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Predicting The Dragon and the Wolf

I was at my friend Pranavs place when what was going to happen in the
next game of thrones episode hit me. Pranav has a masters in
engineering like any other unwitting harmless Indian male. His other
achievements include smoking two packs of Wills a day and fighting for
change at the public urinals. He is also the worlds greatest self
pleasurer, greater than Mr. Arnab Goswami, who is believed to self-
pleasure to selfies of himself self-pleasuring. I am sure I read that
somewhere on the Times Now page.

I was thumbing up my facebook feed in his apartment. There was the

cool breeze. There was the background chatter. Pranav hated his job. He
survived this long because his boss was hot. And he had an active
imagination. So whenever she shouted at him took his Saturdays and
Sundays away, he believed it was part of a long elaborate game of dont
speak dont tell which later would culminate, hopefully not too far in the
future, in steaming hot sex on her office table followed by a second
course of the same in the office lift (with the other people watching.
That was important to him), then a third course in the car while it was
still parked in the office building.

Others in Pranavs office told me she was a shrewd careerist who would
readily leave a colleague throttled on the sidewalk if it furthered her
interests. Pranav said that added to her sex appeal. Good for you, man.
Good for you. Needless to say, he wasnt ever going to quit. He had
hitched his testosterones to his office desk. There was no coming back
from that.

It was there, with Pranavs incessant chattering breaking into the digital
blue of my facebook page that I came upon my epiphany: how the last
episode of this season was going to end. The idea was alive as if what I
had in my mind had taken shape, dimensions, material aspects, and will.
The idea had entered the apartment and I had no means to fight it. So I
decided to take the death march of my pseudonymous blog in the
direction of the fantasy utopia of the millenials, Game of Thrones.
Most people remember the last episode of the last season as Cerseis
revenge. The priests of the High Sept have gathered strength. They have
the King in their web. They made Cersei walk naked through the streets
of Kings Landing where the subjects of her son spit on her face. Now
they come for the final blow. Trial by combat has been outlawed. The
Mount will be terminated, at the expense of a few good soldiers. Cersei
will be put in chains in the dungeons. Margaery also plans her revenge,
supposing that when the charade is over and the King is in her
bedchamber, all those involved in her fall from power would be
punished. Kings Landing isnt a democracy. The Iron Throne was
forged out of a thousand swords. It is interesting to see the quest for
power in Kings Landing enter the realm of politics of the modern era,
where the players are double-crossing, manipulative chaffers. When all
is taken from her, she reverts to the old foolproof method of doing

Power is Power.

What is power? Didnt Caesar cross the Rubicon, enter Rome and uproot
the legally elected senate and chase them and Pompeii to the ends of the
earth? Didnt he become the emperor and rule over Rome until Brutus
and the idealists picked up their seditious knives?

If that is true then what need would Cersei have to squabble with these
idiots for a portion of the Kings attention? Cersei washed herself in the
real fount of power. Power. Not politics. By burning the High Sept and
killing everyone inside, she did not only win the contest, she ended all

The Dragon and the Wolf is going to be similar. Cerseis model of kill or
die has spread out. Politics is coming to an end everywhere, from the
North where they face the civilizational threat of the imminent White
Walkers attack, to the south where hordes of Dothraki and the unsullied
wait to march to take Kings Landing. You might argue that Daenerys
just lost a dragon. Quick mental math tells me that she still has two
dragons more than Cersei, which is why Cersei has decided to meet
them. To gain time. To play politics. On the smouldering ruins of the
Temple of the Seven, Cersei built her throne, which would fall vacant
only with her death. Now her death has come. I predict that the end of
the season would be marked by a train of events that lead to the death of
Queen Cersei Lannister. Can I be more specific than that? She is going
to be burned alive by one of Daenerys dragons, in keeping with the
Targaryen ritual of execution. Why? Because the chord she is trying to
play is broken. Also, she was the one who broke it. Did Daenerys plan
this all along? I cant say. It could be that Cersei, overestimating
Daeneryss trauma, attacked her first and Daenerys responded in kind.
The writers would have my love, if the violence was initiated by
Daenerys without any aggression from Cersei. The news of Cerseis
death is going to sadden me the most. I had myself become a religious
worshipper of the Lannisters. Here is proof.

I left out the best part. Someone is going to try to save Cersei. The last
scene of the episode will be the man walking out of the flames
unharmed. You know him. The Dragon and the wolf.

Pranav needs help with his code. I have to get back to my life now. But
it was important to put this on my blog, as a reminder that I called it. I
will be adding a PS after the show hosts in India. Tea will be bottled.
Potatos will be fried.

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