself to PEOPLE you
know but you dont always have that choice.
Watch the video.
Pass out emojis and tell students they will pick the way the video made them feel.
They will have a few minutes to discuss it with their groups and choose as a group.
Have each group lift an emoji and explain why they picked it
Have short discussions on their reactions
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS - what if this was your employer?
WHO is viewing these?
Why are these people so shy in real life?
Other than employers who is viewing your life?
Watch facebook likes video and explain the what you like activity
Student pick one social media platform they frequent and look at their activity
They will analyze their behavior based on their social media activity and what type of advertising they are
susceptible to.
FILLER- Have students follow along to a bio-poem activity and tell them to differentiate their ACTIVITY based on
what they actually want to portray, just like the bio poem


After Teaching (notes)

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