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Remotely Managing UNIX and Linux Servers Using the

Dell RAC Serial/Telnet Console

Introduced in the 3.0 release of Dell™ remote access controller (RAC) firmware, the RAC
serial/telnet console provides administrators with a standard serial console for remotely
managing Dell PowerEdge™ servers running UNIX- or Linux- operating systems. The
console offers system power management capabilities, pre–operating system redirec-
tion capabilities, and support for kernel-mode messaging.


D ell™ remote access controllers (RACs) provide remote

systems management capabilities on supported Dell
PowerEdge™ servers. Although four types of RACs are
This article explains how the RAC serial/telnet con-
sole is implemented, provides details on how to config-
ure the console, and includes an example of how to set
available—Dell Remote Access Card III (DRAC III), up the IT environment for optimal console performance.
DRAC III/XT, Embedded Remote Access (ERA), and
Embedded Remote Access Option (ERA/O)—they share Understanding the functionality of the
many of the same features and are supported by a common RAC serial/telnet console
software stack, which is part of Dell OpenManage™ Server The RAC serial/telnet console provides a means by which
Administrator. administrators can access the ttyS1 serial console and
One new feature introduced in the 3.0 release of video console of a UNIX or Linux host through either a
RAC firmware is the RAC serial/telnet console, which serial connection (using a VT-100 or ANSI® client) or a LAN-
provides administrators with a standard serial console based Telnet connection. The RAC serial/telnet console pro-
for remote management of servers running UNIX® or vides a rich set of commands for performing system power
Linux® operating systems. Dell has enhanced its stan- management tasks, configuring the RAC, and viewing RAC
dard serial console with new functionality, none of and system logs. The serial/telnet console uses the same
which requires custom software to be installed or run- set of commands as the Racadm command-line utility that
ning on the host: originally was part of the RAC software stack. Therefore,
administrators need not learn a new set of commands to
• System power management to enable power up, use the RAC console.
power down, power cycle, or reset The RAC acts as a gate between its PowerEdge host
• Redirection of pre–operating system firmware such system and the remote administrator, providing optimal
as BIOS screens console-redirection performance combined with user-
• Support for kernel-mode messaging using SysRq level security. Depending on the hardware interfaces
magic keys and support offered by its host, the RAC can provide



access to the host console through a serial connection to the RAC, To maintain security, all users are not granted all privileges.
a Telnet connection, or both. For example, provided that the All administrators should be able to access the serial and video
RAC is properly configured, the Dell PowerEdge 2650 server offers consoles of the host. However, only the root user can power up
connectivity using either a VT-100 or ANSI serial client or a LAN- the system or configure the RAC—for instance, to change a baud
based telnet client. rate. In addition, the root user’s password and location within the
As shown in Figure 1, the RAC hardware features two serial inter- RAC user database can be changed.
faces (RAC serial 1 and RAC serial 2) and one video interface
(RAC video interface). The RAC serial 1 interface is used for host- Configuring the RAC serial/telnet console
to-RAC serial communication; the RAC serial 2 interface is used for To set up the RAC serial/telnet console, the following RAC configu-
RAC-to-client communication. Thus, administrators must properly ration parameters need to be modified in the following sequence:
set up two baud rates (baud_rate_1 and baud_rate_2) to gain remote
access to the serial console on the host. Baud_rate_1 in the RAC 1. Upgrade the RAC firmware to version 3.0.
configuration must be in sync with the Linux ttyS1 baud rate.
Baud_rate_2 must be in sync with the baud rate of the VT-100 or 2. Upgrade the host system BIOS to the latest version available,
ANSI client. Any mismatch between these values will make the or check to make sure that the current system BIOS supports
RAC serial/telnet console unusable. Note that baud_rate_1 and the RAC serial/telnet console.
baud_rate_2 are not necessarily set to the same value.
For optimal performance, Dell recommends setting baud_rate_1 3. Configure and enable the RAC serial/telnet console by saving
to 57,600 bps and baud_rate_2 to 115,200 bps, as well as enabling the following sample RAC configuration in a text file (for
hardware flow control for the host. RAC relies on hardware flow instance, rac.cfg) and then applying the configuration using
control to avoid dropped characters during serial communication; the Racadm interface:
flow control enables the host to respond to Request To Send/Clear
To Send (RTS/CTS) signals. #
Regardless of whether a serial or Telnet connection is established # Object Group "cfgSerial"
with the RAC, the console will present the user with a login prompt. #
The login is authenticated against the RAC user database, which [cfgSerial]
resides on the RAC. Because the authentication is RAC-based, not cfgSerialBaudRate=115200
host-based, administrators can log in to the RAC console even on cfgSerialConsoleEnable=1
a dead server, provided that the server has power. Once authenti- cfgSerialConsoleQuitKey=,./
cated, the administrator connects to the serial console using the cfgSerialTelnetEnable=1
connect com2 command, or to the video console of the host using
the connect video command. #
# Object Group "cfgRacTuning"
Host serial RAC serial 1 RAC video Host video
interface (baud_rate_1) interface interface [cfgRacTuning]

RAC firmware RAC network The preceding sample configuration file will:
card (NIC) • Enable the RAC serial console
• Enable the RAC telnet console
COM2 RS-232
circuitry and
RAC serial 2
• Set the RAC-to-client baud rate to 115,200 bps
DB-9 connector RAC • Set the host-to-RAC baud rate to 57,600 bps

Null modem cable LAN

• Set the console quit key sequence—which allows the
administrator to exit the host ttyS1 serial console or
video console redirection and go back to the RAC
serial/telnet console—to “,./” (comma dot slash)

VT-100 client Telnet client

In the sample configuration file, the names in square brackets
Figure 1. RAC serial/telnet console configuration on PowerEdge 2650 server are the groups into which the various configuration parameters POWER SOLUTIONS 77


serial --unit=1 --speed=57600

terminal --timeout=10 console serial

title Red Hat Linux Advanced Server (2.4.9-e.3smp)

root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.9-e.3smp ro root=/dev/sda1 hda=ide-scsi console=tty0 console=ttyS1,57600
initrd /boot/initrd-2.4.9-e.3smp.img
title Red Hat Linux Advanced Server-up (2.4.9-e.3)
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.9-e.3 ro root=/dev/sda1 s
initrd /boot/

Figure 2. Modifications to /etc/grub.conf to enable ttyS1 serial console redirection

are organized. Refer to the Dell Remote Access Controller For the PowerEdge 1750 server, the administrator must
Racadm User’s Guide for additional information on RAC choose RAC instead of Serial Port 2.
configuration parameters.
8. Save the changes and reboot the system. The system reboot
4. Use the following racadm command to apply these changes: is important because it allows the RAC and the BIOS to syn-
chronize their communication parameters. Depending on the
racadm remote connect options config –f specific configuration of a system, the RAC may not redirect
config filename BIOS screens if the BIOS and the RAC do not sync up.
Because the BIOS and the RAC synchronize when the system
where remote connect options is -r rac_ip_addr boots, at least one system boot needs to occur after the
-u root –p password and config filename is the name of administrator enables and configures the RAC serial/telnet
the configuration file (for instance, rac.cfg). The remote console. No additional reboots are required thereafter.
connect options variable is needed only for executing
Racadm remotely, for example when configuring a remote 9. After both the RAC and the BIOS are in sync, at least three
RAC from a management station over a LAN. From the Linux files must be changed to enable ttyS1 serial console
RAC’s host console, administrators need not use this vari- redirection: /etc/grub.conf or /etc/lilo.conf (depending on
able because Racadm can communicate directly with the the bootloader used), /etc/inittab, and /etc/securetty. How-
RAC that exists in that system. ever, none of these changes is required if only access to the
host video console is needed. Required modifications to the
5. Reset the RAC using the following command to make the three files are shaded in Figures 2, 3, and 4.
changes effective: Note: In Figure 2, the Linux host baud rate is set to
57,600 bps in the /etc/grub.conf or /etc/lilo.conf file,
racadm remote connect options racreset which is in sync with the host-to-RAC baud rate set in
the sample RAC configuration text file (rac.cfg) in the
6. Reboot the RAC host, enter the BIOS configuration page,
and select “Integrated Devices.” On the PowerEdge 2650,
# Run gettys in standard runlevels
verify that Serial Port 2 is set to COM2. On the co:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty –h -L 57600 ttyS1 vt100
PowerEdge 1750, verify that Serial Port 1 is set to “Off.” 1:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty1
2:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty2
7. Select “Console Redirection” from the main BIOS configu- 3:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty3
4:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty4
ration page. The three settings should be configured as
5:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty5
follows for the PowerEdge 2650 server:
6:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty6
• Console Redirection: Serial Port 2
• Remote Terminal Type: VT-100
• Redirection After Boot: Enabled Figure 3. Modifications to /etc/inittab to enable ttyS1 serial console redirection



administrator enters the send break command on the serial or

telnet client and then presses one of the SysRq magic keys. This
. SysRq functionality will work only when redirecting ttyS1; it will
tty8 not be present if the administrator connects to the remote con-
tty9 sole and then redirects the host’s video console. To gain access to
tty10 ttyS1, administrators must use the connect com2 command in the
tty11 RAC console.
ttyS1 For example, an administrator may want to collect as much
information as possible to assist with a problem diagnosis and
to store this information in a file. Generally the problems encoun-
Figure 4. Modifications to /etc/securetty to enable ttyS1 serial console redirection tered can be divided into two areas: an unresponsive system or
a system that has crashed. In either case, the administrator may
previous example. The same host-to-RAC baud rate of need to connect to the RAC and then access the host ttyS1 serial
57,600 bps is used when invoking the agetty command console or video console. If the system appears to be hung, the
(see Figure 3). Nevertheless, the –h flag, when present on administrator probably requires output from the “b,” “m,” “p,”
the same line, forces agetty to use hardware flow control and “t” SysRq magic keys. Once that information is gathered, the
for the communication. As explained in “Understanding RAC can be used remotely to restart the server, after which the
the functionality of the RAC serial/telnet console,” the administrator can examine the boot screens for further clues. If
RAC relies on hardware flow control for reliable serial the system appears to have crashed, then the best approach may
communication with its host. be to examine the RAC system logs. Depending on the state of
the system, the administrator may choose to use the RAC to
10. After modifying the files, restart agetty or reboot the RAC restart the server.
host to complete the configuration process. The RAC is now
ready to redirect its host serial console. Enabling server recovery and configuration management
through RAC
Optimizing the IT environment for serial/telnet console performance The RAC serial/telnet console can be a valuable remote management
Depending on the IT environment and the hardware capabili- tool for IT administrators. Besides supporting industry-wide systems
ties of the RAC host, administrators may choose to use either management practices, the RAC serial/telnet console is enhanced with
a serial connection or a Telnet connection to the RAC. Many features that allow for server recovery, system configuration man-
organizations use serial concentrators, or terminal servers, to agement, and RAC configuration management. The RAC serial/telnet
consolidate multiple serial connections. Unfortunately, not all console is software-independent and helps administrators interact
serial concentrators are alike: they vary with respect to smoothly with the RAC host.
configuration parameters, configuration interface, and wiring.
Most serial concentrators use an RJ-45–to–DB-9 adapter. For Aurelian Dumitru ( is a senior software engineer with the Custom
connection schematics for two adapters that can be used to Solutions Engineering team at Dell, where he works to deploy and customize systems man-
connect a RAC to a Cisco® 2511 serial concentrator, visit Dell agement for medium to large enterprises. Before joining the Custom Solutions Engineering
Power Solutions online at team, he held the lead engineer position for the Remote Management Delivery team.
Regardless of whether a serial or Telnet connection is used, Aurelian has 12 years of experience in hardware, software, and system design and integra-
administrators must first log in to the RAC prompt to view tion. He has an M.S.E.E. degree from the Technical University of Iasi, Romania.
RAC system logs, then redirect either ttyS1 serial consoles or
video consoles, and—if logged in as root—configure the RAC or
reboot the system. Some organizations also use SysRq magic
keys to capture kernel-level status information as part of the
IT support process.
Dell Remote Access Controller Racadm User’s Guide:
The RAC serial/telnet console supports SysRq functionality,
although the methodology is slightly different for a remote con-
Remote serial console how-to:
nection than for a local console. At the local console, the adminis-
trator normally would press the Alt + SysRq + magic_key sequence
to get the expected SysRq output. If using the remote connection, the POWER SOLUTIONS 79

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