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Oct 2017 Nov 2017

Volume 6 Issue 4
A Bi-monthly bulletin of Vivekananda Kendra Vedic Vision Foundation

In this Issue


Yoga Certificate Course

Amrita Keerti Award For Ma. Lakshmi Didi

Didis Felicitation In Kodungallur

Poem By Smt Shantha Nair

Concluding Programme Of Sister Nivedita

150th Birth Anniversary
Swadhyaya Examination In Schools

Bala Samarpan

Sadhana Divas

Regular Activities

Article By Ma. Lakshmi Didi

Volume 6 Issue 4 -2- October 2017 - November 2017


Looking Back

When the announcement came that this years Amrita keerthi award is to be
presented to me, the first question that arose in my mind was whether I deserve it. That
led to an exercise of looking back as to how I came to deserve this honour. I thought I
should share my thoughts with our friends and well-wishers at this momentous occasion.
All of us have heard the story of the squirrel who helped Sree Rama during the
construction of the Great Ramasethu, how, picking up sand grains and putting up in the
Sethu he made himself immortal receiving the grace of Sree Rama. Ammas contributions
to the welfare of humanity and preservation of Hindu Dharma cannot be described even
by thousand tongued Anantha. What wonders me is how in this mammoth service
programmes she could recognize this small squirrel and confer her blessings on it. I humbly
accept the award, taking it to be recognition by the Divine Mother Herself executed
through our beloved Mother.
Such an occasion demands that I express my gratitude to all those who were
responsible for making me what I am today. First in the line is my adorable father who
put up the strikingly attractive picture of Swami Vivekananda in Chicago posture in our
home and opened up the spring of guru bhakti when I was just 12 or 13 years old. It was
he who lighted up the Vivekadeep in my heart. Later my mother saw to it that this
Vivekadeepa doesnt get extinguished and when the call came permitted me to offer my
life at the feet of my master at Vivekananda Kendra. It was Swargeeya Agamananda
Swami who awakened in me the very first waves of spiritual yearnings. Those were
further nourished by the two great teachers of modern India, Swami Ranganathanandaji
and Swami Chinmayanandaji. It is through them that I tasted the practical Vedanta of
Swami Vivekananda.
Even with such a treasure chest in my possession, the attractions of materialistic life
kept their grip on me like an octopus. It was none other than Swargeeya Eknathji Ranade,
the Master Builder of Vivekananda Rock Memorial and Founder of the spiritually oriented
service mission Vivekananda Kendra, who pulled me out of that mire and handed over the
responsibility of looking after Vivekananda Kendra as its Mother. Thus was fulfilled my
dream of surrendering my life for the service of Swami Vivekananda. This award reminds
me of the magnificent gift which Eknathji gave me by which I rediscovered myself. The
Volume 6 Issue 4 -3- October 2017 - November 2017

cumulative effect of all the love and respect with which the well-wishers of Vivekananda
Kendra all over India received me have now become consolidated in Mata Amritananda
Mayis choice of me to receive the Amritakeerthi Puraskar. This will definitely add a
special glow to the evening of my life. To mother, I offer my shathakodi pranaams. My
thanks also to the selection committee for choosing me. Last but not the least, once again
I assert Apara Mahima Guru Mahima
Volume 6 Issue 4 -4- October 2017 - November 2017
Yoga Certificate Course
Nine students registered for the Yoga Certificate Course in Malayalam, under the guidance of the
headquarters Kanyakumari. Mananeeya Didi in her inaugural address welcomed the batch of students
and expected that they would successfully complete the course with full vigor and willpower.

Sri Sudhakarji introduced the students to the course curriculum for 5 full day sessions which will be
held on every first, third and fourth Saturdays, second Fridays and fourth Sundays, every month for six
months. After lunch, Sri Sudhakaranji, coordinator of the course introduced them to the members who
would conduct the practical as well as theory classes. Yoga Varga members Smt Sakeena Basheer ,Smt
Sindhu,Smt Pravitha and Smt Cini all YIC students of S Vyasa, Bangalore would be taking the practical
Last session of the day was Yogabhyas taken by Sakeena and Pravitha.

Amrita Keerti Award For Ma. Lakshmi Didi

Service, though selfless, should be duly recognized and encouraged. If the knowledge, wisdom, and
talent of those who serve society are ignored and left to languish, it is societys loss. In order to prevent
such tragedy, the Mata Amritanandamayi Math has conferred its annual Amrita Keerti Award since
2001,to distinguishing people who have made significant contributions to Indian Culture and the Vedic
tradition. The goal is to assist the preservation of the ancient and enduring human values of Sanatana
Dharma. The awards are presented each year on Ammas birthday.

Two categories of people are eligible to receive the award: those engaged in writing original, in-
depth studies of Indias spiritual texts and those dedicated to constructive social or national service.
Sannyasins are not eligible for the award, as their service is part of their spiritual practices.

This year the awardee has been selected by the five-member committee and decided to honor a
woman who has dedicated her life for spreading the message of Swami Vivekananda throughout the
country for the last four decades. Ma. Lakshmi Didi has been selected unanimously for the Puraskar this
Volume 6 Issue 4 -5- October 2017 - November 2017
year. The same was awarded to her this year AMRITHAVARSHAM64 by Mata Amrithanandamayi Devi on
9th October in a function wherein top dignitaries from all over the world participated. This is a happy
occasion for all the workers of Vivekananda Kendra and its well-wishers for whom Ma. Lakshmi Didi has
been a source of inspiration
Sri Jual Oram, Union Minister for Tribal Affairs, presented the Amrita Keerti Puraskar to Ma. Lakshmi
Didi in the presence of Mata Amritanandamayi on Monday, 9th October, amidst lakhs of devotees from all
over the country and world. Mananeeya Balakrishnanji, Vice President of Vivekananda Kendra, Mananeeya
Aparna Didi, Su. Radha Didi, from Kanyakumari, Sri Sudhakar, Su. Sutapa from Kodungallur and Didis
elder sister Mrs Devi Menon were among those present at the award giving ceremony. It was a moment
of pride and happiness for all the Vivekananda Kendra workers, and also the people of Kodungallur!
Volume 6 Issue 4 -6- October 2017 - November 2017
Didis Felicitation In Kodungallur
As It was the earnest wish of all the parents and teachers of Sandeepani Sishuvihar, to felicitate Didi
on her return from Amritapuri. This small thought took a big shape when all the well-wishers of Kodun-
gallur thought of giving this idea a form of its own through a grand programme. The reception was fixed
on 14th October.
Programme started at 10.30a.m. with Shishuvihar UKG students leading the prayer which was fol-
lowed by the lighting of lamp by the Chief Guest and the members on stage. Dr. M.S. Muralidharan, Di-
rector of Hindi Prachar Kendra, Kodungallur, was the Chief Guest for the programme. The whole pro-
gramme was conceived and executed by the parents of Sandeepani Sishuvihar.

The Chief Guest in his speech stressed the importance and need of the hour for value education
which would help children in the long run as they grow up and start planning for their future and goal in
life. They would then effortlessly use their discriminative power to follow the path of sreyas rather than
fall prey to the numerous evils of the present. Hence more and more children should be introduced to
spirituality and not mere academics. He was full of praise for the selfless service rendered by Mananeeya
Didi who is a friend, philosopher, and guide for the people who approach her.

Others on the dais were Sri Gopalankutty Menon, a retired teacher and poet, Smt Anandaval-
li, retired teacher of OK school, Kodungallur, Dr. Sanjeev Prabhu Parent representative, Major Gen. Dr.
Vivekanandan (Retd) a close well-wisher of Vivekananda Kendra and Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi.

Didi was honoured with a Ponnada by the Chief Guest and 'Mangalapatra' by Sri Gopalankutty Men-
on a well-known poet, popularly known as 'Nimisha Kavi'(one who can compose poems instantly). Many
well-wishers expressed their happiness that Ma. Didi was chosen for the Amritakeerthi Award. Among
them who congratulated her, were counsellors of Kodungallur Municipality Smt Asha Latha, Smt Par-
vathy, Smt. Rekha, Sri Shaji principal of HDPY School, Andipilikavu, Sri Venugopal, President OKAY
Yogam, and others. The representative of the parents Dr Sanjeev Prabhu, informed of the plan to build a
small children's' park in the premises of Anandadham campus for the Sandeepani Sishuvihar children as
a tribute to Ma. Didi. Everyone was requested to contribute wholeheartedly to this Project. The first con-
tribution was by Smt. Shanta Devadas and Sri Devadas, parents of Kum. Lakshmi an alumnus of Sishuvi-
har (first batch).

Sri Shally introduced Ma. Lakshmi Didi to everyone present. Kum. Drishya and Smt. Jaya Radhakrish-
nan meticulously anchored the program.
Ma. Didi expressed her gratitude for the love and affection showered on her. Didi emphasized the
opportunity that she got to play(even though trivial) in the conservation of the India's culture and herit-
age. She requested one and all to give a portion of each of their time for the welfare of others, and join
Volume 6 Issue 4 -7- October 2017 - November 2017
them in their times of joy and be a pillar of comfort and hope in times of sorrow.

The programme concluded with Shanti mantra. Everyone dispersed after a sumptuous lunch.
Volume 6 Issue 4 -8- October 2017 - November 2017
Concluding Function of the 150th Birth Anniversary of Sister Nivedita
The Chembai Sangeetha college auditorium was the venue for the culmination of the one year long
celebrations in conjunction with the 150th birth anniversary of Sister Nivedita. The events were
jointly organized by Vivekananda Kendra Vedic Vision Foundation and Vivekananda Darshanika
Samajam. On the occasion were distinguished guests from different walks of life,
Hon. Justice K P Jyothindranath - High court of Global Kerala,
Param Poojya Pravrajika Ajayaprana Mataji - Vice President, Sri Sarada Math, and Ramakrishna Sarada
Hon. Mr. Peter McIvor, Deputy Head of the Embassy of Ireland in New Delhi,
Mr. Franois Gautier, editor in chief of the Paris-based La Revue de lInde and trustee founder of
FACT India. Mananeeya. Dr. M. Lakshmi Kumari, Chairperson 'Samarpanam', and Chairman of
Vivekananda Kendra Vedic Vision Foundation, Kodungallur.
Revered Swami Golokananda Maharaj of Sri Ramakrishna Math, Kalady, also graced the occasion.

The lighting of the Bhadra deepam was carried out by Justice Jyothindranath. Post this Lakshmi
Didi's opening address stressed upon "Shraddha/avivesha with references from Kathopanishad and
throwing light upon the thoughts for choosing Margaret Elizabeth Noble to be Sister Nivedita whose life
was dedicated to the people of India, especially in the upliftment of women.

'Thank you Ireland for having produced such a wonderful Lady' said Mataji in her address to the
gathering. Towards the end of her address she asked everyone to remember the 5 words 'Mother's
heart', 'Hero's will', 'the leader, servant and friend in one'. She ended the talk by saying "Try your best to
nourish those ideals within you, as much as you can for God's children that will be the highest homage
we can give to Sister Nivedita."

Hon. Mr. Peter McIvor spoke on the contribution of Sister Nivedita, her lifetimes work, education and
empowerment of young women. He continued, 'She was an important interpreter of India to the outside
world. Informing a western audience about India of all it wonderful phases - It's history, it's heritage, it's
mythology, it's religions and it's cultural reawakening of that times. Later she was also to write about the
life of her master and his master Shri Ramakrishna, for whose life and teachings she had developed a
strong attachment.'

As a token of India's love and respect for Sister NVidias sacrifice for our motherland, Justice
K.P.Jyothindranath presented a memorabilia to Hon. Peter McIvor who represented Ireland, the
motherland of Sister Nivedita.

Mr. Franois Gautier in his talk started off by saying 'I am not a knowledgeable man of Sis-
ter Nivedita" but I have always admired her and this is why I accepted this invitation, for most of the time
I refuse invitations to this type of conferences.' He continued 'Sister Nivedita is a special person to me,
Volume 6 Issue 4 -9- October 2017 - November 2017
because she is one of the very few westerners who came to India not to give something but because
India gave her something. Sister Nivedita had a rare intuition when she met Swami in London that there
is a rare knowledge in India that she needed.' He talked off a similar intuition that he had when he came
to India many years back.

Sister Nivedita award was presented to Smt. Uma Preman, Founder, Santhi Medical Information
Centre, Guruvayur by Mrs. McIvor & the Citation for the same was read by Shri. Arun. In response to the
award Smt.Uma Preman thanked the organizers and shared her experiences.

Prize distribution for Quiz competition winners were given by Shri N. Nan-
dakumar, President, Vivekananda Darsanika Samajam. Vote Of Thanks was given by Ms. Beena Govind.
Volume 6 Issue 4 -10- October 2017 - November 2017
Swadhyaya Examination At Schools On The Occasion Of Bhagini Nivedita 150th
Birth Anniversary Celebration

In connection with Bhagini Niveditas 150th Birth Anniversary, a swadhaya examination was conduct-
ed in Malayalam based on a book on Bhagini Nivedita. Around 300 students from 6
schools registered. 280 students wrote the examination which was conducted in their respective schools
by Kendra Karyakartas on 7th November. Out of the total of 280, 55 students who had scored average
marks, were invited to Anandadham on 14th November, for an inter-school quiz competition on the life
and messages of Swami Vivekananda and Bhagini Nivedita.

Bala Samarpanam

On 14th November, Children's Day, two programmes were simultaneously conducted on the cam-
pus, one programme was for the successful students of Swadhyaya competition and the other for Sishu-
vihar tiny tots. Lighting of the lamp was done by Little Aradhya of LKG dressed as Bhagini Nivedita and
little Achut dressed as Chacha Nehru. Prayer was chanted by the UKG tiny tots. The students and their
parents and teachers undertook campus cleaning ('Swacha Bharat Abhiyan'), a one hour programme on
14th November, a practice they had taken up from last year onwards.

The other group of older children coming from different schools got the opportunity to listen to the
talk by Mananeeya Didi on Bhagini Nivedita's life and message and why they should know about this
great personality who had given her all for the sake of the Indian masses. The students also got an op-
portunity to listen to the Chief Guest for the occasion, none other than India's first female Merchant Na-
vy Captain Mrs. Radhika Menon, and who had received the Exceptional Bravery award from Internation-
al Maritime Organisation(IMO). All potential is within us, the need of the hour is to have the confidence
in one's own self and determination to keep going till the end and to be able to practically apply the
knowledge acquired in any field in life, was what the Captain advised the students. Captain Radhika gave
away the prizes and certificates to the successful students of the swadhyaya examination.
The second part of the programme was the inter-school quiz on Swamiji and Bhagini Nivedita. The
students of Shantiniketan International school received the trophy for best performance in the quiz. All
the students had a sumptuous lunch after the programme concluded.
Volume 6 Issue 4 -11- October 2017 - November 2017

Sadhana Divas
On the auspicious morning of 19th November, a session was kept for the Yoga Certificate Course stu-
dents along with Yoga Varga participants, with Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi. She explained the significance
of the day and also the purpose of choosing yoga as a way of life. The herculean task was performed by
Mananeeya Eknathji in the construction of the Mighty Rock Memorial and after the construction of the
Memorial nowhere was there a mention of his name and even during the inauguration of the memorial,
he was behind the screen. This is what is called as a Karma yoga, a silent dedicated work.
A group of Sishuvihar parents along with Sri Sudhakarji and Sushree Bindu began the first door to
door collection of funds for the creating a children's park in Anandadham.
Volume 6 Issue 4 -12- October 2017 - November 2017

"The ideal of all education, all training, should be this man-making" and keeping in line with the words of
Swami Vivekananda is Sandeepani Sishuvihar, at Vivekananda Kendra Vedic Vision Foundation, Kodun-
Sandeepani Sishuvihar is the courtyard of Happiness ( Ananda) at Ananda Dham, in Kodungallur. Chil-
dren from nearby homes are initiated into the rich traditional culture and practices of our nation. Sishuvi-
har has the warmth and affection of a home, combined with spiritual energy of an ashram, which ensures
that the children put in to practice their day to day learnings both at school and home. Thus each child
becomes a torch bearer to the Eternal dharma (Sanathana Dharma) bringing forth a new light into the
day to day lives of their parents, family and friends.
A children's park (playground) is vital for a child's cognitive, emotional, physical, and social development.
Keeping this in mind is the current initiative to build a children's park.
The proposed park is the brain child of the Parents of Sishuvihar children & Sisu Vihar Alumni , Yoga
Varga Students and Well Wishers. The combined effort from these different groups should bring in con-
siderable momentum for the successful completion of the Park.
We need your SUPPORT! Please consider making a tax-deductible donation right now. Please send us
your PAN details at post your online payment, bank and account details
This is a project for the children, of the children, by the children. Get blessed by sharing the joy of build-
ing this Childrens Park. Your contribution may be directed to:

Account Name : VKVVF

Account Number: 0758101127166
Bank Name : Canara Bank, Kodungallur Branch
IFSC Code : CNRB0000758

Alternatively you can also Sponsor an item in the Playground.

All `10,000/- and above donations will have business/family name on permanent plaque displayed at the

Leave your
mark in the
Annals of Time
Volume 6 Issue 4 -13- October 2017 - November 2017

An institution in yourself
Tribute To The Mother By Smt Shantha Nair

Behold! there she stands, that beloved mortal grace

as the glorious morning flower serene,

So pure, so chaste, her virtues Divine.

Oh Mother! Yours is truly love sublime!

Behold! There she stands. Ha with such serenity

In her wonted, unaffected calm And gentle modesty.

Neer deserting her, at any time.

But there in her is an intense vibrancy

That bestows to all, a wondrous energy.

And when into other hearts, it penetrates

In them, a vigour, a zeal, she creates

Dear Mother you are the gentle breeze of the morning calm

That soothes many an aching heart

You are the oasis in the barren land

which a life, into their empty souls, you do part

You are the refuge for many in anguish and pain

Deep in despair, sans home, sans love

But you enfold them into your caring arms

And into your loving heart, Your gentle words filled with love

Indeed a true solace to many

But now in you, they have found their sanctity

Bharaths Holy Saint, her powerful guide

His great vision, her philosophy.

Swami Vivekananda, the Revered Saint

He has enlightened her destiny.

Today Mother, you are the embodiment of true wisdom

Volume 6 Issue 4 -14- October 2017 - November 2017


Yoga Satra
14 ladies and 10 gents participated in the regular monthly Yoga Satra held separately for gents and la-

Yoga Varga

15 ladies and 10 gents regularly attended the Yoga Varga

Ganapathi Homam and Sricakrapuja

Usual Ganapathi Homam and Sree cakra Puja in the early morning and Sri Vishnu Sahasra namam
archana in the evening were performed during the months of October and November on full moon days.

9 students ( 5 ladies and 4 gents) attended the weekly classes meant for Yoga Certificate Course from 7th
October onwards.
Volume 6 Issue 4 -15- October 2017 - November 2017

(This article was written in 1994)
Dr. M. Lakshmi Kumari

The United Nations had declared 1994 as the Year of the Family, drawing our attention to the fact
that Family is where ones education starts, gets its nourishment from, and that it should also prove to
be our abode of rest and recuperation. When callousness, carelessness and cruelties perpetrated by all
of us together are tearing the world apart, when we are groping in darkness for ways and means to stem
the rot of disintegration at the global level, it is time that we set our homes in order as the first step to
restore normalcy and balance. When homes turn into centres of peace, harmony only and happiness,
when they become kindergartens for our children, teaching them the basics of love, understanding,
respect and, above all, of sacrifice and service, the human soul will discover its true identity, its true
relationship with all that exists and also the truth of mutual dependence. That is when the family turns
into a university. Cruelties and criminalities will shy away from men and women who are educated at
these universities.

The children in the advanced West have discovered a new game of divorcing their parents.
Abetting them in this cruel game are the learned, concerned lawyers and judges. Some go one step
ahead, and instead of waiting for the law to take action they themselves finish off their parents, only to
find their freedom fettered by the bars of prison. Parents who drive their children to this desperation are
equally to blame.

How fortunate are we in this blessed land of ours where families still have a name, form, content and
a value. For us, family is the finest expression of the interconnectedness, interrelatedness and
interdependence which are the essential characteristics of One Truth. Discovering this Truth, explicit in
the family, we raised our family relationships into something sacred and sanctified and identified them as
expressions of Divinity. Tolerance and acceptance of each other, the national characteristics of a true
Indian, had their origin in these families. We also understood that these are the principles which hold an
individual as a whole, link the individual to the whole and sustain the whole as the Whole. We also
realised that this is the basis of true knowledge, the core of wisdom and also the centre of our actions.
Realisation of this Truth was considered the goal of education, culture, refinement and religion. This was
indeed the height of spiritual awareness. No wonder that the learned say that a good family is the best
of universities to develop ones character, the best place of worship, as also the best choice for mans
emancipation. The superhuman genius of the Indian seers, therefore, rightly condensed the whole of
this knowledge into the magnificent formula Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam expanding the concept of
family to enfold the whole of this universe.
Volume 6 Issue 4 -16- October 2017 - November 2017

The modern mind may find it hard to comprehend the whole of this truth. The family for him is just
a man and woman getting together into a contract to exhaust their passions and incidentally, producing
a child or two in the bargain, who, if they became intruders, were considered a nuisance. No wonder
then that parents also would sooner or later become a nuisance to the children as well. Contrast this
with our tradition of which Swami Vivekananda says that only that child is an Aryan who is born out of
the tapas of the parents and not one born of their passion. When parents understand this, homes will be
transformed into temples.

To start with, a family originates from one unit, father and mother, representing the male and female
forces of the universe the aggressive and the submissive. Like matter and energy combining together,
giving shape and content to the material universe, so also the essence of man and woman combine to
produce the human being. However far removed we may be generation wise, theoretically, we are all still
traceable to one pair of parents. This is an irrevocable relation, whether we appreciate it or not. This
interconnectedness is what the term family denotes.

Another important aspect of Truth which family exemplifies is the interdependence of its
components. The relationship of the part to the whole is not just a loose connection but one of a
strong bond of interdependence. This is what makes the family a beautiful and meaningful grouping
together of individuals. It manifests as duties and responsibilities in the family, and as sacrifices and
services on the part of each one. This is what makes the family a school to teach man his primary
lessons in life. Thus, a family can certainly become a symbol of the totality of existence, be it at the
community, national, global or universal levels.

All this would still be mundane and meaningless if man was not blessed with that invisible, abstract
yet super nourishing emotion of love. Swami Vivekananda says that duty becomes monotonous and
mechanical if not oiled with love. The capacity of love in nurturing the human mind, helping it to expand
endlessly, guiding it to move from the self to the Infinite-Unknown, is unparalleled. It is this invisible yet
very valuable constant that adds magic to the relationships and responsibilities in the family.

In spite of all these potentialities and possibilities today we are content to remain as nuclear families,
confined within the four walls of our homes. The result, our families are at best kindergartens, never
acquiring the status of a university through growth and expansion of its individual members. This
expansion is possible only when love sheds its attachments and identifies itself with the knowledge of
Oneness. Then, love takes a U-Turn and becomes an emancipating force, leading us from the mundane
to the spiritual. In such families, thoughts, words and actions bear the imprint of Truth, of Oneness, of
dharma. Therein lies the key to happiness, harmony and fulfilment. Such families are truly the best of
Volume 6 Issue 4 -17- October 2017 - November 2017
When children establish their adult lives on this strong foundation of truthful knowledge, love and
action, they become a blessing unto themselves and to the society. A good son or daughter is also a
good citizen. True goodness insulates one against all evils that exist in society.

How blessed is such a childhood! How blessed is human life backed by such a family. Such human
beings are undoubtedly an adornment to society.

Hindu tradition gives excellent guidelines for parents and children by which their entire life can be
modelled and modulated through the institution of family. Good families are the foundations of a
good society, of a great nation.

May this Year of the Family be an eye-opener for all of us to cherish the invaluable guidance that
our seers have given us through the concept of Universe Family and help us to build on them our
greater, glorious future. That will be yet another great gift of India to the world.

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