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In On e Volume .

R A P H A E L , ageu o
l '
The As tr ol og f the Nin t
er o e ee n th C en t uu r

A thor o
f the Pr op he ti c M e ess n ger ,


I on b on
W . FO U L S H A M

C O .

4 P IL G R I M ST RE E T , L UDG A T E H I L L, E .C .

P r ice T w o S h il l in gs an d S i x p e n ce .

ol ume or ig v ol u
H IS v in al ly app eared in two

as T h e G i de to A s tr ol og y , V ol s I an d
. .

an d w er e s ol d s ep ara t ely T hey ha v e n ow b een


r e wr itten , r e v is ed, an d m ade in t o on e v ol m e, com

p l ete in i ts el f , s o far as the As tr ol og ica l p ar t of a

Na t i v i t y is con cern ed u
I n forma t i o n , n ot pr evio s l y
u u

p b lis hed b y my s el f , on

B ir t hda y Figr es an d

T r an s it s i s g uu
i v en , whi ch th e r ea d er wi ll n d sef l
an d r eli ab l e to a v er y l ar e e x t en t

The mos t n s a t is f a ct or y p ar t of A s t r ol og y is t ha t
dealin gwi t h
Dir ect ion s,
or th e
C al c l a t ion of
F t r e E v en t s At p r esen t t her e i s n o s y s t em
u u

kn own t h a t w il l g i v e r el ia b l e r es l t s, b t the met hod

ta g u u
h t in t his v ol me wi ll b e f o n d t o b e m or e
a cc r a t e t h an an
y ot h e r kn own s y s t em , y et ev en her e
t her e app ear s to b e s omet hi n gl acki n g, s o me missin g

l in k w hich wo l d e x p l ain why s ome dir ect ion s f al l
u u
o t e x a ctly an d l ik e a t h n der cl ap , a n d ot h er s p ass
wi t ho t an y app reciab l e e v en t . Why t his is , n o on e
can t ell P er h ap s i t is a wise p r ov isi on of Pr ov i d e n ce

t hat it is s o, on a cco n t of th e f ear an d dread of mis

u u
f or t n e whi ch seem in h er en t in the h m an h ear t T o

kn o w t h a t cer t ain dea t h or mis f or t n e aw ai t ed on e

a t a cert ain t im e, w o l d dr i v e t o m adn es s or s ici d e u
a v ery l ar e ma j or i ty of th e in h ab i t a n t s of t his e a r t h ;
a n d in t his w a u
y T r e As tr ol og

y w o l d b e a t er rib l e
s co r g e, comp a r ed wi t h w hich , the b l o odi e s t wa r s , or
the g u u
rea t es t n a t r a l catas t r o h e s w o l d b e a s n o
p u gh t

Al l t hr o g h the b oo k I ha v e d on e my b es t to make
ev e r y t hin ga s sim p l e a n d
p l ain as p o ss ib l e, s o t ha t
the y o n g u
es t s t d en t , or m os t ill i t er a t e p er s on can
r ea d ilyu n d ers t an d .

L o n do n , Xmas , 1 905.
C O N TE N T S .

b ls x l i
The S ym o E p a n ed
The Na r e ofthe As pe s ct
Na tu an d Q ali y ofthe S igs oft h
re u t n e ! od ac i
M eas eme r nt of the P a e l n tar s cts
y A pe
The O rbs
of the Pl a e n ts
The M un n us
da e H o es ofthe Hea e v ns
rs r u d
Pe on s P od ce b y the S g i i
n s ofthe ! od ac .

r iv lnt
The Fo m of B ody G en b y the P a e s l n the S g i ns
ti l cci nt l n ti
The E ssen a an d A de a Digi es
The Use of An Ep eme sh ri
r t
H ow to E ec a Map ofthe H ea en v s
How to P acel the l n t
P a e s in the M ap
The Nat rc of U a r nus
an d its A pes ct

S aturn
H $9

pitc r

M rs a

Su n

V u en s

M rcu ry e

M oon
l lc i
an d Nep n e tu
The Te m E e a onr l v ti
Ad vic

How to J dg e a Nat ivi yu i

h th r a C hild will Liv o Di
e e e r e

Th H l th
e ea

T he M ntal Q u l iti
e a es

The M o y Pro p ct ne s e s

Th Empl oy m t
e en

O fM rri g a a e

O f C hildr en

Tr av lli g e n

O t h S l cti o of H ou
n e e e n a se

Fri nd a d E mi
e s n ne es

The K ind of D ath e

Dir cti on ; o C lcul ti n gFu

e s tur Evr, a a e en ts
A Ex ampl of Workingt he Dir ecti o
n e ns

The E ct of th Dir ction s ofthe

e s e e
The Dir cti o of the Plan ts
e ns e

Solar Return o B irthday Fi g ures s r

Tr a it a d Ecli p s
ns s n se

A Short Astr olog ical Dicti onary





L EAR N , practice and understand the follo wing That the


planets are nine in number and are thus named and sym

b ol ised : ty Neptune ; lg ! H erschel ; 5 S aturn ; J upi ter ;

d Mars ; G) The S u n ; 9 Venus ; Mercury ; D the Moon


T he Zodiacal signs are as follow

Northern Y Aries

S outhern L ibra
8 T aurus mScorpio
11 G emini 1 Sagittarius
5 C ancer V? C apricorn

Q Leo Aquarius
T X Pisces
E ach sign contains which multiplied by the twelve

signs gives
, being the total number of degrees contained
i n the Zodiac The reason the ancients divided the Zodiac

into 360 appears thus : that the solar year measures 3 65

days and the lunar year 355 the mean of which i s 360 the
, , ,

number of the degrees in the Zodiac .

6 m c u
m s ro s s momcv .

The P lan etar y A spects .

y S em ise xtil e Tr ine


A Semisquare [D S esquiqu adrate
>k S ext ile i

B iq in til e u
Q Q uintile w Q uincunx
S quare Q O pposition

P Paral lel of Decl ination
There is also the position , (5 C on j unction .

0 / the N a t u re of the A sp ects .

follo wing conj unctions of the planets are good in power
T he
and eeC t : _ d 7 (9. Q b 0 1 the D ; Q d 9
ll I , ! y

or the D d D The rema ining d e are all evil more or


less and whi ch will be fu

, lly e x plained chapte rs on
The E ffects of the Aspects .

The 34 S emi sex tile is always good h e .

The A S emis quare is always evil 5 .

The S e x tile is always good .

The [ 1 S quare is always evil .

The A Trine is always good . 0
is always e vil l it 5
The [Ll S esqu iqu ad rate .

The 1 B iqu intile the same i n effect as the Q u intile

: : ,
i d

in cu

The w Qu n x is evil 50

The 8 O ppos ition is always evil D .

The P Parallel this is like the d in natu

, re .

The relative power or potency of the as pec ts is approxi

mately as follows The most powerfu l is the d) ne xt to this
the d then the A D * Q P A M Q i . and V
, r : a : : , : : : :

0 / the N at u
re an d Qu g
a l i ty ofthe S i n s ofthe ! odiac .

The signs are classi ed and divided as follow

M as cu l in e S igns T SL Q I
7T "
. , , ,

F em i n i n e S ig B
D S l . VP X . . .

F iery S igDS Y $1 I earthy 8 1m V? f a iryl]

, , , , ,

2 , x ; wa tery X

S igns of S hort As censionlig m X .


5L TmQ m I
, .

S igns of Lo n gAscension , , , , .

M oveab l e and C ardin al S ign s T 23 i t VP , , ,

Fixed S i g ns 8 51 mx , , ,

C ommon S igns II IN. I X .

l S igns 95 mx
, ,

Fru itf u
B arr en S igns U 3L and Tm
, ,

, ,

Dou bl e bodied S igns II x and the rst half of

, ,

E qu ns T and Q
in octial S i g , .

Tro p ical S i gns 26 and w ,


Aspects formed in the cardinal signs are the strongest

next to these in the xed signs ; and lastly and least in power
, , ,

are those formed in the common signs .

No r m The you n gs tu den t shou ld study wel l the foregoin g

divis io n s as a p erf
, ec t kn owl edge thereofis n ecessary in judgin g





h e whole Zod iac contains 360 degrees or twelve signs of ,

30 degrees each The signs run in order thus and remain

. ,

so always
r s me n a c

m x
Now from T 0 to 8 0 is
from Y 0 to [ 1 0 is

or from T 1 5 to [ I 1 5 is

from 8 0 to 0 is 1 20

or from W 0 to 8 0 is
being four signs apart and so


on with the other si gns in like ws v .

The rst as p ect (th is properly s peak in g is a position

, ,

we take will he the d con j unction which is when two or ,

more planets are in the same si gn (the nearer they are to each
other the more powerful becomes the aspec tnote th is with

all the other aspects ) say for instance 21 J upiter is in 8 , ,

, ,

and the G in Y "
w fromh 28 to 8 6 is 8 and thu s '

8 ra m cu
ms ro s umm er .

the G) would be approach in g the d of O bserve that u .

a d is mo re p owerful sepa ratin g than applyin g; for in stance ,

b e in 8 6 an d the Q in 8 14 the d o
and t wil l
if .

have more power and effect on the nati ve than if the (Dwere
in Y 2 8 and applying to 11 T he pla nets apply thus


The 1) ap plies to all the planets being the swifte st in motion ,

Q5 applies to Q 9 . d 1 5 h
. 1 i and i f
, 9 to G) d . 11.

. . . . .

b H, and Q t O 7
d 1 ? g l [ h and S 1
d to l l , , 0

and g } to b. [gl an d tgt b to [gl a n d g

, lgl to t
y .

? to no planet it be ing the slowest in its motion E x ception .

a plan et retr og rade i e movin gbackward in the si gn s as , . .

, ,

from 8 to Y can ap ply to another as

, retr ogr ade can ,

appl y and meet t he d or aspect of any other planet even , .

To apply means to approac h .

The second aspect is the M (semise x tile ) or 1 s ign or , ,

30 d istan t

Thus d in 8 . and b in [1 5 will be

or 1 sign apart .

The th ird aspect is the A (semisquare ) or or 1 ; signs ,

apart T hus 9 in 8
. and ILin 26 wi ll be or
1 } signs apart ; for fr om 8 1 5 to the end of 8 wil l b e

and 1] contains then 1 5 30 as 23 0 is at

the end of (1 Obser ve this ex ampl e wi th all the other as pects

. .

The four th aspect is the (sextile ) or 2 signs or 60 apart , ,


T hus d in and 71 in I 4 will b e 2 si gns or 60


apart .

The fth aspect is the Q (quintile ) which is 72 apart or ,


one fth part of the whole Zod iac Thus d in x



and C) in 8 0 will b e
and form ing the as pect of


(DQ d


The sixth is the C] or 3 signs or 90 apart , ,


The seventh is the A or 4 signs or 120 apart ,


The eighth is the [gor 4 1 signs or 1 35 apart ,


The ninth is the 5 or 1 44 a part ;


T he te nth is the w or 1 50 apa rt


The eleventh is the (9 or 6 sign s or 180 apar t ,


Thetwelfth is the P or an equal d istance in declination , ,

either north or south fr om the e q uator .

T he planets cannot be more than 1 80 apart and they are


then in o pposition after wh ich the distance between them ,

decreases .

No r m The ery signs are in trine as pect to each other .

Th uY s

is in A to g
L an d 1 ,

and 1 is in A to Y and 51 The same is the case with the

earthy airy and watery s i gns The common cardinal or

, , . , ,

moveable and xed si gns are in [ j and 8 to each other

thu s 8 is in D to SL and in (9 to mand so on Wi th the

' t

, ,

others .


THE o n e s or TH E PLA N ETS .

T HE S E are the number of degrees apart in which one planet

acts on another and this requ ires very careful handl ing and

consideration for the orbs are l ess when the planets are

a p pl yin gto an aspect than when separatin g .

The orbs of hi 17 11 d 9 and when applyin g are

, , ,

, , ,

about and when separating fr om an aspect they may be ,

reckoned as T hey must be reckoned thus z S uppose

Q5 is appl yin gto a o of h] or b then when 9 gets within


6 of either of these p lanets the aspect will begin to have


eec t and will last until Q5 is 8 pas t it It is the same with


the other planets The (D and D have larger orbs Y ou . .

may reckon the (9 when appl yin gas and when separatin g
as 1 7 and the D 8 when appl yin gand 12 when separating


from an aspect These orbs apply only to the followin g


aspects viz the O>k D A and (9 The min or aspects

, .,
, , . . ,

viz the M Q and i I consider only when the planets

, , , ,

are within 2 applying and 3 se parating The A



and {Q are to be reckoned 3 when apply ing and 4 when


10 "
c u
m s r o s s rn o
mov .

se p aratin g that is wi th the plan ets the (3 and 15 n

, ,

allowed an ex tra Th is is a most d i fc ult sub jec

the above is as near as I can g ive i t j ud ged by ex p
With res pect to the P I do not allow more than 2 ,

wav thus su p p osed Q s Dec 1 8 N and 71 s Dec

. . .
, .

1 should consider it as G) P 71 The mundane hou se .

2u d 3 r d & c l h ave orbs

. , The way in which 1 consider
. .

is th is n d the number of de grees bet ween the two

and d i vide b y 3 and reckon one th ird as the orb of the h

thus in the map p age 3 7 the number of degrees h

, .

the cus p s of the l oth and 1 1 th houses is which d

b y 3 gives so that I should n ot con ider an y pl i

the l 0th house wh ich was n ot mo re than 1 3 p ast th

of the 1 1 th If we take the ascendant we shal l nd the n


of de grees contained in this house to be approx imatel

a third of which is consequentl y a planet would 1
clear of the 2n d hou se unles s i t were more th an 7

ts cus p




Ti m ancien t ph i l oso p hers d ivided the can opv of

in to twelve e q ual p arts wh ich they called hon ,

mansions of the heavens . .

T he p osition of the houses are sho wn in the

d ia gram p a ge 12
. .

T he Fi r s t Hou se Th is rules the p ersonal ap p e

the native and in uences the mind to a c


es peciall y i f an v pl anet be therein It is .

ascendan t
i f an evil p lanet be the rei n
. ,

scar or mole on the head or face as this ,

dy ff
rts of the b o

The S ec
on d Hou
se This ru l es native s wea lth and

t he

worldl y goods chie y also h is liberty , . It also rules the neck

and throat .

T he Third Hou
- se Th is denotes the brothers and sisters of

the n ative ; short iou rn evs ch ie y b y rail or road letters , , ,

writin gs nei ghbours and an v planet therein has some in

, ,

u en ce on the mind The p arts of the bod y it rules are the

. ,

hands arms and shou l ders

, , .

T he Fou rth H ou e T his si gni es the father of the n ative

s ,

inheritance or p ro p erty also the condition and p osition of ,

the native at the cl ose of l ife It is a very im p ortant houe . s .

and should be closel y stud ied It r u l es the stom ach and the .

breast .

T he Fi fth Hou s e T his denotes the offs p rin gof the native ,

also h is success in bettin g s p eculation and hazardous games ,

the p leasures he en iovs and the wealth of his father It ru l es .

the heart and bac k .

The S ixth Hou se Th is concerns the native s sic kness and


the diseases to which he is most l iable also his servants and ,

in ter iors and si g

n ies uncles and aunts It ru l es the intestines
, .


or b ell y .

The S even th H o u Th is denot s love and

se e matrimon y .

wi fe or husband p ubl ic enemies law su its and contention

, , s,

p artnershi p and al l dealin gs with p ersons (not rel ativesY in


general It rules the reins and l oins

. .

T he E ighth Hau s a T his is the house of death a l so of Wi lls ,

and le gacies an d the estate or dowry of the wife or husband

, , .

It u les the p ri vy p arts


T he Nin th Hou s e Th is house ru l es l on g j o urne y s or sea ,

voy a ges reli gion dreams and v isions also the brethren of
. , , .

the husband or wife It governs the hi p s and thi ghs . .

T he T en th Hou s e Th is denotes the native s mother also


h is honour trad e and profession It rules the knees and hams

, . .

T he El even th Hon se T his op es


l t g
a n d wishes al s o the wealth of the mother
overn s the


, .

le gs a n d lan kles
12 THE c um s TO A STR O LOG Y .

The Twel f
th H a u Th is

enemies O f the native imprison ment assa u

, l ts on ,

by robbe rs or highwaymen It rules the feet an d toe .

No n a The strongest houses are the l et and l oti

the 1 1th 7 th and 4 th then the 2n d 3rd 9th an d
, , , , , ,

and l astly the 5 th 6 th and 8th The 1 st 3rd and 9t


, , . ,
, ,

be called the inte llectual houses as planets the rein ,

in uence the min d T he l st 4 th 7 th and l oth are

. , , , ,

a ngl es and represent the four cardinal points of the cor


thus the l et is E ast 7 th West 4 th is No rth an d l oth

, , , , , ,

The 2n d 5 th 8 th and 1 1 th are termed s u

, , , cceeden t 1 ,

as they succeed the angl es ; the 3 r d 6th 9th and 12 , , ,

called caden t houses that is falling from the an g

l es , .





A l an a Middle statur e ; rather lean ; long face and

neck ; strong limbs ; hazel eyes ; coarse ha ir ; dar k swarthy , ,

or ruddy complexion ; sandy whiskers ; qu ick s ight Dis .

pos i tion An gry v iolent and qu arrelsome ; ambitious

, , ,

aspiring ; quick intrepid and determ ined , , .

8 T AURUS S hort thick set person ; fu l l face and eyes ;


short thick neck ; large nose and mouth ; swarthy ill com
, ,

pl ex ion ed broad strong shoulders ; dark hair and eyes

, ,

the hair sometimes curling In a female s nativ ity it produces


a more comely person plump eshy dark curling hair and , , , ,

black eyes Disposition C onceited bigoted angry and

. , ,

violent ; ill natur ed and unfeeling gluttonous great eaters

, , ,

and lovers of their own case and comfort ; fond of drink ;

a bad husband or wife .

[1 G E M IN I Tall straight body ; long arms and hands ;


dark sanguine complexion ; dark brown hair ; haz cl eyes ;


quick s ight ; active look ; walk smart and quick Dis , .

pos ition S cientifi c j ud ic ious fond of reading a mb ition s of

, , ,

fame moderate and temperate in eatingand drin king gener

, ,

ally respected and good members of societv

, .

C a n on s Moderate stature ; face round ; pale whitish , ,

com plexion ; s n i al l features ; sad brown hair ; constitution -

not strong ; eyes grey or very li ght blue Dispos ition , .

T imid inactive dull void of energy ; careless harmless

, , , , ,

in oen sive and feelin g , .

L A large f u ll stature ; big bones ; full broad

Q E O .
, ,

shoulders well set ; grey eyes quick sight ; li ght hair and
, ,

eyebrows ; head large and round ; complexion sanguine or

, ,

ruddy Disposition : B old r m and generous ; ambitious

, ,

and aspiring ; free and courteous ; qu ick in anger but soon ,

over ; fond of sports and recreations a nd bod ily exerc i s e ;

active intrepid and very determined
, , .

x Vmoo.A len der b on y so mewhat a bove the n:
s ,

height a ruddy dark comple x ion face ro u

, , nd ; da rk ,

and ey es well formed b u

, t n ot hands ome Dispos i .

Ingenious fond of learn ing an d c u

, ri os ities am bit
quick and ac ti ve ; given to the study of l ang u ages ; of a
utter ance and g , raceful elocution .

2 L i s sa A ta ll straight body ; rather slender , ,

b rown and smoot h sometimes jet b lac k face ro u , nd fea ,

well made ; fine clear complexi on ; dark eyes ; if a fei


good look ing Dis pos ition : Ambitio u

. s ta lkative ; for ,

the other se x an d the te mper tolerably even .

[11 S oon r xo Middle stature ; t h ick well se t body 8

. -

and ro b us t ; face large and broad ; dark pa lish comple:

, ,

ha ir dark bro wn c u
, r lin g an d plentif u
, l ; shor t thic k r ,

ill made feet sometimes b ow legg ed Dis posi tion R es e -


ambitio u s an d v iolent ; f u
, rious and blood thirsty when
voked ; deceitful and conceited active intr ep id and (L , , ,

less ; void of feel in g and br u tish , .

S AG TTAR US Well form ed handsome pers on r

I I I . -
, ,

ta ll ; high forehead ; long nose ; cle ar hazel ey es ; r ,

comple x ion free and open co u

, n ten ance ; hair cheetu l ,

light brown ; face rather long Dis position B old at .


and generous ; free and good hearted ; fond of sports -

recreations ; ambitious of hono u r and do ing good ; law

in action s and generally to be depended upon
, .

V? C APRI C OR N A s hort slender person not we ll l O l l


long th in face ; th in beard c hin long ; black or dark c

, , ,

hair ; narrow ch es t ; long s mall neck ; wea k kn ees ax , ,

a bad gait genera lly Dis pos ition S harp subtle and c .
, ,

c io n s coveto u s envious j e alous cra f ty sels h and unsi

Aq u
, , , , ,

aR I Us Middl e stat u
. re stout well set an d str ,

long v isage ; sanguine complexion ; fair ax en ha ir ;

eyes and gen erally very hands ome es pec ially if a is)
, ,

Dis pos ition S table good kind hearted ; scient i c ; for

, ,

learning and recrea tion ; gentle and temper eve n ,


x Pia z z a S hor t t hi ck s tat u re ; es hy , pale face ,

ra n c u
m s ~ i mow cr
r o xs
. (5

sleepy and dul l ; ha ir light brown ; arms and legs short


ill made large feet constitution si ckly and we ak Dispos ition


Dull indolen t and lazy car ing for nothing; loving their own
, ,

case and slothfu l

, .

N or E The foreg
. o in gdescr iptio ns are on l y to be taken when
ther e are n o pla n ets in or n ear the asc en da n t .




Ar i es ,
! in Ar ies
lg R ather tall stature ;
an a n d well made ; le ,

light hair ; blue or grey eyes ; ruddy complex ion ; strong

constitution ; ambitious and quick in anger , .

b in Y Middle stature ruddy complexion large bone s


thin and spar e dark hair and small eyes ; inclined to quar ,

rell in gand contentious .

I] ,
in V I Middle stature rather lean ruddy complexion
oval v isage ax en ha ir quick eye high nose the disposition, ,

obliging and courteous .

d in

Y Mi ddl e stature ; well set ; big bones ; swarthy

complex ion ; the hair light and c u rling ; grey eyes ; sharp

sight and austere coun tenance ; very qu ick in anger ; fond

of combat in which he is us u ally successf l

, .

(D in Y R ather short statur e ; well made ; complexion

good very light hair generous to excess even to an enemy ,

valorous and to be trusted, .

( in
Y Middle stature rather slender good complexion

fair hair and blue eyes ; of a quick restless changeable dis

, , ,

position fond of the opposite sex and l iable to acts of in die ,


C retion .

Q in R ather tall spare and sli m ; long neck ; oval , ,

f ace ; l ight brown curlin g hair ; swar thy comple x ion ; of a

16 ms c u

res tless am b i t ious d is pos i tion ; add icte d to falseh ood and

theft ; a most pregnan t wi t an d fancy good orator and ,

dramatist I am of op inion t hat our great poet Shak espeare


was born with Merc u ry ris ing in Aries .

D in T In dieren t stature ; ro u nd face ; l ight brown

hair ; well made ; grey eyes and a good complexion I n , .


d isposi tion changeable and uncertain fond of tr avelling an d ,

restless .

Ta uu r s.

in Tau
[] rus S hort thick set person dark ha ir and eyes

rather eshy ; pale or swarthy complexion ; short neck ;

deep set eyes passionate boast ing and revengeful ; a person
, ,

to be avoided conceited and lux urious , .

b in b Dark complexion ; rou g

. h sk in ; middle sta tu re ;
dar k hair ; feet and hands ill made ; a d ull sottish person ,

very revengefu l and of a secret and m u ,rderous d isposi tion .

11 in 8 Well set middle stature and compact ; dark

. . , ,

complexion ; brown eyes ; dark hair ; short thick neck ; dis ~

position good generous and rm

, , , .

d in

8 Middle stature incl in in g to shortness and cor pn
l en cy grey eyes round face ruddy com plexion dark hair
wide mouth ; v icious gluttonous and violent ; con ceited , ,

void of feeling ; and very ill natured -


in S hort well set person ; light brown hair ; grey

G) 8 .

eyes ; great nose large mou th opinionative ; concei ted


proud i mprovident and hol d

, ,

9 in 3 A comely person ; moderately eshy ; good


looking fair sanguine complexion light bro wn ha ir ; te mper

good ; captivatin g ; fond of females by whom he is highly ,

respected .

Q in 8 Middle stature ; full face ; brown ha ir ; swarthy


complexion ; grey or hazel eyes In di sposition tal kati ve ; .


lov ing his own ease improvident indulgin g in dr ink to e x cess .

D in 5 Well mad e body ; rather short corpulen t and

, ,

stro n g ; pale complexion ; brown ha ir a n d grey eyes ; of a ,


d an d obliging d isposwion and general ly respected fon d ,

of the opposite se x .

e mi n i G .

Isl in Gemin i Produces a tall thin statu re ; light brown ,

hair and grey eyes ; well made ; qu ick step ; active and

nimble ; fond of science ; of a good disposition ; eccentric in

behavi our ; generous and inventive .

b in I ]
R ather tall in stat ure ; oval visage dark brown
hair dull swarthy complexion ingenious fond of the goods

of this world .

11 in I] Well composed body ; tall ; sanguine complexion ;

. .

open and fr ank ; fond of science and society .

' in
H .R ather tall statur e ; bro wn hair ; grey eyes ;
ruddy or sangu ine complexion ; strong body ; big bones and
long arms ; rash free and generous ; ambitious and aspiring
, , .

(D in I] Wel l mad e body ; sangu ine complexion ; light

- -

brown ha ir large grey eyes good disposition courteous and ,

a ffable to all ; fond of science and a philanthr opist . .

Q in U Middle stature ; thin and handsome ; clear



san g in e complexion ; li ght brown hair ; and generally blue

eyes ; disposition mild and good ; free and kind to all ;

generally beloved and respected .

in Ta1l slender well compo sed person dark brown

Q [ I , ,

ha ir ; hazel eyes ; high nose ; long arms hands and ngers ; , ,

very quick and active ; posse ssing a rare mind for science ;
a good orator ; delighting in art science and literature ; of , ,

a moderately good disposition .

in Well composed person rather tal l ; brown hair

D l]

good complexion ; rather pale agreeable and tal kative very

ingenious ; somewhat subtle and crafty especially if 5 alone ,

aspects the moon .

C a n ce r,

l in (Jan een Produces a
short thi ck set corpulent body ,

p ale complex ion dark brown hair and grey eyes conceited
18 r u
n s om '
e r o xs raon ocr .

bigoted ; fond of drin k ; vi olent eccentric and ungovernable , , .

b in ll/Iiddle s tat u
re lean and th in dar k hair ; wea k ,

si ck ly constitution ; deceitful and cunning in behavi our ;

g iven to dr in k ; and generally a wretched miserable be ing , .

11 in l a Middle stature ; pale complexion ; oval face


dark brown hair and bro wn eyes ; obli ging and courte o u
, s
rather conceite d constitution sickly and u n healthy .

d i n Personates bodies sometimes deformed or void .

of d ue proportions the complexion pale and vi tiated brown

hair ; grey eyes ; of a sottish heavy d isposition ; gi ven to

thieving and dri n k ; revengeful and ill nat u red - .

G) in S hort statur e sickly pale complexion freckl ed ,

brown hair and gr ey eyes ; fond of females ; a lover of ease


and pleasure bu t free and generous to excess and gi ven to

, ,

acts of intoxicatio n .

in S hort stature ; rather eshy ; ro u nd face ; pale



complexion light hair and blue eyes a comely good looki ng

, ,

person ; gentle and mild free and i m provident ; careless and


indolent ; fond of women and drink .

in S hort stature ; pale complexion ; black hair ;

thin face ; sharp nose and small grey eyes In dis pos ition
, .

changeable and uncertain c kle and not unfr equently ligh t ,

ngered .

in gs Middle stature well mad e and es hy ; fa ir


complexion ; round face rather p ale ; brown ha ir ; of a

sociable pleasing cour teous disposition kind to all harml ess
, , ,

and respected .

13] in L ea Ma k es a full s iz ed statur e broad strong


shoulders light brown hair and sandy whiskers r m walk

, .

In d isposition generous and free eccentric fond of mil i tary


actio n s ; rather proud and self concei ted


b m SL Large stat u
re ; shoulders broad and strong
the hair brown large bones and body lean the aspect surly
and austere In disposmion p ass i onat e and revengeful

. , ,

boastingand conceited .

in 5L A strong well pr eportioned person ; tall ; the


hair light brown ; sanguine complexion ; the eyes full and

commanding In disposition free generous noble and
, , , ,

courageous .

d in SL A tall stature ; large limbs endued with strength


and agility ; ruddy complexion ; light hair ; large g rey eyes

rm and intrepid walk Disposition : passionate noble and.
, ,

generous proud austere and fond of eld sports

, , .

G) in SL A strong well proportioned body ; fair sangu ine


complexion ; light bro wn or sandy hair ; full face and large

eyes ; an honest faithful person ; ambitious and aspiring ;

rather proud and careful of ar on t

, s.

in R ather tall in stature ; we l l made ; round face ;

full eyes ; clear complexion ; hair light brown or ax en ;
rather passionate but generous and free kind to all although

s omewhat proud and stubborn .

SL L arge stature ; rather lean ; large eyes and
swarthy complexion ; round face ; light brown hair ; broad
and high nose In disposition hasty choleric proud and
. , , ,

ambitious .

Tall stature ; well made ; large bones ; san uine

D in SL g -

complexion ; brown hair ; large full eyes ; aspiring and lofty

in disposition ; ambitious and persevering

V i rgo .
Pi in Virg o A short stature ; dark hair and eyes ; lean

body ; small li mbs ; of an eccentric tur n of mind ; fond of
curiosities and novelties ; studious ; scientic ; but mean and
close in his worldly a ffairs .

[7 in Ta t Tall spare body ; dark brown or black ha ir


swarthy complexion ; austere melancholy countenance ; ,

retentive of anger ; curious in ideas ; fond of science an d

learnin g.

If in I mFull s tature ; ha ir black or d ar k brown ; r

complexion but not clear In dispositio n choleric ambi i
, .
, ,

boas tful and i mprovident .


in it Middle stature well pr e portione d; dar k in ,

hair ; ruddy complexion ; grey eyes and round face .

p os itio n : very angry and choleric ; hasty and rcven g

co n cei te d and very irritable .

G) [ E Tall well proportioned stature rather slei
L ,

a good complexion ; bro wn hair and grey ey es ; i n ge .

a n d cheerful ; scientic and free .

9 in W T all
. w e
l l made body ; brown hair ; oval

sangu ine or ruddy complexion ; quick in speech active


inspiring fond of music and singing and generally respf

Q in T m Tall slender person ; dark brown or b lack

long face ; small dark eyes ; qu ick active an d ni mble ; ,

much addicted to science literature and the acqu isiti , ,

languages ; a good orator subtle and careful of the ir

i n teres t
D in Tm Middle stature ; pale complexion ; dar k h

or black ha ir ; pensi ve ; fond of d istinction ; loquacio u s

often covetous and imposing .

Li b r a.

lin L ibra Prod uces a fu l l stat u
re ; strong well ,

body ; round face ; li ght hair and sangu ine complexic ,

a scientic ambitious turn O f mind ; soon angered


eccentric in behav iour .

l) in 2 Tall person rather handsome bro wn or a


hair oval face prominent nose and forehead proud ,

and fond of argument .

11 in We l l made person rather tall and slen dei


eyes ; l ight brown ha ir ; clear complexion ; of an ope n

and generous d isposition ; willing and anx ious to
everybody .

Well made pe rson ; tall ; light brown ha ir
d -

visage ; sanguine or ruddy complexion ; qu ic k in anger but .

of a pleasing countenance ambitious and fond of recreation .

G) in Middle stature oval face ruddy cheerful com


plexion light hair and full eyes extravagant bold free and , ,

generous to excess ; proud and posse ssing a good o pin ion of ,

himself .

9 in u
T all g raceful person ; san gu ine com plexion ;

li ght bro wn hair and blue eyes ; very good lookin g; of an


obliging courteous disposition ; gen er all v beloved and


respected .

Q5 in Well composed body rather full than otherwise


li ght brown hair and grey eyes : ruddy or san gu ine complexion
an ingenious thr ifty person of pleasin g manners ; a go od
, ,

orator ; and a lover of all arts and sciences .

D in {L WelI made person ; li g ht brown hair ; ru

- ddy
complexion and tolerably good lookin g In disposition
, .

a greeable and courteou s lovin g mirth and s ocietv ; much ,

beloved and respected .

S co r p i o .

H in S cor io Short and thick set body ; broad shoul ders


and ill made hands ; dark swarthy complexion ; dark or


black hair and eyes ; a maliciou s deceitful cunning person , ,

given to drink and pleasure and generally a most despicable

person .

b in m Short stature thick well set and stron gbody

. ,

broad Shoulders ; small dark eyes ; a mal icious mischievous ,

person given to thieving and very Often in trouble .

71 in mMiddle stature ; compact body ; dark hair


eshy face and dull complexion

In d isposition a rrogant .

and lofty ambitious active and indus trious .

m Well set middle stature broad face complexion

, ,

o " in .

dark and swarthy ; hair black and cur ling ; passionate rash , ,

and revengefu l ; ambitious and as p irin g; xcelli n g in any e

purs uit
m u

G) in S quare body
. ; full face ; W ide mo th ; dark ,

sunb u rnt complexion brown hair ; reasonably eshy , .

dis position ingenious austere ambitious ; a good chemi

, , ,


9 in m R epresents a well set body rather corpn

- -

broad face ; brown hair ; blue or grey eyes ; fon d of 1

a n d evil com pany ; and an enemy principa l ly to themsc

i; in mS hort stature well set broad Shoulders sw a


com plexion sad brown ha ir g i ven to lying dr ink in g thi , , i

and possess ing many unlaudable qualities a good and s


in Ill composed person ; short thic k and e

D .

Obscure com plex ion ; brown or black hair Dis posi .

sott ish and given to many ev il actions particularly wit ]

, ,

op posite sex .

Sa gi tt a r i u
s .

H in S agitta r i u
s Describes a person O f tall stature
hair and eyes ; lofty forehead ; good
position generous and free fond o ,

in L ar e body ; brown hair ;

5 1 g .

lean ; ruddy complexion ; reserved yet obl ,

eas ily o ffended .

71 in 1 Tall upri g
. ht body ; chestnut hair

plexion oval face and the eyes bro wn comely and

In disposition courteous just and noble despising
, ,

sordid actions fond of exercise and recreation

, .

"in R ather tall ; we

d 1 l rO portion ed body
sangu ine com plexion ; brown hair ; visa ge Open ; q
of a choleric and hasty disposition yet generous ,

generally successful in cattle and horse dealing -


(D in 1 Tall w . ell made person ; oval v isage ;


complexion ; light brown hair ; O f a
d isposition ; aiming at great and noble

Q in
I Well .
pr0 portion ed
- body

brown hair and noble visage O fa free generous disposition ,

good nat u
red and obliging ; fond of pleasure and recreation .

Q 5 in 1 .
Tall stature ; well shaped but not corpu lent ; -

large bones brown hair ruddy complexion and large nose ;

, ,

passionate but soon appeased ; rash in his actions

, .

in H andsome wel l proportioned body ; oval face ;

D I. ,

bright brown hair ruddy or sangu ine complexion grey eyes .

In d isposition good and generous passionate but forgiving

, ,

ambitious and aspiring .

C a p r i cor n .

lg! in C apr icorn denotes one of middle stature well mad e -


short neck high forehead dark hair and heavy eyes proud
, , ,

austere and conceited ; and possessing but few laudable


propensities .

b in Vf gives a thin person of low stature ; rough skin , ,

dark complexion small eyes and long visage ; melancholy

, , ,

peevish mistrustful and avaricious ; serious and austere

, , .

I t in la m Mean stature ; pale s ickly complexion and l ean ,

face ; s mall head ; dark hair ; weakly and in rm ; peevish

and desponding ; and generally in tr ouble .

" in la x S hort stature ; lean ; ruddy complexion ; small
head and thin face ; black lank hair ; in genious and cour
ag eou s ; possessin g p r udence and great determ ination .

G) in lax Mean stature ; pale complexion ; brown ha i r

oval face ; spare thin body In disposition just and good .

humoured gaining respect thereby

, .

Q in le a S hort stature complexion pale and sickly th in ,

lean face brown or dark ha ir and blue eyes In disposition . ,

courteous and obligi n g fond of the Opposite sex to their own

detriment .

5 in Mean stature ; thin face ; brown hair ; dusky

Q tax

complex ion ; generall y bow legged sometimes crippled if -

be af icted by i) d or 131 In disposition peevish and


. ,

c kle ; yet acute sharp and penetrating .

o Low statu

D in t m r e and ill complexion ; the body and


face thin and spar e dark brown lan k ha ir ; wea k knees
24 m u
c s TO xs monoox .

possess ing no ac ti vi ty ; d isposed to mean actions and

b a chery .

Aq u iuar s.

! in Aq
hf ur iuproduce a middle statu re brow ha ir
a s s n

eyes : well made and handsome broad face ; very in g

- en ic

fond of science and novelties ; eccentric and of a g

l) in Middle stature large head and face hair 6

brown large grey eyes ; sober and pr u dent ; fond of scier

industrious and perseverin g .

u in 2x Middle stature ; compact

. rather corpu lf
the complexion clear ; ha ir dar k brown ; of a cheerfu l
obl i gin gdisposition ; injurious to none ; j ust and meroi
and fond of recreation .


in Middle stature well made rather corpu lc
the hair sandy or red ; clear ruddy complexion ; Disposa ,

turbulent and unruly fond of controversy and determin

G) in m Middle stature ; corpulent body ; decently c

posed ; round face ; li ght brown hair ; clear complexion

disposition good and j u st ; obli gin g but rather proud , .

Q in H andsome well proportioned person s omev


corpulent ; of a clear san guine com plexion the hair bro


but sometimes ax en of an o pen generous disposition ,

and kind and generally beloved

, .

Q in In dieren t stature ; a good clear comple x .


brown but someti mes black hair ; full face ingenious ; i


of arts and sciences gi ven to stu dy researches and in ven ti ,


of a pregnant wi t and admirable understanding

, .

D in m Middle stature ; well formed ; rather corpu

. lo
brown hair clear san gu ine complexion ingenious court
, .

and inoffensive { active and inventi ve


i s ces P .

h] in Pisces Low mean stature

. sickly pale com ple x
, ,

dark hair an d eyes ill made hands and fee t ; bad wal k -

d is position sott ish an d dull dejected and despised

, .

l) in Short stature ; pale countenance ; hair nearly

black ; head lar ge and ey es fu ll ; contentious and mal icious
fraudu l ent and deceitful in their dealin gs sottish and thievish .

l l in Middle stature eshy body obsc u re com p lexion

l i ght brown hair ; studious generous and good hearted , ,

fortunate in travellin g; generally res pected and fortunate , .

d in

X Mean stature short an d fleshy hair li ght brown ;

complexion bad large eyes : In disposition given to v icious ,

actions ; sottish and prone to lewdness ; idle ; delighting in


broils and W icked actions .

O i n su R ather short s tature ; round face ; pale sickly


com plexion li ght brown hair and grey e yes rather cor pulent; .

a general lover of the female sex ; addicted to drink and

gamblin g; extravagant an d prod i gal .

Q in Middle stature ; incl inin gto shortness ; plump


and eshy ; good complexion ; hair li ght brown and bl u e ,

eyes ; the face round In dis position affable and good .

natured just in their dealin gs and respected , .

{5 in L ow stature ; brown hair ; thin face ; sic k l y


com plexion ; generally ver y hairy upon the body In d is .

position repin in g fretfu l drinking and disconsolate


, .
, ,

l) in K g ives a person rather obese ; pale complexion
li ght brown hair ; rather corpulent ; round face ; sottish and
fond of their own ea e and p l e a sure ; lover of the o pposite
s s

se x .

Ne p t u ne .

The description of persons p roduced by Q? is unascertained ,

as the planet was only discovered in 1 846 and as its motion ,

is very slow it has onl y travelled abou t on e four th of the


Zod iac .

The descriptions so far are a p pro x imately as follow

? in Ari es R ather tall we ll formed wi th u
- ddv com ,

plexion ; eyes usuall y brown and long nec k , .

in 8 Mediu m stature ; thi ck set ; pale complexion


eyes blue ,
26 m G UID E To AS TROLO G Y .

? in n Tall well m ade stature ; rather dark

t . ,
- .

in X Tall thin pale in complexion and a long

, , ,

T he d isposition produced by 1? is unsettled re: ,

doubtful inqu irin g ambitious and much inclin ed to t

, , ,

u al is m and occultism .

No n a The foregoin gdescr iption s will an swer when M

n o o ther pl an et i n the ascen dan t or in power/1d as pect 014 .



TH E signs are distributed among the planets inthe foll i

order and are called the planets Hou ses or

M an si on s
Y and "

l are the houses of d


s 9
n T m Q .

I X 71 .

23 is the house of thcl D .

a e .

V? 5 .

} .

Theyare called mans ions or houses ,

the planets their respective signs they ,

powerful and become Lords of the


the sign that is on the ascendant or ,

instance should Y be

or the ruling planet of the native ; the same if mr


I be ris ing then 71 is lord and so on O fthe others

, , .

The reason for this clas sication ap pears to b e

The na tu res of the signs Y and " l agree with
'more than with any other planet for in s
d ;
bold intrepid warl ik e headstrong impetu
, , ous , ,

is a malicious crafty stubborn cruel and bloodth ir sty sign

, , , ,

very similar to the nature of Mars when badl y placed in a ,

nativity or af icted The sign 8 is similar in nature to 9

, .

when a fflicted and 2 when she is strong and u

, n aficted .

93 is the house O f the this sign is moveable moist ,

and unstable and persons born with it rising especially

, ,

females lack rmness ; the

, is constantly chan gin g her
position for she moves twelve times faster than the S u
n ,

whose house is the regal rm steadfast noble sign Q , , , , .

T here are also some signs in which certain planets are

found to be very powerf u l thou gh not to the same extent or

degree as when in their own houses These are called the .

exaltations of the planets and they run thus Y is the ,

exaltation of the S u n ; 8 of the M oon 5 of J u piter ; W of <

Mercury ; of S aturn ; [ It of H erschel ; V? of Mars ; and X


of Venus The signs op posite to these are those in which


they receive their fall being then weak in power and the
, ,

si gns opposite totheir respective houses are called the

detriments of the planets T hey are then especially weak .

and unfortunate For instance 8 and c are the detriments

of d being in opposition to Y and mwhich are the houses

, ,

of d

T he following table will show this at a g lance

D etri men t

are other signs also in wh ich the planets are powerful , .

but only to a small extent and these are the signs which agree
re For instance 9 j oys in I] "

wi th the planet in n a tu P . , . ,

L and
t . bein gsi gns of a scientic natu re and m ost a llied ,

to its own nature ; 9 in fru itful moist si gns as and X ;

. ,

(Dand d in hot ery si g

n s as Y Q or I u in fr u itfu
, l ,

, ,

tem perate signs and espec ially in g and X and also in Q

and la] in a and m The
, ,

and T) del ights in _\ and

r J

D is the same as Q .

I advise the student not to notice any other d ignities of

the planets that he may have heard or read of such as ,

Triplicity Term and Face ; for I have not d is

, ,

covered that these have any sign ication espec ia ll y in ,

G enethliacal Astrology so I omit them NO signs or d ignities , .

have as yet been assigned to

T he Acci d e n t a l Di gn i t i es .

consist of a planet bein gwell placed in the gure

of the H eavens with respect to being in the an gles or other

houses The most power ful a cciden tal dign ities are the l at

and l oth houses next the 7 th then the 1 1 th an d 4th and

, , ,

the only mil house a ppears to be the 6th for any planet ,

therein very seldom benets the native i t is more often the ,

in one hou '

- '

other way S omo pl anets


. se than

another for instance the G D l l and C 7 in the 10th but

, , , , , ,

5 and {5 prefer the l at ; the 3rd is also favourable for the .

latter planet ; Q del ig

htszin the 7 i h and U in the 9th , .



AN E phemeris is an account of the G eocentric places of

the planets and contains their Longitudes Latitud es an d
It is ab sol u
, , ,

Declinations tel y n eces sa ry in all Astrological


computations and cann ot b e dispensed with They are

, .

issued for every year from 1 800 The student should obtain .

one for the year in which he wishes to erect the map if born
in 1 840 he should obtain an E phemeris for that year ; the

same with any other year The price is Is per year . .

At the top of my E phemeris you will n d the L atitude ,

and Decl ination of y id 5 cf Q and Q and also the ,

With the Latitu

, , , , ,

Moon s Node and the Mutual Aspects

, des .

of the planets and the M oon s Node you need not concern


yourself for you will not require them for any calculations

taught in this book The Mutual aspects are thus called


because they are formed between the planet s and in contra -


d istinction to the L unar ones or those formed exclusively ,

by the D which you will n d at the right hand side of the


lower part O f the page The Destin ation s you will requ ire in

calculations .

In the bottom segment of the page there IS a column marked

S idereal T ime this you may use in setting a Map of the


heavens for any time by addin gor s u btractin gthe time from

Ncon , as taught elsewhere .

The second large column is the Q s L ongitude also to be


used to ascertain the position of the Q) in the map for th is ,

column shows the sign degrees and m inutes the Q occupies ,

each day ; the next column is the (Ds Decl in then the Ds

L ongitude noon and midnight al so her L atitude and

, ,

Decl ination for the same ; her L atitude will not be wanted ,

and if you work by Log ar ithms as taught it wi l l be best to ,

use the columns for n oon only and leave those for midnight ,


O n the right hand page the L ongitudes of the planets will


be found which show the sign degree and minute each planet
, , ,

occupies for every day of the month T hese of course you . , ,

will require in order that you may know in what part of your

map to place the planets .




YOU must r st ascerta in what time it is you are u sin g .

Whether G reenwi ch ti me or local time If local you must .


take the time just as it is and work with it wi thout any


alte ration or additions of any kind but if G reenwi ch time , ,

you must ascertain the d ifference in time between the place

for which you set the map and G reenwic h because everyt hing
, ,

in the E phemeris is calculate d for G reenwich The d ifference .

in time E ast or West of G reenwi ch is 4 m in ute s for every

degree of L ongitude S uppose for instance you want to se t
, ,

a map for Ne wport Mon This is 3 West L ongit u

, . de or 12

minu tes late r than G reenwich T herefore if G reenwich time


is used at Ne wport you must subtract 1 2 m h om the time to

, .

mak e it local time for when it is noon at G reenwi c h it will

, ,

be about 1 1 h 48m at Newport Again suppos e the map

. . .

is for G alway in Ireland which is 9 West L ong or 3 6m

, ,

. .

later than G reenwich you must subtract 3 6m from the

, .

G reenwich time to make it local time but if the time used

, ,

is local time of co u
, rse you will make no al te ratio n G reat .

Y armouth and L owestoft are about 1 30 earlier t han G reen

wich cons equently you must add 6111 to G reenwich ti me to .

make i t local time that is provided the time u


, s ed is G reen

wich time T here is also a little correction to make for the


increase in the S idereal time It is at the rate O f 10 secs per

. .

hour or two min utes for 12 hours It is very tr i ing and the
, .

yo u ng student need not bother with it at rst .

H aving ascerta ined the local time for whi ch to set the map ,

you must rst look in my E phemeris for the S idereal T ime


on the day month and year requ ired ; then if the birth be
, , ,

bef ore noon dedu ct from the S idereal time the d i f

, ference
between the time of bir th and noon of the same day ; but ,

if the birt h happened after noon then add the dieren ce ,

between noon and the time required to the S idereal time at

noon If the S idereal time be small so that the deduction
. ,

cannot be made add twenty four hours to it then make the


deduction and work with the difference ; als o if in adding

, ,

the time to the S idereal time the total exceeds 24 ho u rs , ,

deduct 24 hours and work with the remainder For instance


say the time required for the map was December l st 1 90 6 , ,

p m L ook in the E phemeris for 1 906 and in the

. ,

column marked S idereal T ime and on the l st day of ,

December you will nd i t to be 1 6h 37 m 44 8

Now as the . . .

time is after noon you add to this S idereal time the

, pm . .

which makes it 26h 57m 44s and as the total exceeds 2 4h

. . .
, , .

you must deduct that amount and i t will leave 2h 5 7m , . .

which is the S idereal ti me or R ight Ascension of the Meridian,

at p m on the l st of December 1 90 6
. If the time , .

a m instea d of
requ ired had been p m you would have . . . .

had to deduct from the S idereal time 1 h 4 0 m as 1 h 40m is . .

, . .

the d ifference in time between a m and n oon T hus . . . ,

S idereal time is l 6h 3 7 m 44s deduct 1 h 40m and it leaves

. .
, . .

14 h 5 7m
. . which is the R ight Ascens ion of the Merid ian
at e m on the l st December 1 90 6
. . , .

At the end of my E phemeris for nearly every year s ince

1 884 you w il l nd Tables of H ouses for L ondon L iverpool , ,

and New Y ork ; use those tables which are nearest the
Latitu de in which you were born Now we found that the .

S idereal time or R ight Ascens ion of the Meridian at pm . .


on December l st 1 906 was 2h 5 7 m 44s therefore you must

, , . . .

turn to the Tables of H ouses and in the column marked ,

S idereal T ime nd this amount or the n ea r est thereto ;


if you take the Tables for London you will nd the nearest ,

is 2h 58m 7 s In the next small column to this to the right

. . .
, ,

we nd 1 7 and at the top 10 8 the 10 means the l 0th house

39. TH E G UIDE TO As raonoor .

and 8 sho ws t hat t hat S ign is then pass ing

b eginning of that house and the 1 7 is the ,

actually on the cusp at p m cons equently . .


1 7 on the cusp of the 10 th house In the .

column we nd 2 6 and at the top 1 1 [ l the 1 1

l l th house and 11 shows that t hat Sign is then


cusp of the l l th house therefo re we place [1 26 , ,

of that house In the next colu mn we n d 51


top 12 26 which means the 12 th house and t ha t

, ,

on the cusp but if you ,

nd g passes over and Q ,

hence you must place 51 0 on the cusp O f the 12 th

In the next column you will nd 28 4 and at the top

Q the Ascen
, means as cen dan t or the l st house
. ,

place them on the cusp of the l st house th us : 28 Q ,

the next column you wi l l nd 18 and at the top

the 2 signi es the 2 n d house and t hat IQ is the Sign

cusp Y outherefore place Tm18 on the cus p

, ,

house In the next column we n d 13 and at the


the 3 denotes the 3 rd house but by looking down the col

you will nd that rm

runs out and g begins hence you 1 , ,

13 on the cusp of the 3rd house Y ou have now g

ot .

signs and degrees on the cusps O fsi x houses and on the c ,

cusps you mus t place the same degrees but opposite 8

for mis O pp

thus On the cusp of the 4 th we put [11

to 5 and the 4 th house is Opposite the l 0th ; on the b tl

put 1 for 1 is opposite to [ I on the 6th we put

for is Opposite to Q on the 7 th we put 28 4 fox W

same reason on the 8th N 18 and on the 9th T IT b ee

x and Y are Opposite to Tm

, ,

and Q Y ou have now the t .

and degrees on all the cu s ps of the houses but if you ru n

the signs in rotation beginn ing with Y 8 & e you


, , ,

nd no 93 this sign is what we call in terce pte d th e
, ,

between the c u s ps O f two hous es an d as 5 follows [ I it 1 ,

be placed in the middle O f the 1 1 th house ; if you pro

with the count ing you will nd no Vy now V? is O PPO Bl l
, ,

E hence it must be placed
, in the m iddle of the 5th hou

See the foll owing diagram

It often happens that two Signs and sometimes even four

, ,

are interce pted so that the student should always l ock


them over to make sure they are all there This in tercep
, .

tion is caused by the L atitu


de of the C ountry At the.

E q ator all the signs rise in regular rotation bu t as one


p roceeds N or S an inequality in their rising occurs

. . .

NOTE Tab l es of Hous es are the same f

ro m year to year .

They do n ot chan g



NOT E TO get the exact places of the planets i t w ill be

necessary to correct your local time to G reenwich t ime by ,

a dding or subtractin gthe difference For instance su p pose . ,

your map is for 10h 2 0 m p m local ti me at Newport M on

. . . .
, , ,

the d ifference in time being 3 or 12 111 from G reenwich time

. ,

you must add this to the 1 0h 20m making i t 10h 32 m . .

. .

G reenwich ti me and for this ti me you must cal culate the


planets places There will be very little alterati on in a n y


of the places except the moon which moves very sw ift her , ,

average motion be in gabout 13 per day or 32 per hour



or four times faster than any other plan et In the case of .

v port it would make a di f ference of about

W ith the
sun and other planets it is much less and for all practical ,

purposes the places can be calculated as i f for G reenwich .

Ou r knowled g e of astrology is not so exact th at a d i fferen ce

of a minute or two in the L ongitude of a planet wi ll make
any alteration i n the j udgment .

In my E phemeris the L ongitudes of all the planets are

given daily for mean noon and to get at the exact pla ce of

a planet for any hour is a very simple matter Y oumus t .

rst Observe the difference in Longitude on the noon of the

day O f birth to the noon of the day nearest thereto For
, .

instance : i f the time b e A M the d ifference be tween the pre

. .

vions noon an d the noon of the day for which the gure is
set must be taken but if the time be P M u se the di fference . .

between the presen t noon and the noon of the day after .

For exam ple : O u r d iagr am is set for December l s t 1 906 , ,

p m an d referring to the E phemeris for that month

. .

(page we nd in the column marked 0 L ong that


on the l st day i t was 8 1 2 3 and on the 2n d day


9 24

now the di fference is 1 0
, which we may

call 1
for 50 is nearly T his 1 1 is the motion O f

the G) in 24 hours or from noon of the 1 st to noon of the 2u

d .

(The daily motion of most of the planets is given on pages

2 6 2 7 and 2 8 of the E phemeris )

At the end of my E phemeris you will nd a Table of

Proportional L ogarithms and a rule and example at the

bottom In the present case we proceed thu s


Proportional L ogarithm of 6 s daily motion 1 l

, ,

1 011 2 0 m . .

T otal

We nd the nearest number to this in the ta ble to b e ,

and at the top of that column 0 and to the left of the gur es ,

which shows that the G) moves 0 2 6 in 10h 20m and

. .
, ,

as the time is E M we add it to his L ongitude at noon on the

. .

l st December which will make it 8 1 4 9

, or say 8 1 50

(where seconds are under 3 0 reject them ii over 30 call , ,

them We therefore place the Q in the 4 th house in the

map .

With the D we proceed exactly the same thus ,

L ongitude of D on 2 n d 2 6 II 3

l st 14 13 28

Motion of D in 2 4 hours 1 1 49 59 or :

1 1 50
- ?

Proportional L ogarithm of 1 1 50

30 7 1
1 0h 20m. . . 3660

673 1
The near es t we can nd is 672 6 and at the top of column ,

5 and at the side which shows that the moon moves 5 6


in 1011 2 0m and we add thi s to the D s L ongitude at noon

. .


Longitude of D
Motion of D in 10h 20m . .

II 1 9

Therefore we p e D in II in the 10th house .


We nd ongitude O f if on page 2 5 of E phemeris to

the L
be 12
on the l st and 12 5 on the 2n d hen ce he moves

but 1 in the 24 ho u

rs So we place him in

l l th house and put B. after i t to show

, ,

or going bac k in Longitude The ne x t planet is 151 he . ,

moves 4 in the 24 hours so we add 2 to his longitu

, de and

put h im in the 5th house in V? 6 The ne x t is l) and

he moves 2 in the 2 4 hours so we add 1 to his Longi tu

, ,

, de

and place hi m in the 7th house in x 8 The ne x t is ,

11 and he moves 7 re trograde so we subtrac t 3 from his

Longit u
, ,

de and place h im in the 1 1 th house in

, ,

near d comes next and su

, ,

the l st from that of the 2u d we nd he moves 3 7 in the ,

hours .

Proportional Logarithm of 37

1 0h. 20 m .

The nearest L ogarith m is which is equ ivalent to

so we add 1 6 to o? Longitude which makes it 20 ,

and place him in the 3rd house The ne x t planet is .

is seen to be retrograd ing and her motion between the


and 2n d is 3 6 therefore

Proportional L ogarithm of 36

10h 2 0 m . .

The eares t to this is

n or we the refore subtract
1 6 from the L ongitude of 9 which ma k es i t 1 6 and

we pl ace her in the 4 th house near the Q The last planet , .

is Q5 who is also retrog rade and moves 1 1 7 in the 24 hours


Proportional L ogarith m O f 1 1 7

1 0h 20m . . .3 660

T he nearest is or 0

S ub tract this from the

Longitudeof gwhich mak es it 1 4

, and we place
beside Q in the 4 th house : see the following diagram

We have now found the L ongitudes of all the planets .

The next point is to nd their Decl inations The Declination


of if; for the l st day is seen to be 22 N and on the 3rd the

same SO we do not alter it kl moves only 1 in the 2 days

, .


so we leave his Declination at 23 S

17 moves and
we also leave his Declination at 1 0 S S ame as regards

11, w ho moves but 1 D

eclination 22 N 5 8

O bserve that the Declinations of d 9 and ,are given
for noon each day d moves.

and for 1 0h 20m the . .

motio n will be making the Declination of d 6 S

9 moves and by using the Table of Proportional Loga


ms as already sho wn we nd t hat she moves 9 in the

r ith ,

10h 2o
. m so we s u '
btract 9 from her Declin ation (as it is
decr eas ing) making it 22 S

, Q moves or 13 in
10 h 2 0 m so we subtract 1 3 from h is Declinat ion (as i t is

. .

also decreasing ) wh ich leaves i t at 1 9 S , O n page 24


you will nd 6 Declin which means Q s Decl in atibn .


B etween the l st and 2 u d he moves or 4 in the 10h 20 m

. .

so we add 4 to h is Decl ination mak ingit 2 1 S


T he Ds Decl ination moves 1 3 6 in the 24 hours

Pro portional L ogari thm of 1 3 6

10 h 2 0 m . . 3 660

The nearest is or 4 1 which added to her Decl in ation

at noon mak es it 19 N

Y ouneed not concern yourself wi th the Latitu


des O f the
planets or the Moon s Node as they are not necessary for


our present purpose .

H av in g got thus far we will now proceed to nd ou t the ,

as pects of the planets to each other The rst p l an et we .

take is the Moon She is placed in 1 9 11 . We n d 153 in


or 22 4 7 from D which is no aspect Next comes


151 in Vy 6 H e is 1 7 36 from Ds d and consequently


i n no aspect to her T he next planet in order is . We

nd h i m in x 8 From X 8 to 11 1 9 is

is no aspect so we pass it over The ne x t is

, in 5 9 .

or 20 from D this is no aspect The ne x t planet is d in

, .

A 20

Now from [1 1 9 to Q 1 9 is 4 signs or 120

or a A aspect as d is within 1 of it hence we nd D A d '



an d pl ace i t beneath the map accord ingly The G is nex t .

in 1 8
T his is (53 to the
D or 6 sign s apart so we put ,

i t down D (9 Q Q and Q are both out of orbs of the D s (P



Now having nished the D we take Q who is seen to be

, , ,

qu ite near G) and Q and therefore in o with them so we ,


pu t it down G) d Q Q d Q H e is 4 4 2 7 from d which

, ,

i s a Sign and a h alf 4 5 or A Q and are 4 signs and 25




32 apart or 1 45
, which shows they are in i or


a very weak aspect 1) comes next and we nd him in close

. ,

C ] to Q or 3 signs apart Q and are in 34 being 32 4

, .

apart Q is in j with 19 as we found he was with L Y ou


. : , .

will n ow proceed in the same manner with the other planets ,

taking each in rotation when you will fi nd the followi n g


DA d n ti D Q5 i .

1) S5 i

Q i Q E] 5

9 34 131. Q d ! 5 G o 9 Q L d (9 C l
i o .

d is b 1L A 17 1
11 8 5 1 o

. .

b id s .
ha s . 1
25 8 s .

We now look at the Declinations to see if any of the planets

are in Parallel We nd (9 in nearly the same Decl ination

as 9 and 19 so we write down G P

, Then D
P Q is almost exact Again 11 s Declination differs less than

1 from that of 101 and ty so we say 11 P 161 H P ty

, . .

have now completed the map entirely an d the ne x t point ,

is to fu
dge it .




161 He r s ch e l or Ur a n u s .

1351 IN the ascendant in ery signs ma k es the native rash

, , ,

headstrong i mpetuous and ambitious ; fond of cur iosities ;

, ,

restless ; incl ined to the study of astrology ; a im in g at gre at

and noble things possessing original talents ; ,

and argument In the ear thy signs the nat . ,

headstrong and malicious with large ani mal propens ities

, ,

treacherous gluttonous and conceited In the a iry signs

, , .

subtle learned penetrating and original in ideas fond of all

sciences especially such as relate to occult matters tru thfu
, , ,

, l ,

opinionative and rather proud In the watery signsgiven


to drink and to low company and cunning practices ; lewd

, ,

shallow minded stubborn and malicious void of fine feel ings

, , ,

blunt and ill mannered ; subtle and crafty for his own ends

G en eral l y the nature of H erschel may be said to be when in

, ,

the ascendant at b irth wayward s tu bborn conceited possess , , , ,

in g some original talent talkative proud mal icious and , , , ,

j ealous The na tive is abrupt in manners cha n geable in


m ind and temper d i fcult to please impulsive precipitate

, , , ,

and very independent The mind appears to be made u p of


contrarieties and he ac ts more from impuls e than from reason

, ,

and is always ready to quarrel with h is best friend su ch per

sons are often estran ged from thei r k indred and lead a ,

roaming unsett led l ife

, ,

hi i n the 2 ad S udden ga ins and sudden losses ; much


d if culty and perplexity in money matters often subject to

heavy losses and those generally unexpected
, .

i n the 3rd Fond of science and astrology ; given to


occult studies to the pur chase of cur ious books ; it denotes


many changes of residence and unsettledness of purpose .

Fond of travel ling independent in mann ers trouble through

letters and writings and from brethren and neighbours .

11 in the 4th E stranged from paren ts ; trouble with any
- '

money or property the native may expect ; bothers an d

perplexities and often poverty in old age which will depend ,

on the strength or weakness of the planet If strong the O ld .


age will be much more favour able and pleasant than if weak .

}j in the 5th Denies o f

fspr ing or they are short lived or

d ie in some e xtraordinary mann er ; much trouble from

ch ildr en loss in betting and speculation ; too much given to
pleasure or gamin g A very unfortun ate position for females
, ;

thre atenin g disgrace at an early age especially if 26 or X be ,


rising .

131 in the 6th Troubles from servants labourers and

, ,

inferiors who are not to be trusted ; the native should also

be careful of diphtheria if 131 be in 8 in the 6th It ofte n .

produces strange sickness which bafes the skill of med ical

men .

1 in the 7 th Very evil ; thr eatens a most unhappy mar

13 .

r iag e and often separation

, the wife or husband will be cruel ,

v iolent or adulterous ; i t is nearly if not quite the worst

, , ,

posi tion possible for marital or con j ugal happiness very bad
for law and disputes also partnerships all of which the nati ve
, ,

should stud iously and strenuously avoid particularly if 1 1 ,

should be af icted by aspect or position i t also shows Opposi

tion to the native s success by powerful adversaries It is


a bad position for business threaten ing l oss The native , .

gets the bad end of every bargain .

111 in the 8th Wife or husband poor and squanders money


di fculty wi th an y legacy and probably loss of the same ; ,


much annoyance and exci tement about the goods of the dead .

If much af icted it t hreatens su icide .

kl i n the 9 1h Fond of occult sc ien ces and astrology

. ,

literature and arts and s ciences generally given to travelling ,

and c urious in re l igious beliefs in dependent rm headstrong , , ,

wayward and stu bborn often su ffers seriously n om relatives


by marriage .

L} i n th e l 0 th C redi t and d iscred it alternately ; disputes

with superiors ; often chang ing employment or profession ,

and travell ing about ; scandal estranged fr om relatives ; ,

independent and bigoted .

P1 i n the 1 1th Friends read y to help and to want help

5 .

acqua intan ces not creditable to the native and the fewer he ,

encourages the better for hi m as he is l iable to eventual loss ,

and trouble thr ough them .

{3 in the 1 2th Many secret and private enemies ; j ealou

. s ,

crafty subtle fellows delighting in the na tive s downfal l

, ,


T heir description can be seen by referring to the si g n lg]

occupies If am. icted by Q in this house let the native beware ,

of robbers and burglars and personal hurt ther eby , .

NUrn S pecial r eg ard mu s t be pa id to the stren g

th or weak n ess

ofthis pl an et A s tro n gan d power/ti l pl an et hel ps the n ative


ch trou

bu t when wea k either by s ig n or asp ec t mu bl e will occur , .

For i n stan ce 13 in 2 or x will p rodu ce very dieren t eects

to U in 8 or QB or even "

2 .


1 1 i n. d , or bad aspect not important

with l > .
Thcse are .

except in the l st 2 ud 7 th or l oth houses

, In the l st they
, , .

mak e the m ind crafty subtle mal icious murderous and

, , , ,

revengeful In the 2 u
. d loss of wealth an d perpetual poverty
, .

In the 3 rd great fondness for astrolo g

, y and occult s tud ies ,

and damage from brethren In the 4 th poverty and d istress .


at the en d O f life unless they be in a W or

, when the , ,

e n d may be expected to be mi serly and wr etch ed In the .

sth death of ch ildren

In the 6th heavy and prolonged
. ,

a f iction d ishonest servan ts In the 7th lawsu its losses .

bankruptcy and a most u

, , , ,

nfortun ate marriage In the 8 th

, .

no gain or benet by the marriage partner In the 9th .


fondness for the occult sciences and a powerful m ind No .

religious conv ictions Damage from relatives by mar riage

. .

In the l 0th great d iscred it d isg

, race and probably ru in and

imprisonment In the 1 1 th ru in through friends In the

, .

1 2 th robbery and a host of secret foes full of envy and

, ,

jealousy .

1 1 in g
ood aspect to b Not important in any way
. I have .

observed that the aspects of 151 and 5 especiall y the [j and ,

8 conduce to clairvoyance and lucidity of vision

, .

fl in d or g
ood aspect with 1L B en et by legacy especiall y .

if Ij or be in the 2n d or 8th house and strong ; and su ccess

in bu siness and fond of religiou s oc cu pations and ofces of
, ,

distinction .

131 i n evil aspect to 1L L oss by litigation ; di fficulty with

property or in heritance or any property the wife or husband

may possess it is not good for business or success thr eaten ing ,

sudden and heavy losses C lergymen frequently turn .

R itualists and incur the displeasure of their superiors S pe en .

lation should be strictly avoided .

131 i n O or evil asp ect with (i t Very maliciou s blood


thirsty an d daring given to thieving and robbing and liable


, ,

to i mprisonment This must only be considered when either


or both are in the ascendant 3rd 9th 1 0th or 1 2th houses , , , , .

It is very bad for marriage if it happens in the 7 th house ,

separation will ensue and perhaps injury or murder It is .

also bad for lawsuits and partner ships and also unfortuna te ,

for the military profession .

131 in good asp ect toO7 B old and self con den t headstrong

and v iolent generous brave makes a good soldier or surgeon

, ,

gaining reputation thereby C on s ider this chiey ifd or H


b e s tron geither by hou s e or s ig

n .

P1 i n d or P with the This happening in the ascendant


makes the native brave bold sincere and re spected In , , , .


the 2n d house or midheaven gives him great success at C t

, ,

periods followed by the mos t crush ing misfortu

, ne a l it
of strange v icissitudes In a female natu s i t is very

and such persons not unfrequently cohabit with men u n ma i

or leave their husbands and elo pe The G) in any aspe .

id in a fem inine natus is evil and es pec ia l ly so are ti ,

and 8 .

i n evil asp ect wi th the Many bothers discred i t ,

loss through powerful enemies public compan ies or rai h , ,

H is affairs go wron gnearly all thr ough life ; and losses

d isappointments threaten him If 11 or G) be in the .


d or l 0 th so much the worse

, ,With a female it is sh .

to the d .

h} in g ood aspect to the B en et from strange rs

elderly persons ; success in any employment more espot ,

p ubl ic or governmental Many of the government o ili


have the G) befriended by [31 at b irth With i emal . i

excites to strong attachments and frequently to a very/ 1 , , ,

marriage or an immoral love intr igue particularly if

, ,

D is a ffl icted by I) or d


fl i n d or P with Q T his happen ing in the l s t 3m

. ,

9 th the native is generally a good musician or actor e x ec

, ,

in the ne arts but very fond of women and pleas u

, re V .

it happens out of the ascendant the native will be hare ,

in courts hip and form an illicit acquaintance after marr


In the 7 th house the wife may do the same , In the M. .

shows success by and through powerful females .

Id i n evil aspect with Q Trouble in love affairs p .


to j ealousy d isl i ked by females generally ; the native w :


his s u bstance over worthless women This especiall y W1 .

the case i f either Q or [3 be in the l st 2 n d 5 th 7 th or , , , ,

house .

U in g ood aspect to Q S uccess with the Op posite .


by whom he is much beloved ; skilful in mu s ic and sing

an d very ref ned i f 151 or Q be d ignied by position or si


U i n d or P w ith
Q This happening in the ascent

mak es the native a great scholar excelling in art an d li terature , ,

gain ing fame and reputation thereby in the 3rd or 9th fond ,

of as trology and the occult stud ies ; eccentric in behav iour ,

original in taste and ideas yet at some period in life severely


criticised by the public If this happ ens in x the native

. ,

will b e all talk and conceit and fond of dr ink The quality
, .

of the sign occupied must be considered Not much good .

can be expecte d if they occupy Q?) or X as the native will be ,

given to dr ink .

151 in evil aspec t with Q This produces a nasty bitte r

. , ,

sarcastic turn of mind very fond of nding fault with othe s

r .

111 success in publish ing literature however good i t may be , ,

and severely criticised by the press and public It is a bad .

aspect for public favour .

01 1 in g ood aspect to Q Success in literatur e ; a pregnant

. ,

stud ious m ind ; original in ideas ; fond of curiosities and

th ings out of the common track This especiall y will be the .

case if 1 1 or Q be in the l st 3rd or 9th house and occupy

0 , , ,

a scientic Sign such as 11 7T a or

, , , ,

1 1 in d or evil asp ec t with D This has chief rule over the
native in his married life and w ith respect to his wife acting
, ,

the same w ith h im as the G) and U do in a female natus .

H e is not u nfrequently led astray after marriage and unless ,

c ar eful separation follows He is given to travelling and

, . ,

frequent changes of residence In the case of a female it .

frequently shows the husband to be un faithfu


l and fond of
the soc iety of married women .

131 in g ood aspect to D This leads to illicit conn e ctions


after marriage but not often to separation If the D or lgl

, .

be in power i s in l st or l 0th or even 3rd or 9th he will

. .
, , ,

travel much and never remain long in one place

, .

NOTE The you

. n gstu den t can n ot p ay too mu ch atten tion to
the pos ition of every pl an et whether it is s tro n gor wea k
, A .

s tr o n gpl an et r ar el y al icts the n a tive b ut ben e ts him whether , ,

the pla n et b e a mal ec or ben ec O n the con trary a mal ec .

pl an et weak af
, , icted or af ictin gother pl an ets by bad aspect ,
46 TH E GU ID E T o As TRO LO G v.

will be ou
a rce oftrou bl e to hi m the m et a t
co n sta n t s ,

which may be l ea r n ed f ro mthe hou s e the a/ictin gplan et in

Ag ain a ben efic plan et wea k or af
, f ted by bad as pect
l ic , ,

p rodu ce mu ch g ood [ or it shows that the n ativ b in


those who wo u ld hebp him are n ot i n a po sition to do cc ,

their advice wil l tu r n ou t unfa vou rabl e Never rel y on .

or aficted pl an et for an y ben e t i n an y way beca u s e it ,

p rodu ce it T hes e r emar ks appl y to al l the pl an ets


every case .

C HAPT E R 11 .

S at u rn .

Tin planet in the ascendant at b irth makes the nativ


cautious mistrustful and fearful ; reserv ed the

, , ,

malicious and revengeful ; covet G u , s and envious -


fiery s igns his nature is i mproved ; he is more free 8 ,

and hon est in his actions but ra h and impetuou s , s


argument and quarrell in g In the earthy signs es .


8 the native is sottish d ull heavy and mali ci ous

, , ,

very inqu isitive suspicious and fret ful in argu

crafty sel sh hard working and miserly In tl
, ,
, .

s igns thoughtful studious contemplative close over

, , , ,

matters and his own affairs sincere and devout in 1 ,

so far as it concerns self [J and r; are better sig .

for in the latter he is simply a nuisance to every

account of his Opinionative sel sh miserly and pron , , ,

In 91; or x especially he is dull sottish and dejected d , , , ,

and obscene sometimes an enthusiast in reli gion in

crafty and malicious and not to be trusted Gen er .

native of S aturn is shy and has aversion to socie t ,

te mpl ative stubborn an d morose ; deceitful craf t

. ,

subtle for his own ends ; miserly fond of his hab ,

constant c ur ious in religious beliefs fanciful and

, ,

frequently an imped iment in the speech (e x cept 1) b


ai ry signs ) careful of his a ffairs and family austere an d

, ,

averse to changes Much however W ill depend on how . , ,

this planet is aspected wh ich will be explained presently , .

he 2ud Much trouble and worry in money matters

b i n t
loss of money ; ill success in trade or business ; the native
has u sually to work very ha rd for his money even when I) is ,

essentially fortied when out of dignities d istress and poverty ,

usually dog the native s footsteps more or less thr ough life
, ,

The sign occupied and the aspects he receives must not be

, ,

lost sight of .

n the 3 rd Danger and loss i n travelling ; jour neys

b i
unpleasant ; quarrels with or losses throu

gh neighbours or ,

brethren ; contemplative ; fond of astrology and u ncommon

subjects and occult scienc es ; serious and thoughtful ste ad ,

fast and persevering .

i n the 4 th Illn es s or early death of the father ; and

b .

a mi serable and povertv stricken end to the existence ; if b -

be strong as in a. or ju dge the contrary and that the

, ,

native will ac quire land or property and have a peaceful en d

to his existence he will be a dear lover of gold even to the ,

m53 or V? denies o ffspring in other

n the 5th Ia H T
b i .
, , ,

sign s destroys them or causes them to be a continual source

, ,

of trouble and unhappiness to their parents drun k ards , ,

reaching an untimely grave had success in gaming or specu

lation and sports of any kind and inj ury thereby
, , .

l ? in the Gi la T his is an u nfortunate position as u nless b ,

b e well a spected it causes sad and heavy sicknesses

, In the .

f ix ed si g ns dan ger of heart d isease gravel or stone diphtheria

, , ,

and throat affections bronchitis ; in the common signs , ,

consu mption asthma cancer bad le gs bowel an d kidney

, , , ,

eon pl a imts in the cardin al signs pains in the che st an d weak ,

stomach rheumati sm and in

, great deran gement of the

liver bad servants and losses through them are also denoted .

l ) in the 7 ih C old reserved melancholy morose wife or

, , , ,

husband and if in a common si g

, n death of the partn er , ,

and a second or even third marriage ; if I; b e e ssentially

strong money or pro perty in ma rriage and marriage with
, ,

a widow or a widower as the case may be I t i s an u nf

, ortu .

nate position for chastity It is seldom the marriage tur ns .

out happy It also shows many deceitful open enemies

, .

This position is also very bad for pa rt nershi ps lawsuits , ,

and in dealing with others .

i) i n the 8 th No portion with the marriage partner e x cept


I; be strong ; trouble and annoyance wi t h any leg acy or pro

perty the native may expect .

Firm and stead fast in rel igion heads trong

5 i n the 9 th ,

thoughtful reserved and conte mplative ; studious ; fond of

, ,

astrology occultism and things out of the common track

, , ,

mag ic & c danger in tr avelling by water ; loss thr ou

, .
, gh rela
tions by marriage The native should avoid foreign lands

nless I; be very strong by position or aspect .

b i n t he l o th S uccess in li fe wi th an u. ltimate fall to ,

disgrace and trouble ; frequent d iscred it in business ; trouble

to the mother and loss of substance .

b i n th e 1 1 th False deceitful friends and hea vy losse s

, ,

through them probably ruin the native who has this position

should never lend money stand security or become s u rety , ,

for any one this position als o threatens trouble to or from , ,

offspring .

n the 12 th Private and dece itful enemies

b i .

secretly inj ure the native and often succeed ; ,

false accusations or even imprisonment ; danger of secr et

poison .

No r a S pecial atten tion mu s t be paid to the streng th or

other wise 0 / this pl a n et When stron g i ts good eects will be .


g men ted b u t i/ wea k the evil eec

ts will b e much i n creas ed


b i n d , P, or g oo d aspect with 2L Weal th 0 ; Property bf

l g
e acy. or by marriage if 11 be lord of the 7th hou s e ; in the

2 n d, shows gain and success in business ; in the 9th an ,

excellent divine ; in the 1 0th credit and esteem and high ,

honour These aspects general ly lead to the acquisition of


wealth as they render the native careful ; he will also hold


important ofces .

[9 af icted by 1L L oss of money or property by law or ,

t hrough trustees ; the native often enters speculation and ,

loses heavy sums of money ; squanders his estate ; and if

b or be lord of 7th the native is generall y anx ious

to marry a moneyed partner but rarely succeeds enthusiastic


in religion ; often unfortunate in business It threatens loss .

of o ffs pring ; the native rarely becomes rich .

c A nasty bitter temper

b i n d o r ev il a s p e t to o . ; ,

malicious and murderous liable to imprisonment dishonest

, ,

and crafty ; consider this principally when in the l st 3rd , ,

9th or 1 0th
, The native is liable to h urts and injuries or
. ,

broken bones ; falls especially if either planet be oriental


The signs these planets occu py will show the part or organ ,

of the body l ikely to su ffer .

F) in g ood asp ect to (ft C ourage and boldness makes an

excellent soldier or butcher w ith strong nerves an d plenty,

of con dence steady and persevering C onsider this princi .

pally when in the aforesaid houses .

T his has great e f

fect on
5 i n d or evil a s p ec t w i th the

the health especially if G) or i) be occidental in the common


signs the native is liable to colds an d consumption and will

, ,

have a weak chest and lungs in 95 or V} danger of asthma 3

in the x ed signs falls and accidents dan ger of drowning or

, ,

suffocation and diseases of the heart and urinary organs ;


in the cardin a l si g ns d iscredit and l osses in business but

, ,

g en eral ly it has more e f fect on the health With females i t . ,

either denies marriage or delays it very much according to

rs ; in 12 m

the nature of the sig n in which the as pect occ u 6

, ,

or X it denote s marriage to a lazy sottish person an d misery

, , ,

and poverty therefrom it also shows the death of the husband ,

and a second or even third marriage and generally to elderly ,

50 r u
n s ome TO AS TR O LOG Y .

pe rsons or widowers These marriages are rarely happy on es


the husband bein g very e x act ing dom ineering cruel and , , ,

selsh taking delight in ill using others

- .

I) i n g ood as p ec t with the S teady perseve ring and , ,

generally sober ; gain and success in life and by grea t and

powerful persons and the holding of lucrative or gove rnmental

ofces With females it leads to marri age l ate in life or with


elderly persons and i f b be i n _

, or A the husband will -f


posses s mone y but b e very mean over it and the marriage

, ,

does not prove a ha ppy one .

l ) i n d or bad as pect to Q Disappointment in cour tshi p .

or marriage ; much trouble and grief through females 0 . .

depraved t as te ; addicted to secre t and u n natura l practices

ofte n filthy i n talk and behaviour ; deceit ful and cun n ing ;
hypocritical especially i n religion T his a pplies more to
, .

males than females It ofte n leads to drin k or in temperan ee

. .

b i n goo d a s p e ct to S uccess in courtsh ip

; s tead y

attached to wife and family ; acute in feelings soon moved ,

to pity and tears ; persevering and careful It is very good .

i n a feminine n ativitv as i t s hows care prudence c hasti ty

, , , ,

and s in cer itv .

Decp in thought ; bad temper

b i n
d o r a /[ l icti y jt n .

bitte r malicious a n d s piteful ; frequently some impedi men t

, ,

in the s peech ; often d i honest deceitful a n d crafty not to

s , ,

be trusted ; add icted to dri n k ; in the 3 rd or 9th i t gives ,

great incl ination for science and occult learning but attended ,

w it h but little success ; enthusiastic and hypocritical in

r eli gion ; a false friend an d mal ic ious enemy .

l ) i good a sp ect to Q S tead iness in characte r and

n .

behaviour ; v ery careful of their own affairs a n d health ;

fond of science and generally po sessing a good j ud gment ;

pe rseverin g thou ghtful and contem plative Much however

, , .
, ,

d e pends on t he house s a n d i g ns occu pied ; the a i ry S i gn s s

bein ges pecia lly good an d the watery sign s b u

t very l ittle so .

Ag ain i f in the l st 3 rd or 9th the effects are very marked

, , , ,

bu t in the other houses much less so .


b 0 or in
a f ic tin g th
D L oss of substance and much
trouble in money matters all throu gh life the native squanders
his money and is improvident fretful and suspicious ; care , ,

less and allows himself to be robbed chie y by false friends ;

he fails in business and has a hard stru ggle through life he
generally gets a u sele s s wife one without thought and if , ,

the planets are in common si gns he w ill marry more than once ,

When the planets are occidental it leads to temporary de

rangements of the health ; falls and accident s i f oriental - .

I consider the affl iction of the D by b as the most unfortunate ,

in uence that can be for success prosperity or hap p iness i n ,

life With females i t is very ev il generally resulting in dis


grace fondness for drink and depravity i t also destroys the

, ,

health especially if at the sam e time Q be a fflicted

, .

l i n good as p ect to the D Very patient and persevering ,

lead ing to success and the acqu isition of wealth in a female

natus good health industrious and prudent
. ,

No r a The remar ks at the en d of Isl on pag e 45 will al so

appl y here an d mu s t n ot b e overl ooked


J u
p it er

a scen d ant in the ry s i gn s m akes the native

ih thc

generous bold good natured successful in business a sincer e

, ,
, ,

friend and a generous enemy ; rather proud ; delighting in

exerci se and recreation rm faithful and con stant In the , , .

earthy si ns more s ecret and selsh

g ,
proud conceited shallow , , ,

m inded ostentatious bi goted In the airy si gns j ust

, , .
, ,

generous even in tem per faithful ready to lend and help any
, , ,

on e es pecially i f in
, or In t he wa tery si g ns fond of ,

sport drink and m erry makin g; careles s in money matters

, ,

but generally fortuna te 5 a d a e b ett er than I

. l l the n r ,

latter s ig n inclines to self 1 110 gen eral cha acter of M . r

to make men free brave and generous fai thful and p ru

, , den t
j ust honest and religious aiming at d is tinction and honour

li b eral subscri b e rs to public cha ri ties hating mean and

sord id actions .

I} i n the 2 n d Wealth and a boun tiful share of prosperi ty

. .

i n in glife if he be essentially d i nifi ed ; the most su ccessful

men l i ving have i n the 2 ud or l 0 th The success or o ther .

wise will depend u pon the strength and as pects which the
planet receives .

,11 i n the 3 rd S hort pleasant j o u

,rneys ; help from neigh
bour s and brethren The mind honourably in clined
. .

U in th e 4 th S uccess in life and hap piness in old age i f

, ,

u b e strong and moderately well fortied i t also shows the

father to b e i n a go od position If I] be weak and out of . ,

d ignities the native will die poor

, .

11 i n the 5th Dutiful and ob edien


a help and comfort to the native and ,

world and become great men If u be stron g .


betting rac in gand speculation .

G ood health generally u n less i t be mu


u i th 6 th h
n e
a ficted by aspect or position ; in [I or 7mi t deranges the

chest and bowels ; i t also denote s good faithful servants ,

It in the 7 th S uccess and happiness in marriage ; good

for lawsuits and partnershi ps and in dealing with others
If u be in Tm

ex pect but little for he seems to b e sadly de


b il itated in this sign and powerless to effect any good

, .

71 i n the 8th Money by marriage and al so by wil l or


legacy especially i f 71 be str ong and in favourable aspec t


to S aturn .

u i n the 9t h A religious turn of mind since re an d


prude n t and much respected ; benet

marriage and success in long j ou rneys or foreign lands
, .

i n the l 0th T his ensures success in life and much ,

honour and esteem among men l n this house or in the


2u d are the best

, positions that can be for success and
prosperity such persons generally hold prominent ofcial

appointments The success can best be j u

. dged by the
strength and aspects which receives .

1 1 th G ood faithful friends ready to help the

. ,

he prots much through their instrumentality

and advice particularly if u be strong It is also favourable .

for o ffspring and family matters .

11 i n the 1 2th Few pr ivate enemies and those not likely

. ,

to do the native any harm If anything this position tends .

to success in life .


u in d or T his leads to prodigality ;

evil aspect with o

generous to excess ; headstrong ; foolish wi th money ; in

d iscreet often in trouble these aspects often cause the native

to lose heavy sums of money either by betting speculation , , ,

or false friends He may also suffer damage b v re or thi eves

. .

It tends to destroy the issue of the native .

u i g d wi h B rave free and generous ;

n oo a s p ect t d .
, ,

always ready to help another Note the as pects of d to H .

are n ever good for the acqu isition of wealth ; the evil aspec ts
shows losses beyond the native s control and the good ones
, ,

that he will squan der i t away himself .

in o P or g

ood aspect tothe S uccess and the acquisi
, ,

tion of money and fame ; powerful friends and assistance ,

from them good health and usually lon glife The d of

, , .

G) and Ifpredisposes somewhat to apoplexy and this disease ,

not unfrequently terminates the native s existence In a


female s nativity these aspects show an honourable and

happy marriage more especially if H be strong essentially

, ,

and the 6) free from the aspects of the malecs .

IL af icted by the L oss of fortune and much ill luck ,

dur ing life ; l et the native beware of lending money or b e

coming surety He not unfrequently becomes involved in

law which goes against him and results in heavy loss of

, ,

money or any property he may have ; squanders his wealth


and becomes poor at the close of li fe With a female i t .


denotes that she wi ll get a good but unfortunate husband .

11 i n d or goo d a s pe ct w i th
Q T his is not of much im .

portance ; rather favourable for success ; the native will b e

fond of dress and ornament and spend much of his money
thereon ; with females i t inclines to prudence and chastity .

It inclines the dis position to be kind and generous .

u f a ic ti n
g Q H e squanders h is mone y over dress
. ,

ornament and females and often l ives beyond his means ;

, ,

is high and proud in hi ways T he same refers to a fem inine

s .

nativity S uch persons al wavs desire the best of everyth ing

. ,

whether they can a fford it or not .

or o ( iood and sound j udgment ;

l l i n d go d a s pe ct to Q .

success in literature by which he makes money ; he is free

, ,

generous yet st eadfast an d sober in his ways it also in cl in es


to general success in l ife and helps the native out of trouble

, .

if fa ic ti n
g Q Not good in j ud gment but sees th ings in

the wrong light inclined to wran glin gand to be irreli gious

of no steadfast ways ; persons so born should be extremely
careful of their conduct as it often leads them to law and , ,

sometimes to somethin gworse for which they get pun ished , .

I} i n d or g
. ood as p ect to the D T his is very g ood being ,

one of the best as pects that can occur for success and prosperity
in life and the acquisition of wealth it also denotes success

in marriage and a good wife in a female nativity good health

, , ,

prosperity and prudent conduct
, .

af ictin gthe D The nati ve squanders his wealth and


brings himself to ruin or pover ty ; is very unfortunate and ,

should never speculate or en gage in risky adventures ; these


as pects not unfrequently derange the liver and s tomach .

NOTE The rema rk a t the end cl lg s e 4 5 al so app ly

l on pa g
here. E verythin g depen ds on the s tren g th or wea kn es s 0 / a

plan et, an d how it is as pected.



M an s .

T in lanet in the asc en dant in ery s i gn s mak es the native

s p
bold de termined persevering he ad stro g generous angry
, , , n , , ,

a n d hau ghty ; in the ea rthy si g ns covetou selsh malicious ,

s, , ,

careful fond of women quarrel so me an d s ometimes fond of

, , ,

drink in the a iry si gns fond of travelli n g changes persever

, , ,

ing but not fortunate in the wa tery signs a good sailor b u

, t , ,

much given to drink and women e specia l ly in or X in ,

" 1 he makes an excellent chemi s t or doctor G enerally the

nature of o" is la rin g u n governable in de pendent rash
( -
, , , ,

strong stubborn as pirin g an d ambitiou s the nati ve u

, , sually

has a mole or scar on the fac e .

i n the 2 n d L avi s h and c arele ss in ex en se im p rov i

0 p s,

dent ; yet determined in the acqu i s ition of wealth bu t liabl e ,

to sudden and heavy losses ; thc n ative rushe s into specula '

tions and en ter prises without thou ght or reason ; he is very

generous .

Danger in travelli n
gby rail ; d i putes and

(f i n the 3 r a . s

losses through neighbours an d brethren stubbo rn a d h ead n

tron gin d is positi on ; fond of travel or chan ges .

d i n the 4 th H eavy troubles in old ag e unless d be s trong

, ,

essentially poverty and distress it also threa tens the fath er .

This is a bad position in any nativity .

h h U nr uly and troublesome o ffsprin g som of
d n t e 5 t .

whom die early and suddenly ; fondness for pleasure women ,

and drink ; loss by gamblin g betting or speculation ; in a , ,

female s natus i t threatens d i sgrace


d i n t he 6 th In x ed s i gn s sore throat stone and gravel , , ,

heart disea e an d qu in sey ; in the common si gns danger of

s ,

consumption weak che t and lun gs ; in the cardin al si g

s ns ,

danger of burn s scalds di sea ses of the kidneys rheumatic

, , ,

fevers etc It also denotes bad servants who will rob and
, .

abuse the native .

56 TH E c u
m s TO AS TRO LO G Y .


in the 7th Anunfortunate marriage and probably ,

separation ; constant quarrels ; many persistent enemies in

business ; loss by law ; ill success in partnerships ; the native-

is very prone to enter into quarrels an d disp u tes in jur in g ,

hi mself thereby ; w ith a female the effects are similar and ,

i t also threa ten s her chastity


i h e 8 th No money by mar ria g e extrava g anc e on

d nt . ;
the part of h usband or wife .

i n the 91h H eadstron

0 g stubborn and j ealous ; given
, ,

to falsehood ; of no reli gious princi ple ; danger in travell ing

long distances es pec ially if d be in a watery sign L osses


by relatives through marriage .

i n the l Oth B old and concei ted bigoted quick in

0 . ,

j udgment and very passionate if d be near the cu s

p of l 0th


l iable to slander and discredit (es pec ially i f a fe male ) W h ether ,

deserved or no .


h 1 1 h E vil and malicious friends inj uring the
d n t e t .

native and by who m he loses much money is im posed upon

, .

by them and m isled by their advice .

i n the 1 2 th S ecret enemies danger of imprisonment

d .
, ,

of inj ury by large beasts by burglars or robbers especially if

, ,

d b e a ficted by I) or H


or T he native is bold intrepid ras h


g h

d d a /[
I ctin t e z , ,

and rm headstrong determined quick in anger ; rush ing

, , ,

headlong into any s peculation fearless of danger ; generous ,

and free ; in the watery signs i t inclines to drink It gives , .

a liability to feverish complaints an d a sudden or vi olent ,

death the native is usually strong and healthy The student .

will remember that the d and P are not so unfortunate as

the evil as pects With females it acts u nfavour ably denoting

an unha ppy marriage the husband will possess a ve ry v iolen t

temper and a fondness for drink very austere exacting and
, ,

d iffi cul t to please should I) or 11 aspect the 6 a l so the hus ,

band is likel y to die su


dden l y or g et ki lled b
y accident , .

in ood as pect to the The native is generous free

O g -
, ,

and bold ; of great bodily strength a good constitution and ,

usually long life he i s much respected by superiors and meets

rapid advancement ; especially in the army or in governmen t
service T his is especially the case if d be strong in the

nativity Wit h a female i t denotes marriage to a noble


and high minded person and probably one who is in govern


ment employ .


or af ictin g Q given to the society and

pleasure O f females ; lewd and wanton in desires ; void of

self respect ; generous an d careless over money ; given to

dr ink and pleas u re seeking to the inj ury of his health regard
less O f money or expenses With females it inclines to low .

company and many regrettable actions

, .

d i

n oo
g d a s p ect to
Q Very fond O f the Opposite sex and
. ,

much respected by them fond O f company and society of all

kinds ; free and careless With females it acts similar to the

bad aspects .

ctin gQ Q uick active wit fond of wrang ,

ling and d isputing ; addicted to falsehood and pilfering ,

forgery and other ruinous habits ; sarcastic ; possessing a good

j udgment aspiring to be foremost W hether in good or evil ;

generally very clever at any handicraft ; a good workman ,

but Often fond of drink .

d in g

ood a spect to Q G ood arithmetician very accurate

of good mental qual ities quick and piercing intellect easily

, ,

angered very clever at engineering or chemistry and in any ,

occupation requiring dexterity of hand and sharpness of wit

the native is active hating laziness and continually scheming
, ,

or making something .

d d or atictin gthe j) Of a turbulent headstrong .

mind ; indiscreet and rash plunging headlong into good or ,

evil ; fond of the Opposite sex by W hom he suffers in health ,

and pocket ; perseverin g of a qu ick wit given to falsehood ;

, ,

brave and generous To a male i t denotes an unhappy


marriage much quarrelling and generally to a drunken

, , ,
0 8 r uu n n in s ro ASTRO LO G Y .

wor thless woman With a female i t threatens in j ury to the


health sickness and vexation and ofte n lead s them into

, ,

d isgrace .

" i good an.p ct to the j) C ourag
s eous brave dar ing and

resolu te suc c ssful in de alin gwith others it ten d to s u

, ,

e ccess s

in wealth ; very firm ; b u t som eti mes ind u lging in t of s

sensuali ty and drink \ Vith a female i t shows good healt h. .

and a s tron gcon stitution much activi ty of body and mind , ,

a real worker .

NOTE S ee the r ema rks a t the en d 0 / fg

. f on Wife 45 an d
a ppl y them her e .

C H A P l lf
j lt

T he S u n .

OF all the planets the G) is the most po werful and without ,

his presence this world would s pe dily become a corpse a e ,

vast blank void of l ife When in the ascendant at birth i t

. .

makes the nativ e m generous lofty proud an d ma gma u r i , , , ,


mous scornin gmean and sordid actions i m perious condent

, , , ,

j ust and honest In the ery si gns very ambitious qui ck in


an ger and as pirin gto rule over all with whom he comes i n

contact grave an d of f w words and s peakin gto the purpose;

, e ,

i n the earthy si gns the native is proud and hau ghty to excess
, ,

Opinionative and headstron g; i n the a iry signs j ust noble

, , ,

aspiring and much given to science and arts ; in the watery


signs rather lewd and fond of the o pposite sex even to his
, ,

own pre j udice in Ill he makes an excellent chemist or doctor ,

gaining fame and credi t thereby The position of the (Din .

the ascendant is fortunate for the pros perity of the na tive .

G) i n the 2 n d V cry generous and free with money spend ing


i t fast and lav ishly is careless over ex p nses and squanders e


his estate A A or . Of
It makes a g reat alteration an d ,

leads to wealth and fortune particularly if l l b e strong , .


G) i n the 3rd Fo n d of science and the fine arts ; firm and


steadfast in O p inion and removin gthe residence but seldom, .

In the watery S IIS many short j ourneys by water and in


, ,

the moveabl e si gn much travellin gby railway

s, .

G) i n th e 4 th A
good po ition e peci al ly if the Q b e
, s ,

strong or wel l a pect ed denotingsucces s an d fo rtune at the

, s ,

clo e O f life It al so benets the fathe

s . r.

(D i h h Den ies ofi p in c except the Q be in the

n t e 5 t , s r r

watery si g ns they are then likely to b e weak and sickly and

, ,

will probably die unless the D U or Q be there also or

, ,

, ,

aspect the Q The native deli ghts in pleasure an d female


com pany and spends his money freely

, .

G) in the Gt] N0 l3 a good position for health and if afflicted

t. -

show s many lon gs ickne s e s and if (Dbe in the x ed signs s , ,

qu in sy diphtheria bronchiti asthma gravel or stone hear t

, ,
s, , ,

d isease weak b ack an d loins in the common signs danger of

consumption (es peciall y if in Tmor X) and Obstructions in
, ,

the breathing organs In the mo veabl e signs liver complaints . , ,

nervousness weak chest and stomach giddiness and rheu

, , ,

matis m probably also some permanent hurt or in j ury .

i h h The husband or wife will be roud austere

Q n t e 7 ! .
p , ,

yet sincere and honourable ; lofty and high in manners yet ,

generous an d wel l dis posed ; also good for business an d

p artnership but mu ch will depend on how the G) is as pected
, ,

and in what si gn he is placed .

6 i n th e 8 t h E x travagance on the part of husband or


wife and if a ffl icted by a d C or 8 of d danger of a violent , ,


or sudden death .

i h h H onourable rm and steadfast ; j ust and

G) n t e 9 t ,

faithful in his deal in gs wit h others ; makes an excellent

d ivine ; if in a wa tery s ign it shows long sea voyages and , ,

Often success in forei gn lands .

(D i n th e 1 0 th H onour an d
preferment ; success in life ,

an d the ac quisition of riches ; fortunate much esteemed and , ,

frequently elected to a po t O f honour


s .

G i n th e 1 1 th Firm and faithful friends and if G) be stron g

, ,
00 r u cu
mn s TO AS TR O LO G Y .

they are willin gand able to help the native and wi l l do so ; ,

but if weak and af icted they will be a burden ins tead of

a help .

i n the N th R ather uni mportant but as the Q is a b ove ,

the earth it denotes success in life if the G) be much af icte d

in this house it shows imprisonment , .


(9 in
d or an y as p ect with
Q Fond of company and .

pleasure and female society success in dealing with cloth ing

, ,

j ewellery or apparel ; fond of music sing ing dancing and all , , ,

elegant arts and sciences If in or 1 given to dr in k and


low company and may become sottish If the aspect happens

, .

in the 2 u d 5th or 7 th he will spend much money on females

, , ,

and pleasure wasting his time and fortune ; in the l oth it

, ,

leads to rapid promotion and in the 4 th success in business , , .

As Q is never more than 48 from the G) she can onl y form


the d P M and L w ith that luminary

, , .

i P w i h T his makes an amb itious and good

G) n d or t

business man ; learning with dacility and ease ; studious and ,

comprehensive qu ick at giu es consider the foregoing '

ch iefly when in the l st 3rd 9th or l 0 th If the G) an d Q be

, , , . ,

in x the native will possess but little wit and be very con
, ,

ceited talkative
, fond of travelling ; void O f any sound

learning dabb l ing in almost every branch of sc ience and

mastering none ; vain and foolish If in mthe native wi l l
, ,


be a great doctor Or chemis t It has often been said that .

the (Dand Q in d impairs the native s faculties I am not


of this Opinion so far as business or literary abi l ity is concer ned ,

but for d ear sou nd intuitive perception and deep conte mpla
, , ,

tion , is best away from the beams of the Q As t} is n ever .

mor e tha n 2 8 fro m the 6 it can on l y for m the d an d P with


that orb .

G) d or i n o
god as
, p ect to the
D S ucce ss in li fe ; rapid .

promotion ; prosperity and help from powerful persons ,

honour and esteem Persons born with the G) and D in good


aspect seldom have any difculty in Obta ining employment .

T hese aspects also strengthen the constitution both of male

and female and with the former denotes marriage to a high

minded noble dispositioned person -


G) i n evil a sp ec t with the D Ditcul ty in money matters ;

trouble in getting into employment or other O ffice ; loss by
s peculation and females whom the native should avoid , It .

also weakens the health or constitution and produces long

and serious sicknesses ; gives great liability to colds and
in uenza .

No r a The position ofthe su n an d moon i n a n a tu s shou ld

be well stu died They a re the two mos t p owerf
. ul pl an ets a n d
on them depen ds main l y the heal th an d s u ccess ofthe n ati ve .

S ee the r emarks at the en d ofPl o



Ve n u

Q in the ascendant makes a person much beloved by the

opposite sex fortunate and gaining thereby fond of pleasu
, re
good disposition ; generous merry and kind and usually , ,

a good singer or musician b n x and X are the best

signs Y W mand V1 the worst especially mfor it makes
, ,

, , , , , ,

the native lewd low and indecent fond of drink and loose
, , ,

women especially if d should be in aspect d in as pect to



9 makes a g ood painter or artist actor and singer the voice , ,

is sweet musical and even they excel on the stage or i n any

, ,

occupation or profession that brings the m in contact with

the multitude ; the constitution is not usually strong and ,

the habits O f living seldom conduce to health and long life

their temper is even and the ir ways winn in g .


9 i n the 2 d Promises success in life and lucrative ,

pursu its if strong yet the native Spends much on ornament

, ,

dress jewellery and females and in pleas u

, , re see k ing an d ,

e x travagance ; hence u n less Q b e well fo rtied or other

, ,

te stimonies conc u r he will never be very rich

, .

i n the 3 ri Help from kindred and near relatives or

neighbours ; success in railway travelling; the mind jovial
and merry much gi ven to poetry and novel read i n g
, .

n the 4 th S hows the latter par t of the nati ve s life to

Q i
be prosperous and ha ppy es pecially it Q be u n al icted

also gain by inheritance .

i h h Much given to pleas u re and fem ale company

Q n t e 5 t . ,

whereby the native in j ures his health ; he will be fond of

theatres and places of amusement ; i t denotes a nu merous
family many girls d utiful goo d and loving who wi ll b e a
, , , ,

comfort to the nati ve if Q b e very strong it may give gain ,

by speculation and hazardous games .

Q i n th e ( W u H ealth tolerably good ; b u t this posi tion

has but little effect excep t on the menials of the nati ve who ,

will be dutiful and obliging .

Q i n t h e 7 th This denotes happiness in the marriage s tate


and great love for o ffs pring the native usually marries early
u nless Q be in mor Vf when he is likely to form im pr oper ,

connections T his position si gnies success in business in

. ,

partnershi ps or i n dealin gwith others It also shows that .

the native gain by his adversar ies s .

If tro n
Q i n th e 8 th g gain by marriage and b y the wills
. s ,

and legac ies of the dead ; i f weak the position deno tes but ,

little .

Q i n th e Ol in S hows travelli n g; pleasa nt j ourne ys ; a

sincere r eli gious turn of mind ; merry and j o vial ; fond of

reading an d poetry be n et from relatives throu gh marriage ,

and it Q b e not fa r fro m the M C the na tive wil l marry well

, .

in life or to a per son a bove his or her own s phere in life

, .

Q i n th e l o th S uccess in life honour fortune promotion . , ,

and es t em e pecially amon gst fe males the m ind is pleasant

e , s

and agreeable disliking quarrelling and bothers of every sort


the native marries above his own station i f Q be strongan d ,

well fortified .

M i n the 1 1 th
Many friends ready and willing to help the
nat i ve and by hi m they are much valued

i h 12 h Of little i mportance it tends to success in

Q n t e t .

life but Show s many secret enemies the native must be care

ful of dec eit and treachery if nothing wors e s hould to af ict , ,

Q .

NOTE The very b est dispos ition s are those produ

. ced by Q .

When this pl a n et is s tron gin the l s t 3rd or 9th the n ative i s , , ,

n ot on l y kin d to his fell ow u bu

creat t l o to res , a s an imal s an d
e very l i vin gthin g a bhorr in gc ul ty i v y h p
r e n e er s a e an orm
d f
ve y sympa thetic, a n d
r uo tn s en ta tio s ui n his action s an d ways .


The mind is merry and che erf u

Q i n O o r a n y a sp ec t
to g
{ l r ,

fond of musi c singin gpoetry an d al l elegan t art s and science s ;

, . ,

i f in the a scendant the native will b e a good poet ; i f in the ,

3 rd 9th or l o
, th fond of r eadin gand a g
, real inclination for

k li terature and poetry The n ative i s likewise very fond of .

young persons and men ofte n marry very young women ,


T hese pl a n ets are n ever more than 7 6 a part con sequ en tl y they


can on l y f or m the o P M A >k and Q with each other ;

, , , , ,

n otic e the o P a n d >k p r in c ipal ly

, , ,

Q o r i n g oo d a sp ec t to the D This gives tidiness and


neat ness in appearanc e to which the native pays great atten


tion ; well conducted ; l ikewi se b en e t from females and


re spected by the m it d enotes a comfortabl e marriage and


, ,

i f Q b e fre e from af iction a good wife It t en ds to s ucce ss , .

a n d f ru alit It mak s w o men very n eat an d cl ean in th ei r

g y e .

way s d i screet an d pr u d ent in the i action s depen di n g much r ,

u po n the i gn s the pl anet s occu py s .

Q / a [ l i eti n g th e D S lovenly a n d un ti dy in a p pe ar anc e


car el e in ex pen es ; too ofte n fond of drink ; di s lik ed by

ss s

femal es of po itio n In a feminin e nativity i t in j ures the

s .

health and weaken s the sy ste m by exces s ive periodic C O l


plaint s S lut s in var iab l v have Q af icted by the D in


t heir n ativi ty .


M e rc uy r .

t} in the ascendant makes a person of quick and su btle

wit In the ery si gns shar p impetuous qu ick in an ger
, , ,

deli ghting in dramatic performances uent in speech skilful , ,

in mathematics and endowed with an excellent fancy ; i n


thes e thin gs Y and Q a ppear better tha n I in which s ig

n , o

he is rash and i m prudent with a ow of speech of n o great ,

de pth In 8 or Vy the native is subtle crafty and rather

, , ,

malic ious ; headstrong opinionative and gluttonous lovi n g

h is own case In I] Im_ or x of an exce llent wit and
, , ,

. J
, , ,

fancy ; a good orator ; a great scholar ; easily mastering

anything scientic acute sharp and penetrating In " 1 he , , .

makes an excellent chemist or doctor ; penetrat ing and fond

of experiment ; quick in j udgment bu t deep and crafty and ,

to be trea ted wit h caution In Q or X the n ative posse sses .


a eet shallow mind ; d issembling and changeable ; a sill y

, ,

rattling tongue with a very high o pin ion of hi mself and his

own abilities ; sottish and fanciful ; no de pendence to be

placed upon h im ; in these 25 is better than X , .

Q i n th e 2 n d Not of much i mportance except Q be well ,

aspectcd or fortied w hen it promotes success and the acqu is i


tion of wealth .

Q i n th e 3 r d L eads to study and science astrology an d , ,

occultism fond of all kinds of curiosities especiall y it Q be

in an airy sign or Tmor m; i t also denote s travell ing ; but

when in 93 or x the mind is apt to b e ckle and u n steady

, ,

unless b throws an as pect to M ercury .

Q i n th e 4 th Inclines to study but is not i mportant

. , ,

e x cept 9 b e well digni fied (in [ I or In ) when it denotes su ccess ,

late in life .

5 i h 5 h In ba rr en signs denies children or destroys

{ n t e t
them and if in C12 mor x they may be deformed or insane
, ,

, , , , ,

especially it h or d afflicts T his position als o in cl in es

to gambling bettin g and drin k

, ,

Q i n the 6th S hows deceitful and troublesome servants ,

and i f af icted they will rob the native If Q be lord of the

, , .

ascendant and in this house in 3-6 or I he gives consumption

, ,

weak lungs and chest and frequent attacks of sickness ; if ,

af icted by the mal ecs so much the worse , .

i h 7 h Much competition and annoyances in

Q n t e t .

business quarrels in the conj ugal state and a marriagepartner ,

with a very long and sharp tongue ; whether such a partner

will talk wit or nonsense can be seen by the sign Q occupies .

i h 8 h O f little importance It shows nothing in

Q t t

h e . .

particular .

h h S harp clever wit fond of science and learn

Q i n t e 9t ,

ing curiosities and reli gious studies ; the native is likely to [

, ,

travel if Q occupies a moveable sign .

i h e l Oth S uccess in li terature and trade or as a

Q n t .

merchant ; of a qu ick pregnant wit possessing some original


talent and if in the a iry signs a good orator

, .

Q i n t he 1 1 th S hows friends among scientic men ; i f


Q be strong assistance from them ; if weak they are an

, ,

inj ury instead of a help to the native

, , .

h h In 8 Ill or Vf many crafty enemies

Q i n t e 1 2 t .
, , , ,

seeking to in j ure the native secretly ; i n the other sign s i t

tends to success in life and u en cv in speech , .


in g
ood with the D Very quick in wit,

Q 0 or asp ect .

splendid abilities sharp and penetrat ing especially if occurring

, ,

in the airy signs ; much wit and sagacity ; the l st 3r d 9th and , , ,

1 0 th are the best houses for this aspect The native usually .

acqu ires foreign languages with ease and facility and i f the , ,

sig n rising be 11 TW _ I or x the native speaks with

, ,

, ,

admirable elocution .

Q a l icted b the Much given to backbiting lying and

y ,

slandering ; possessing a sharp turbulent wit and good , ,

abilities ; if b or a a f icts D or Q at the same time the


native will be dishonest and turn his abilities to bad account , .

06 ms c u
m s TO AS TR O LOG Y .


T he M oon .

TH E D in the ascendant makes the native fond of rambling

and movingabout especially if in a common or moveabl e sign

u n stable in m ind ; fond of females and by them much ,

respec ted of a quiet nature deli ghting in friendship and ,

society ; phil an thrO pic and us u ally fortunate in dea ling with

the multitude and the lower class of people ; rather timid

in nature ; incl ined to be g enerous and in the ery s igns , ,

ambitious and aspir ing In T the native is giddy and .


changeable constantly on the st ir espec ially if in aspect

, ,

to lg l in V) or il l fond of drink low company and sott ish

: , , ,

lewd and lthy in talk and behav io u r ; in I] IN __ or , ,


fond of science delighting in astrology and a good li ngu ist ;

, ,

in 5 and x very kind and good natured and much res pec ted -

in 8 rm and steadfast ind ustrious and persevering Som

, , .

n amb u l ists generally have the D rising at birt h U suall y .

the nature of the D is kind well intentioned qu iet ; with , ,

a great d isli k e to wrangling and quarrelli ng .

D i n th e 2 n d E ssentia l ly strong is good and shoWs

, ,

success in life and the acqu isition of riches If in l or W .


the native will experience much trouble in money matte rs ,

and loss of fortune .

D in the 3 rd Many short j ourneys ; fond of sc ience and


occult stud ies ; and i f D be strong help from brethren and ,

nei ghbours .

D i n th e 4 th The native fr equently removes h is residence

success in lands and agriculture ifthe D be strong essential ly , ,

in this house i t is an excellent in d ication of success and

, ,

ultimate independence .

l) i n th e 5 th , R ather too fond of gambli ng pleasure and , ,

women ; many ch ildren especially i f D b e in a watery or


double bo died sign ; probably twins if in x The native


will have great love and affection for his children an d yo u ng

persons generally .


D i n the 6th Not good for health (es pecially if a female )

in the common signs danger of consumption or lung disease

in the x ed signs gravel stone or bronchitis in the cardin al
, , ,

si gns derangement of the stomach and nerves Y oumust

, .

only j udge these W hen the D is badly placed or a f icted for ,

in n atu r e she is benefic and seldom works harm unless aspected

, ,

unfavourably .

h h S uccess in marriage and connubial comfort

D i n t e 7 t

also in law or partnerships this position inclines to j our ney

ing or removals The D well placed in this house (in 8

I , W or,X ) and i n good aspect to

, 5 denotes a very ,

ind u strious careful husband or wife


h R ather unimportant but if strong money

D i n th e 8 t .
, ,

by marriage ; if much a ficted by b and d danger of a


v iolent death .

D i n th e 9 th Travelling ; long journeys ; fond of science


t rather bigoted in religion ; curious and eccentric ; if D

be strong assistance from relatives by marriage

n the N th
S uccess in life and prosperity ; favours
D i ,

fro m powerful females es pecially if D be strong ; the native


is generally successful in dealing in public commodities ; he

is much respected and esteemed .

i th e 1 1 th If D be s tro n g many good f riends but if

D n .
; ,

u ea k friends will be an inj ury to the native

If in mor Vf it denotes deceit a

h n d cr aft
D i n t he 1 2 t .

ch ie y from badly disposed females who will inj ure and ,

damage the native In other signs i t tends to success in

. ,

life according as the D may be s trong by aspect or u n af

icted , .


f .

TH ISpart would not be complete without some reference to

the probable in uence of this distant planet It seems to be .

the general opinion that this is of a mal ec nature but pro ,

F 2
08 TH E c u
dui en g worry
rather than an actual evil event O fcourse .

it must not be forgotten that m uch will depend u pon the

position and the as pects of lgto other planets whether good ,

or evil E vil aspects never result i n good but there is no


reason why y angular and well as pected shou ld not benet , ,

the native in a similar way to any other planet 5 is not .

always evil neither is It always good E verything de pend s

, .

upon the position and aspects Now as regards g : some th i n k .

it is most powerful in <3 and X and that these signs may be

O f co urse the op posite signs W

designated its house
and "

I would be its detriment

There is also a genera l ly .

agreed Opinion that the chief in u ences of 14; on the mind is

to incline it to spiritualism and meta physics that is supposing , ,

the planet to be rising or in the 3rd or 9th house S u ch a, .

position also tends to i n stability of character unreliable , ,

intuitiona l impulsive fond of change lack of self contr ol

, , ,

exci tability and love for sen s ation such as is prod uced by an

excite ment of the animal passions In ca rdina l and common .

signs the mutability of the mi nd would be increased ; in -

x ed sig n s retarded at the same time the ani mal ins tincts
, , ,

as well as fondness for foods and drinks would be increased , .

The planet seems to have much connection with the nervous

syste m in man hence the dread of i m pend ing misfort u
, ne
which often does not materialize If the pl anet be in the .

2 n d a fear or dread of poverty or n ancial ru in will often


depress the native If in the 3 rd many removals love of , ,

the weird and mysterious In the 4 th much uneasiness pf .


mind and minor troubles late i n life In the 5 th larg

e .

sensual propensities fondness for pleasure d issolute and , ,

sord id In the 6 th constant worry about servants or work

. ,

people or health ; dread of sickness In the 7 th an u

n fort u .

nate marriage marital infelicity probably se paration In the

, , .

9 th inclination for occult studies

C urious in beliefs In . .

the l 0 th much doubt and perplexity in business cons tantly on

, ,

the worry In the l l th annoyances from friends and anxiety

. , ,

caused by them In the 12 th fear and dread of enemies

, .
THE cu

Note if the planet be well aspected particul a

, rly b y 9 ,

H O, or D the above remarks will be much moderat ed but ,

if badly as pected by any of the planets the infl uence will be ,

much more adverse and unfortunate The unfortunate .

as pects of denote loss of money and great worry The .

good aspects benets and nancial success If a fflicted by


d or Q inclination for lying deceiving and other undesirable

, ,

practices The good aspects denote a sharp mind inquisitive

. ,

and inventi ve If a fflicted by 9 much given to lust and


p leasure and the g ratifi cation of the lower senses It is con .

sidered unfortunate for female p articularly if i

f be in the s,

5 th or 7 th houses The good as pects of Q incline to spirit


u al ity and mediumshi p The D af icted by 15 } denote s many


changes j ourneys and removal s ; the native does not stay


long in one place unsettled in mind and pur pose untruthful

, , ,

and an unhappy wedlock if a male if a female in danger of , , ,

d isgrace The good aspects incl ines to intuition and cl ever


ne ss and to the study of occultism and spiritualism It also


helps t0 steady the mind particularly if in xed signs



The planet moves very slowly occupying about 1 60 years ,

in making one Zod iacal R evolution hence i t will be many ,

years before anything reliable as to the kind of person pro

d e ced by 151 in the various signs can be ascertained At .

present much of it is con j ecture and the young student should ,

not rely too much even on the remarks in this chapte r The .

only act u al experience I have had of its in uence is that i t ,

produces no en d of worry and nervous excitement n otwith ,

standing that it is in X and in exact A to my D in 5 at birth

and otherwise u n aficted exce p t by being in the 12 th house



, .

B Y this term I mean that planet which is n earest to the
meridian . For instance a planet on the cusp of the l l th
70 1111s c u
m s TO rs r aoLoe Y
. .

house and another on the cusp of the 12 th t hat p lanet on

. ,

the cusp of the l l th would be elevated above that on


the cusp of the 12 th and if another planet were on the cusp


of the l oth it would b e elevated above the others ; also on e

on the cusp of the 3 rd or sth would be elevate d above any
planet in the 4 th house
T his position of E levation is very important for if you

fi nd the evil or malefi c planets elevated and in card inal or

su cceedan t houses ,it shows a much harder stru ggle for
success than if the b en ecs were in E levation ; and if the
general testimonies in the map are unfavourable and the ,

malecs again in E levation i t would be a hard and con


tin u ous struggle against poverty all through l ife ; wher e as ,

if the b en ecs were in E levation they would materiall y les sen


the evil of a bad nativity .

Again if the mal ecs al ict the G) or D and be in E levation


above them the evil is much greater than if the G) or Dwere


in E levation above the malecs .

Too much attention cannot be paid to this ; should d

affl ict Q and b e in E levation the ev il is greater than if the


same conguration occurred with Q in E levation .

The same must be ob served with sickness and health If .

b be in E levation and afflict the Q the effects are much ,

more severe than if the C) were in E levation above l The s.

same must be observed with the D and females ; I have

known many females with the D on the meridian but much ,

afflicted by the malccs to enjoy pretty good health and to

, ,

have but little to complain of as regards sic kness .



B E F ORE proceeding further it is very necessary to impress


upon the reader s atte ntion the importance of ma ster ing

thoroughly the foregoing particulars ; in fact they should ,


be learned by heart so that the symbols and other informa


tion may come readily to the m ind ; to attempt to j udge a

nativity before this is accomplished is like run ning before
one can walk and is sure to end in grief and disappointment
, .

The reader cannot do better than experiment with his or her

own nativity ; for in the lives of every one there are certain
tion s even ts thoughts and i n cl in a tion s kn own onl y to one s

ac , , ,

own self these may all be found depicted in the M ap for the
time of birth but unless kn own by the student to exist in

the individuality of the native might lead to a wrong j udg


ment .

Therefore l et t he student take time over the rudimentary

part of the science mastering all its details exercisin g himself
, ,

in the computation of the aspects until he feels condence


in his own ability When he has proceeded thus far he may


co mmence w ith Part III and then on to Part IV The

, .

la tte r is the most difcult of all the parts and one that tests ,

the skill and ability to the utmost even of the best and ,

surest practitioners It will be best however to experiment

, ,

with the pas t comparing the directions with the events for
, , ,

in this way a key to the future may be found

, .



DRA W your fi g u
re for the given time of birth ; if the last or
rst two or three degrees of a sign arise then inqu ire imme ,

diatel y as to the time of birth for ve minutes will sometin m


throw the personal appe arance and mental qualities qui te

the opposite way ; for instance the last degree of [ I will

p roduce a widely different person from the rst degree of C

53 .

When one comes to a nicety like this it is best to wri te the ,

description of person each sign produces and send to the ,

person wantin gthe nati vity at the sa me time inqu iring which

of the two descri ptions comes the nearest and from this answer ,

to j udge the si gn ascend ing When several degrees or the


m iddle of a si gn arise ve m inutes error in the time of birth


is of little consequence but try at all times to get the as cenda n t


as n ear correct as possi ble ; then determine the lord of the

ascendant for instance if T or ma rise then d is lord
, , ,

i f 8 or Q then (2 and so on of the remainder and in fact

, , , , ,

the lords of all the houses should b e well remembered after

this compute the aspects between the planets the decl in a
, ,

tions and conj unctions an d remember well in what houses


the planets are placed and also whether ess entially dignied

or not .
ms G UIDE TO AS TR O LO G Y . 73



TH IS is one of the most d ifcult points in Astrology as so ,

much depends on the nativities of the par en ts and the amount ,

of vitality the infant possesses First have regard to the .


positions of the planets in the parents nativities for if these


denote l oss of osmin g then the child will die but if not
, , ,

then j udge it will l ive u nl ess the natus be very u

, nfortu nate
i f the testimonies in the nativities O f the parents be doubtful ,

u ndecided or denote the loss of some but n ot al l the Offspring

, , , ,

then have recourse to the following

C onsider the ascendant its lord the D and lord of the
, , ,

8 th for if a mal ec be near the ascendant and al icted by

, ,

the lord of the 8th and the D be at the same time a ficted

by the G P; or d the child soon dies The lord of the

, , .

ascendant in the 6th a ficted shows a weakly child and if

, ,

this af iction be by the lord of the 8 th the child will ulti ,

mately die but should a ben ec be in good aspect it will be

, ,

reared but with great difculty C laudius Ptolemy one

, .

of the old writers on Astrology says : If one of the li ghts

be angu

lar and either j oined to a malec or if t he latter

, ,

be at an equ ilateral trian gle with them and no b en ec aspect ,

ing them at the time and the rulers of the lights be in malec

places (6th or 8th chie y )the child then born will not be reared ,

but will shortly die

I have fou
. nd this Often correct .

C h ildren are generally killed by position before the age of

three ; after then by direction C hildren born under . Vy
and X possess less v itality in their infant year s than those
born under the other signs and evil positions or directions

are more liable to kill ; 8 rising gives danger of ts during

dentition (especially if the natus be an evil one ) and death ,

may ensue ; 5L , and 1 give good stam ina and strong

74 r u e G UI DE TO as rn oroe Y

constitution s ; next to these are T l] . W' " l and a so tha t , ,

persons born with the strong signs ris ing w ill thrive and live
through sic knesses that would kill others born under V?
or x It is the d ifference in the quali ty or nature of the

signs that caus es an apparent contrad iction in the sc ience ,

for one child will live and be healthy with a very evil nativity ,

and another will d ie w ith ha l f the amoun t of rad ical evil ,

and this depends almost if not ent irely on the sign as cendin g
More persons are born under $2 "

I Q mand I than un d er
, ,

the other signs these si gns occupying about fo u

, ,

rteen ho u

, rs
out of the twenty fo u r in ascend ing and these be ing strong

and healthy signs account for the increase of popul ation

, .

The du ration of the life of an infant which will not l ive to

maturity is also very difficult to arrive at It gen erall y
, .

d ies when the Dby transit meets an evil planet and especially ,

if in the 4 th (the house of the grave ) 6th or 8 th house The , .

ex ac t time of death depends upon the exact amoun t of v ita li ty

the child possesses and as this is d ifcul t to arrive at it is
, , v

best not to be too sure but to watch events and refer them

to the course of the D for in the case of i n fan ts whether

, ,

male or female the D is all powerful but wherever po ss ible

, , ,

examine well the n ativities of the paren ts .


TH E rst points to attend to in a nativity areAb e l ife and
health If the map b e for a male then regard the
. if ,

a female then look to the D also see if either (9 or D b e


in the ascendant or 6th for suc h positions have much in

, ,

u en ce on the health If you nd the G) al icted b y b


the health is not good more espec ially if the (9 be occ iden tal

for then it denote s long and te d ious illnesses d in an y .


aspect to the (Dproduces strength and a strong constitution ,

but if in o D or 6 there is liability to accidents short

, ,

but sharp attacks of sickness an d sudden death It a ficting , .

the G) predisposes to apoplexy pleur isy corrupt blood and , , ,

liver complaints and the Q or D in bad aspect to each other


weakens the constitution in both male and female and seldom ,

leads to long life If d and b both afict the G the heal th
. ,

is not so bad as if 5 were not there for d strengthens the


system but the end of such a person is liable to be very sudden

, ,

either by accident or disease according as the planets may ,

be oriental or occidental Or ien tal positions sign ify acciden ts


and short attacks of sickness but occiden tal positions deno te ,

long lingerin g chroni c d iseases The (D or b in the 6th

, , .

and in d D or (9 is a bad testimony and denotes heavy

, ,

af iction ; in fact it is one of the worst positions that can


occur for health On the other hand the G) in good aspect


to 71 ( r d or to the D helps the health much and denotes

, ,

a strong constitution more especially if G) be rising or in

, ,

any house except the 6th or 8 th The planet Igl does not .

seem to exercise any great inu ence over the heal th bu t he ,

cau ses accidents and suicides and when in the 6th denotes , , ,

an in cu rabl e d isease .

For a female take the D and j ud ge exactly as indicated


for a male but note that the D in bad aspect to Q deranges


the constitution of a female making it weak and d ebilitated , ,

and if b or d be there also her n eal th will be a continual


source of trouble to her R emember thisthat 0 7 destroys .

the in uence of the D more than 5 bu t b in j ures the (9 ,

more than d because the natures of the D and o and G)

, ,

and b are totally dissimilar but the D and b and the G) ,

and 0 have natures more in common one with the other .

W ith respect to accidents the Q a f icted by the mal ecs ,

and oriental denotes accidents that are likely to te rmin ate

fatally b affl icting the D and oriental denotes falls and
, ,

bruises and if 0 be there severe cuts and if the G at the

, , ,

time be al icted they are lik ely toterminate fatally

, .
Mi ma c u
m s TO '
as r aot ocr .

The na t u
re of the d iseases to which the native is lia ble
may be learned from the sign occupying the cu s p of the

0 th house and the sign in which the majori ty of the planets

, ,

especially the mate/ice are situated For ins tance the xed , . ,

signs show d iseas es of the heart throat or u rinary org mw , ,

stone or gravel bronch itis & c the common si gns con su

, mp , .

tion spitting of blood bowel complaints sc iatica d rops y

, , , ,

and poorness of the blood ; the C ardin al signs indiges t ion , ,

weak stomach mental derangement vertigo fevers liver or

, , , ,

kidney complaints .

To particularise the d isease s 1" denotes mental deran ge ,

ment fevers gidd iness and such ailments as concern the

, , ,

head princ i pally ts rules the throat hence d i phtheria

, ,

bronch itis kings ev il II r u

, les the arms hands and shoulders

, ,

and produces h urts accidents or rheumatism in th ose l im bs

, ,

5 governs the stomach d enoting indigestion and frequently , ,

that terrible d isease cancer ; 9 rules the hea rt an d back ,


and af iction of planets in this si gn denotes heart d iseas e or

inj ury to the back ; "

2 rules the bowels and su ch di seases as ,

they may b e sub j ected to ; -_\ rules the ve in s liver and loins f
, , ,

also kidneys b or o"in this sign is sure to upset the liver or

kidneys ; Il l rules the bladder and private members hen ce ,

stone gravel & c ; 1 rules the hi ps and thighs and caus es

, , .

more broken bones than any other sign also sc iatica and hi p
d isease ; V} governs the k nees ;
? the legs and X the feet ; ,

0 in X denotes co rus an d bunions in plenty To this I may .

add that Y a and V1 are signs in D or (f to each ot h er ;

) )

hence planets in V} ofte n affect the organs ruled by T 93 :

those in (9 es pec iall y ; 5 Q mand m are also


an d Q , , ,

in D or (f 5 and Il l denoti n g the throat and privates chie y;


and x: and Q the heart and back ; In) I and x are in ,

si milar aspect and should be j udged as above .

R eferring to the map on page 3 7 we nd a strong s ign ,

Q ris ing and the (9 close to the planet Ven u

, s These .

would be favourable testimonies for health an d strength if it

were not for the exact C] of l ; to the (D the former be ing in ,

elevation above the () and occidental the as pect also occu

o rs

from angles rendering it very powerful We should therefore .

j udge that the native would experience as a rule good health , , ,

yet have occasionally severe and protracted attacks of ,

sickness and as the lord of the 6th and the majority of the
, ,

planets are in common si gns su ch sickness would a ffect the ,

chest and lungs principally and arise from colds or the , ,

wearing of damp or wet boots for the af icting planet is ,

i and he is in x which rules the feet

s The G) is also in
, .

A to d but this aspect is nearly past and as the D is in A


to d but very little mischief wi l l result from that aspect
, ,

and so far as health is concerned it may be ignored

, ,



NO TI C E the signs ascending and the G) D and Q5 chiey , , ,

al though al l the planets have some in uence on the mind .

The sign n Tm or mrising makes the native fond of

, , ,

science readin gand study qu ick and ingenious with an easy

, , ,

and pleasant flow of s peech ; Y Q or I ambitious fond

, ,
, ,

of honour ery in temper and much given to sports and


exercises aspiring to rule ; 52 and I are better than Y

, .

the latter makes the native unsettled rambling and often ,

witless 93 or V? makes the mind ambitious very fond of

. ,

politics and engagingin public business espec ially ; V} is ,

more se l sh and crafty 111 makes good chemists and doctors ,

secret an d crafty and seldom to be trusted ts or signifi es


persons lov ing their own ease fond of drink and pleasure , ,

slothful and 8 is very fu

riou s and reven geful when provoked .

In a former part of this book you will nd the s ig n ication s

of the planetary aspects but it will be necessary to add more ,

here The worst sign in wh ich Q can be placed is x ; he


therein makes. the native shallow in intell ect loquacious , ,

78 m s G U IDE TO AS TRO LO G Y .

changeable conceited and ofte n fond of drink ; the ne x t is


C} therein in clines to politics drink with no depth of

thought or mature reasoning ; in 1 rash foolish and impetu
, ,

ous , ,

proud and conceited fond of scents and perfume ry ; in Y ,

very inquisitive of a fertile imagination quic k in speech

rash furious never at a loss for a word ; in 8 "
, , ,

, , l or w , ,

selsh close covet ous envious malicious deceitful a person

, ,

, , , ,

best avoided yet possessing good talents especially if in

, ,

Ill or Vy ; in Q straightforward and steadfas t in opinion


and purpose ; in I] T i } or at very ingenio u s posse ssing

, , , ,

excellent mental qualities origin al in ideas and a good orator ,

o r write r
No r a These descr iption s are pr in cipall y to be con sider ed
when Q is r isi n g or in the 3rd or 9th hou se, .

d in aspect to Q

5 makes the mind exceed ingly sharp ,

whether in good or evil ; such persons are generally very

active ery in tem per great liars irreligious or else hypocr i tes
, , , ,

and often light n gered

b in aspect to Q inclines to

stead iness and rmn ess but if by evi l aspect it denotes deceit ,

treachery duplicity and thiev in g; in good aspect thoughtfu


, l ,

and reserved steady and sober in character ; Q and 71 the

, ,

native is honest and possesses a good j udgment ; kl makes


the mind wayward restless stubborn fond of cur iosities , , , ,

ori ginal but revengeful ; to be successful in l iterature it is

, ,

necessary that Q5 and U be in d or Q aspect If in D , .

or c? it leads to much criticism and public disapproval .

Q with t} renders the mind cheerful pleasant fond of , ,

pleasure and society ; the D with 9 very clever of an , ,

excellent wit and understand ing but the C ] and d inclines ,

to lying and deceit fault n din gand duplicity ,

- .

The disposition is denoted by the (D and D pr incipal ly ,

and when these are aspected by d i t is free and gen erous

to excess asp iring courageous but angry ; 21 makes i t
, , ,

moderately generous ; such persons a re very solici tous of

fame and seldom ex tend a help ing hand unless it is likely
, ,

to be well known l) and lg l incline the disposi tion to be selsh


and close Again 9 and o"strong makes it generous and

, ,

lavish ; Q and 5 close and mean ; lg l is un certain sometimes ,

generous and sometimes the reverse The Q or D rising .

makes a good disposition kind and generous but if i; be in , ,

as pect then the native is careful of his own goods

, .

The map on page 3 7 shows Q and Q in d which would

incline the mind to poetry and music also pleasure and the ,

company O f young people Mercury is nearly in exact to .

d the latter planet being in the 3rd house This denotes

, .

that the m ind wi l l be very sharp bitter and sarcastic and , ,

very headstrong and independent difcult to persuade or ,

manage and as b is in E] toQ the temper will be very bad

, , ,

We should therefore j udge the native to be quick and clever ,

persevering and headstrong and very quick in anger especially , ,

as Q which is an angry sign is rising E xcept for the

, , .

proximity of Q to Q the mental qualities would be of a bad


stamp and would lead the native into dishonest practises

, ,

chiey for the sake of sport or pleasure for the si gn I is ,

pro eminently a sporting sign The disposition is such

- .

that friends can have everything but others nothing , ,




TH E surest sign of success is i t in the 2u d house and the ,

stronger u is essentially the better also if he be well aspected

, ,

by the G) D or , in bad aspe c

, t to 71 in any part of
the map is evil for it causes heavy and sudden losses fre
, ,

quently of an overwhel m ing nature even the good aspects of

to are not good for they lead to un bounded generosity
O , ,

carelessness over money causing the native to spend i t ,

lavishly .

When most or all of the planets are above the eart h that ,

is in the 7 th 8 th 9th 1 0th l l th or 12 th houses it is a

, , , , , ,

favour able sign of prosperity especiall y if they are or ien tal ,

80 THE c u
m s To AS TROLO G Y .

If in the M C is a good te sti mony ; also the G) or Dor b in
. .

* or A to ; or the or 1) in d with 21 is also an ex cell en t ,

te stimony The O and D in or A is favourable especially


for s u ch as are in employment the C ] or c ? be ing the reverse , .

The 4 th house is a very important factor in this question ,

for if b en ec planets (G) D U or Q ) occupy this house , , , ,

i t is a sign of success at the la tter pa rt of life and the stronger ,

these planets are either essen tial ly or by aspects the grea ter
, , ,

the success ; but if they be weak or knocked about by cr oss

aspects j udge the Opposite the malecs therein peregrin e or

af icted show a sad end probably in want or misery and

, , ,

even i f I) d or lg ,
l be strong es sen tial l y it yet denote s an
, ,

unha ppy end not so much from want of mon ey as b y a

, ,

miserable misern ess (espec ia lly if denoted by b ) or b y ,

outside tr oubles caused by friends health or relatives In , , .

t his matter your reason must b e exercised for l; in 2 or V? ,


in the 4 th in A to I! would signify a very dieren t en d to .

the native s existence than i f I) had been af icted by the D

or (9 of l } or any other planet

, .

It or if lord of the 7 th and i n >k or A denotes money

, , ,

by marriage ; 11 in goo d as pect to H shows gain by leg acie s ,

or in an unexpected manner Many planets to g ether in on e


sign denote great successes and great reverses in proportion ,

as they may be aspected or placed es sen tial l y for i f amicte d

by aspect or p osition the reverses w il l outweigh the successes

and vice vers ci Aga in l) in the 9u. d hou se denotes a har d


struggle all throu gh life every penn y the native possesses he


wi ll have to work doubly hard for I f I) af icts the D it is .


another bad testimony and keeps or makes the native poor


of course a A or >k of u or O to the D or even F) al ters

, , ,

the cas e and would improve the nativ es prospects immen sely .

T he l ights af icted by 11 denotes prod i g ality ; Q al ictin g

I the native is ex pe n sive in his household and fond of dress

and nery ; the G) or d in the 2 u d he is free and li b eral to


excess and if d af icts the G) by D or (9 he will lose money


by law or quarrelling and get robbed by sharpers .



The Zodiacal sign rising has some inuence over the success ,

ofthe native Y I] Q a I and mmay be termed fortunate

, , , ,

signs ; the other signs are not so fortunate ; there are of course , ,

man y exce ption s and I do not advise much reliance to b e


placed on this point although an u nfortu nate nativity with


an unfortunate sign rising is singularly evil , .

The po p ularity or fame of the native depends principally

on the angles if C ardinal signs occupy these he will become ,

famous either in good or evil 5 in M C gives power and

, . . .

authority but casts down again ; i t there denotes fame all

, ,

through l ife the same with the G) or D o"in the l oth

, .

brings scandal especiall y to females The D or d of one

, .

or both of the luminaries to a planet from C ardinal signs ,

produces fame C ommon signs and planets therein denote


obscure persons ; persons born w ith planets rising usually

become famous in their respective s pheres or trades especially ,

if in C ard inal signs for these denote authority whereas the

, ,

common signs show obscur ity or a limi ted amount of fame ; ,

such persons seldom possess much sway or power of mind

over others The Q i n good aspect to lg
. ] gives fame and the
friendship and help of old moneyed men and is an excellent
aspect in the nativity of any one who has to do with pu

b l ic
men or public affairs It is sure to lead to fame and distin c

tion although perhaps late in life

, , .

In our map page 37 we nd no planet in the 2n d and

, ,

its rul er Q in h is detriment in d with Q and the (Dbut in

, ,

[j to l ) d is als o ruler of the 4 th and in his detriment



and cadent T hese are unfavourable -testimonies O n the

. .

other side we have l l strong in the l l th in A to b but in ,

d to
H. T he D is in A to 0
Now is the most powerful .

planet in the map and being in the l l th denotes much help

from friends and the A to b shows money by legacy but
, ,

the d of Pl denotes some d i fficulty with it but the native

o ,

will get i t as 71 is elevated above lg l E xcept for the strong .

position of 21 the native would have had a hard struggle all

through life As it is he will not save mon ey but his pluck
. , ,

82 r u G U DEn I TO as moroor .

and perseverance D A d will k eep his h ead a b ove ' in 3rd

, d )
water I j udge the money will be by legacy for d which
. ,

denotes his r st wife as well as b is wea k and one s carcely , ,

l ikely to posses s wealth Apart from U A b and D A d . . , ,

and the powerful position of 11 there are no ,

aspects to favour succe ss .



C O N S ID ER them idheaven the ascendant that planet which

or oriental to that l u
, ,

is nearest the S u n minary and the

, ,

positions of the major ity of the planets The S ign s may be .

d ivided thus Y 8 $2 and V? produce employment among

, ,

metals housebu ilding smi ths and machinery ;

, , an d ,

m are scientic signs and produce clerk s write rs and li terary

or scientic pursuits ; 5 m and X prod uce in n k ee pers
, ,

, , ,

publicans brewers sailors w ine merchants and shmon g ers ;

the sign "

, , ,

1 moreover produces many chemists an d doctors

, ,

of note d ability TD ] and I messengers de alers boo k sellers

printe rs e n gravers and ar tiecrs Moreover 8 1mand VP
. , , ,

, , ,

have connection with agriculture ; Y Q and I wi th fire

, ,

iron the army and dan gerous pursui ts ; r] _ and a scienti c

, ,

pursu it s shopk eepers an d clothiers

, .

If the native have many planets in the watery signs it ,

signies that he would succeed well as a publican brewer , ,

shmon g er espec ially i f such signs be occupied by the b en ee


planets If they possess the scientic signs he will e x cel

. ,

as a cler k or wr iter deal in gin clothes as an auctioneer & e

, , , .

if in the earthy signs housebuilding agricultur e bric klayin g

, , , ,

or those empl oymen ts w hich deal ch ie y with ea rth if in the .

ery si g
n s as smith mechani c cattle dealer horseb rcaker and
, , ,
, ,

v arious kinds of employment i n the army & c , , .


The most powerful planet in the map also has some in uence
on the employment In this Q denotes wr iters authors .
, , ,

accountants teachers stationers book sellers and those who

, , , ,

live by stipend or salary ; Q signies employment among

wines dress ornaments perfumery owers and those
, , , , ,

engaged on the stage d produces soldiers and such as work


by re or iron cooks butchers Shi pwr ights carpenters & e

, , , , , .

It shows lawyers co u ncillors divin cs clothiers tailors

, , , , ,

revenue ofcers j udges and public characters ; b denotes


printers agricultur ists sextons and sometimes d ivines

, , , ,

especial ly if in >kor A to U; shows astrologers antiquarians , ,

curiosity dealers and all who follow a strange and uncommon


employment If d and l ) are the chief ruling planets

. ,

and in d or bad aspect the native takes to thieving and ,

forging swindling and u

, nl awful pur su its If Q jo in 9 and .

d they are sculptors painters artists and engravers The

, , ,

Q favourably aspected by l ) or lggives employment i n the ,

S tate or C ivil S ervice and denotes managers and persons , ,

hav ing authority and power The testimonies respecting .

employment should be well weighed as the different kinds of ,

employments are various and very numerous ; therefore let ,

not the young student j udge this point hastily .

The i mportance or magnitude of the employment will be

seen from the position of the ruling planets for should they , ,

be oriental or above the earth then it will be lucrative and ,

eminent ; the same if many planets occupy C ardinal signs ,

or C ardinal signs occupy the angles ; but should the ruling

planet or most of the planets be occidental and u
, nder the
E arth then it will be obscure and such persons u
, sually have ,

to work for others all their lives Persons so born seem to .

lack ambition and are consequently quite content to remain


in obscurity and be the faithful servants of others When .

the () and D are

or _A to each other the native seldom ,

has any difculty in obtaining employment but the E] or ,

C? O fthe light s has an Opposite effect also persons born with

the D mu ch aficted by 5 should be careful in com mencin g ,

c 2
84 r u comm
ro AS TR O LOG Y .

bus iness on their own account ; they will

and far more prosperous in empl oymen t .

or A to d is very favourable for employment denoting


rapid advancement but when d af icts the Q by C] or 5it


is seldom the native and h is master ag ree .

R efe rring to our map pa ge 3 7 we find 9 lady of the Mid

heaven in d with the Q and Q and oriental of the 0 con ,

sequently that planet would denote the employment Placed .

as she is I should j udge his profession to b e in connection


wit h wear ing appa rel flowers or millin ery probably the
, ,

former as is stron gan d denotes tailors cloth iers 81 0 We , , .

may therefore consider h is employment as such and that it ,

is the best he can follow The A of D and d would ma ke


him a s hrewd man O f business and one that can drive a .

hard barga in .


or M ARR IA G E .

FO R males regard the D and Q and for femal es the G) and


Q if these are stron gand free fro m the af iction or as pect

Of 5 they marry early especially if they be orient al i e
, , , . .,

between the 1 st and 10th houses or in the opposi te ,

of the map b u fl ict the D or (D it

t should i) a f
, .

marriage an d should the latte r planets b e weak and 1;


strong and barren signs occupy the l st an d 5 th houses the

, ,

native wi l l not marry S hould i) af ict the D by d C ] or

. ,

the death O f the wife is signied and if in n I or X , , ,

a plurality of wives is denoted especially if at the same time ,

the D applies by 0 or aspect to more than one planet For


a female j udge the G instead of the D Q af icted by I)

, .

shows trouble in courtship and probably d isappointment ,

and i f a fflicted by lj jealousy and mistrust ; the D al icti n g

9 al so denote s trou ble in cour tsh ip The fru

itful signs .
T HE GU IDE To astrs ot oer . 85

Occupying the l st 5th or 7th hastens marriage ; the barren

, ,

signs retard it The D strong in the 5th or 7 th in aspect to

, ,

many planets causes an early marriage

, .

C onjugal happiness depends upon the D Q G) U and , , , ,

the 7th house chiey for should Pg 5 or d occupy this , ,

house but little happiness prosperity or comfort will be

, ,

experienced u nless they are most excellently aspected by


the b en ecs and even then many minor troubles will occur
, ,

but should these planets be u n aspected or aficted in any

way then marriage wi l l prove the most u
, nfortunate event
in the native s whole career Again i f the O with a female


be a f icted by 151 it will lead her astray and she will probably
, ,

leave her husband and live with another man ; if the G) be

afflicted by Q the m an will be a harsh

, cruel h usband ; i f ,

by l ; he will be worthless and miserly lazy and in both cases , ,

a most unhappy u nion will be the result E ven should the .

Q be in or A to lg l there is danger of the female being

led astray especially if 5 or x occupy the ascendant but in
, ,

this case it is not likely to lead to separation Wi th men .

regard the D if she be i n d D or C? to H men wi l l cohabit

, , ,

with married women and even the >l< or A in cl in e this way

, .

When h} afflicts or aspects 9 men cohabit with single females , ,

and women with single you ng men ; should 0 or P aspect ;

an y O f the aforesaid planets at the same time the misconduct ,

wil l be publicly known but if u be in aspect i t will not be , ,

known to any extent b in or A will cause it to be carr ied

on w ith great secrecy l l or b in the l st 5th or 7th .
z , ,

or d in the 5th or 7 th it is seldom the native whether male


or female leads a chaste life


9 in good aspect to b shows sincerity an d attachmen t

in marriage and if 11 or Q be in the 7th dome stic felicity
, ,

and comfort ; the G) and D therein is good but much depends ,

on how they are aspected and to what planets they apply , .

The Q with a female and the D with a male a p plying to the

d , or A of M denotes a happy marriage sooner or later

in life bu t if to b then it will not be so happy for the wife
, ,
86 THE G UID E TO As mon oor .

or husband will be old b ad te mpered and miserly e x acting ,

, , ,

and with but little attachment or feel ing .

The wife is described by that planet to which the D rst

appl ies (except there b e a planet near the cus p of the 7 th ,

when tak e it ) or if she apply to no planet then ta k e the

, ,

sign on the cusp of the 7 th and j udge from this if she apply
to Q the wife will be handsome lov in g and accomplish ed ;
, ,

if to Q5 clever sensi ble active but a great tal k er ; if to d '

, , , , ,

bold refractory hot tem pered ; if to

, , j ust cheerful kind
, , ,

with a good d isposition ; if to b grave serious attentive to , , ,

her duties and mi serly if to the Q generous noble straight , , ,

forward rm and determined if to lg

, l she will possess many ,

peculiarities be very headstrong rash and independent and

, , ,

d ifficult to manage .

No r m If the application be by bad aspect the effects ,

will be so much the wor se also see how each planet is aspected ,

and in what sign i t is placed for the D A Q in 3 denotes ,

a ver y d ifferent wife to one signied by Q in V; or Y or W;

the same w it h the other planets For femal es ta k e the G) .

instead O f the D and Observe also that the Q applying to

H in Tm
, ,

denotes a very d ifferent husband to the one sign i ed

by u in or any other sign u nless it be V) the same with ,

the other planets The 7 th or 8 th house occupied by 71


strong or by b in good aspect to l l promises gain by

marriage the same if It or 5 rules the 7 th and b e in favo u
, ,

able as pect The Q af icte d by d l) or bl destroys the

, ,

husband or causes hi m great and heavy misfortun es ; the


D similarly af icted des troys the wife especiall y if the D

, ,

be in I] I or N , .

As the map on page 37 is for a male we must tak e the ,

D an d Q as the chief signifi cators of marriage bu t in this ,

case there are other te stimonies to b e considered 17 is .

pla ced in the middle of the 7 th house in 34; the Dappli es

to d by a A aspect d is in

weak and cadent and Q ,

, ,

the co significator with the l) is near the G) and Q and in I


For tunately the D is elevated and free fr om af iction The .


wife is signi ed as a mixture of d in and b in x with a

dash of 9 Q and the () in her mind To accurately describe
, .

her under these conditions is di fcult In stature she would .

b e short with clear cut features pale in complexion and , ,

eshy face In disposition headstrong determined and

. ,

sullen in temper (O7 and yet fond of music pleasure and ,

of sight seeing as denoted by Q Q and Q Her position

, , .

in life would be only fair as none of the sign icators are strong
, .

Marriage felicity or hap p iness is not shown for d and l) the ,

chief s ign icators are out of place and a f flict each other .

Marriage would ta k e place early i n life as the D and Q are ,

in oriental quarters As_ the D Q and b are in b i corporeal


si gns we may j udge he will lose his rst w ife and marry agai n
, ,

the 2u d being sign ied by P] prob ably a widow with some C ,

money for is] is strong In th is marriage much unhappiness

, .

will follow probably separation for the application to [ f

, , o

will be by
If the nativity had been for a female we shoul d tak e 1) ,

for the husband the Q s application is by D aspe ct and b

is in a wea k and watery sign denoting a drun ken worthless , ,

fellow and mu
, ch sorrow an d mi sery .



the 5th and l l th houses the 1 1 th is to be considered
because i t is the 5th house from the 7th or the 5th house of ,

the husband or wife If you nd fruitful or feminine sign s


on the cusps of these houses they denote children or o ffspring


the D Q and If are givers of children the d b and ,


deny them all ot but few or destroy them according to the

, ,

nature O f the sign they occupy in the 5th or l l th hou ses .

Q depends on the si g n he occupies The signs are approx i .

mately as follows Y is against offspring or gives but one

88 r uG U DE
n I TO as rn onoor .

or two ; 8 three or four ; II two or three ; ve or six

Q denies Offspring ; 1mtwo or three three or fou r; m
, ,

, ,

four or ve ; 1 three or four ; W two or t hree ; a denies

, ,


offspring ; x seven or ei ght The foregoin g are when no

, .

planets possess either the 5th or l l th hou se T he Q Q an d .

, , .

the mal ec planets d iminish the nu mbe r ; the D Q or If ,

au gments it T he D in the 5th in b i corporeal signs pro


mises many children Often twins ; the same if she b e in 95

A friend of mine w ith D in rm

in the 5 th . in 5 th in good , ,

aspect to many planets has sixteen children all li ving , .

T he number of childr en will be increased or d iminish ed

in proportion as the plane ts in the 5 th house are well aspected ,

and vice vers d The D Q or l l in 5 th shows obed ient and

. , ,

d utiful children that will be a comfort to the ir parents ;


but if the evil planets be therein then the ch ildren will be ,

a great trouble sickly or unruly Again the prolic planets

, . ,

in the 5th or l l th and a ffl icted by the infortun es denote

, ,

death to some of the o ffspring ; bu t i f in favourable as pect

to many planets they augment the number , The 5th house .

shows the rst child the 7 th the second (b eing the 3 rd from ,

the 5 th ); the 9th the third ; the l l th the fo u

, rth ; the l st , ,

the fi fth the 3 rd the sixth ; and the 5 th aga in the se venth
, ,

child .

If there are signs of the death of some of the offspring ,

and ev il planets possess the 9th house by position or lord , ,

s ay the third child will die ; if the malef ics b e in the 7 th the ,

second child will die ; if in the l l th or rulers O f that house , ,

the fourth child and so on This system of j udging I have

, .

found tolerably acc u rate .

Many planets in feminine signs show more girls than b oys

in masculine signs the reverse Again if the sign occupyi n g
, .

the cusp of the 5 th b e ma s culine and its ruler be a mas culine ,

planet and be plac ed in a masculine sigu most O fthe ch ildren

, ,

will b e boys ; bu t i f the signs & c be feminine then the , .

, ,

majority will be girls Again i f the husband s s ig .

n icators ,

be stronger than the wife s s ign icators in the gu re it is an


additional testimony of more boys than girls and vice vers ci ,


O nce more if the 5 th house denotes children and the l l th

, ,

house denies them some will die in infancy the same if the

l l th house promises O ffspring and the 5th denies them ,


This was remarkably exemplied in a nativ ity I once had

before me in whic h the D was in 8 in the 5th in favourable
, ,

as pect to all the planets except 5 and 0 ,
but 6 ruled the 7

l l th and he was a f
, icted by lg l 71 Q) Q and Q the con , , ,

sequence was that the native lost three out of his nine children .

Ifthe lord O fthe 5 th b e in the 5th and well aspected it shows , ,

the Offspring to become fortunate and famous ; the s ame if

the lord of the 5th b c dign ied and oriental or if l l be in the ,

5 th strong and u
, n al ieted ; but s hould the planets denoti n g

ch ildren be occidental and out of their dignities and afflicted

, ,

by a spect then will the O ffsprin gb e obscure and unfortunate


7'in to u de stroys some of the o ffspring ; so al so does

5 when a f icting If The late Queen Victoria had 21 A b

at birth an d she lost three O f her children

, .

If we refer to the map on page 3 7 we nd I on the cusp

of the 5th and 11 its ruler in the l l th in the fruitful sign
In the 5 th we nd [El in the sign V) in d to the latter :

pl anet however is in A to l) in a fru itful sign in the 7 th house

, , .

We should therefore j u dge a small family of three or four

, , ,

as the testimonies are n ot strong enough for a larger one .

The 33 of If and fl will cause trouble thro u

gh Offspring .

T he 3rd child ruled b y the 9th ho u se and d is likely to be

the black she ep in the fold an d the 4 th signi ed by

, in
the l l th will be the most fortunate
, Parental love or parental .

affection is ruled hy the 7th house in this c ase it will not b e ,

very strong for l) weak in this hou se denotes that the father
, ,

will think his children mu ch trouble and ex pense and he ,

certainly will not spoil them by ov er indulgence -



NOTIC E chie y the 3 rd and 9th houses ; also in wha t signs
the pla nets are situated especially the D and d for if t hes e
, ,

planets are in the 3rd or 9th in moveable or common sign s ,

then the native will travel much and go long voyages The .

3 rd house has connection chie y with railway or short journeys ,

and the 9th house si gnies lon gvoyages to d istant lan ds or

emigration The D in powerful aspect to lg
. l and either in ,

the l st 3rd or 9th denotes many journ eys The D or d'

, , .

cadent especially in the 3 rd 9th or 12 th is a sure sign of

, , ,

trave lling and if in 5 or x long and extensive voyages are ,

denoted If the ben ecs govern the planets ruli ng the 3r d


and 9th and the D and be in favourable aspect thereto

, ,

then will the j ourneys be prosperous and lucrative ; the same

if It or Q occupy the 3rd or 9th house and is not a fflicted ; ,

but should l) d or 1 ] be there it denotes much dan ger

, 0 , ,

trouble and annoyance ; and if these planets b e in a wate ry

sign in the 9th and afflicted the native wi l l be shipwreck ed

bu t should they be in the 3rd he will b e liable to an acc ident ,

in going a short jou rney by rail road or water , , .

The planets in xed signs show but little tr avelling (except

in 111 when they sign ify a voyage ); also when x ed s igns

occupy the l st 3rd or 9th there will be but little travell i ng

, , .

I7 powerful in a nativ ity ma k es the native fond of his hom e

the G) the same ; whereas l t d Q or the D denotes many a , ,

changes an d the native seldom remains long in one place


or Q powerful he will journey for bus iness or pleas ure

, .

With respect to going abroad consider well the positions ,

of the favourable and unfavourable planets for when the ,

majority of the good planets are in Southern signs they ,

show that the native wi l l have good success in the Southern

latitudes For instance many planets in Il l or even 1
. , ,

would show success in Aus tr ali a or adjacent places an d , , ,


in x: or x then New Zealand wou

, l d be a good country .

V} seems to favour S outh Africa or C ape C olony chiefly

: .

If the 9th house is favour ably occupied by these signs and

the benevolent planets then the native would do well abroad

T he same if they were in the l st 1 0th 1 2 th or even the 6th , ,

house Y oumust use your own j udgment a l ittle here for

. ,

i t is impossible for me to explain every position possible for

the planets to occupy ; but have chief regard to the (9 for ,

Q and Q must of necessity be near him on account of their ,

longitudes not exceed ing 48 with Q an d about 2 8 with


Q from the 0 .

Next look to 11 Never expect much from him if he be

in Tm

or a ffl icted by d The same holds good of the o ther.

planets and always avoid the localities signied by those


planets that are much a fflicted or else you will be in con ,

tin u al hot water with either health or fortune

The Northern signs show places near home or in North ,

latitudes for instance Y would show the E ast of E ngland,

or a locality to the east from your place O f birth 8 and .

I] are more N E and denotes the North of E n gland or

. .

S cotland Q I or
, the N IW and W parts and T . .

L ancashire especially

Persons born in E ngland under T or Q and many planets ,

in [ 1 or in the 9th or l oth house would do wel l across the ,

Atlantic and in the North E ast S tates of the U nion ; but if -

the planets were in Tm


or g then they should go to the Western ,

S tates C aliforn ia etc

, , .

N or e Never go abroad if your 3rd or 4 th house is strong

and well occupied or you will sorely repent it, .

T here is much more in the selection of a hou se and proper

locality than many imagine and it is a point on which authors ,

have been very silent .

The foregoing is what I have observed and found very

correct from experience and observation but there may be ,

many points to d iscover yet ; hence I advise much care and

scrutiny into the n ativity on this head ; in fact you cannot ,
92 r u

g i ve i t too much atte ntion for I believe that a right d irecti on


and local ity is more than ha l f the road to fortune and good
heal th .

R eferring to the map on page 3 7 we nd moveable sign s

on the cusps of the 3 rd and 9th and d cadent in A to the D
T hese are testimonies of considerable travelling chiefly by
rail and in connection w ith bus iness as well as plea s u re .

The D A d ' is also a testimony of changes and activi ty .

As 5 affl icts both d and Q and is in elevation above the m , ,

there is dan ger O hur t or accident and the positi on

f of '
d ,

shows that the j ourneys will not be benecial or agreeab l e .

O with G) and Q shows the pleas u

ruler of h d in ' rable
Q t e 3 r

side of the travell ing and d in the 3rd in A to the D the


business part T here is no str iking benet or otherw ise

, ,

shown in travelling or changes of residence .



on .

I HA V E found from my O wn ex perience and that of others

, ,

that much depends on the election of a su itable house and s

locality .

We Often see in everyday life that a person goes on com

, ,

for ta b l y and ste adily then makes a move an d is often ru ined

, , ,

or els e is ill and d ies have bereavement & c ; in fact the

, , .

move s eems ev il in every way and to upset him te rribly , .

It i s tru e also that others move and everything prospe rs

, , ,

with them and fortune attends them in -every way The re

, .

are no doubt some d irections Operating at the time either

, ,

for good or evil but if one gets into a bad locality then the
, ,

good d irections are much weakened an d the bad ones are ,

made stronger .

Note therefore the following

, ,

F irst consider the angles of the nativity If ca rdinal signs .

occupy these the house should be a corner one ; ifxed sign s

, ,

then the house should stand in the middle of a road or street ,

and not at a corner or where roads or streets meet if common


signs are on the angles of the nativity then the house should ,

be nearl y the last one in a street or road but not absolutely ,

the last one not if it be a corner one .

Again Y or 93 denotes the rst house in a street or road

that stands at a corner ; {L or v? the l ast house that stands ,

also at a corner
, .

For instance suppose there are 30 houses in a street then

, ,

Y or would show No 1 and a or 10 No 30 both of which

0 .
, ,

should be corn er houses ; the other signs that is the xed ,

and commondenote the houses between these numbers .

I should consider the xed signs to signify from 2 to 1 5 and ,

the common signs from 1 6 to 29 This is as near as I can .

tell althou gh probably a person un der 8 or 51 should be higher

u p the road than one under "

1 or at I consider x to si gnify

the last house but one in a street .

The angles to be considered are the l st and 4 th If you .

nd xed or common signs on one and card inal on the other , ,

i t does not matter where your house is yet even here it is best ,

to give preference to the northern or southern signs the ,

former showing the beginn ing of a road and the latter the ,

end of it .

Next have regard to the d irection to which the signs point .

T is E ast ; 93 North ; is West ; Vp South , , .

Now if T and
, occupy the l st and 4 th houses your

house should have a North E ast aspect that is one side of -

, ,

the house should face the North and the other the E ast ; ,

but if i } or a: occupy these cusps the n it should face the

. ,

South and West The other signs you wil l consider in the

same way thus : from T to 5 the signs are N E from 23


. .

to a is N W from a to V} is S W and from If to X is

. .
? . .

C ardinal Signs show prominent positions as on a hill ; ,

common signs denote the lower part of a to wn .

If you live in the country then the cardinal signs show ,

where roads cross each other and this is where your house ,
94 m u
c s TO AS TRO LO G Y .

should be ; in short if you are born un der ca rd inal signs let

, ,

your house sta nd as prominently as possible ; but if under

common signs do not li ve in a prominent hous e Fi xed
, .

si gns are between these two .

The next po in t to look at is where you should b e If you .

n d unfortunate planets in the 4 th hou se and they be weak ,

or out of dignities do not st0 p in your native place or to wn

, ,

for the 4 th house shows the place in which you were born ,

but i f th is house be stron geither with the malecs in the ir

own d i gn ities or else with the li ghts or good planets and they
, ,

not much af icted then stay there , .

If the 3 rd house be very strong w ith favourable planets ,

you should go a l ittl e d istance from your native town and ,

in the d ir ection signied by the sign on the 3rd as if go

a little to the North if Vf go a little to the South and so on , ,

w ith the rest of the signs but do not go far for the 3rd h ouse
, ,

shows but short d istances and I consider 50 mil es ought to ,

be the outside .

If you nd the 9th house well occupied go a long way from ,

your native place or as far as you like and in the d irecti on

, ,

ind icated by the sign on that house .

By going these d is tances and in the d irection sign i ed , ,

you bring yourself u nder the in uences of the good planets ,

and so will have better fortune and success .

G ood plane ts in the l st or l oth you may go where you

like prov ided it be in the proper d irec tion denoted by the

planets .

For in stance i t would be madness to go South with favour


able planets risin gin g s or to go West if they were in T and


on the ascendant .

If the favo u rable planets are in the other hous es the ,

d istance you go matters but little so long as you k eep in ,

the ri ght d irection as indicated by the sig ns .

Referring to the map page 3 7 as to the selection of a

, ,

house It would not be well for him to reside in his native


place for d ruler of 4th house is weak and af icted by b



Q and G)
should therefore remove from his birth
. He , ,

place The strongest and least af icted planets are the D


and 11 and these are in signs denoting the N He should

, .

therefore live in a Northerly direction from his place of birth

, ,

and his house or bus iness ofce should be in the middle of

a street or road as denoted by xed signs being on the angles
of the gure The distance from his birthplace is not material
. ,

as neither the 3rd nor 9th or their rulers are stron g con , , ,

sequently d istance is of no consequence He should avoid .

foreign parts for the lord of the 9th house is af icted by


position and aspe ct .



FO B these have regard to the l l th house for friends the ,

7 th for open enemies and the 1 2 th for secret enemies

The .

G), or Q in the 1 1 th strong and well aspected denotes , ,

many strong and substantial friends If the D or i} be .

there well forti ed the same ; but if afflicted by aspect or

, ,

position the native w ill lose by his friends ; and if b d or

, ,

id! be there then w ill friends injure the native and do him
, ,

much damage .

T he 1) a ficted by l ) in any si gn or house is a token of

false and had friends and losses thereby E v i l planets i n
, .

the 7 th and especially d point to many open adversaries


, ,

litigation and losses ; good planets the contrary unless they ,

be in c? to a planet in the ascendant For instance a person . ,

born with d rising and the Q in (9 from the 7th denote

, ,

much trouble from great and powerful men (signied by the

who w ill thwart the endeavou rs of the native causing ,

h im injury and loss .

The D an d de pend wholly on how they are as pe cte d .


If afflicted by the other planets they produ ce enem ies ; bu t ,

it well placed an d as pected the contrary , .

l) d or i l in the 12 th points to many secret enemies
, l

spi teful and mali cious secretly in j ur in g the na tive both


d irectly and ind irectly ; the there in a f

i cted female ,

enemies T he Q 11 or Q shows bu t few if any secret

, . , ,

foes Q af icted denotes many thus far with regard to the

pos itions in the H oroscope .

Friendsh ip and en mity are also p rod uced by the d ieren t

positions in any two persons nativities and the si m i occupying

the cusp of the as cendant ; for instance persons born u nder ,

certain tripl ic ities agree i rrespective of the places of the ,

planets such as one born under T will agree and feel friendly

with persons under 51 or 1 ; those under 5 with persons

born under Tm or Vf and so on with the other tri pliciti es ; bu t

when the signs occupying the ascendants of two persons are

in I] or (9 or inconj un ct then little har mony is man ifes ted
, , .

In this the (9 is worse than the D or inconjunct signs ; thus ,

a person born under 7 will never agree long wi th one born

under or or Vy Again you must cons ider the places

. ,

of the luminaries and other planets for if the (Dor D in on e ,

nativity be in d or friendly aspec t with the lights in the other

nativity then will friendship follow ; but shou l d they be in

D or (9 quar rell ing and enmity will occur The lights

, .

(6 and D) in parallel in the two nativities are a g ood testi

mony of friendship Again the other planets mus t be well

considered for if the (9 in on e nativ ity be on the pla ce of


l ) in the other nativi ty he who has i) will bene t fr om or ,

thr ough him who has the G) on the place of b n either is i t

necessary that the S olar man should su ffer damage fro m the
S aturn ine pe rson Damage is only sho wn when the nativity

is very bad and consequently the min ds of the a fictin g


party w ill then be bent on m ischief ( f and Q m u s t be . .

considered princi pal ly for friends hip and enmi ty between ,

male and female for i f d in a fema le nativity be on the place


of Q in a male there will spring u p strong feeling of regard


and friendship immediately they meet but if d in the one ,

nativity be in C] or (9 to Q i n the other hatred and dislike ,

will soon be manifested .

In the map on page 3 7 the 1 1 th house is ruled by Q and

the j) the sign 93 being intercepted with
, therein .

The D is also u icted and near the cusp of the 1 1 th

n af T hese .

are testimonies that the native will not lac k friends but will ,

benet by them very much He should however be c areful

, ,

of young people or those with a literary turn of mind as


shown by Q in I for this planet is weak and af i cted by


) and b and consequently can render no material help
, ,

to the native .



TH IS is denoted chiey by that planet which a f icts the

Q or D and the s ign and house in which it is placed ; also

by the 6th house which is the house of sickness

, .

bPl causes deat h in some ex traordin arv or uncommon

manner what are general ly called in the newspapers ; strange

deaths and these are frequently sudden and unexpected

he also inc l in es to su icide and death by railway or in travelling

, ,

that is if the map shows a viol en t end

, .

i) denote s death by colds and consumptions agues dis , ,

orders of the spleen dropsy atrophy or wasting syncope

, , , ,

and generally all c hron ic diseases

, , .

shows death by apoplexy in ammation of the lungs , ,

and liver diseases and enlargement of the heart & c

, , .

denotes fevers stone in the k idneys or bladder strang u ry

0 , ,

spitting of blood b u r stin g

, dnl ood vessels fatty degeneration ,

of the heart ; a lso burns scalds wounds miscarriage , , , ,

h aemorrhage abortion erysipelas smallpox and such deaths

, , , ,

as generally occur after a s hort or sudden illness .

98 ms c um s TO as rn ot oov.

T he g in which the planets are located should be noted

s i ns ,

and also the nature of the si gns on the 0th and 8 th houses .

T he x ed signs d is pose to deat h by s u

oca tion heart d iseas e , ,

bronchitis s tone or gravel s pinal com plaints a lso d i phtheria

, , ,

The mo vea bl e signs denote death by colds rheu matism gout , , ,

cancer all d iseases of the kidneys and liver bra in fever

, , ,

vertigo ts and d isorders of the stom ach The common si gns

, .

show death by consum ption asthma spasms dropsy d ia b ete s , , , , ,

scurvy and bowel com plaints

, .

A viol en t or sudden death is denoted when the Q or D is

af icte d by the D or (5 of d d at the same time be in g )

elevated above the lights Again d in d with the lights .

in the l st 6 th 8 th or l o
, th points to a v iolent or sudden
, , ,

death more especially if b or U ad d their evi l testimony to


c f 5 in the l 0th in c
? to the Q prod uces death by the fa ll
of buildin gs The si gns occu pied by the Lu
. minaries an d d

or i) must b e considered C ardin al signs sign ify a notorious

death as by murder gunshot lightning scalds railway or
, , , , ,

li re ; the x ed si gns stran glin g han gin g suffoc a tion or , ,

dro wn ing ; the common signs suicide shi pwreck prison , , ,

hy drophobia & c and l ] always d enotes that the death will

, .
, o

be extraord inary or uncommon and crea te great pu b lic ,

interest or concern .

In our map page 3 7 we nd the (9 much af icte d by b ,

the lat ter planet being in elevation consequently we should ,

j udge b in X to be the kill in g planet Placed in t hat .

sign he denotes colds consumption lung di fficulties and

, ,

dropsy .




B E FORE practising this part of astrology you should mak e ,

yourself thorou ghly conversant with all that has been ta u ght
previously especially such as rela te to the planets and signs
, ,

an d the calculations of the as pects particularly other wise you ,

will find yourself in a ho pele s s state of confu s ion an d unable ,

to decide anything .

In the rst place the dir ection s are calculated fro m the
places of the planets after birth reckoni n g each day after

birth as one year O f life the 10th day after birth as the 10th
, ,

year of li fe the 5oth day as the 50th year and so on cal cu

, , ,

lating the places of the planets every day to the actual hour
of birth For instance if the hour of birth were 4 A M and
, . .

you desired the directions for the 50th year of life youwould ,

take the places of the planets for the 5oth day after birth ,

and calculate them to 4 A M of that day and the aspects

. .

formed on that day would denote the events for that year .

In fact this part of the syste m i s like the erection of so many


horoscopes and I advise the student to erect a map for


every day after birth as the motion of the D is very swift

, ,

and her position is constantly changing .

The motion of the 1) per day you wil l divide by twelve

, ,

which will give her motion per month as there are twelve ,

months in a year ; if you d ivide this again by fo u r i t will

H 2
100 r ucu
e m s: To AS TRO LOG Y .

give her motion per week for there are four weeks in a month

this d ivision is very necessary because the D does not move

r egu

l a rl y but changes fro m 12 to nearly 1 6 per


Y ou will n d the D to b e the pr inc ipal actor in

tions owing to her swif t motion The signs and degr ees on .

the cusps of the houses i n the n ativity you will continue the
same and insert the planets according to the sign s an d
degrees in which they may b e found the same as you wo u

if i t were a simple nativ ity When you have proceed ed th u

. s

far calculate all the aspects that are actually formed by the

D and planets on that day and note them down for they are
, ,

the directions for that year of life The next point are the
T hese must be considered for the actu

tran s its . al year in

which the d irections fall out ; for instance if you compu te ,

the directions for the 20 th day after b irth which 18 equa l to ,

the 2 0 th year O f life you must loo k to the tran s i ts for the

a ctual year of life ; as if a person were born in 1 802 s e the

, , e

transits for 1 882 Now Observe When the places of the

. .

evil directions are exc ited or aspe cted by evil tran s i ts ,

results are very powerful and evil ; good (1

transit s produce very benecial results
g ood transits and good directions and bad

or no effect as they nu lli fy each other

, .

S uppose for instance you fin d D D b and at the time

, ,

It is in to D and M to i) or quinc unx ,

tr an s it su
, ch a d irection would not operate for ,

correct the ev il but i f b or 151 were in d with D or b then

, ,

i t would Operate with great force .

The exciting planets are lsi b 11 and d the latter, , , ,

es pecially when I} ; the 0 also when pass ing over the place
of direction but I do not observe his as pects S ome stu
, dents .

have written to say that has a powerful e x citing infl uence ,

and I would advise the reader to observe him ; his moti o n

is very slow : hence i t is quite probable he may effect some
thing When the exciting planets are B the effect is more

powerf u

l as their motion is slower Particular attention .


should be paid to the P of [y] b It d and the G) for the

, , ,

, ,

motions of these are very slow ; hence they exert great in

u en ce whether by dir e
ction or excitement For distin ction .

I call these d irections wh ich are made by the planets among

themselves pr imary ; and those made by the moon I call
on dary or l u

s ec n ar and the transits I call ex citemen t .

The student will remember that and are evil 7

I7 0 ,

planets and 11 a benevolent one ; hence the transits of the


former over the place of direction are evil in effect the same

with their parallels but the d s and P3 of u are favourable

, .

The aspect s are to be reckoned according to their natures


thus z M Q and A being g ood the A C] [Q and (9 bad

Y oum
, , , , .

ust bear in m ind that g ood aspects of the unfortunate

pl anets to the places of directions which are ev il are not so ,

po w erful as the good in fluences of 71 and that their evi l ,

aspects by transits to the place of direction are worse than

the bad rays of l l .

Y ou must al so recoll e ct the power of the aspects whether ,

Di rectional or by Transit ; for instance a M Q i & c will

, , , , , .

h ave very l ittle effect because they are weak aspects and
their inuence is always weak accordingly Page 6 on the .

Nature of the aspects will give the student an approx i
mate idea oi the relative strength of the different aspects and ,

this strength or weakness m u st never be lost sight of in

forming a j udgment .

T he A or Q of the Su n by di r ectio n appears to b e exceed

in g l y powerful very l ittle inferior to the D or
, why th is
is so I cannot explain but ex per ience has convinced me that
, ,

it is so ; neither have I ever known a A or [gof the (9 to

any of the superior planets (tg f
h} b 1L and (5 to pass
, , ,

without a marked event occurring particularly Ig j P or 2

2 , 1 ,

T his part of Astrology requ ires a lot of thought and the ,

d ifi eren t s ig
n icat ion s should be well balanced in the m ind .
10 2 r u mu
n m s TU ASTRO LOG Y .


FO R the convenience of students

a copy of the map on p age 3 7 .

S upposing we want the d irections for the 20th year of life ,

we take 520 days after birth or December 2o ,

tb 1906 and , ,

calculate the planet s pl aces to 10h 90m p m on that day

. . .

as in the follo wing map .


a 22

t 93
3 . 20
' '
151 23
31 9 16
8 . 57

s 46 9 s 35

9 . 19 .

' '
11 23

N . s 1) 1 1

s 24.


6 11 . 10

The daily motion of the D is 13 2 5 which divided by 12

is 1 7 or her motion per month Divide this again by 4


which will be and it shows her motion per week .

If you refer to the Aspectar ian in my E phemeris for
1 90 6 i t will show you what aspects are formed between

10h 20m p m on December 20th and 1 0h 20m p m on

. . . .
, . . . .
1 04 ms c u
m s TO AS TR O LOG Y .

the 2 15 t In addition to these there will be the aspects of

. ,

the progressed planets to certain p laces in the map at b irth .

There is only on e Prima ry as pect 9 v 11 T his is very .

wea k and need not be noticed In the Lunar aspects there .

are several .


December 1 906 , D A 11 1 February , 1 90 7 D d 1)

i Apr il , D P b R
J anuary , 190 7
I P d l) A t?
o b P

May D P b
D G) S e p tember , J) [a d

Febr u

ary , A 11 R ,
O ctober, D D 1) R

We must now loo k to the transits for 1 926 and 1 922 or

20 years after birth and see whether any O f these di rce

tions will be exc ited to action The r st d ir ection .

ecember is not exc ited beyond a f int of '

D A 11 in D a d
n 8 which wi l l e ffect but l ittle

The next D 13 als o in December wi l l be si milarly

, ,

excite d but only to a small or non effectual e x tent In -


J anuary 1 907 the D P d in Declination abou t 1 1 S Th is

, . ,

too is not excited


In the sa me month the D comes to a o of b in the Rad i x

or Nativity in X 8 "
0 will be in

in b but as the direc
tio n is b a d and the excitement go od no material evil will ,

result .

The next will be the D D G) in the R ad i x also in J anuary , .

T here is no exci ement except that of d which is benefi c
t , ,

so the d irection will pass without any appreciable effec t .

In February D A in X 9 1 9 followed almost d irectly

by D d b 17 by transit will be in f 6 on the l s t O f the


month hence with in 4 of a D to the place of the D and



although 11 is in x 4 at the sa me time yet the influence


of 1; will destroy that of It and nulli fy the good O f D A M .

We may therefore j u dge that February w ill on the whole

, , ,

be an unfortunate month the chief i n uence being D O b



moderately exc ited by b in I in D .

The next d irection i s that of D P b in April but it is ,

not excited to action .

In the same month D A f? from N but that also is

not excited to action .

In May D P 17 but it is not excited

In S eptember D [gd from X 1 7 and "

There is

no excite ment .

In O ctober D D D from X 1 9 1 9 and 11 1 9 bu t

here again there is no excitement worth noticing Therefore

, , .

the year so far as d irections are concerned wi l l be very quiet ,

and the native s affairs will proceed as u

sual e x cept in Feb ru ,

ary when there is an u nfavourable influence of occurring

in the 4 th and 7 th houses .

The latter is the house of business or sweethearts hen ce ,

some trouble will occur in connection with love or business

affair s probably a d isappointment as b aficts Q at birth
, , .



Y OU will fir st Observe and carefully note the lords of the

d ifferent houses as for instance the lords of the 2 u
, , d 3rd, , ,

0th and other houses and particularly the houses in wh ich

, ,

the d irections fall and from wh ich the exci tement arises
, .

For instance say D D b from 2u

, d and 6 th and excited ,

from l oth ; su ch a d irection would fall principally u pon

business and money as ruled by 2 u , d and 1 0 th ; but if the
excitement occurred from the 8 th there would be great ,

probability of sick ness and p erhaps death for the majority

of i n fl u
, ,

ence would arise f rom the 6th an d 8th .

100 THE G UID E Tn As r n o u
o v a .

H ave spec ia l re gard however to the pla ce O f the af ictin g

, ,

planet for D D 17 and b in 2u

, d is loss of money or ban k
ru ptcy ; but i f i; were in 6 th i t would more li ke ly touch ,

the health Y ouwill also observe that d irections for med in


angles and cardinal si gn s and exc ited are very powerfu

, l , ,

w ith respect to fame cred it and other th ings of a sudden , ,

and stu pendous nature cVen to a v iolent or sudden de ath ; ,

and those in s u cceeden t or cadent houses are more ta rdy and

slower in effec t yet a e none the less powerful when exc ited

to ac tion T hese are the chief points to be observed

. .

The Q d A D [Q (9 or P h| Very unfortunat e and .


s ignies unlo cked for calamities attended w ith great a n xiety


of mind law & c but I have not Observed th at i t aect

, , .

the health to any remarkable degree although it may as s ist ,

the evil Operations of other planets It signi es great and .

sudden losses by bad debts and speculations acc usations , ,

and dan ger O f i mprisonment .

With females i t is extremely unfortunate and many get ,

into trouble under this d irection leave the ir husbands or , ,

elope S ome I have known to marry suddenly but separation

. , ,

or death O f the husband has followed w ith in twelve months .

I have also Observed th at i t prod uces voyages journeys and , ,

the entire break u p of many homes H ave reg

ard to the .

houses in which i t falls as th e 1 s t 5 th and 7 th for females , , , ,

the 3 rd and 9th for voya ges ch an ge s or j ourneys and so on , , ,

of the others .

T he (D M Q A g Ben ecial fr iends pub l icity fa me

l . , ,

and honour j ourneys an d pleasant voyages prosperity an d

, ,

gain This is a famous d irection for an M P and he is sure

. . .

to come out prominently u nder its in uence ; c ivic honou rs ,

& c are bestowed With females th is d irection is not g ood

. .

I t sometimes causes a hasty marriage and unless the natu s , ,

is favourable a regrettable one W ith some it a l ienates

. ,

the m from their husbands an d homes The bad d i rection s .

O f Q and H have similar infl uence it they fall in ce rta in

houses .

The G) d A D Q (5 )
or P is very evil and brin gs T his ,

trouble in health mind , and esta te and frequently death

, , .

If the aspect falls in the 4 th or b or G) be lord of the 4 th , ,

it signies death to the father ; if in the 2 u d house loss of ,

wealth and un less the nativity is strong the native s affairs ,

will be entirely shipwrecked The same i f it occurs in .

the l 0 th as may be witnessed by the fate of Na poleon In

, .

the 1 st brain fever and mental af iction are shown also

, ,

rheumatic and chronic ailments falls and such accidents as , ,

are likely to result in sudden death as the fall of buildi n gs , ,

and if in watery signs shi pwreck or drowning ; the 2u

, d

house loss of substance and general m isfortune ; in the 3 rd

, ,

acc idents in travelling and loss thr ough brethren ; in the 6th
, ,

much Sickness and perhaps death ; the same i n the 8 th ; in


the 1 1 th bad friends by whom the native will be robbed


and in the 1 2 th danger of i mprisonment

, .

H ave also regard to the houses O f which the G) and b are

lords In a female nativity loss of husband death of parents
. , , ,

sorrow and bereavement .

By way of illustration and which no doubt all my readers , ,

have observed I will mention that sometimes a person d ies


in the midst O f prosperity another has good health and loses

his fortune another loses perhaps fortune and health at the

same time and another suffers great bereavement but ,

receives a fortune S uch things can only be l earned from


the radix and the houses in which the directions fall and the
, ,

lords O f certain houses All deaths are not evil alike and all

are not signied by b ad directions For instance 11 strong .


i n the 6th denotes gain through uncles and aunts ; so when ,

a good direction is formed to It the native will have benet ,

from them or they may die and leave hi m a legacy H ence

, .

instead of the death bein gan in j ury it will be a benet to ,

the native These are points wh ich you must always bear

in mind if you mean to be accurate .

The (D M >k Q A b Thcse are very powerful especially .


if G) or 1) be powerful at birth or lord O f a prominent house , ,


as the l st l oth 2u d &c ,

They then show pu,
b l ic , .

gain and honour n ew friends gifts & 0 With fe

, , , , .

they sometimes give marria g e .

The G) A D [2 c Very bad even worse for 1


.. ,

matters than the ev il directions of 17 L aw is three . .

affronts and ind ignities All speculations should be av

, .

I t deranges the health and denotes danger O f apo ; ,

pleurisy bursting of blood vessels and a disordered


of the system In the 7 th it is very bad for law in th


an d 2 u d for money and business ; in the 1 2 th dam

, ,

imprisonment ; i n the l st 6th or 8 th bad health in ad , , , ,

to money losses A gentleman of my a cqua intan ce. ,

u in M C made a fortune and has j ust lost it all a n d

. .
, , ,

d irection of Q (9 i t locall y and powerfull y excited , .

The Q d M Q A
P 1L These are generally very
bequeath ing wealth honour prosperity and go od fri , , ,

the native manages his affairs with skill and tact Th .

especially good and lasts several years with more 0

, ,

power accordin gto the excitement there may be


I have found from e x periences that these directions pr

more female marriages than any other d ir ection and so: ,

on e passes except the female marries or has an Offer of ,

r iag e that is if the d irection occurs at a marr iag

eab h

and the nativity shows marriage .

6 o

A D [g6 or P d S harp diseases fevers accir
, ,

an d hurts cuts b l ows b u

, rn s bites O f dogs uxes diam
, , , , , ,

chol era smallpox law quarrelling dispute s & c

, , , , , .

T he signs occupied by c ? and G) have a great deal to do

the event Fiery sig ns d isposing to cuts blows gu

. n , ,

dents lightning fevers & c watery signs u

, , x es dr ew , .

and scalds ; airy signs broken bones ; and earthy signs

beheading hangin gand uxes In a female nativity d :
, , .

of death i n child birth or sudden loss of husband -


The effects of these d irections are very sudden fallin g ,

a thunderclap u pon the native and against whi ch cart ,

c au tion can effec t bu t l i ttle A transit of the (D 0 3 .

ran G UIDE TO A S TR OLOG Y . 109

or a P of these planets usually bring s the se directions in to ,

force I have Observed when the G) and d are in xed


s igns either at birth or by direction

the native is in danger ,

of heart disease or sudden death therefrom bursting of its

, ,

blood vessels and in I] or I in a mmation of the lu n gs


T hese d irections are much more potent if the G) or D be

afflicted at birth by b or d These directions also incline

to ghting anger qu ar rels and violence robbery loss by

, , , , ,

r e i f in ery signs and in watery signs drunkenness

Oh , .

serve the houses in wh ich they fall as well as the s igns and , ,

regulate your judgment accordingly .

6) M Q A d G ain by d men honour preferment

, , ,

activity and a chan ge of place ; health and strength Y et

, .

the mind is irritable and qu ick in an ger To kings an d , .

rulers gain O f territory increase of armies honour and fame

, , , .

T he or A produces marriage with s ome females b u t such ,

a union is marked wi th d iscord and frequently separation , .

G d 34 Q A P
Q A happy and pleasant time . .

The native is given to amu sement and pl easure and has ,

great leanings towards the female sex The d or P generally .

produces marriage with a male b ut I have not know n a ,

female to marry under such directions I t conduces to .

health preferment promotion society and squandering

, , , ,

money drink & c The (5 and P are the prmci pal d irections
, , . ,

and the ne x t .

9 L or D Q This is unfavou rable and denotes wasting


of money over females and extravagance grief thr ough , ,

o ffspring inclination for drink and evil company The D

, .

cannot occur until after the 3oth year .

(9 d y or P f
G reat inclination for book s and
learning and literature generally study much busine ss
, , , ,

mental activity sometimes journeys (if G) or Q be in the


3 rd or 9th) fame and credit thr ough inventions (if the nativity

shows it ) promotion The d and P are to be mostly observed

, . ,

and the chief e ffect of these appear to incline the native to

writing study literature and publication
, , .
1 10 TH E 0 mm: TO asrn o mor .

O nly one female have I known to mar ry under t his d irectio n

(d ) and then G) an d 9 were in "
, I in the 7 th .

Q A or D 9 T hc latter can only ha ppen when the ,

native is over (it) years of age The ! is not importa nt . ,

u nless very powerfully exc ite d when it prod uces trouble ,

over letters writings a n d agreements

, .

Q o D With a male i t denotes gain success fame

. , , ,

an d prosperity an d frequently marriage if in a convenien t


house as the 7 th or l oth ; new friends introd uctions an d

, , ,

preferments It is unfortunate wi th a female as re gards


h ealth denotin gdanger of fever in ammation bad h ealth

, , ,

and in the 8 th dan ger of death ; in the 2 u

, d bad trad e and
, ,

loss of money in the 7 th a b ad ma rriage or trouble through , ,

the husband .

6) M Q A or P D These are very g ood Favour an d .

- .

friendsh ip cred it es teem or populari ty prospe rous busin ess

, , , ,

The P frequently c a us es marri ag e with bo th sexes prefer men t ,

a n d honour ; in short the a f

fairs of the n ative succeed most ,

favour a bly att end ed with pro motion aml favour from great

and p owerful persons or superiors , .

G A D a or 3
D A very ev il time full of vexation
) t (5 . . ,

losses and troubles The n ative is thwarted in his purpos es

, . ,

and su ffers dama ge from powerfu l and su perior perso n s .

W ith many it si gn ies death of paren ts loss of w ife or bereave , ,

ment \ Vith a female i t is u

. nfortunate an d u nless the rad i x , ,

b e strong danger of illn ess or even death

, , .

Fro m watery signs the native takes to drinking an d b ad , ,

and low com pany ; and i f in the 1 2 th house danger of im ,

prisonment loss of trade and general misfortune

, , .

D d A E] [3 C? P lot These a re all unfavourable inas ,

much as they produce ch anges re mov als j ourneys troubles , , ,

from females loss of cred it anx iet y worry and great desire
, , , ,

for change re tlessne s of mind an d in some ca es bereave

, s s , s

ment H appenin g in the 7 th they produce d iscord in


marria ge ; in the 5 th illici t connections & c With females , , .

th ey are not so evi l as wi th males and prod uce generally an ,

c s TO AS TROLO G Y . 1 11

npleasant journey or a udden and di sadvantageous removal
, s ,

or chan ge of occupation or e mployment The mind during .

the O perations of these directions is generally bitter sarcastic , ,

obstinate and wayward hence libels slander and d ifficulties

, , ,

throu gh letters especially if the nativity har monises in any


way with these particulars . 1

D M Q A hj w These are good and the native u su ally ,

takes a pleasant journey or makes an advantageous re moval ,

t hey also incline the mind to female soc iety .

I consider Ig l the princi pal p lanet in causing chan ges ,

removals and j ourneys Of cour se he i s more powerful in .


this when situated in the 1 st 3rd or 9th house , , .


[a V ery bad directions denoting loss ,

in business and money ; and i f f? or be in the 2u d danger , ,

of bankr uptcy disappointment grief sorrow and bereave

, , , ,

ment H e may lose a good wife mother or promisi n g ch ild

, , ,

an d s uch th ings will ha p pen as will cause great s orrow an d

de pondency
s If the hyl egis w eak or a ff
. l ict ed sickn es s is ,

d en oted and the mental q u

, alitie s are d i turb ed by fear an d s

anxiety .

W ith fe male s i t is very u nfortunate denoti n g sic k n ess , ,

an d in many cases death loss of goods fri ends and paren ts , , , .

Also slander re proaches and disap pointment

, Many females , .

g et dis graced u nder these in uences particularly if the ,

was a f icted by P at birth 2


D M A b G ain in bu siness popularity credit and

, ,

esteem new friends The mind is serious aus tere and

, .
, ,

contem plative caring bu t little for society sober in mann ers

, , ,

and attentive to duties .

Do M l Q A P

> < The se are very good e s pecially .

for money and wealth denoting promotion great incre ase , ,

of business riches fame and honour ; incline to marri age

, , , s

w ith males ; with female s good h ealth enjoyment and gain , , .

[ I
D A D 2 c? f L os s of wealth ; bad period for spe en
lation dealing with lawyers landlords magi tr ate s & c
, , , s , .

The native spends and s quanders his wealth and frequ


ently ,
1 12 r u cu
mn s TO A S TR O LOG Y .

loses money by lend ing it to others With femal es it den otes .

loss co rrupted blood and frequent headaches

, , .

D d A D [g(9 (f U nfortunate The native is ras hly

inclined qua rrels much and rushes into d isputes and litiga
, ,

tion He is liable to accidents and acute diseases such as


fevers smallpox and other martial inammatory d iste m pers

, , ,

and may suffer from a touch of gravel or the stone ; is liable

to wounds bites kicks and bro ken bones
, , .

If the nativity shows it he may comm it a theft or forgery , ,

and get into trouble ; he su ffers from b ad compan y and

depraved females ta k es to drink in g and low company spends
, ,

his money and is altogether careless and indifferent

, .

H e may meet accident in tr avell ing and i f d has ,

much authority in the l st or 2 u d house he may l ose by ,

fire theft or robbery ; the same if d be strong in the 7 th .

I have known a few males to marry in a h ur ry u


such direction s b ut gre at misery and speedy separation have

followed .

With females i t signies had success loss of employment , ,

danger of fevers and bad health and acc ident looseness in , ,

the morals in which the direction is very importan t and


mischievous S ingle females should be well cau tioned when


com ing under these directions and married ones may e x pect ,

quarrels with the husband or indisposit ion as the places of , ,

the planets may indicate .

l) M >k Q A d These bring acti vity jo u rneys exercise

, , ,

increase of business The native is courageous gen erou s

, ,

and see k s society and females enjoys health an d pr ferment ,


new enterprises and success in general With females i t i s .

not so fortunate inclining them to the society of the oppos ite


se x amours and trouble

, .

With males it sign ies gain activ ity an d increa se

j) d , ,

of business and frequently marriage ; the mind is generou

, s ,

free and open With females i t is not so good but pr esages


ill health fevers in ammation s and sometimes death if in


the 6th or 8 th ho u se So far as b u

, , ,

siness is concerned i t is . ,
TH E G e ms S R O LOG Y
To A T . 1 13

favour able In an angle it affects the eyes especially i f


5 be there


) M Q A P These denote great and powerfu
friends introductions and the P is str ong for m arriage
, , ,

promotion and preferment success in trade speculation and , , ,

a fortunate time generally The same with a female good .

health and friends .

D A C] [J 5 An unfortunate time for all purposes ,

and denotes mental or bodily su ffering acute diseases loss , ,

of trade falling away of business loss of friends death O f

, , ,

wife or relatives and an unfortunate time generally With

, .

females ill health loss of situation and bereavement

, .

T hese directions are very powerful to evil when e x cited

to action more especially if they fall in important signs or

houses .

D o M
P Q A pleasant happy period It .
, .

conduces to marriage with both sexes The native gives .

way to pleasure and the society of females To the married .

i t signies the birth of a child and domestic felicity ; to

females favourable h ealth peace of mind and good fortune
, , ,

the O' and P are to be principally Observed with respect to

marriage .

D A El. E l )
d Q This brings trouble through female s
. ,

domestic unpleasantness scandal illicit conn ections waste , , ,

and extravagance disa ppointment in love quarrels with

, ,

females and frequently loss of a child To females ill health

, .

grief throu gh O pposite sex d isa ppointment and sorrow , .

j) d Q A P Q
u T his inclines much for study
travelling mental activity and increase of business literary
, , ,

undertakings lawsuits and general prosperity

, .

D A C] [3 (S Q These are unfavourable denoting
. .

s lander ,bad lawsuits quarrels with literary characters ill

, ,

success in publishing d isputes unfavourable journeys , ,

The native should be very careful of letter writing and making

c ontracts at this time .

D in o P or good aspect

to her
, own plac e C hanges
1 14 r u
e uo s
e r To AS T RO LO G Y .

gain by females new friends j ou rneys and in crease of trade

, , ,

or business ; the native desires female soc iety & c , .

h affl icting her own plac e Losses grief through females , ,

d isappointment unpopularity and with fem al es it inclines to


bad health .

Always bear in mind the house and Sign the direction fall s
in also the house and Sign from which the e x cite ment comes
, ,

and also of what houses the exciting and d irectingplanets

are lords .



THE directions of and I) are very rare and not im portant ,

when they occur and unless they fall in the l st 3rd 9th or
, , , , ,

l 0 th have not a p preciable effects

, When either or both O f .

the planets may be found in either the l st 3 rd or 9th it denotes , ,

a great inclination for the secrets O fnature occult studies and ,

eccentric com panions ; in the l 0 th the evil con gurations ,

denote trouble in business ill fame and probably d isgrace ,


The g ood d irections are of little or no accoun t as neither ,

l l or b are favourable when in the l 0 th

As before noted . ,

these d irections are rare and somewhat u n important

, .

ill in d P , or A 1 1 If excited i t brin gs about g ifts

, .

O f money gain by legacy and conduces to wealth .

is bad danger of lawsui ts and los s thro u

, ,

id af icting gh ,

lawyers and superiors .

l and d in direction Operate but little u

[E n l ess in the l s t ,

or 7 th in the l st increase of anger and in the 7 th (if marr ied )

, ,

d ivorce and much trouble with the partner whether in ,

marriage or business .

Id afflicting Q This inclines the native much for female


company and pleasure and if in afflicts Q at birth it causes , ,

the native to go astray and form ill icit connections ; he i s

liable to scandal and ill fame and trouble throu gh the opposite

sex .

} in good direction O f Q This induces to company and

lg .

society and inclines to illicit actions but he escapes detection

, ,

s uch d irections frequently cause an amour in a feminine


nativity .

fgl afflicting Q The mind becomes sarcastic and bitter

. ,

and he may su ffer through the Press may commit forgery , ,

or get into trouble through letter wr iting The mind very -


unsettled .

fl in good direction O f Q Incli nes to occult study and

g .

study in general T he mind is active witty and original

, ,

and manages the affairs with skill and prud ence ; inclination
for travelling Many persons have commenced to study

Astrology when the D or chas been in d irection with hi


t suc h will be shown in the nativity v iz by the position , .


and aspect s Of lg .

; in d P or good aspect
, of
Tli is is good and if 21 .

be strong will give a windfall to the native in the shape


of a legacy gift or inheritance in lawsu its the native gains

, ,

and recei ve s honour and preferment The P and as pects .

are better than the d .

I afflictin L osses thro uh law friends involved in

; g ]
l g .
, ,

troubles and difficultie s di sgrac e unpopulari ty bank failures , , , ,

and s uch thi n gs as destroy the n ative s incom e capital and

, ,

peace of min d .

i? and d in good direction not m uch unless either or both

, ,

are prominent when it gives a stimulus to the native s energy



steadiness ; he may do a courageous act & c , .

? afflictin gd or vi ce vers d If l
; or d b e in the aseen


dant 7th or 1 0th this is evil and he may comm it a crime ;

, , ,

his mind is angry and violent and it leads to ghting wrang , ,

ling and bad and depraved habits

, .
1 16 r u n s ome '
NOTE Tli es c directio n s aect l ittl e or n othi ng u
. n l ess i) o r ,

'b e ver s tro n b

d y g y po s itio n or acciden tal dign ity in the n a ti vity ,

? af f
l icting
Q T his causes grief bereavemen t disap
, ,

pointment the loss O f relatives or wife ; sorrow ; he is liable


to be j ilted by the Opposite sex death O f offspr ing and keen

sorrow ; inclines to drinking bad habits and the co mpany of , ,

low women .

b in goo d direction of
Q The mind stead y reserve d .
, ,

cautious inclining to chastity and good behaviour

, .

b af l
f icting
9 B ad the temper i s short and if the , ,

nativ ity shows i t danger of forgery thieving by which the

, , ,

native gets into trouble ; he quarrels an d mixes with low

company .

i; in good d irection of Not of im portance e x ce pt ,

that i t imparts steadiness to the m ind and the native manage s

h is a ffairs with d iscretion and p rudence in clines him to st u

dy ,

to be serious and reserved .

71 afflicted by d is not good but not im portant ; den otes



that he may lose by speculation failures and losses in sun dr y , ,

ways and if i t be affl icte d at birth will squan der his mon ey
, , ,

drink b et and make O ff with a great deal If the nativi ty

, .

denotes it it may cause lawsuits or the native may g

. ot h i mse l f ,

into trouble .

i t in good d irection to (i t Not important but in clines to ,

good to energy increase of estate promotion accord ing as

, , , ,

d or 1 may be placed ih the nat ivity


11 in evi l direction with Q B rin g s a squandering of .

money over dress and females losses in peculation but th is , s ,

is n ot i mport ant .

11 in g ood d irection with Q Incli n es to success and .

female society he conducts himself with pro priety bu t these ,

d irect ions are of l ittle moment


i t i n O or good direction of Q Favourable denot ing

. ,

promotion gain acti vity fame popularity credit ; the mind

, , , , ,

is steady .

I; a f icting Q B ad denoting trouble and in some cases

. , ,

imprisonment thr ough forgery libel perj ur y ; danger O f , ,

mental derangement if Q be not strong .

af icting Inclines to the company of l ewd women

d Q .

and to female society general ly by which he su ffers in health . ,

liable to scandal domestic quarrelling drinki n g debauchery

, , , ,

and ghting S hould Cf be in the 5th 7 th or l oth hou se at

. , ,

birth this direction is bad in the case of a female

, .

in good direction f H e is merry j ovial free dc


d O .
, , ,

l ighting in female com pany drink and spends his money , , .

NO direction O f o to Q is g ood from a moral point O f view


either with male or female .

a icting U nfavourable for the mind givin rise

5 f
g ,

to quarrell ing thieving forgery drinkin g and frequently

, , , ,

entailing punishment ; he is given to libelling and suffers ,

from his own actions he engages in law and disputes mixes ,

with low and bad company and may commit v iolence , .

d in good direction with Q Not very im portant except


that it denotes activity e n er gy and increase O f business

, ,

promotion ; the mind is qu ick and apt during the time of

direction .

and The directions O f these lanets are ver v u

9 p n

important The d and P whe n much excited incline to


company poetry and the ne art s n ew friends and fe male

, , ,

acquaintances .



I HAD not much condence in these until forced to it by the

l ogic O ffacts An d after the publication yearly O f B irthday

Information in my Almanac and the great number of letters ,

I received as to the correctness O f it as well as by personal ,

observ ation in my own family circle and those O f friends , , .

1 18 TH E c u
s .

I am convinced that there is much in them and t ha t they ,

ought not to be neglected .

T he usual way to set these maps is to nd the time when ,

the 0 reaches the same degree m inute an d second of the ,

Zod iac which b e occupied at the time O f bir th and then to ,

calculate the cusps and planet s p l aces for that time an d

j ud ge the map as an ord inary nativity noting particularly ,

the di fferent as pects that are formed or very near a n d in , ,

what houses the planets are placed For instan ce malee .


planets in the l st would sign ify worry and mental exc itemen t ,

or ill health In the 2 u

.d loss O fmon ey and bus in ess trouble , .

In the 3 rd accident by travell ing or trouble or losses through

, ,

brethren In the 4 th illn ess of parent change O f residence

. , , ,

& c In the 5 th bother in love or family a air s loss of

. , .

money by speculation fondn ess for pleasure and loss or ,

trouble thereby In the 6th sickness d ifculty with servants

, , ,

and such th ings as may be ruled by that house In the 7th . ,

loss of business bother i n marriage with a single female

, ,

danger O f d isgrace & c In the 8 th death O f friends and

, .

relatives In the 9th trouble from relatives by marriage

, .

In the 10 th loss O f cred it d isgrace & c In the l l th had

, , , .

friends and loss thereby In the 1 2 th enemies secret an d . , ,

malicious If b en ec pl anets occupy these houses and they


must some of them j udge the contrary B u

, , t bear in m in d .

both here and in j udging the effects of Direction s t hat nothin g ,

can happen contrary to what is sign ied in the nativi ty .

e is s ho wn i n the n a tivity
E very even t in l if The Directions .

S olar R eturns and Transits simply br ing to pass what i s

there shown They ca n produ. ce n othin gco n tra ry tothe n at ivity .

If the nativity shows honour and success do not j udge d is ,

grace and ru in let the Directions S olar R etu rns & o be

, , , .

what they may .

I will now give an illustratio n of a S olar return or B irthday

M a p taking the K in gs ti me of birth as an exam ple


T he following map is the K ing s nati vi ty H e was born


November 9 th 10 h 48 m a m L ondon
. . . .
, .


' '
8 3 54

a 16 44 G) 1 6

. .


s 58

131 4
s 27. 5 .

1? 22 S . 44

9 22

8 . 16
11 22 8 5 8 .
1) 3 8 . 37

24 . 10

We Observe that the Longitude O f the G) is 111 16 54

S uppose we requ ire the S olar R eturn for November 1 90 6 , .

O n the K in gs birthday November 9th 190 6 we n d the

, , ,

Q s L ong is 1 1 6 1 0

. consequently the Solar R eturn

occurs be tween the 9th and l oth The Daily motion of the .

Q onithe 9th is 1 0

120 THE c u
m s T0 AS TROLOG Y .

Longitude Of the G) at birth 16

on 9th 16

Differenc e
Yo uwill therefore say
0 1 9 is to
As 1
so is 24 hours ;
43 26

he 1 7h 1 7 m or 5h 1 7 m A M on
, .
, . . . .

we set the map as follows


t 2 1 N 58

a .
In 2 3 8 38 .

~ s O
' c

b 10 8

. 20 0

s O

N 48 wa

11 22 0

g 1


Yo uwill j ud ge the map as an ordinary nativity such as ,


on cusp of 12 th C] ig l secret enemies and much danger ,

therefrom 1? on cusp of 5th trouble through chil dren or

, ,

sickness in family or such things as are ruled by the 5th house


The (9 is separating from the A of b It and ty and is , ,

practically unafflicted which i s favourable for health


As before mentioned these maps are often very i mportant ,

particularly if they agree with the Directions in nature and

si gnication If they do not agree little or nothin g will result
. .

Ag ain if the Directions be unfavourable on account of the


in uence of O7 and in the revolution you nd d also u



favo u rably placed or aspected then serious events will follow ,


The same w ith b h ; or the other planets ; but if the

i i
, ,

a fflicting planet be 11 in the Dir ections and b in the Solar ,

Returns the effects will not be so mischievous as if the a f

fl iction
was wholly by either 11 or b as the natures O f b and u are
not al ike .

This you must Observe with the other planets .



DEALIN G with E clipses rst These are si mply C onj unctions .

or O ppositions of the sun and moon T hey must be very


close otherwise there could be no occultation b t eclipses

, ,

are n ot visible as such all over the world at one time and
, , ,

where not visible they will be simple conj unctions in the case

O f the sun and oppositions in the case of the moon So far

, .

as my personal exp erience and Observation are concerned ,

I do not think them of very great im portance For instance . ,

the great E clipse of the S u

n on December 22 n d 1 8 70 occurred , ,

on the very degree of my midheaven and in o with lg but


nothing important followed I was neither ill nor d isgraced . .

T hese conj unctions and Oppositions are more important if

they hap pen on one s bi rthday and of course would figure

, , ,
122 T HE u
c s TO AS TRO LO G Y .

then i n the R evolutional Figure or S olar Return for that ,

year S ometi mes eclipses will coincide with an important


event but so far as my ex perience is concerned I have observed


nothing r el iabl e and it is reliability as far as po ssible tha t

, , ,

we requ ire .

Dealing now with Transits Let i t b e clearly unders tood .

that the transits O f the planets over the places O f the Lu min
aries or Planets at birth will effect nothing unl ess at the same ,

time there is some d irection which the transi t will force into
action as ex plained by Placidu s in the (i8 th paragraph of
his Primum Mobile Take for insta nce a . H e transits , ,


every planet s place the midheaven and ascendant once i f

, , ,

not more every two years and it is absurd to think events

, , ,

repeat themselves thus frequently It is the same with 11 . ,

P2 and the other planets H ere again my e x perience has.

, ,

not borne out the many statements m ade as to the inuen ce

of planets when pass ing certain places in the nativity whether ,

those places are those of the sun moon or any other planet , ,

If however d irections fall out at the same time and are O f

, ,

the same nature as the transit events will follow but not , ,

otherwise .

Now there are other Transits which I have found ve ry

powerful and which probably gave rise to the what I con
, ,

sider m istaken ideas as to the in uence of the simple passage

, ,

of a planet over the place of any other planet These tr ansits .

are those of the planets through the various mundane house s

of the nativity such as the l st 2 u d 3 rd house 85 0
Bu t , , , .

here again you must br ing a little common sense to bear u pon
, ,

the subject and must study the nativity For a person in

, .

whose nativity Mars was all powerful and u n al ieted woul d , ,

be scarcely likely toisu er to any serious extent from the

passage of Mars throug h any of the houses Take J upiter . .

S uppose you nd him weak in the nativ ity particularly in

mcadent or af icted by aspect What benet could one

, .

expect from his transits through the houses or over any ,

important cusp in a nativ ity Bu t put J upiter in a g ood ?


Sign C ancer or Pisces for instance and let him occupy a

, , ,

prominent place in the nativity what a di fferent effect his ,

transits through the various houses wi l l have ! It is the

same with Saturn U ranus and Neptune I say Neptune
, ,


but I am not sure about h im for although strong and well ,

aspected in my nativity he has been a tormentor in every

house through wh ich he has u

p to the present passed , , .

S tudents mus t observe him and make a note of their O b ser,

vation s.
E xperience has tau ght me this that an afflicting planet
at bir th is an a fictin g pl anet all through life whether by
, ,

Direction or Transit and on the contrary a planet strong

, , , ,

and u fl ictcd at birth whether b en ee or mal ec will

n af , ,

benet the native by his Direct ions and Transits B u t you -


must understand an af icting planet at birth if a mal ec is ,

much more in j uriou s than if it were a b en ec and if the stron g ,

planet at birth be a b en ec his Directions and Transits will


conduce to much more benet than if it were a mal ec simi

l arl y placed M al ec planets are not always mal ec but

when mal ec they are much more so than b en ecs sim ilarly

placed An d contrariwise with the B en ecs It appears that

. .

the magnetic in uences of the planets are inhaled at bir th ,

and it is only reasonable to suppose that that planet whose

in uence was paramount at b irth should exercise the most
powerful in uence over the native That is the positive .

side of the question The n egative side is the contrary An

. .

af icting p lanet at birth will be a sour ce of trouble more or

, ,

less to the native all throu

, gh life particularly if a mal ee , .

T O retur n to our subject Transits ; the Operation of these


is similar to that of the same planet in the nativity and in ,

the same house .

For instance the passage of Neptune throu

, gh the 1 st
house will produce worry and trouble mentally a dread and ,

doubt about so methin ggoing to happen or expecting some ,

thin gto hap pen If Uran u . s then his weakness at birth comes

into play If for drink he will drin k to exce ss If sensuality

, .
12 4 r u G U DE
n I TO . s r n oaoe r .

he will lose all sense of propriety and go prac tically wild ,

for a ti me rega rdless of con sequences If the nativity is .

v iolent he may in one of his ts of eccentricity put an en d

, , .

to his existence If Saturn the native will be despondent ;

. ,

if weak in constitution he will suffer in heal th ; if weak in


intellect he may lose h is reason J upiter will prod u ce

, .

benets personal and monetary according to his streng

, t h in ,

the nativity as mentioned a l ready Mars moves very fas t . ,

so the e ffects of his transits are not great unless other in uences ,

combine to make the m so such as the passage of another ,

Obnoxious planet or an ev il d irection at the time The sun

, .

and other planets move very fast and no material event may
be expected fro m their passage through any house yet the ,

sun from his i mmense power Should not be altogether

, ,

neglected Many persons have noticed certain times of the


year in which they are more lucky or u n lucky than at others .

These uxes of fortune are produced by the passage of the

sun throu gh certain houses in their nativity .

The passage O f Neptune throu g h the 9n d house will cause

trouble in business and money a ffairs and depression O fspirits ,

in consequence If U ranus the na tive must avoid speculation

, ,

lend ing money or standing security ; als o new b u siness

e n terprises should be avoided If the transit is by Satu
, ,

rn . ,

i t will show loss of mon ey and busin ess which will be Ship
wrecked If J upiter increase O f business success by specu

, ,

lation and general good fortune

, .

T he passag e of Neptune t hrou g h the 3rd house denotes

mental worry over brethren or neighbours journeys or ,

changes an unsettled restless feeling U ranus or S aturn

, , .

will Show d isaster in travelling loss of money through bret hren , ,

or worry about their affairs If J upiter gain an d succes s .


throu gh neighbours brethren and such mat ters as are ru

, l ed
by the 3rd house .

T he passage of Neptune throu g h the 4 i h house is importa nt

as it is a n angle and will affect the native s business and

family aairs ; probably the death of a parent or a lon g ,


Spell of adversity S imilar effects may b e expected from


the passage of Saturn and U ranus although the latter planet ,

would signify estrangement from kindred family quarrels or ,

disputes .

The passage of Neptune through the 5 th house trouble

and anxiety from children or the native may take to in tem

perate habits drink and sensual ity s pending his money on

, ,

pleasure and neglecting his business If a female she should .


exer cise great ca re or serious trouble may follow S imilar

, .

ev ents will follow the passage of S aturn and U ran u s The .

latter planet in this case beingmore evil than Neptune or

S aturn an d is sure to bring about trouble in
, love affairs ,

or misbehaviour The transit of J upiter will benet the


native by successful speculation The children will prove .

a sou
rce of grati fcation and ple as ure to the native for the

time being .

The passage of Neptune U ranus or S aturn t hrough the

, ,

6th is liable to derange the native s health or give much


trouble through workmen or servants or from his fellow ,

workmen H e should beware of deceit or robbery The

. .

transit of J upiter w ill benefi t his health an d fortune and ,

denote s dutiful servants that will be a source of prot to the

native for a time .

The passage of Neptune U ranus or S aturn through the

, ,

7 th is i m portant as that house is an angle and has m u

, ch
effect on the business and conjugal happine ss of the native .

It would signify losses in business and unless the nativity ,

be good bankruptcy L aw and quarrelli n g Domestic

, . .

infel icity separation or quarrelling accordin gto the positions


at birth In th is ca se U ranus will be worse than Saturn


the latter planet a ffecting the business chiefl y The native .

should be careful O f n ew bu s iness enter prises and avoid

risks and partner ships If the transiting planet be J upiter
. ,

gain and success in bus iness marriage domestic felicity and

, , ,

events Opposite to those enumerated for the obnox ious planets .

The passage of the ev il planets through the 8 th denotes

we u cu
r n:ms TO A TRO LOG Y S .

the death of friends or relatives or the wife or husband may

run wild and spend mon ey stupidly and senselessly J upiter .

shows benet through Deaths if such is denoted in the n ati vity


not otherwise .

The passage of Neptun e U ranus or S aturn thr ough the 9th


denotes mischief or losses fro m relatives by marriage or tr ouble ,

and anx iety concerning them Also disputes and argu ments

about religion The native should not undertake any voya g

. e
to foreign lands under suc h trans its J upiter acts the con .

trary, and will benet the native by relatives t hrou gh

marriage or by voyages to foreign parts
, .

The passage of Neptune through the 1 0th shows l oss of

cred it and anxiety in business If U ranus the native will .

act strangely and may lose both honour and fort u


, ne by
d iscred itable acts of his own If a female she may be dis


graced S aturn shows loss of business and money and much

. , ,

discredit This house is an angle and an impo rtant one


and transits usually have a prominent effect .

The passage of Nept u ne through the l l th sho ws anxiety

t hrough fr iends ; if U ranus quarrels with friends and the

native will su ffer losses or be robbed by them the effects of

S aturn wi l l be similar to U ranus The planet J upiter seems .

to joy in this house and would sign ify good friends who
, ,

will help the native and whose advice will prove h ighly
benecial .

The passage of Neptune U ranus or S aturn thr ough the


12 th house denotes envy hatred and malice

, , Le t the native .

beware of deceit and treachery and not trust any one out of ,

his sight If the transit be by J upiter i t will show su

. ccess in ,

bus iness generally .

Now bear in mind that these transits can p rod uce noth ing
contrary to the nativ ity so do not j udge marital d isaster i f
, ,

the nativity denotes domestic felicity In a cas e lik e this .


the effects of the obnoxious transit would affect the busin ess ,

or something e l se denoted by the 7 th house Y oumust bear .

i n mind that in every nativi ty there are wea k spots and ,
THE c u
m s To A S TR OLO G Y . 12 7

that ev il transits as wel l as directions will mainly attac k these

spots S uch weakness may have conn ection with the health
. ,

business money morality relatives or domestic relations of

, , , ,

the native which can be easily learned from the nativity _

, , ,

but as before stated do not neglect to consider the position ,

and strength of the transiting planet at b irth .



Af i i A planet may be affl icted either by being in

c t on .

i ts detriment fall being C adent in the map or by being

, , ,

assailed by mal ec aspects It is doubtful if C ombustion .

is really an af iction .

Airy S ig na I A more appropriate name would A

] x , , .

be mental signs as they are signs giving a strong and



powerful mind when rising at birth .

An g l es 1 st 4 th 7 th and l 0 th houses
. Planets in these
, , , .

houses have a powerful effect on the native all thr ough life .

An g u lar An y planet in an angle i s said to be Angular


and i s very powerfu l

Appl icatio n Appl yi n g The motion of any planet towards .

the body or as pect of another The order in which the planets .

apply can be seen in Part I chapter II .

, .

Amoeba 34 semisextile or 30 a part ; 1 , semisquare or

, ,

4 5 apart >k sextile or 60 Q qu intile or 72 D s qu are or

, , ,

quartile trine
, la sesqui qua drate , , ,

i biquintile 1 44 W quincunx
, (9 o p position

, , , ,

P or Parallel of Declination ; d conj unction when two or

, , ,

more planets are in the same degree of L ongitude in the same

sig n .

n a II Y T hese signs are considered

B arren S ig "
S2 R , ,

chie y when occupying the 5th or l l th cusp in deter

mining the o ffspring of the native .

B en ecs and Q T he former planet gives the g

. reatest .

su ccess and the latter the best disposition

, .
128 TH E

e u
m a To A TR O LOG Y
S .

B i corporcal S ig

moon in one of these l] , I X , . The
si gns and affl icted denotes plurality of wives , .

C aden t Planets in the 3rd 6 th 9t h and 12th house s

. It , , , .

is a sign O f weakness or debility yet any planet in the 3rd ,

or 9th house has a powe rful influence on the min d The 6th
. .

is the worst house for any planet to be in .

C ardinal S ig ma and Vf These are po we rfu l .

signs and many planets in them denote a person not in


the roll of common men

C ard inal signs on the ang les of a .

nativity denote fame and notoriety .

C omb u s t U nder the Q s beams or within 8 of that

L um inary It is said to be an affliction but I doubt it

, .

T he Q d 11 is certainly not an af ictio n .

C o mmon S ig net H "

12 I and x These signs on the , , , .

angles of a nativity or many planets in them make a person

, ,

with very acute feelings [ I and p are scientic signs . ,

denoting an excellent and powerful m ind .

Cu s p The beginn ing of any of the twelve houses An y .

planet on the cusp of a house is powerful in any matter ruled

by that house .

Decl in ation The d istance of a planet N or S of the . .

E quator See E phemeris . .

Detr imen t A planet in a sign opposi te to its hou se

. Th us .

d in i s would be in his detriment as Q is opposite to Y

, ,

which is the house of Mars .

D irect IVhen a planet moves forward in the ! od iac as

from Y to 8 & c ( ?
, .

Direc timm T hat part of G eneth l iacal Astrology which


relates to future events It is the most d ifficult the least .


understood and the least satisfactory part of As trology

, .

T here are two systems chie y in vogue the Placidian an d ,

the Arabian The latter is the one tau g

. ht in this volume ;
i t is much the simplest and the results obta ined are more ,

satisfactory than b y the Pl acidian method The latter is .

simply time and patience wasted and it is rapidly going ou t ,

of use and favour If I may digress a little I would l i k e to


point out to the reader that the unsatisfactory cond ition of


the Directional part of Astrology is a wise intervention of

Providence because if every one kn ew for a certain ty what

was goin gto happen at least 50 per cent of the people on

, .

this earth would either become lunatics or commit suicide .

Tru e Astrology will never be d iscovered until the earth is

peopled by a race to W hom death and misfortune present no

terror .

Dispose When one planet is found in the dignities of

another the latter is said to dispose of him Thus d
, .

in is disposed of by Q as a is the house of Q , .

Dou n a See B icorporeal S i ns

bl e bodied S ig
ma 5 Tmand Vy

E arthy S ig , , .

El evation The planet nearest the meridian is said to be


elevated above the others T his is an i mport ant position . .

See page 69 .

E phemer is A book giving particulars of the planets


places ; and absolutely necessary in all Astrological cal cu

l ation s .

u na T
E q in octial S ig and 5 .

E xal tation A powerful dignity The Q is exalte d in

. .
T ;
D in ti zl in l ; b in Q in x ;
and Q in Tm Many planets in their exaltations denote that

the native will rise far above his sphere of birth .

Fal l When a planet is in a sign opposite to its exaltation


thus Q in Q is said to be in his fall as i s is oppo site to T , .

Fig u r e The map of the heavens for any moment ; also

call ed the scheme or chart .

m 8 QB IT 111 W and X These are

F emin in e S iga , , , .

termed by some writers obeying signs The distinction .

is not important .

F iery S ign a $2 and 1 T hese are signs of ambition



push and energy 52 and I are the best

F ix ed S igns 8 Q "
. .

l and Planets in these signs

, ,

show tenacity of purpose and very often tenacity of temper ,

too the reverse of forgiv ing .
1 30 TH E G UI D E TO As TRO LO O Y .

Fr it/id S ig r
ne m
and K If on the cusp of the 5th ,

house they usually show a large family .

Gen ethl iac al That which app l ies to the geni ture na ti vi t
y , ,

or birth .

H au s a T hes e are of two k ind s The houses of the planets .

ag eD g ; lEl m; b v '
f; 11 I and c i . T w d
9 8 and A ; 9 . uand W A planet in its house is always
a v

powerful and unless heavi ly affl icted by bad aspects will

, ,

benet the native either in body m ind or estate The , , , .

other H ouses are the M u ndane or the l et 2n d 3rd & e , , , , .,

in the map
H yl eg The D or 6 may be conside red the hyleg in every

nativity Some writers consider the ascendant hyleg when


the D and G) are under the earth or not in wh at they te rm , ,

hyl eg ical places which is non sense , T he D and G) are the .

fountains of all life on this earth .

In fortu n es l; and d
. g Neptune might also be

in cluded .

In tercepted A si gn lying between the cus ps of t wo hou ses


in the map It is caused by the Latitude of the coun t ry


N 0 sign is inte rcepte d at or nea r the equator .

L ights Lu min a r ies the D and G) The way in which these , .

are as pected or placed at b irth will show the nati ve s hea lth ) ,

and largely his success or otherwise in life

, .

Lori T hat planet which governs the sign oc cu pying an y

cusp in the nativity If Y" is ris ing d w ill be lord of .


the map If 5 is on the cusp of the 2n d 9 will be lord

. ,

or lady if you l ike of that house because 5 is the hou s e of

Q If I be rising It wi ll be lord of the map or ru

, ,

. , ler of

the l st hou se because 1 is the house of If an d so on of the

, , .

others S ee Part I chapter VI I

. .
, .

M al ecs See Infort u

. nes .

M asc u l in e and F emin in e Plan eta hf b If d (D an d

f .
, , ,

(p are m ascul ine

, D and Q are femin ine The dist in ction
. .

is not i mportant .

Nativity The birth map of anyone

- .

Nor ther n S ig
n a 8 , II , Q ,
I. B en ec plan ets in
these signs denote that the native s success lay in a N o therly

direction from his place of b irt h T . es and [ I may b e .

cons idered from E to N and $2 and from N to W

. .
, . .

O cciden tal Western An y planet between the l 0th an d


4th via the 7 th

, Many planets particularly b and d in
, ,

this part of the map denote heavy and long attacks of sick ,

ness Planets occidental do not impart the same amount


of activity or ambition to the native as when Oriental , .

0 rbs T here are orbs of the planets and orbs of the houses
. .

See Part I cha pter III .

, .

Or ien tal E astern or rising

. An y planet between the 4th
, .

and l 0th via the 1 st Planets oriental denote success The

, . .

native is usually more ambitious aspir ing and masterful , ,

than when they are occidental .

Pa rall el E qual distance in Declination North or South


from the E quator The Declinations of the planets are .

given in the E phemeris .

Pereg ri n e Void of essential d igni ty The G) in 8 II .

, ,

& c or in any sign ex cept Y 52 _and

, will be peregrine

It is neither a benet nor af iction .

Radical or Radix T hat which belong s to the nativity or


gure of birth .

Retrog rade A planet mov ing backwards in the degrees of

the Zod iac The D and G) are never Retrograde ty (31
. . , ,

2 and I] are R etrograde
every year for some mo nths 0

and 9 about once in two years and Q thr ee times every year , .

R etrograde may be termed an a f iction for no planet is ,

so strong ben e cial l y when retrograde as when d irect or , , ,

movin gs wiftly .

S eparation S epa ratin g When two or more planets having


b een in d or aspect to each other begin to move away there '

from An aspect separating is more powerful than a p


plying For instance the D D b applying would be

, ,

scarcely operative unless W ithin 8 o f the aspect but if


separating 1 0 mi ght be allowed

1 32 r u cu
e m s TO raow or .
as '

S ig ator T hat
n i c . planet ruling the house of the n ati ve or
anything in connect ion with hi m For instan ce the lord of .

the l st would be the s ig n icator of the pe rson himself ; the

lord of the 2 u d woul d si g nify his wealth the lord of the l oth
w u n icator of his honour and cred it estee m & c
g ld be the s ig , ,

and so on of the others For the lords of the houses see .

Part I chapter VII

mand I
. .

S ig n s ofLo n gAs c en s io n g o 3 1 TW , , ,

S ig ns o fS hor t A s c en s ion W X Y 8 and II


The inequalities in the rising are caused by the L atitu

, , ,

of the country There is no inequality at or near the E quator
. .

S igns of L ong Ascension in N L atitude are signs of S hort .


Ascension in S L atitude and vi ce vers d

. .

S ou ma Q "

thern S ig l I W m x Persons born with

, , , , , .

many planets in these signs generally succeed best in Southern

L atitudes or in places to the S outh of the ir birthpl ace

Su cceeden t H o u s es The 2 u d 5th 8 th and l l th houses , , , .

T r ig on s or Tr ipl ic ities These are four viz : the ery

the earthy 8 "
. , ,

Y Q and 1 I and W ; the airy 3 and

, , , ,

m the watery QB Ill and x The signs comprising a tr i

, ,

p l ic it y are in Q aspect t o each other thus Y is in A to 51 ,


and 1 an d Q is in A to Y and I T hey comprise signs of


a similar nature .

T rop ical S ig n a Qo and W 25 is the Northern tropic

. ,

and Vf the Southern .

Watery S igma See Fr u u

itf l si gns .

Void of cou rse When a planet forms no aspect before it

leaves the sign it is then in .

Re a d y A p r il l s t , 19 0 6 .

The G eo ce n tr ic L o n g
it des u ad n Decl in a tion s of
n e , H erschel Sa , tu J u
pitrn , er, an d M a rs f or the
l s t of e ach mon th ,
from 1 900 to 200 1 .

P os t fr e e 1/ or 25 C e n ts .


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