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testing2nd WW, gf held in concentration camp. gm travelled to see if he was still alive.

majority of the concentration camp site (vookt, holland) still taken up by prison - primarily anti-
terrorist arrests. (See women wearing hijabs visiting their relatives today.)

We said never again, taking fascism as an exception in Western order. Famines in India caused
by British. (what was exceptional about naziism is it applied colonial practices to europeans for
the first time). Colonialism provided the model for fascist brutality. (The violence we practice
abroad always comes home - new violence abroad, new forms of fascism at home.)

War on terror kills more civilians than terror does. 1000 civilians killed each week - if we tolerate
this abroad we will inevitably be racist at home. Prevent the victims of our own policies from
seeking asylum w/ us. Far right makes explicit what is implicit in foreign policy. Far right is
enabled by the main stream, it merely exposes the mainstreams multicultural platitudes as

Owner of restaurant in texas, w/ poster of lynching on wall, w/ arab pasted on top (cowboys
and Arabians). Islamophobia fits perfectly well in American history. (our colonial history, mantle
of barbaric savage standing in the way of empire is inherited by modern minorities.)

Modern racism founded same time as colombus, portuguese slave trade, expulsion of jews from
Iberia. Modern geopolitics inaugurated w/ fukuyamas end of history. (fear that out of the frame
people dont share our values, now that peace among whites.) Ideal enemy - fictive, not based
on geopolitics, but racially constructed. Palestine presented not as a struggle for human rights,
not as politics, but as a cultural phenomena - as another example of Arab fanaticism.

These movements are not manipulations of those with power fundamentally (not marxist).
Fanon - would need to be stretched - class needs to be stretched through race. U.S. a nation of
settlers, natives and slaves. Fundamentally. Class conceived in a racial mode (white working
class). Identity and economics cannot be easily extinguished - race is intimately connected to
economics - white victimhood rhetoric helps cope with being left behind by neoliberalism.

The reaction to 911 that thought we should study cultural differences, misses the point. (and
entrenches the problem). MLK called not for tolerance but for racial equality and an end to
injustice and war.

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