RCMP Protective Intelligence Unit - Reoccupation Ceremony/Tipi Protest

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2017-06-29 Version 1.

0 Protected A

Briefing Note: Indigenous Protest on Parliament Hill Protective Intelligence Unit (PIU)
Nationa l Division

The purpose of this report is to provide an update on current information related to the Indigenous
protest on Parliament Hill that began 6:00pm on June 28, and is still underway


On June 28th, Indigenous Rights activists are protesting Canada's 150th celebrations on Parliament
Hill's East Block in Ottawa to highlight the Federal government's past mistreatment of indigenous
peoples. The protest, described as a "reoccupation ceremony," is expected to last four days and is
currently receiving s upport in attendance from several other local groups.

The protest began at 6:00pm Wednesday June 28 an d has roughly 80 demonstrators
carrying wooden poles on their shouldersi. The demonstration is part of a "reoccupation
ceremony" to counter Canada's 150 th anniversaryii.
The demonstration is meant to raise awareness about the Federal government's past
mistreatment of indigenous peoples iii.
The activists erected a teepee at the Human Rights monumentiv. RCMP originally prevented
them from putting it up, but it was officially erected Thursday morningv.
10 protestors of Bawating Water Protectors from Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, have come to
Ottawa to aid in the protestvi.

It has not been contirmed, but it is believed that the group members trom Bawating Water
Protectors are currently inside the teepee located on Parliament Hill.
o According to the Bawating Water Protectors Facebook page, they are participating
in this protest as part of Idle No More's "Unsettling Canada 150: A Call to Action vii "
o Bawating Water Protectors had been actively trying to recruit Ottawa citizens for
the four-day "reoccupation ceremonyviii" for several days prior to the
demonstration. The signup page is still active ix.
RCM P members have set up metal barriers that restrict the protestors' access to the rest of
the grounds on Parliament Hill. x
RCMP members had to detain several protestors xi, but most have been released xii .
The protest is expected to last four days; it is meant to overlap with Canada Day
celebrations taking place on Parliament HillxUl.
The information provided in this document has been collected with the intent of timely dissemination and is support
of Protective Operations. Recipients are encouraged to self-verify all information contained in this report before
using it for any investigative/enforcement action, evidence or other legal proceedings. The information is
preliminary and subject to change based on the unfolding situation and continuing investigation.
2017-06-29 Version 1.0 Protected A

The demonstrators are planning to keep a sacred fire on the Hill where they would pray.XIV
Several other groups are also in attendance including the Revolutionary Communist Party
of Canada and Revolutionary Students movement. Many of these individuals are known to


With the events planned in the National Capital Region (NCR) in celebration of Canada's 150 th
Anniversary - primarily Canada Day festivities on Parliament Hill - the demonstration could cause
disruptions to the planned events, as well as disruptions to the public's access to Parliament Hill.
However, with the metal barriers put in place by RCMP members, the protest should be contained
to the east block of the Parliament Hill grounds.
With the high volume of people expected to attend the Canada Day celebrations in the downtown
core, the number of participants in the demonstration could increase over the weekend.

At this time, the state of the protest is peaceful; there have been no indications that a violent protest
will be taking place over the course of the next four days.
The current amalgamation of multiple organized protest groups with similar goals and ideologies
seems to have begun, with the noted participation of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Canada
and Revolutionary Students movement members that were identified by law enforcement on site.
This may indicate a much larger primary group of protesters rather than smaller groupings of
demonstrations. Also, it should be noted that, while this initial group camping on Parliament Hill
may be peaceful, other groups attending their occupation ceremony may not remain peaceful.


Social media monitoring and open source research will be ongoing and any information of concern
in relation to the event will be provided in supplemental reports.

The information provided in this document has been collected with the intent of timely dissemination and is support
of Protective Operations. Recipients are encouraged to self-verify all information contained in this report before
using it for any investigative/enforcement action, evidence or other legal proceedings. The information is
preliminary and subject to change based on the unfolding situation and continuing investigation.
2017-06-29 Version 1.0 Protected A

Protective Intelligence Unit (PIU)

i http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/protest-teepee-erected-outside-parliament -1 .3481362
il http://www.cbe.ca/news/ca nada/ottawa/tee pee-erected-in-ce remony-on -pa rliam e nt -hi II-afte r -oppositio n-from-
iii http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/teepee-erected-in-ceremony-on-parliament-hill-after-opposition-from -

Iv http://ottawacitize n. com/ news/n ati 0 na I/i nd igenou s-proteste rs-i n-ottawa -erect -teepee-on- pa rl i ament -h ill-to-

cou nter-canada-1S0-celebrations
v http://ottawacitizen .com/ news/ nationa I/i nd ige n 0 us-proteste rs-i n-ottawa-erect -tee pee-on -pa rl iam e nt -h ill-to-

cou nter-canada-1S0-celebrations
vi http://ottawacitizen. com/ news/n ati onal/i nd igenou s-proteste rs-i n-ottawa-erect -teepee-on- pa rl iam ent-h ill-to-

vii https://www.facebook.com/BawatingWaterProtectors/}

viii https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/lFAlpQLSeINPz2jRCSagyMdQGKiHkB8dGIQhS6n8r-

sieG MAW400heFA/viewform ?c=O&w=l

ix https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/lFAI pQLSel NPz2jRCSagyMdQG KiHkB8dG IQhS6n8r-

x http://www.cbc.ca/news/ca nada/ottawa/teepee-erected-in-ceremony-o n-pa rlia m e nt -h i II-afte r-opposition-from-

xi http://ottawacitizen .com/ n ews/ n ati ona I/i ndigenou s- protesters-i n-ottawa -erect -teepee -on- pa rl i ament -h ill-to-

cou nter-canada-1S0-celebrations
xii http://www.ctvnews.ca/ca nada/protest-teepee-erected-outside-parliament-1.3481362

xIII http://www.cbc.ca/n ews/ ca nada/ ottawa/teepee-erected-in-ceremony-on-pa rliament -hi II-afte r -oppositi 0 n-

xiv http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/protest-teepee-erected-outside-parl iament -1. 3481362

The information provided in this document has been collected with the intent of timely dissemination and is support
of Protective Operations. Recipients are encouraged to self-verify all information contained in this report before
using it for any investigative/enforcement action, evidence or other legal proceedings. The information is
preliminary and subject to change based on the unfolding situation and continuing investigation.

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