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fb(w,*, p) b Name [lo? llo G"efa
Lessons 23-2.4 it 3.1-3.6

Directions: Whenever possible, show all your thinking. Write neatly and clearly. (4 points each)

1. a) Write the sum of 3211or. + 1231ou.

7 L I /,?d.
J I LJ *..,o
ll I o Fou,r

b ) 2003five = Z{3,fa. #* ten. ! l" rLr lc

LaoT .4
s' to s' E'

2. Draw the following multiplication models to represent 3 x 4

a) repeated addition model b) area model
r c z lL Ll

OrDr ,D
DbD-D=( 711)zlL
D/ D) (7v "t)

7-t {717 t 11-

3. Solve and answer the following.
Suppose you are using toothpicks to act out the following story problem:
Jack had eight candy bars. Bill hadfour.
a) l{ow rnany rnore candy bars did Jack have than tsill'l 11
faot<=! 7 ,f I fIt l] Tacle L-.^,! {rA.** c,**q*v j:t*.,! *ua^
$/irL yy t, l' Bf tt,
b) How many toothpicks would you need to act the problem out? Explain your answer.

* l?* )'L f /o/c5

+- tL*. {tru bl** ' i

c,1-4,* ot/A' L1 fq
,J{) qt ,ta,rorfub/ /^ l-Le /,u+t {A Y6 Tnstr,
&qe.4^ * fL-er a*a/ y>+w-
,*/ t' L-t "i-*t r* I u **.,uu- 4-
fi,\ t

c) What type of subtraction is this?

Co ,n^ /2 ar 't
/ t' 5 u '1,
lra c-.J- fu* /--t*ft ae/,

4. Mary finds 32 x 54 as follows:

54 (t4
x 32 ,lri
1500 '>
Da lTLa

a) Which is true of Mary's mathematical steps? Circle your choice-

@ t tury'r st"p7r{rG\nathematically correct.

(b) Mary's steds are rnathelfiatically flawed.

(c) It cannot be determined whether Mary's steps are mathematically correct or flawed.

b) Does Mary show understanding of muitiplication? Circle y,our choice.

(a) Mary doesry-( appear to understanri n"rultiplication.
(i Mary ma v not understand rnultiplication.
(r,) ? rstanding of multiplication.

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