Uwrt Annotated Bibliography Sean Comments

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McLean 1

Jazzmon McLean

Professor Jizi

UWRT 1104

7 November 2017

Annotated Bibliography

Bnabou, Roland, and Jean Tirole. Self-Confidence and Personal Motivation. The Quarterly

Journal of Economics, vol. 117, no. 3, 2002, pp. 871915. JSTOR, JSTOR, Commented [S1]: I would suggest you include a
hanging indent and remove the link

1. In the journal Self-Confidence and Personal Motivation by Benabou and Jean Tirole, the Commented [S2]: Dont number your paragraphs even
though you may have gotten into the habit from out
discussion boards
relationship between confidence and motivation is highlighted and studied. They

introduce theories to back up their argument and even credit well known researchers in

psychology to provide evidence. Overall the text evaluates aspects of self-confidence,

self image, self-deception, and other concepts in order to understand specifically what

enhances our motivation, and what we should stay away from in order to maintain it.

Confidence and Motivation are complementary to one another, the authors use several

examples to illustrate the relationship and justify it.

2. From the journal I learned that there is evidence that suggests that confidence is the main

thing needed to spark motivation and maintain it. If someone is confident in themselves

and their ability, they will maintain their motivation despite obstacles that may get in

their way. Specifically I like the equation high self-confidence = high personal

motivation. This equation illustrates the fact that motivation and self confidence have a

hand in hand relationship. If one side is high the other side will rise as well. This relates

to my question on how to maintain personal motivation because it gives me a specific

McLean 2

quality to focus on, self confidence. Within my other research I am going to look for

common qualities and see if they focus on self confidence/mention it in general.

3. Roland Benabou and Jean Tirole both have research interests in psychology. Benabou

focuses specifically on economics and psychology, which gives him the opportunity to

learn more and understand what specifically motivates people, how it motivates them,

and how they can maintain it. Benabou is also a part of several academies and research

foundations like the Behavioral Economics Roundtable, Research Fellow of the Center

for Economic Policy Research and many more. He is currently a professor at Princeton

University and has worked in research for decades to prove his credibility. Jean Tirole is

associated with the Jean-Jacquees Laffont Toulouse School of Economics Foundation.

He has several published books related to Economics and is currently a professor in

psychology and economics, finance, industrial organization and others. Both Benabou

and Tirole have very high reputations and are respected within their professions.

Final comments (Sean Epley): Overall I think that each paragraph was really well written

and does a great job of covering all the bases that it needed to just be sure to not number

paragraphs on your annotated bibliography and remove the link. Im not a professor so dont

assume everything is good just because I said so but other than those small things its great.

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