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12 November 2017 (2.30 - 4.30 p.m.): Delegation of article research duties

17 November 2017 (4 - 6 p.m.) : Sitting together for research for information

24 November 2017 (10 - 12 p.m.) : Sitting together for research for information

25 November 2017 (12 - 2 p.m.) : Discussion of outlining the forum discussion

3 November 2017 (2.30 - 4.30 p.m.) : Discussion of counter-arguments and flow of forum


7 November 2017 (8 - 10 p.m.) : Discussion of counter-arguments and flow of forum


8 November 2017 (10 -11p.m.) : Practice of forum discussion

9 November 2017 (4 - 7 p.m.) : Final practice of forum discussion


Title: Violence in the media causes violence in children


What is the definition of violence
Najmi in the media?
(Moderator) =Most researchers however,
have clear conceptions of what
they mean by media violence and
aggressive behavior.
Most researchers define media
violence as visual portrayals of
acts of physical aggression
By one human or human-like
character against another.

What is a media violence?

=The study of violence in mass
media analyzes the degree of
correlation between themes of
violence in media sources
(particularly violence in video
games, television and films) with
real-world aggression and
violence over time. Many social
scientists support the correlation.

- Without further ado, lets us

begin our forum by starting with
Mr. Farhan.

Violence in the media causes Violence in the media does not
violence in children cause violence in the children
(Farhan) -The average teen will have (Muzammel)
-Television has the spent more time watching
potential to generate television than in the classroom - Targeting violence in the
negative effects (Johnson, 2002) media makes an easy target.
People always blame media
-Watching television frequently for any violence especially
will limits childrens time for violence in children. For
essential activities such as example, theres bullying in
playing, reading, learning to talk, schools, what should we do?
spending time with friends and Make the media less violent!
family and developing other and Rape and domestic
necessary physical, mental and violence are at epidemic
social skills (Paediatry Child Health, levels, what should we do?
2002) Make the media less violent! It
is an endless argument and
-By exposing violence portrayed by unending campaign against
the television and other particularly the media. It is like people
realistic violence may make the are blaming media instead of

children to believe that the world is blaming themselves because

a dangerous and unsafe place to they dont pay much attention

to their children.
live. They may begin to over-thinking
the possibility that they will be
victims of violence, leaving them
with full of anxiety and stress.

-I dont really agree with your

(Farhan) -Other factors that influence the
statement. If you say that TV
-The amount of violence on mediums impact on children
is the root of the violence, it is
television is on the rise include the childs developmental
actually depending on what
level, individual exposure and
channel you watch. For
whether children watch television
example, have you ever watch
alone or with their parents.
Astro Ceria channel? It
Everything that children see or
dedicated for kids and have
hear in the media early on in their

lives will affects them in some many educational and fun
way. Children may be shows for children.
more likely to behave in
or harmful ways toward others.

-Watching television takes time -Another famous kidss show

away from reading and doing is Sesame Street. It is an
schoolwork. Daily unsupervised example of how kids can learn
television viewing by children has valuable lessons about racial
a significant harmful effect on harmony, cooperation,
their academic performance, kindness, simple arithmetic
especially reading. Because they and the alphabet through an
will loss interest in reading book educational television shows.
and become addicted to watching The educational value of
television. This is not a good Sesame Street, has been
sign. shown to improve the reading
and learning skills of its
Fun Facts:
- One house have multiple TVs,
meaning children have greater -Damaged genes from
opportunity to view programs pregnant women because of
without parental supervision. smoking, drinking, poor
-The average child witness nutrition or exposure to
12,000 violent acts on television excessive stress can cause or
annually, including many contribute to a fetus abnormal
depictions of murder and rape. genetic development plus
(Comstock, 1990). preventing a child from
learning skills for self-
expression, reducing his ability
to interact socially, and thus
make him prone to violence
(Richard Tremblay)

-What makes kids become

-Lastly, The Academy of Pediatrics violent? Because of TV? No.
says This is because of lack of
What If children started to thought social skills.

that this type of violence is normal

situation? These thoughts are -We all born with violence
nature, but when we grow
harder later to change when they
older, we learn how to control
already grow accustomed to it.
the anger. Those who dont or
cant learn are the ones who
become violent

Najmi Wow that is some fun facts you got

(Moderator) there Mr. Farhan. Thanks also to Mr.

I agree and disagree. I dont think
anyone truly believes targeting
violence in media will solve the
problems. However, there great
reasons to believe that
responsible media and a large
reduction in media violence
would be an enormous help.
-Media is always used as a tool
of oppression and violence, but it
is not the source of it. To truly
heal our world, we must work to
change the society.
-Next let us hear from other panel,
Mr Faqrul. Mr Faqrul, do you think
that video games can really affect
the children behavior? Or it does
have good effect on children


(Faqrul Razi)
-Some video games may aid
-Video Games affect the the development of fine motor
children behaviour -Video games can make kids skills and coordination.

unfeeling or heartless to violence

-When Grand Theft Auto
even more than TV
(GTA) was developed, only 58
(Journal of Adolescence, 2004)
murders from gun violence
last years out of 63 million
-In fact, one study found that 65% of
population in Australia.
kids age 7-12 had played Grand
Theft Auto, the game promote
prostitution, -Children who played video
theft, and violent behavior. games for less than an hour
Maybe it will not influence the each day showed lower rates
children about guns but what about of aggression than children
theft and porno ship inside the game who did not play at all.
that can influence their clean and
innocence mind ? - I concluded that playing
video games can help boost

- Violent video games should be teenagers results in crucial

discouraged because they have subjects such as maths and

dangerous effects on childrens
Students who love gaming
mental development.
cumulatively achieve slightly
(Josephson, 1995) (American
higher overall in international
Academy of Pediatrics, 1996).
tests and fared especially well
on digitally-based problem
Fun Facts:
solving tasks, according to
research published by the
-Approximately 40% of families with Organisation for Economic
pre-schoolers children own video Cooperation and Development
game equipment. (OECD).
-50% played games yesterday.
(Pew Research Centre)


-Thanks Mr. Faqrul and Mr.

Muzammel. Both of these points
have pros and cons. For the
audience, which would be more
effective at reducing violence in
our world, eliminating video
games with guns or eliminating
accountable assassinations by
military drones as done in the (Shafie)
-Not all music videos contains
(Mahazan) negatives element on
delivering the message. Music
-Music videos may have a videos on health, education
significant behavioral impact and motivation can improve
childrens brain power.
-Music videos may have a significant Meredith Levande stated that
behavioral effect by making less music simply stimulates parts
sensitive towards viewers to of the brain that associated to

violence and making teenagers more reading, math and

likely to approve of premarital sex development

-Can set up parental controls

for family members under age
13, this software that can limit
-Up to 75% of videos contain
and protect the children from
sexually explicit material and more
exposed to such violence
than half contain violence that is
often committed against women.
(American Academy of Pediatrics, -Parents needs to make sure
1996) that the parental controls is
turned on at all times which
can keep their child safe from

-Women are portrayed frequently in adult entertainments such as
a disrespectful manner that affects Nicki Minaj music videos.
childrens attitudes about sex roles. Good music such as
Mozart or Beethoven can

-Music lyrics have become enliven and enrich the lives of

children and the people who
increasingly explicit, particularly
care for them.
with references to sex, drugs and
violence. For examples, rap song and
Nicki Minaj lyrics songs that are

Najmi Its quite astonishing for young

(Moderator) people nowadays to listen to
symphony music. Music should be a
medium in fostering positive value,
yet in an acceptable sense to all type
of people. Mr Mahazan, you may
continue your points.

(Mahazan) (Muzammel)
- Children are unable to - In retrospect studies have also - Being a children means they
distinguish between fact and shown a twelve percent increase in need to think more. What are

fantasy and may view aggressive behavior after watching they need to think? Politics?

violence as an ordinary Absolutely no! Childrens brain

violent television as well.
need to be stimulated through
animation. Many advertising in
TV shows that imagination will
stimulate a bigger pictures in
their life. As example, we all
- Children who view media violence
know Sir Isaac Newton create
are more likely to have increased many Law such as Law of

feelings of hostility, decreased Motion. How did he get the
emotional response to the portrayal amazing ideas? The apple
of violence and injury that lead to falls on his head. When apple

violent behavior through imitation. falls on his head, he started to

imagine how did the apple fall,
what causes the apple falls.
- This is similar to the studies of
By imagine, he successfully
domestic violence where children
created many principles that
who are exposed to violence either
still being used up until now.
become offenders or victims
because they believe that what they
are exposed to is the norm.

(Faqrul Razi) -Because television takes time away (Shafie)

- Media also can influence from play and exercise activities, -Eating together as a family
nutrition on children children who watch a lot of tend to makes the children to

television are less physically fit and eat healthier foods like fruits,

more likely to consume high fat and vegetable and whole grains
and avoid watching television
high energy snack foods
while eating.

-Television viewing makes a

significant contribution to obesity
because prime time commercials
encourage unhealthy dietary
practices (Ostbye, 1993 and Certain,

-Commercials for healthy food make -Buy healthy foods at home to

up only 4% of the food make sure available foods in

your fridge, freezer, cupboards
advertisements shown during
and pantry are what your
childrens viewing time (Dietz and

Gortmaker, 1985). children will get used to

- Eating meals while watching -Parents should become a

television is improper since it can good role model that can

influence their childrens
lead to less meaningful
eating habits in a positive
communication and poorer eating
habits. Children should eat at the
dining tables when eating and
parents should supervises their

(Mahazan) (Shafie)
-The aim of this review is to
-Children will tend to be like
consider the research evidence - There are many superheros
a superhero what he see
from a public-health perspective. out there in movies. For
on movie. Its could be
example Captain America by
harmful to them because
- A search of published work Marvel. Captain America show
need to do dangerous
revealed five meta-analytic a good example to people
reviews and one quasi- which is he forbids people
systematic review, all of which from cursing each of team
were from North America. members and shows a good
example of leader. Avengers
-There is consistent evidence that also shows a good example of
violent imagery in television, film teamwork and being together
and video, and computer games to accomplish missions.
has substantial short-term effects
on arousal, thoughts, and
emotions, increasing the
likelihood of aggressive or fearful
behavior in younger children,
especially in boys.

(Farhan) (Shafie)

- Internets negative -The amount of time spent -The Internet has an

influence on children watching television and sitting in enormous potential for
front of computers can affect a providing children and youth
childs postural development with access to educational
(Salter, 1983). Information.

-Excessive amounts of time at a -No data suggest that

computer can contribute to television viewing causes
obesity, undeveloped social skills weakness of the eyes. It may
and a form of addictive behavior be different when a child is
(Canadian Pediatric Society, closely exposed to a computer
2002) screen for a long periods,
although there are no
definitive references to
support this claim.

-Other concerns include -Parents can use technology

pedophile who misuse the that blocks access to
Internet to lure young people into pornography and sex content
relationships. There on the Internet, but one must
is also the potential for children to be aware that this technology
be exposed to pornographic do not replace their
material. supervision or guidance.

-Parents should be
encouraged to reflect that
there is potential for more
good than bad, as
long as one has the
knowledge to tell the


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