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Virtually everyone within and outside Nigeria believe and think that our leaders are majorly the
worst enemy of our state.

No, why would everyone be thinking in such a unidirectional blame game?

Our worst enemy as a Nation!

When are we going to understand and see beyond this singular perspective of concluding who
the worst enemy of our State is/are?

I hope you will agree with me at the end of this short journey to reveal who are the worst enemy
of our dear country-Nigeria.

1. The number one worst enemies of our country are the individual citizens of voting age
who have decided to neither stay off anything politics nor partake in any electioneering
processes. These people are our worst enemies as a sovereign State forgetting that The
world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without
doing anything to stop them. In addition people who preferred to sell out their
conscience or right choice of candidate in exchange for money or food during the election
period are part of our enemy as a Nation.
2. Our political parties and politicians are another set of enemies for the State called
Nigeria. It is only in Nigeria we have political parties lacking principles and producing
unprincipled party members.
Recently, the formal Vice President Atiku just crossed from APC back to PDP and many
more of such individual and mass defects to one party and the other will be well
pronounced come 2018. All in the name of politics (power, money and influence). The
majorly existing political parties are business oriented parties offering people of common
interest the platform to attain power to oppress and afflict the common man and majorly
to loot our treasury dry. These parties and their members are our worst enemies as a
State. We have to stand against them, raise and build well principled, focused, passionate
and selfless members with integrity and fear of God.
3. The Nigerian Youths are another set of her worst enemy. Some of them have been
brainwashed and still believe in the popular saying Youths are the leaders of tomorrow.
When will that tomorrow come? If Obasanjo, Babaginda, Gowon and even Buhari all
governed this Nation at a very tender age of thirties then. And Buhari is ruling us again at
age seventies; help me ask my fellow youth when will our tomorrow come? Is it when we
reach eighties, Nineties or when?
Most of our youths are politicians stooges being used to fight one another, snatched ballot
boxes away to change the will of the people and even kill for their godfathers just to
remain in power and what will the youth get in returns? A pinch of the looted treasury to
buy weed to smoke and alcoholic drinks to render them useless to themselves and the
society at large.
What a pity! Nigerian Youths are her worst enemies. Youth arise, team up and take your
destinies in your own hands. The future is now or never. Stop waiting or depending on
the governments to provide or do all things for you. You are all brilliant and talented
individuals use your God given gifts/talents to empower yourself and earn integrity and
power through hardwork and prayers. We are the strength and glory of this Nation-
Nigeria. This country home of ours and the entire world await our manifestations oh ye
Nigerian Youths.
4. Hmmm. What can we say about the deaf and dumped human rights activists and social
crusaders with our media houses? They played a major role in bringing this government
into power. But they were not seen or heard anywhere again fighting for the just or
speaking for the masses. These people are our worst enemies. They did all things
humanly possible then to bring down a government and to installed another one. But in
Nigeria of today, they have lost their voices to speak the truth to the government they
brought to power in her anti people policies and programs or fulfilling their political
manifestos to the people of Nigeria. They were now deaf to the cries of the common man,
blind to the plights and suffering of average Nigerians. They have gone to the land of the
unknown leaving the entire masses to be suffering.
Those who claimed to be speaking for the masses are doing so for their paymaster, selfish
ambition and at the expense of dividing our Nation the more along religious and ethnic
lines in most of their tweets and posts on social media platforms. They are trying to bring
down this current government at all cost. Nothing seems near or perfect in any of the
government policies and the bad ones were being reported with much hatred and in
manners that can plunge this Nation to another civil war. They are our worst enemies.
Our media houses have gone silent and loss their professionalism in doing their work.
Nigeria media houses are now government agents and allies. They only report what their
paymasters asked them to report to the general public. They do all sort of things to write
articles to deceive the Nigerian masses all in the name of politics and power.
These people are our enemy. They have lost their pride, their purpose and their efficiency
with efficacy and power to bring about change in Nation governance, giving hope to the
hopeless, strength and courage to the weak and depressed.
We pray and hope they will once again rise from their slumber and silence position to the
course of defending the masses and put our Nation on the right path again. This is a call
to repentance and redemption of their good images and personalities for the sake of our
5. Another set of our State enemy are the legislatives and judiciary arms of government.
These set of people are killing this Nation everyday whenever and each time they failed
in their responsibilities. Most of the State executives and Federal executives have being
pocketing our legislative and judiciary arms of governments for a very long time till date.
They have been reduced to a mere rubber stamped legislatives and judiciary arms of
governments. They are no longer independent bodies in the real sense but errand boys to
the executives for their personal and collective goals against the Nigerian people.
Our legislators no longer act as check and balance to the executives for sake of the
masses but they only checkmate the executives for their own personal gains, to ensure the
executives are not taking more than them.
Our judiciary arms of government are now political balls in the hand of our politicians,
they no longer restored the hope of the common man in our court rooms, and justice and
equity are no longer there in our judiciary system. These people are our worst enemy as a
When will both the legislatives and judiciary arms of government rise to the course of her
people? When will they be independent and separate bodies enforcing justice and equity
in the land for the progress of our country? When will they leave partisan politics apart
and self interest to serve their people and move this Nation to her rightful position in the
comity of Nations? When will they be bold to stand against dictators and tyrants
leaders/godfathers and abandoned their individual partys interest for the interest of the
general populace?
Nigeria will be a better place for all if these set of people turned from being an enemy of
the State to a friend of the State by realizing their duties, be diligent in discharging them
and work in unity and as a team for the betterment of all.
6. The last set of our State enemy is You and I.
Yes You and I. We are fond of pointing accusing fingers to others where as we are the
worst enemy of our dear State called Nigeria.
We perpetuate more evils than those we are accusing of looting our resources. Our
wickedness, hatred for one another, selfishness and covetousness are second to none. We
all want a State like America but we are not ready to play our part in making Nigeria a
great State. When last and how often do you pray for Nigeria and her leaders? And we
want everything to be like those of European and Asian countries? Oh NO, we have to be
the change we all desire to see in our land. Be an agent and advocate of that change in
your family, society and working place. Move out of the state of I am less concern to a
more concerned and passionate individuals towards a better Nigeria. Change will not
come if we wait for some other person or some other time or fold our hands and feel
less concerned.

Conclusively, Nigeria will rise and be great again if we all can change our ways from
being less concerned and enemy of the State to a concerned and friend of the State.
Identify our individual and collective positions in the aforementioned categories of our
State enemy. Be determined to change for better. Love all with no exception and be
diligent in carrying out your duties as a father, mother, child, civil servants or employees,
artisans, youths, politicians and as individuals.
God bless Nigeria and cause us to be great again. Amen.
Your friend and Fellow Compatriot Comrade in a better Nigeria.
Captain Sam

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