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Formulation of Aspirin Tablets using fewer

excipients by Direct Compression.

Article January 2011


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4 authors, including:

S.M.Farid Hasan Sabahat Jabeen

University of Karachi University of Karachi


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Pakistan Journal of Pharmacology
Vol.28, No.1, July 2011, pp.31-37


Department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy,
University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan

The objective of the present study was to formulate aspirin tablets by direct compression
method using fewer excipients and to compare this formulation with the other brands.
Design formulation besides aspirin contained excipients that comprises of lactose, corn
starch and aerosil. The blend was compressed on a single punch machine, tablets were
subjected to various tests (uniformity of weights, diameter and thickness, hardness,
disintegration, dissolution and assay of the drug) and the results were compared with
some of the available brands. The studied formulation showed close resemblance with the
available marketed brands and were also in compliance with the official specifications.
Using the present approach, further studies should be designed using other actives and
excipients to get a cost effective product.

Keywords: Aspirin, tablet formulation, direct compression.

INTRODUCTION technique. It is most widely used drug in the

world (Michael Gossop, 2007) as an analgesic,
Though, pharmaceutical research have anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent
been focused on development of new and (Sweetman, 2009), however, many workers
more compliant dosage forms, tablets still have investigated its clinical profiles in a
remain popular due to their stability, ease of number of other medical conditions such as
handling and convenience of dosing and cardiovascular (Buring, 2006, Moyad, 2001,
account for more than 80% of all dosage forms Berger et al., 2009), cancer (Moyad, 2001,
administered (Jivraj et al., 2000). These are Chan et al., 2009, Cook et al., 2005) and
manufactured by wet granulation, dry diabetes (Yang et al., 2009, Ong et al., 2010)
granulation and direct compression (DC) and have found promising results.
methods (Jones, 2008). DC is advantageous
over other methods of tablet manufacturing as The objective of the present study was to
it requires fewer unit operations, consequently make a new formulation of aspirin tablets by
low cost and less time consumption, generates DC using a fewer excipients in three trail
optimum possible bioavailability (Yasmeen et batches and to compare this formulation with
al., 2005), low microbial level due to absence the available brands in the local market
of moisture (Ibrahim and Olurinola, 1991) and containing aspirin in the same strength.
produces faster dissolution rates for certain
compounds (Jivraj et al., 2000). This method MATERIALS AND METHODS
is preferred for tablet manufacturing especially
in case of thermolabile and moisture-sensitive Reagents
drugs (Jivraj et al., 2000). Aspirin is a Sodium hydroxide, hydrochloric acid,
commercial example of a DC tablet acetonitrile, formic acid, glacial acetic acid,
granulation prepared by the dry granulation sodium 1-heptane sulphonate, acetate buffer

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32 Formulation of Aspirin Tablets

and phenol red, all reagents were purchased 28/NF 23 (USP 28/NF 23, 2005) and by non-
from Merck Germany. pharmacopoeial tests.

Formulation Composition Weight variation test

A new formulation was designed Weight variation test of each trail
consisting of: Aspirin (donated by Reckitt formulation and commercial brands was
Benckiser, Pakistan Ltd.), lactose, starch and carried out by taking average weight of 20
aerosil (FMC Corporation, USA). individually weighed tablets on an analytical
Composition of the formulation is given in balance (Sartorious GmbH type A 6801) and
Table 1. compared with permissible limits.

Commercial Brands Diameter and Thickness

Different brands of aspirin 300mg were Random samples of 10 tablets were
purchased from the local market and were selected from each of the trial batches and
assigned randomly as B1, B2, B3, B4 and B5. commercial brands and their diameter and
thickness was calculated in centimeters with
Trail Batches the help of micrometer screw gauge.
Active pharmaceutical ingredient (API)
and all the other excipients, as mentioned in Hardness
Table 1, were accurately weighed and were Hardness of randomly selected 10 tablets
passed through 20 mesh sieve in order to of each brand and trial formulation batch was
remove foreign material and to get uniform measured using Hardness Tester (Fujiwara,
particle size. The powder was blended in a Seisukusho Corporation, Japan). Load was
poly bag by tumbling for five minutes. The given to tablets in a diametric direction to
blend was transferred directly into the hopper determine an actual load when the tablet was
of single punch machine (Erweka, GmbH, broken.
Germany) having caplet shaped concave
punch and was compressed manually. Three Friability Testing
trial batches (T1, T2 and T3) were prepared Friability test was preformed on twenty
using the same procedure on alternate days as randomly selected tablets of each brand and
described above and each batch was tested on trial formulation batches which were cleared
day of compression in order to avoid any from any loose dust with help of soft brush
change in hardness, moisture content and any and weighed accurately for their initial weight.
other physical parameter. All the batches were Each set of tablets were placed separately in
compressed at room temperature. Friability Tester (H. Jurgens and Co- GmbH,
D2800, Germany) and run for 4 minutes
Evaluation of Tablet Properties (25rpm). After removing from tester, tablets
All the trial batches of aspirin and the were cleared from any loose dust and their
commercial brands were evaluated using USP final weight was determined to calculate loss

Table 1
Composition of Aspirin 300mg tablets prepared by DC

S. No. Ingredients Mg/Tablet Percentage w/w g/1000 tablets

1. Aspirin 300 75 300
2. Lactose 80 20 80
3. Corn starch 15 3.75 15
4. Aerosil 5 1.25 5
Total 400 100 400
Erum et al. 33

of weight which is indicative of mechanical simplified formula that contains only few
strength to withstand this type of wear. ingredients and from the finding further work
will be planned by varying the composition
Disintegration Test using optimization until a perfect formulation
Disintegration time was measured by of this drug is obtained. Various excipients are
putting 6 tablets of each of the studied available for DC method, we selected those
formulation separately in basket rack assembly excipients that are used commonly. Since the
(Erweka ZT-2, Germany) using disks to avoid major part of the formulation is active
floating of tablets in 900 ml distill water ingredient (75%), the remaining bulk is
maintained at 372C. adjusted by the excipients (25%). These
include lactose, corn starch and aerosol.
Dissolution Test Microcrystalline cellulose/lactose in
Dissolution of commercially available formulations gives improved average potency
brands and formulated aspirin tablets was compared to microcrystalline cellulose/
measured by paddle method in dissolution dicalcium phosphate anhydrous (Morris et al.,
apparatus (Erweka GmbH, Germany) using 2009). Tablets containing lactose showed rapid
0.05M acetate buffer solution 500 mL (pH 4.5) disintegration (Kamp et al., 1986). Starch,
at 50 rpm, maintained at 370.5C. After 30 commonly used as binder, offers various
minutes the absorbance of suitably diluted advantages such as its abundance,
portions in same medium was determined inexpensiveness, relative inertness and no
against absorbance of standard preparation at reaction with majority of active drug
265nm using UV-VIS Spectrophotometer substances that promote its use for
(Shimadzu UV-150-02 Double beam pharmaceuticals as directly compressible
spectrophotometer). material as indicated by many workers
(Haware et al., 2009, Elvira et al., 2002,
Assay Korhonen et al., 2000, Sanghvi et al., 1993).
Twenty tablets were accurately weighed Incorporation of glidants in direct compression
and than triturated in a mortar with pestle, formulations is aimed to improve powder flow
amount equivalent to 100 mg of aspirin was and control tablet weight. Due to their small
transferred to a 50 mL volumetric flask, particle size and extremely low-density silica-
diluted by 20 mL of diluting solution type glidants are most efficient among several
(acetonitrile and formic acid 99:1). The other groups (Sheth et al., 1980, Varthalis and
volumetric flask was shaken manually, Pilpel 1977). Gazikolovi et al, presented
centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 5 minutes and than results of lithium carbonate tablets made by
the stock prepared was diluted. An aliquot of DC concluding that lactose and corn starch
the diluted solution was injected into a liquid give best properties to tablets (Gazikolovi et
chromatograph with a detector set at 280 nm. al., 1999). In another evaluation best
The responses were compared with the characteristics were observed in calcium
standard to determine the quantity in mg of acetate tablets prepared by DC and wet
aspirin present in the sample. granulation method using maize starch
(Obrenovic et al., 2000).
All the trial batches (T1, T2 and T3) were
Although aspirin formulation is easily compressed on single punch machine
manufactured by dry method which involves and the resulting tablets were evaluated using
few steps as compare to wet granulation, yet pharmacopoeial and nonpharmacopeial tests.
there is a wide variation among the cost of The weight variation test is simplified and
various brands available in the local market. alternative to content uniformity test to assure
Thus, the purpose of the present work was to therapeutic utility (Katori et al., 2001) and is
formulate aspirin formulation by DC using a an indicator of variations in the drug content
34 Formulation of Aspirin Tablets

Table 2
Unofficial Tests

Formulation Diameter (cm) Thickness (cm) Hardness (Kg) Friability

Code X SD, n = 10 X SD, n =10 X SD, n = 10 (%), n=20
B1 1.140.0425 0.560.0438 2.170.4514 0.58
B2 1.590.0205 0.710.0922 4.841.0368 0.23
B3 1.560.0394 0.580.0410 6.261.8616 0.24
B4 1.160.0940 0.440.0690 4.410.7790 0.52
B5 1.610.0348 0.700.0343 6.941.4276 0.26
T1 1.330.0638 0.380.2541 4.741.2541 0.24
T2 1.340.0639 0.390.2499 4.671.1918 0.28
T3 1.340.0328 0.380.0850 4.901.7986 0.31

Table 3
Official Tests with permissible limits (USP 28/NF 23, 2005)

Weight (g) Average Average Assay

Formulation X SD, n = 20 Disintegration time Dissolution (%), n=20
Code (Sec.), n=6 n=6
5 % Within 30 minutes Not less than 80% 95-105%
B1 0.370.0056 13 85.09 97.28
B2 0.380.0103 15 78.07 96.74
B3 0.330.0061 10 89.08 98.88
B4 0.360.0082 10 99.08 100.11
B5 0.360.0057 15 81.01 97.21
T1 0.400.0215 20 100.65 99.07
T2 0.390.0261 15 95.00 97.01
T3 0.400.0125 20 91.00 96.05

(Rawlins, 1995). Since, various factors effect fulfills the requirements of weight variation
uniformity of weight of single-unit dose test as stated by the US pharmacopoeia.
therefore, pharmacopoeias have established
standards and specifications that provide The diameter, thickness and hardness
permissible limits for weight variation. All the (X SD) ranged from: 1.140.0425cm to
trial batches complies weight variation test 1.610.0348cm (B1 and B5), 0.440.0690cm
according to specification given in the USP to 0.710.0922cm (B4 and B2),
pharmacopeia 2005 (USP 28/NF 23, 2005). 2.170.4514Kg to 6.941.4276Kg (B1 and
The weight of twenty tablets (X S.D) of the B5) while friability ranged from 0.23% to
trial batches and the commercial brands are 0.58% (B2 and B1), for commercial brands,
given in Table 3. A close resemblance in tablet 1.330.0638cm to 1.340.0639cm (T1 and
weight is evident from the Table 3. Following T2), 0.380.0850cm to 0.390.2499cm (T3
Figure represents weight of tablets versus and T2), 4.671.1918Kg to 4.901.7986Kg
number of tablets of one trial batch (T1) for (T2 and T3) while friability ranged from
illustration. It appears that the compression 0.24% to 0.31% (T1 and T3) for trial batches,
weight of B3 is lower as compare to other respectively. Comparison of these values for
commercial brands studied in the present work trail batches shows no difference in diameter,
but all these likewise our batches found to hardness and friability as all these are within
Erum et al. 35

the range of the commercial brands. Only time to disintegrate i-e; 10 seconds, B1 took
thickness of the trial batches differs yet not far 13 seconds while B2 and B5 both took 15
from commercial brands (Table 2). seconds (Table 3). The trial batches T1 and T3
took similar (20 Sec.) but slightly higher time
After physical test the tablets were to disintegrate as compare to T2 (15 Sec.). All
subjected to chemical tests that include assay, meets disintegration limits as set by USP (USP
disintegration and dissolution. Assay of the 28/NF 23, 2005). Fast disintegration is
tablet indicates amount of active in the required for analgesics in order to get a prompt
composite sample, our results of assay shows effect. Finally, when the dissolution test was
that both the formulations under study meets carried out for commercial brands, B2 showed
the official requirement of the assay (95% to least dissolution rate i.e. 78%, thus failing

No. of Tabs. Weight (gm) (X? )

SD (X? )+ 1SD (X? )+2SD
(X? )+3SD (X? )-1SD (X? )-2SD
(X? )-3SD Upper Limit (+5%) Lower Limit (+5%)


Weight of Tablets (g)






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

No of tablets

Fig. Weight of tablets v/s No. of Aspirin Tablets (T1)

(X ) = 0.400 S.D =0.012 (X ) + 1S.D= 0.412 (X ) + 2SD = 0.424
(X ) + 3SD = 0.436 (X ) - 1SD = 0.388 (X ) - 2SD = 0.376 (X ) - 3SD = 0.364
Upper Limit (+5%)= 0.42 Lower Limit (-5%) = 0.38

105%) as shown in the Table 3. Disintegration pharmacopoeial requirements while highest

evaluates availability of a drug for dissolution percentage release was obtained by B4 which
and absorption from the gastrointestinal tract is 99%. The remaining brands give more than
(Block, 2007). When disintegration data was 80% release of the active within 30 minutes.
evaluated, the results revealed rapid Dissolution of trial batches was found to be
disintegration of some brands. In case of better than most of commercial brands tested
Commercial brands, B3 and B4 took short (range: 91% to 101% for T3 and T1
36 Formulation of Aspirin Tablets

respectively), this might be due to the use of Low-dose aspirin in the primary
few excipients. Rapid disintegration of tablets prevention of cancer: The Women's
favors high dissolution rates. Health Study: a randomized controlled
trial. JAMA., 1: 47-55.
CONCLUSION Elvira, C., Mano, J.F., San Roman, J. and Reis,
R.I. (2002). Starch-based biodegradable
In the present work, aspirin tablets using hydrogels with potential biomedical
fewer excipients were manufactured applications as drug delivery systems.
successfully that fulfills all the Biomaterials, 23: 1955-1966.
pharmacopoeial limits. This type of study may Gazikolovi, E., Obrenovi, D. and Nidzovi,
also be done on other drugs to get a cost Z. (1999). Manufacture of lithium
effective product. Further work using carbonate tablets using direct
optimization technique is recommended for compression. Vojnosanit Pregl., 4: 389-
future studies using present data as a reference 392.
guide. Haware, R.V., Tho, I. and Bauer-Brandl, A.
(2009). Application of multivariate
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS methods to compression behavior
evaluation of directly compressible
We are grateful to Yasir Faraz Abbasi, materials. Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm., 1:
Department of Pharmacy, Ziauddin Medical 148-155.
University, Karachi, Pakistan for his co- Ibrahim, Y.K. and Olurinola, P.F. (1991).
operation and useful suggestions. Comparative microbial contamination
levels in wet granulation and direct
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