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Lesson Plan

Name: Toma Mara Persida

Date: 21st of March 2014
Time: 50 minutes
School: coala Gimnazial Nr.1, Seini
Grade: 4th A
Number of students: 21
Level: beginners
Textbook: Firm Steps
Unit 6: About animals
Lesson: In the jungle
Lesson type: vocabulary teaching
Teaching materials: video-projector, laptop,speakers, textbook, handouts
Skills: reading, listening, speaking
Interaction: T-S, T-Ss, GW, S-S, whole class, role-play

Aims:- to stimulate imagination

-to provide a context for the lesson and to read on roles
- to classify animals on their habitat
- to answer to questions related to the text

Objectives: at the end of the lesson students will be able to:

- make predictions about a topic
-read a text with the right spelling and pronunciation
-use words in sentences
-answer to questions related to the text

Anticipated problems -class management: possible loss of attention;

-the teacher might need to use some Romanian words, as a last resort
solution to something that the students could find very difficult

Activity 1 Checking homework & greeting attendance

Procedure: T greets the Ss, T checks attendance and homework, encourages Ss to
correct their homework themselves and helps them to make the necessary
correction(if any).
Aim: to check the understanding of the items taught
Time: 5
Interaction: T-S, T-Ss

Activity 2 Warm-up
Procedure: T tells to the Ss that they have to watch a video with the song
Walking through the jungle, then Ss receive a handout with the lyrics
of the song, on that handout, there are some circled words, the T plays
again the song and they have to stand up when they hear the circled
Aim: to activate Ss interest in the lesson
Time: 5
Interaction: T-Ss

Activity 3 Lead-in
Procedure: T asks Ss: Can you tell me the title of the song? Then T tells Ss
the title of our lesson for today. T writes the title on board and Ss
write the title in their notebooks. T elicits information from Ss asking:
What animals do you know? Do you know any domestic animals? Do
you know any wild animals? T classifies animals in two categories:
domestic and wild animals. Some students go to the board and write
down and they take notes. T offers feed-back and encourages Ss to
Aim: to introduce Ss in the topic of the lesson, to stimulate imagination
Time: 7
Interaction: T-S, T-Ss

Activity 4
Procedure: T invites Ss to open their books at page fifty-four. T reads the
lesson. Ss read the lesson in chorus, and then they read on roles in
front of the class.
Aim: to provide a context for the lesson and to read on roles
Time: 10
Interaction: T-S, T-Ss, whole class, role-play, S-S

Activity 5 Controlled vocabulary practice

Procedure: T. asks students to do exercise 1 page 54. Students are asked to
write their answers in their notebooks; they have to work in groups. Students
will be very attentive to teachers explanations. Students will fulfill the task
and will write them on board.
Aim: to classify animals on their habitat
Time: 5
Interaction: T-Ss, T-S, GW, S-S

Activity 6
Procedure: T gives on a handout to Ss exercise 3 from page 54. They have
to answer some questions related to the text. Ss work in groups of
four. They have to read the text again and to give the right answer. T
monitors Ss and offers more explications if they need.

*some Ss receive different handouts because their level is lower than

Aim: to answer to questions related to the text
Interaction: T-Ss, T-S, GW, S-S;

Activity 7
Procedure: T gives another handout; they have to answer on questions
about animals, they have to work in groups of four and to complete
the spaces with the right answer. T monitors Ss and offers them
support if they need.
Aim: to write true answers about animals
Interaction: T-S, T-Ss, GW, S-S

Activity 8 Setting the homework

Procedure: T gives Ss exercise 4/55 for Homework, they have to fill the
blanks with the right words from the text
Aim: to consolidate the new acquired information
Time: 1
Interaction: T-Ss

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