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Grades 1 to 12 School DepED Region III MTOTHUMSS 2017 Grade Level 12

Teaching Dates and Time Week 7 Quarter 1ST Quarter

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

The learner understands the components, operations, effects and networks of globalization in his/her daily life.
A. Content Standards

The learner locates on a map the different geographical origins of the various components/elements of an industrial/technological/agricultural product and writes a
B. Performance Standards reflection essay on the insights gathered from the exercise.
The learner locates on a map the workplaces of the OFWs in their community and writes a reflection paper on the effects of labor migration to their community.

C. Learning Competencies/ Give examples of various Explain the comprehensive Show the interconnectedness of Explain and demonstrate the benefits of
Objectives activities in ones daily life that effects of globalization peoples and nations collaboration and cooperation.
Write the LC code for each show the concrete effects of HUMSS_MCT12-If-g-2 HUMSS-MCT12-If-g-3 HUMSS_MCT12If-g-4
Networking: Interconnectedness of The benefits of collaboration and cooperation in
II. CONTENT Effects of globalization
Examples of globalization peoples and nations global networks


A. References
1. Teachers Guide pages
2. Learners Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources>socstud>blms>> politics e
everyday-life/article /global-interconnection-between- Globalization on Economic people-and nations-a-fact-of-life-
/The-Impact-Of-Globalization Growth: Empirical Evidence in the ted- Role of Complementarities by talk
obalization-effects-on- Parisa Samimi and Hasem
daily-life Salarzadeth Jematabadi
A. Reviewing previous lesson Review: Strips of cartolina will be Picture Analysis: The teacher will show a picture of The learners will put together a picture puzzle
or presenting the new posted on the board containing Picture showing daily activities UN members in an assembly. showing the connection of the people and the
lesson particular problem in the affected by globalization. Ask: What can you say about the nation.
community let the students give picture? Is the people relevant to nation? Is the nation
solutions using intuitive thinking (2-3 minutes) relevant to people? Why?


B. Establishing a purpose for Picture Analysis: Video presentation showing Group Activity: The class will be Group Activity:
the lesson 1. Person who use different effects of globalization in grouped into four and they will They will make a tower out of 10 pieces bond
technology/gadgets/internet. labor and migration. unscramble group of word to form paper. The tower should not easily fall.
2. Industrial this phrase A nations culture
3. Education Processing Question: resides in the heart and in the soul
4. Agricultural product What can you infer from the video of its people. by Mahatma Gandhi
Processing Question: presented? Ask: Can you analyze the phrase?
What can you infer from the given What does the phrase mean?
How are these related to each The teacher will state the
other? objectives of the day.

The teacher will state the

objectives of the day.
C. Presenting The teacher will post a world map Using a meta-strips identify the The teacher will post a picture. What made your tower stronger or weaker over
examples/instances of the on the board and let the students effects of globalization shown in the other towers?
new lesson identify the countries that produce the video.
the said technology.
The teacher will discuss some
places where these gadgets were

See attachment for the world map

Ask:What can you say about

the picture?
Why do you think the
children surround the

D. Discussing new concepts Presentation of the output. Define globalization The teacher will discuss: The teacher will
and practicing new skills #1 Processing question: Making a concept map showing 1. Definition of 1. Define/Discuss:
1. How often do you use these the comprehensive effects of a. Nation a. Collaboration
technology? globalization; economic, social, b. People b. Cooperation
2. What benefits do you get from and political. c. Interconnection 2. How cooperation and collaboration help in the
using these technology? d. Network development of our country?
Effects of
globalization 2. What is the condition of Filipinos
going abroad to work?
economic social political 3. Do they help in the development
of our country?
E. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills #2
F. Developing mastery (leads The teacher will discuss daily The teacher will discuss: Ask: What are the characteristics Group Activity (10mins)
to Formative Assessment activities that show effects of 1. Factors of globalization: of nations and peoples? Make a Concept Map stating the benefits of
3) globalization such as: a. Economic Can the nation stand without Collaboration and Cooperation.
a. Listening to the songs of b. Political people? The students will discuss their work.
Kanye West c. Social Can the people exist without
b. Buying goods On-line 2. Positive and Negative effects of nation?
c. Eating in a Fast food globalization Defend you answer.
d. Using the Internet in
researching Processing Question:
Which among the following
factors of globalization can be
observed easily?
G. Finding practical As a Senior High School student The European Union is against How will you stay connected to Ask: How collaboration and cooperation help you
applications of concepts how does globalization affect the Extra Judicial Killings in our your loved ones? as a student in finishing a given activity or
and skills in daily living you? country. What will you feel if the project?
donations and aids that the Union
is giving us will be stopped?
H. Making generalizations and What are the concrete effects of What are the comprehensive How is interconnectedness of How is cooperation and collaboration seen in the
abstractions about the globalization? effects of globalization people and nation make us one? global network?
lesson economically, socially, and
I. Evaluating learning Formative Assessment (1-5) Group Activity: Group Activity: Group Activity: Role Play (10-15mins)
Write Yes if the statement shows The class will be grouped into 3. Through a drawing, show the Group A: Farmers Planting Rice
effect of globalization and No if Each group will present a news interconnection of people and Group B: Ants Collecting Food
not.(10mins) cast simulation reporting about nation. Group C: Students making a toy robot out of
___1. Internet Surfing the progress of the countries See attachment for the rubrics. plastic bottles
___2. Extracting money from the assigned to them focusing on the See attachment for the rubrics
ATM positive effects of globalization.
___3. Playing Piko
___4. Walking to school See attachment for the rubrics.
___5. Recording a Role Play
using cellphone.
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation

A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Grades 1 to 12 School DepED- Region III MTOT-HUMSS 2017 Grade Level 12
Teaching Dates and Time Week 8 Quarter 1st Quarter

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

The learner understands the components, operations, effects and networks of globalization in his/her daily life.
A. Content Standards

The learner locates on a map the different geographical origins of the various components/elements of an industrial/technological/agricultural product and writes a
B. Performance Standards reflection essay on the insights gathered from the exercise.
The learner locates on a map the workplaces of the OFWs in their community and writes a reflection paper on the effects of labor migration to their community.
C. Learning Competencies/ Identify and discuss the different Stress the important role of the creative Create a map to show the origins of the Write a reflection essay on the
Objectives contributions of the parts to a whole. imagination in putting together the different component/s of a gadget, insights generated from the
Write the LC code for each HUMSS_MCT12-If-g-5 various parts of a whole business enterprise, map.
HUMSS_MCT12-If-g-6 industrial/technological/agricultural HUMSS_MCT12-If-g-8
product etc.

II. CONTENT Global Networks: Labor and Migration


A. References
1. Teachers Guide pages
2. Learners Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Features>>
A. Reviewing previous lesson The Benefits of collaboration and ASK: Explain the importance of the part Show a puzzle with missing pieces.
or presenting the new lesson cooperation (5 minutes) to a whole? Ask: What do you observe about the
(2-3 minutes) puzzle?
Is creative imagination important in
putting together the various parts of a
(2-3 minutes)
B. Establishing a purpose for 1. The teacher ask the learners to show Present to the class a picture of a pizza
the lesson their gadgets or anything that they think pie or the realia. Upon showing the
is a product of globalization. picture of a pizza pie
2. Why do you think these products are - Ask the students about the Pizza Pie
made? or
-ask somebody who eats pizza, and:
Expected answers: -let the students explore and share their
This products were made in order for us concept by:
to: Describing the pizzas
-simplify life a. Features
-better living b. Characteristics
c. Texture
d. Flavor etc.
(5 minutes)
C. Presenting Where do you think are these made and This part shows emphasis to unlock the
examples/instances of the manufactured? difficulty.
new lesson -based on ideas presented by the
Expected answers are: students how they described the pizzas
China appearance, and how they perceived it if
Japan they are going to connect and adapt it to
U.S.A the concept of exerting creative
imagination in dealing with connecting
things or making things interconnected
by doing an activity.
Guide questions:
1. What is the shape of the pizza?
2. What are the toppings?
3. Wouldnt be fair if the other group will
get Hawaiian instead of bacon?
The teacher will guide or facilitate the
students to:
Connect and redirect the
students creative ideas to form
the main concepts of various
part of a whole.
(10 minutes)
D. Discussing new concepts Group Activity: Divide the class into Short game: Dugtungan Tayo or .
and practicing new skills #1 four groups. Let the learners Connect Mo
create the following using their own (Showing connections or
available materials: interconnections that leads to the
1. Paper Tower discussionthe essence of the part of a
-Group 1 and 3 whole )
2. Dress me up (The teacher will Execution of activity
provide the hanger) Group Activity: Procedure
-Group 2 and 4 a. the class will divide or will be divided
Let them explain their realization into 4 or 5 groups.
and experiences in the activity b. make a specific name of a group.
Introduce the Gestalt Principles c. prepare a simple jingle that makes
(10-15 minutes) the group identity
Ex. The Europeans invented the (1st
group) to (2nd group) for us to (3rd group)
and have a (4th group)
(15 minutes)
E. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills #2
F. Developing mastery (leads How important is the parts to a whole? Introduce the Gestalt Principles
to Formative Assessment 3) Can you give an example? pertaining to parts of a whole in dealing
(3-5 minutes) with the Global Networks.(e.g figure,
similarity, proximity, closure, continuity,
and symmetry or order)
Adapt those principles in dealing with
global networks by means of.
-presentation of the following logos or
-then the teacher will stretch out the
given ideas of the students by asking the
following question.
1. Why there is a need for
interconnections among nation
of the world?
2. How do nations around the
world deal with those ideas to
create interconnection
(10 minutes)
G. Finding practical applications Can a whole class be considered a class Life like application:
of concepts and skills in daily without a teacher? Without students? How do you find ways in dealing with the
living (3-5 minutes) following to develop connections or
interconnections to:
(3 minutes)

H. Making generalizations and Ask: What do you think is the importance What quality of a Filipino is very much
abstractions about the of the sum of the parts to a whole? recognized in different parts of the world?
lesson (5 minutes) -Hospitality is the quality of a Filipino. In
which wherever we go we will be still
classified a Filipino.
The teacher or the students will give
emphasis to the importance of creative
thinking and imagination in putting
together the various parts of a whole.
(5 minutes)
I. Evaluating learning Recitation Written Work: Group Activity: Individual Activity:
Enumerate and explain the Gestalt In 5-10 sentences write an essay Each group will create a map to show the Each student will write a
Principles answering the following question: origins of the different component/s of a reflection on the insights
(5 minutes) Do you have a relative working abroad? gadget, business enterprise, industrial, generated from the map that
How do you feel about it? technological, agricultural product. Etc. you made yesterday.
(10 minutes)
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?
Week 7 Day 1

I. Objectives:
Give examples of various concrete activities showing the effects of globalization.

II. Topic
Various Activities Showing the Effects of Globalization

III. Discussion

Globalization - is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies,

and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and
investment and aided by information technology. This process has effects on the
environment, on culture, on political systems, on economic development and prosperity,
and on human physical well-being on societies around the world.

Migration - is a movement to another place, often of a large group of people or animals

Labor - work, especially hard physical work

A. Motivation:
- the learner will identify two problems in the community and let them
provide the possible solution through filling up the Problem-Solution Chart

Problem/Solution Chart:

What is the problem? What is the cause? What is the effect? What are the possible
B. Developing Mastery

1. World Map Activity

-the teacher will post a world map on the board and let the students identify the
countries producing such technology.
2. The teacher will further discuss to the class how globalization affects migration
and labor of people.
3. The learners will be grouped into 3 and ask them to make a chart of positive and
negative effects of globalization in their daily lives.

C. Evaluating Learning
Formative Assessment (1-5)
Write YES if the statement shows effect of globalization and NO if not.
1. building of establishments such as KFCs and McDonalds in most countries
2. washing clothes by hands
3. exporting mobiles, electronic items, batteries and gadgets throughout the world
4. countrys tribe with preserved culture
5. group of women working abroad as domestic helpers

Prepared by:

Christine O. Carino
Teacher I
Week 7

I. Objectives:
Explain the comprehensive effects of globalization.

II. Topic
Comprehensive effects of globalization ( economic, social, political)

III. Discussion
Economic Globalization is the increasing economic integration and interdependence of
national, regional, and local economies across the world through an intensification of cross
boarder movement of goods, services, technologies and capital.
Trans-national trade
World Trade Organization
Gen. Agreement on Tariff and Trade
Trade Barriers
Foreign Direct Investment
Social Globalization is a social transformation or process leading to the achievement of
people-centered development. Human-centered development concept is offered as an alternative
strategy to bring about a more equity development outcome.
1995 Copenhagen World Summit for Social Development
UN General Assembly
Partnership of International Development Programs
Social Integration, Gender Equity and access to Social Services
HIV/AIDS Awareness
Political Globalization refers to an increasing trend toward multilateralism toward an
emerging transnational state apparatus, and toward the emergence of national and
international non-governmental organizations that act as watchdogs over governments.>politics

A. Motivation:
Group Activity:
Ask: Can you give examples of daily activities that you do which is affected by globalization?
B. Developing Mastery
Group Activity (10mins)

Ask: What can you say about the present situation of our country economically?
Present a table showing highly globalized countries.





C. Evaluating Learning:

Ask the students to analyze and compare the table and explain why these countries have higher
growth, and link it to the positive effects of globalization.

Group Activity: Classify It!

The class will be divided into 3 groups. Using a graphic organizer they will classify highly
globalized countries in terms of economic, social and political development.

Group 1: Concept Map

Group 2: Venn Diagram

Group 3: Tree Diagram ( Cause and Effect)


Week 7

I. Objectives:
The learners may understand and explain the interconnectedness of peoples and
nations .

II. Topic
Interconnections of peoples and nations

III. Discussion
People-a body of persons sharing a common religion ,culture ,or language
Nations - A relatively large group of people organized under as single ,usually
independent government ;a country.

A people who share common customs ,origins ,history , and frequently language , a
nationality .

A. Motivation:
The teacher will ask the student :
What can you say about the pictures .

B . Discussion :

The teacher will present the following picture :

The teacher will ask :

1 . What can you say about the picture ?
2 . In the picture , why do you think the children surrounds the globe ?
3. Does the picture depicts nationalities ?

C . Evaluating Learning

Short Essay . Through the drawing , write the interconnections of peoples and
nations .
Week 7 - Day 4

I. Objectives:
Explain and demonstrate the benefits of collaboration and cooperation.

II. Topic
Benefits of collaboration and cooperation

III. Discussion
Collaboration-to work together with others to achieve a common goal
Cooperation- active help from a person, organization etc. such as an orderly sharing of
space and resources.

A. Motivation:
Group Activity:
They will make a tower out of 10 pieces bondpaper. The tower should not easily
B. Developing Mastery
Group Activity (10mins)
Make a Concept Map stating the benefits of Collaboration and Cooperation.
The students will discuss their work.

C. Evaluating Learning:

Group Activity: Role Play (10mins)

Group A: Farmers Planting Rice
Group B: Ants Collecting Food
Group C: Students making a toy robot out of plastic bottles
See attachment for the rubrics


NO. 2

I. Objectives:
Stress the important role of the creative imagination in putting together the
various parts of a whole.
II. Topic
Global Networks: Labor and Migration

III. Discussion

A. Motivation
The teacher will present the picture of a pizza pie. (All the answers will be
collected and drawn from the students)

The students will: Describe the pizzas ( Feature, Characteristics,

Texture , favor etc. )
Followed by unlocking of difficulty, by means of short game and activity to
hook the discussion from the motivation.
Discussion: (Adaptation of Gestalt Principles to Global Networks )

Presentation of logos or picture (ex. APEC, SEA GAMES, MISS UNIVERSE,

The students will answer questions from the above examples that lead to the
The lesson proper
Gestalt laws are rules of the organization of perceptual scenes. When we look at
the world, we usually perceive complex scenes composed of many groups of objects on
the some background, with the objects themselves consisting of parts, which maybe
composed of smaller parts, etc.
Gestalt theories follow the basic principle that the whole is greater than the sum
of its parts.
Ex. Picture of a car, pizza, etc.
Note: Emphasis on the perception of seeing the value of the parts of a whole.
Make order out of chaos
To create harmony
To make structure from seemingly disconnected bits of information

Present the Six (6) Principles of Gestalt Laws (Applied to Global Networks)
1. Figure this principle shows number of possible variables such as color, size
etc.(referring to people in a nation)

2. Similarity state the things which share characteristics such as shape, size, color,
texture, and good composition (geographical setting and characteristics of
different nation)

3. Proximity- it state that objects or shapes that are close to one another appear to form
groups. Even if the shapes, sizes, and objects are radically different, they
will appear as a group if they are close together. ( refers to close
neighboring countries who possesses same cultural background etc.)

4. Closure - This involve the provision of missing details to be a part of potential

pattern or once closure is achieved, the elimination of details unnecessary
to establish a pattern match. ( ex. Governance, laws, and others )

5. Continuity it states that things are tend to continue shapes beyond their ending
points (interconnections to cross countries---essence of globalization or
evolution of generation)

6. Symmetry or Order- it does not give the impression of things that something is out of
balance, or missing, or wrong. (connotes stability, and peace and order,
like sets of instruction or reference)

C. Evaluating Learning:

Written Work:
In 5-10 sentences write an essay answering the following question:
Do you have a relative working abroad? How do you feel about it?
Republic of the Philippines
Region III- Central Luzon




Various activities in ones daily life life/article
that show the concrete effects of Day 1 HUMSS_MCT12-If-g-1
globalization.> politics
Comprehensive effects of Day 2 HUMSS_MCT12-If-g-2 Globalization on Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence in the Role of
globalization Complementarities by Parisa Samimi and Hasem Salarzadeth Jematabadi
Interconnectedness of peoples Day 3 HUMSS-MCT12-If-g-3 /global-interconnection-between-people-and nations-a-fact-of-life-ted-
and nations talk

The benefits of collaboration and Day 4 HUMSS_MCT12If-g-4

cooperation in global networks
Contributions of the parts to a Day 1 HUMSS_MCT12-If-g-5 htm

Role of creative imagination in Day 2 HUMSS_MCT12-If-g-6 Features

putting together the various parts of
a whole
Origins of the different
component/s of a gadget, business>
enterprise, Day 3 HUMSS_MCT12-If-g-7
product etc.>
Write a reflection essay on the Day 4 HUMSS_MCT12-If-g-8
insights generated from the map.

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