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Reflective Statement

After reading the Physical Education framework, I learned that there are five overarching

standards for the k-12 educational system. The first standard illustrates that students can,

demonstrate motor, skills and movement patters needed to perform a variety of physical

activities. While standard five is more complex, students, utilize knowledge of psychological

and sociological concepts, principles, and strategies that apply to the learning and performance

of physical activity. Also, according to the framework, California law requires schools to

provide a minimum of 200 minutes every 10 school days for grades one through six, and 400

minutes every ten days for students grades seven through twelve.

Students need physical education at school and it should be taken more seriously. Often

times teachers brush PE on the side; when in reality, students truly need time to be active.

Children need to learn early on how important it is to take of their bodies through exercise. KIN

425 has taught me about different activities that can be done for elementary school students.

For my artifact, I chose a Physical Education lesson plan. In this lesson, I was paired with

three other students in my class, together we built this lesson and taught it to our peers. It felt a

bit odd teaching it to a room of adults, but I just pretended they were my students and the lesson

went terrific. I attached my professors rubric along with her comments to how I taught the


For my second artifact, I choose my class expectations and consequences for P.E. I

created in KIN 425. Teachers must always be clear with their expectation and consequences with

their students. Some students may misbehave during P.E. but I believe in second chances. I

believe students should be given a warning, and given time to think about their options and then

asked to join the activity for a second time. There needs to be trust within a classroom. I enjoyed
creating my expectations along with my consequences, this artifacts makes me feel that much

closer to being a teacher.

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