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Time Script Dialogue FX Music

00:00 00:05 Strong, dramatic music to hook n/a -Beach sounds -Drum beats
the listener, loud drum beats (wind, sea, -Dramatic
indicating a battle scene about seagulls) music
to begin. Beach sounds can be -bad weather
heard like wind, waves and sounds
seagulls to let the listener know -wind
where we are.
00:06 00:14 Battle music really coming in Welcome to the -swords -Dramatic
now, voiceover starts in a Caesar museum! The -battle cries Music
battle cry type of voice. best place to learn -faint shouting
about the
magnificent Julius
Caesar etc.
00:15 00:24 More beach sounds and battle Come down to the -seagulls -Quieter but
sounds, voiceover still upbeat museum every day -wind still dramatic
but toned down a bit. except Sunday -rain music
between 9 5 and
experience the place
for yourself!
00:25 00: 33 Mood getting a bit calmer and He was born in -Battle sounds Tension/calm
quieter, Julius Caesar facts an Invaded in Pegwell -beach sounds music
information on Pegwell bay beach has seen
many battles..
00:34 00:45 Calmer mood, no battle scenes, extract from journal n/a -calm/tense
bit of a drone in the music
background. Strong, booming
voice comes in a reads an
extract of Julius Caesars
00:46 0:53 Flurry of effects build up into a Come down and see -beach sounds -battle music
fanfare (beach, battle, swords, this fantastic place -battle sounds (fanfare,
shouting, waves, wind) Final for yourself! -swords victory,
promotional phrases are put in. -waves uplifting,
-wind dramatic
-weather feel)
00:54 01:00 Final trumpet sounds and last The Julius Caesar -Battle sounds -Big dramatic
hurrah/shout with all the museum at Pegwell ending music
music and building up, ending Bay!!!
on a final drum beat.

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