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Sanchez 1

Alexis Sanchez

Professor Batty

English 102

11 December 2017


Out of all my essays I received the most positive feedback on this one because my

organization was strong. In that case, I spent the most of my revision process editing rather than

rearranging paragraphs. The portion of the essay I spent the most time revising was the

introduction. As it outloud the organization seemed off. I introduced the play right after the hook

and it was pretty abrupt. After, I explained the definition of the different lenses and went back to

explaining the plot of the play. To fix this, I used the pointing word categories to create a

smoother transition from my hook to introducing the play. I also explained the plays plot

directly after I introduced it and explained the lenses after. Essentially, I flipped the organization

of my introduction entirely. For my thesis, I was advised by Professor Batty to explain what I do

at the end of the essay when I discuss how Galliard reverses roles, so I added that at the end f my

thesis. After this, I went back to revise some sentences for clarity. For example, towards the end

it isnt entirely clear if Im discussing Gallimard or Song. I fixed this by keeping Songs pronoun

as they and referring to Song only as a women when I discuss Songs disguise. I also changed

a good amount of the first paragraph when I discussed Marc. I felt that a lot of my sentences

were run ons and the transitions were poor in this area. I fixed this by making sure I properly

discuss the text chronologically before introducing the quote. Then I made sure to focus most of

my analysis after I use the quote. I made sure my thoughts were concise in this area and feel
Sanchez 2

good about how it turned out. For editing, I reduced the size of the title and properly capitalized

it. I also made sure to fix the hanging indentation with the help of Professor Batty. All and all,

this essay taught me about hanging indentations and how to better organize my introductions

because they tend to be very long.

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