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tv advantages and disadvantages

Is Television Good or Bad for People?

Some people claim that television is the root of all evil, while others think of television as a best
friend. Some blame the television for society's violence, consumerism, and misinformation, while
others see it as a rich resource for education and global understanding.

Who is right?

I know many people who just can't seem to live without TV. As soon as they get home, they turn it
on. Even if they have work to do, family to be with, or friends to see, they do it all with the TV on. For
many of us, television is such a constant presence in our lives that we haven't stopped to question
whether or not it is good, and most never ask ourselves if and how television might be hurting us.

For those of you who are asking this questionto satisfy your own curiosity or for an essay, debate,
or other school projectbelow you will find the costs and benefits of watching television.

The Pros & Cons of Screen Time

What are the Advantages of Watching Television?
1. In this busy, expensive life, television is an easy and cheap source of entertainment.

2. By watching international news, we are kept informed and up-to-date with breaking news
around the world.

3. Some shows and channels (like PBS and Discovery) offer educational programs that can
increase our knowledge and make us more aware of the world around us.

4. Do-it-yourself shows give us easy access to all kinds of information: Cooking channels offer
new recipes and methods, home improvement shows introduce us to many money-saving DIY
tips, and financial advisers give advice for managing finances and investing money, for
example. Television can also be a good way to help people learn a different language.

5. Some shows can motivate people who are interested in that field and help them to pursue their

6. Television can help you feel less lonely. Psychologists coined the term "social surrogacy" to
explain how television can fill the shoes of absent friends or family. In one study published in
the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, researchers found that people who watch a
favorite TV show report feeling less lonely during the show.
7. TV can expand your mind. Some shows let you travel vicariously and teach you about different
people, cultures, ideas, and places you might never encounter in real life. Watching a variety of
shows might give us a broader understanding of the world we live in and expose us to things
we might otherwise never come across in our own lives.

8. TV can make you feel like part of a group and let you participate in a shared subculture. In
social situations where you may find yourself surrounded by strangers with whom you have
nothing in common, a popular show or televised sporting event might give you something to
talk about.

9. Gathering around the television gives families, friends, and strangers something to bond over.
Even if you're not interested in the Olympics, watching the games with your family might bring
you closer together; reminiscing about shows you've watched together gives you shared history
and memories.

10. There may be certain health benefits to watching television. If a certain show makes you laugh,
for example, then an argument can be made for its mood-elevating merits. While exercising,
television can distract you from what you're doing and therefore enable you to last longer on the
treadmill (there's a good reason why so many gyms have televisions, after all!). One study from
the University of Rochester found that people felt more energetic after watching nature scenes.

11. Television might be a free, easy source of sexual education. In a study from UC Santa Barbara,
young girls who watched an episode of a nighttime soap opera that showed a character dealing
with an unintended pregnancy reported being more likely to practice safe sex.

What Are the Disadvantages of Watching Television?

1. Sex, crime, and violence are frequently depicted on television and may have negative effects
on impressionable children (and adults!). Kids who see violent acts are more likely to display
aggressive or violent behavior and also to believe that the world is a scary place and that
something bad is going happen to them. Ongoing studies have shown a lasting correlation
betweenwatching violence on television and aggression that begins in childhood and continues
into adulthood. Viewers sometimes imitate violent, criminal, sexual, or other risky behavior they
see on television... and end up in trouble, in jail, or in a hospital as a result.

2. Watching too much television is not good for your health. Studies have shown that there is a
correlation between watching television and obesity. Excessive TV watching (more than 3
hours a day) can also contribute to sleep difficulties, behavior problems, lower grades, and
other health issues.

3. Television makes us antisocial, taking the place of family and friends.

4. It's a waste of time. Watching television fills the time a person might have spent doing
important, enriching things like interacting socially with other human beings, being physically
active, discovering the outdoors, reading, using one's own imagination, or accomplishing other
newspaper advantages and disadvantages

Newspapers, as their name suggests, provide us with News. With the spread of education, the
popularity and importance of newspapers have increased by leaps and bounds. Everybody today
wants to read a newspaper.

Those who cannot read themselves want others to read it out to them. Even in a backward country,
like India, newspapers have become very popular. They are published in English, Hindi, Urdu and in
all other regional dialects of the country. They are read, or listened to, with great interest by
everybody. They exercise a profound influence on the minds of the people.

The most important function of newspapers is to bring us news of the world. News is their chief
interest and charm. They tell us what is happening not only in our country by in other countries of
the world as well. Without newspapers, we would be like a frog in a well who knows nothing of the
outside world.

In a democratic country, like India, they are an important means of forming public opinion. They
comment on current events and criticize or appreciate the conduct of the government. It is through
them that the public comes to know of the problems that face the country and the different possible
ways of solving those problems. They, thus, educate the public mind and enable the people to have
their own opinion on matters of public importance. They, thus, make democracy possible. Everyone
must read newspapers. This is essential for national integration. This is essential to keep down
fissiparous tendencies.

Besides this, the newspapers are also an importan

Newspaper & Outdoor

The use of outdoor advertising can resolve some of newspapers shortcomings. Through the use of
outdoor advertising an advertiser improves its ability of selective targeting. Outdoor advertising
penetrates newspapers zoned areas that are too large for reaching the desired target.
Old news is old news. Newspapers have a short shelf life. Often advertisers messages are thrown out in
the daily trash unread. Outdoor advertising can extend the life of a campaign by working all day long,
every day. Readership rates are on the decline and will likely continue, due to the increasing number of
alternate news sources.
Outdoor advertisings very nature is unavoidable and impacts consumers lost to other news sources.
Additional examples how outdoor advertising can strengthen a newspaper campaign:
Outdoor advertising repeats call to action message

Outdoor advertising can promote newspaper ad reference

Outdoor advertising increases the reach and ensures greater coverage among light readers and
younger consumers

Outdoor advertising lowers CPM cost of expensive newspapers

Some of the Advantages and disadvantages of Newspaper are as follows so let us check it out
some of the information one by one.

Some of the Advantages of Newspaper are :

1. Newspaper is read by huge number of population, so news or information can be made available
2. Newspaper is not very expensive so anyone can buy newspaper.
3. If anyone wants to publish advertisement or any useful information then he can publish easily in
any size format or any page of newspaper.
4. Reader can read news any time whenever he wish and able to read information again and again.
5. Now a days newspaper is made available directly to your house by many vendors, so no need to
go and buy newspaper everyday.
6. Newspaper is available in various languages so you can choose the newspaper of your choice.
7. Newspapers are lighter in weight hence it is easy to carry anywhere you want.
8. Almost all the latest news are covered in the newspaper which gives information about the latest
trend going on in the world.
9. You can also increase vocubulary and general knowledge by reading newspaper daily and
10. Weather report, sports events, business news, local news as well as world news is available in
11. Entertaining thinks like puzzles, stories and crosswords are also available in the newspaper.
12. Newspaper are ecofriendly and easy to recycle.

Some of the Disadvantages of Newspaper are:

1. In some of the newspaper the advertisement space may be expensive.
2. As the Internet, Television or Radio are used widely by many people , so advertisers prefer
newspaper less for advertisement compared to Internet and other medias.
3. Newspaper can be easily discarded once read, so less chances for advertiser to convert the
advertisement into leads or sale.
4. Copetitors can easily see the price of your product and hence they quickly react to your prices.
5. Sometimes in some newspaper the news which are shown are false.The news are even twisted
and distorted.
6. Sometimes poor printed image quality is seen in the newspaper.
relgion vs science

The religion vs science debate, in recent years, has started to dominate the
news, spreading across thousands of internet sites and forums.
The rise in religious fundamentalism has been mirrored by a rise in scientific fundamentalism.
Intelligent Design vs. Evolution has become a battleground, with each side drawing lines in the sand,
refusing to take a backwards step. If the media is to be believed, the rift between the two extremes is
too extreme to be breached.

In the words of George W. Bush,

"You're either with us, or against us."

The media on both sides of the debate, as usual, sensationalizes and magnifies the 'When Science
Meets Religion' debate. Underneath the publicity surrounding Creationism and Stem Cell research,
there are eminent scientists and theologians, trying to reconcile the differences and promote the
belief that science, religion and philosophy can all work together.
Many scientists are religious, and many religious leaders are scientists. The religion vs science
debate involves a few extremists who strive to shout louder than everyone else does.

Before exploring the religion vs science debate, it is useful to explore the history behind the division,
known as the Great Rift. For as long as humanity has believed in a creator, thinkers have tried to
quantify and evaluate the truth behind religion, trying to prove or disprove a supernatural force. The
only fact that we can be certain of is that nobody knows.

The Greeks
The Ancient Greek philosophers were one of the first groups to look at religion and science together.
Most believed that there was no distinction between science and theology.

Great thinkers, such as Aristotle, believed that science was a process of trying to understand the
natural laws behind creation. It was their view that creation was mathematically perfect, and that
logic and reasoning could discern the mind of the gods.

Islamic Science
The expansion of Islam, from the 9th century until the 12th century, saw a renaissance in science,
known as the Islamic Golden Age.

The Caliphs of the Islamic world believed in enlightenment, and set up 'Houses of Learning.' Cities,
such as Baghdad, became centers of knowledge, containing great libraries and universities. Great
advances in medicine, astronomy and agriculture were made, and were believed to be the will of
Allah. There was little distinction between philosophy, science and theology, and certainly no sign of
the religion vs science debate.

This holistic view brought many developments, with Muslim scientists developing processes such
as citations, peer reviewing and validity.
The philosophy of science was explored in, and a structure for the Scientific Methodwas laid down,
building upon the work of Aristotle. The great Alhazen, with his book of optics, laid down many
scientific practices that became standard experimental method.
Even here, there are the first stirrings of the religion vs science debate, with many contemporary
critics questioning whether this idea of "Islamic Science" is religious propaganda.
Whatever the answer, the Islamic scholars preserved the knowledge of the Greek philosophers and
added new insights.

The Coming of Christianity

After the Muslim Age, 12th Century Renaissance Europe became the seat of learning, and there
was no particular schism between science and religion.
For example, Robert Grosseteste, c.1175-1253, was an early Christian scientist who made great
advances in geometry. He stated that experiments were essential to learning and the development
of humanity.
Roger Bacon, a Franciscan monk (1214- 1294) is regarded as one of the greatest philosophers and
scientists of all time, advocating that there were distinctive 'Laws of Nature' behind the cosmos.
A series of natural and political disasters, in the 14th century, changed European demographics.
This period saw the first glimmerings of a religion vs science debate that would fester for hundreds
of years. Christian dogma stated that the bible should be read literally, and that challenging this view
was heresy.

Many scientists suffered from this new radicalism, the most famous of all being Nicolaus Copernicus
(1473-1543). He postulated the idea that the Earth revolved around the sun, anathema to the
theocracy, who believed that the Earth was at the center of the universe.

Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) was burned at the stake, for expanding upon the ideas of Copernicus.
He also suggested the insightful theory that other stars may have worlds revolving around them.

Of course, as in modern day debates, these extreme cases entered the history books. Despite this,
there were still large numbers of scientists developing theories, and this age of science was not as
dark as is commonly believed.

The Early Renaissance Period was a brief flowering of humanism before dogma overcame common
sense within the Church of Rome. The religion vs science debate developed into a clash of

Galileo became the next challenger to the centric views of Christianity, building upon the views of
Copernicus. He spent the last years of his life, from 1634 to 1642, under house arrest, labeled a
dangerous maverick. His legacy has been lauded by luminaries such as Hawking and Einstein, as
the birth of Modern science. There is an argument that the Protestant Reformation was a response
to this established order; an attempt to throw of some of the restrictions of Catholicism.
This so-called Religion vs Science schism was not as wide as believed, and the two areas often
worked together. Protestantism, in general, was more open to science, with Napier's great work on
mathematics sitting alongside his work upon the Book of Revelation.

Scientist-philosophers, such as the catholic Ren Descartes (1596-1650), Robert Boyle (1627-
1691), and John Ray (1627-1705), tried to reconcile religious beliefs and scientific research. They
believed that the study of the laws behind divine creation was not heretical, and met with some

The zeal of the Inquisition, partly responsible for causing the Reformation, lessened, and the two
sides became reconciled. The science vs. religion debate once again settled into the background.

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