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My Autobiography

My name is Marlon C. Pame i live in sapang manaoag pangasinan i am grade 11

student of st.camillus collage of manaoag and i am already 16 years old and my
father name is Manolo R. Pame and the occupation of my father is constraction
workers and he is already 54 years old and my Mothers name is Lorna C. Pame
my mothers occupation is house wife only and she already 48 years old and i have
3 brothers and 2 sisters im proud of my mother and father becouse if they do not
have our parents we are not born here in this world so i will do my best to do the
thing that can i do in my life for my family because they are theinspiration for my
studies even though it is very difficult to be able to satisfy my parents every hour
minutes I always wondered how my future would be if I did not continue my
studies for me the hard work of studying to take on the work study
so when I'm at the point of being a bachelor of science technology engenering
mathematics I will continue the study for medic and i want to be someday
tobecome as a succesfull doctor so that is my autobiography thats all thank you

Marlon C. Pame
Grade 11-St.Luke

Mark Kevin Madera

Subject teacher

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