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Topic: Kinds of Implied Trusts

Nito v CA Nito but he failed to pay and appear so they used Milan's money to help
[GR no. 102657] [August 9, 1993] pay the purchase price. ACA then issued a deed of sale to Villarama who
caused the issuance of corresponding deeds of sale and TCTs to the
Petitioner: Feliciano Nito individual buyers.
Respondent: CA, Conrado Villarama, Agricultural Credit Administration/ Land Bank,
Candido Milan, Sps. Renato & Angelita Carlos 7. Nito filed a complaint for reconveyance of property, alleging fraud and
breach of trust. RTC dismissed the case. CA affirmed.
DOCTRINE: Article 1452 presupposes the concurrence of two requisites before an
implied or resulting trust can be created. First, that two or more persons agree to 8. Nito contends that:
purchase a property and Second, that they consent that one should take the title in (a) his deposit of P10K to Villarama as partial payment for the parcel
his name for everyone's benefit. of land he intended to purchase made Villarama his trustee in
accordance with Article 1452;
FACTS: (b) by virtue of his deposit, he became a co-purchaser or co-owner
1. Agricultural Credit Administration (Land Bank) owned 3 parcels of land in of the property, thus his non-payment of his full share on the
Bulacan. Nito used to lease a portion of the said lots but when the lease purchase price amounting to P135,000.00 should not result in the
expired, ACA put it up for sale at public auction. Respondents (Villarama, forfeiture of his right as co-purchaser and that any act of the
Carlos, et al) expressed interest and they organized themselves as a group should redound to his benefit;
group and appointed a representative (Villarama). Each member (c) as a co-owner of an individual share, the group cannot deprive
contributed money as bid bond yet Nito, who was part of said group, did him thereof and give it to Milan. The only recourse that the group
not. had was to ask him to contribute to the expenses for the
preservation of the property and the purchase price.
2. Villarama was the only bidder. The bid bond was withdrawn and
redeposited as performance bond. The group, in their manifesto, also ISSUE: WoN Nito's deposit of 10K to Villarama made the latter his trustee? NO.
authorized Villarama to negotiate with ACA for the purchase of the
property. Nito was not a signatory but he gave Villarama a cash deposit of HELD:
10 K. 1. Article 1452 1 presupposes the concurrence of two requisites before an
implied or resulting trust can be created. First, that two or more persons
3. Villarama and ACA agreed to a purchase price of P1,600,000.00 to be agree to purchase a property and Second, that they consent that one
paid in full on or before March 16, 1982, lest the cash deposit would be should take the title in his name for everyone's benefit.
forfeited as liquidated damages.
2. There is no showing that Nito had agreed to join the group organized to
4. The group's counsel sent Nito a letter dated March 8, 1982, asking for full purchase the parcels of land from ACA. Rather, the evidence shows that
payment of the lot he intended to purchase and informing him that his while he was offered to join the group, he rejected the offer because of a
failure to pay for his share would be construed as lack of interest to disagreement on the frontage of the portion to be alloted to him and he
purchase the lot. He was advised that the group would be compelled to
look for a substitute buyer in case be failed to pay. preferred to negotiate directly with ACA. Also, he did not contribute to the
bid bond nor did he sign the manifesto.
5. On the group meeting, they all paid their respective shares except Nito. 3. It was implicit in the March 8, 1982 letter to petitioner that failure on the
He did not pay because he was being given a lot with a 12 m frontage
part of the group to pay the full amount of the purchase price within the
when he wanted one with 32 m. What he did was tender a check in
payment to ACA which the latter did not accept. deadline set by ACA would mean the cancellation of the sale of the
property to the group and the forefeiture of its cash deposit.
6. ACA extended the deadline. The night before the deadline, the group,
through Villarama, offered Milan the lot allocated to Nito in the event the 1 Article 1452. If two or more persons agree to purchase property and by common consent
latter would not pay for his share. Milan accepted. The group waited for the legal title is taken in the name of one of them for the benefit of all, a trust is created by force of law
in favor of the others in proportion to the interests of each.
Topic: Kinds of Implied Trusts

His claim that he did not receive such is belied by the return card
signed by his wife.

4. While it, is true that petitioner gave Villarama P10,000.00 as deposit, the
deposit was conditioned on his being given a lot with a frontage of 32
meters, not one with a frontage of only 12 meters as was offered to him by
the group.

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