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Sanchez 1

Alexis Sanchez

Professor Batty

English 102

11 December 2017


Starting off with the biggest changes I made to my essay, I cut a good portion of useless

sentences in my introduction. For example, I cut the sentence, In order to explain what

character's actions might reveal about their unconsciousness, such as what ignites horror in

someone. This sentence doesnt make any sense because its combining two incomplete

thoughts. There were a couple of sentences like this in my introduction and I immediately

weeded them all out. Perhaps the biggest change to my entire essay was switching the entire

organization of my second body paragraph. I realized that to discuss Victors oedipal complex I

should do so in chronological order. So, I started off with the quote about his father first and then

explained the dream he had with his mother after. I also started from stach on the analysis to

make sure that all my sentences flow together. Essentially, I basically redid the entire paragraph

from scratch. Collette advised me to divide this paragraph into two, but by switching the quotes I

no longer needed to because the argument had a better flow. Going back to my first paragraph I

followed Professor Battys advice on expanding further on the idea of how humans are afraid of

people who are id driven and why. I also followed Colletes advice and went back to make sure

all my analysis directly after my quotes connected well to the quote, instead of jumping

immediately to the next thought. I found that restating the quote in my own words or

interpretation was the best way to do this. For my last paragraph, I made sure I fully spelled out
Sanchez 1

the connection between Victors fear of mortality and abjection as Batty advised. Before, I

veered off into discussing how Victor was an outcast and I completely cut out all those sentences

and added more fresh, focused analysis. For the editing portion, I made sure to properly

capitalize my title and also fix my abjection citation. The article I pulled from didnt contain

enough information to be properly cited, so I ended up using an entirely different article and

adding in a new quote I felt fit better into my last paragraph. Lastly, I went make to make I

referred to Frankenstein as Frankenstein and to his creation as the creature to fix any

confusion. Overall, I feel like this essay taught me how to better analyze my quotes.

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