INTP Vs INTJ: 5 Ways To Truly Tell Them Apart - Personality Type and Personal Growth - Personality Hacker

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personalityhacker-intp-vs-intj_the-thinkerI have a working theory that every type in the Myers-Briggs system is
integral to social ecology. It doesnt matter if a specic type drives you crazy, they are necessary to keep us
balanced as humans.

When were trying to gure out our own type it can be difcult when two (or more) types ll a relatively similar
role in society.
I mentioned in the article about INFPs vs INFJs that these two types are here to help us gain greater emotional
intelligence, but they do so in slightly different (and necessary) ways.

The same could be said of INTPs and INTJs. Both types blow me away with their ability to manage
extraordinary amounts ofTYPE
PERSONALITY information while trying to avoid cognitive biases. I believe theyre both intended to

question common sense to prevent mental stagnation.

While the service these two types perform for humanity is similar, they help us calibrate to new ways of
thinking in different

This article is intended to be a deep-dive, side-by-side comparison of their similarities and differences.

(If youre in the middle of trying to gure out whether or not youre an INTJ or an INTP, remember that these
arent intended TYPES your individual interests or values, but rather how the two types are wired
to describe

5 Crucial Differences Between INTPs and INTJs


1. INTP vs INTJ: Different Driver processes

The Driver process can also be called the dominant cognitive function. Its the minds rst point of contact
and the primary lens through which everything gets ltered.

For an INTJ, this dominant process is technically called Introverted Intuition, but weve nicknamed it

personalityhacker_third-eyePerspectives is a learning function (technically called a perceiving function), and

works by watching ones own mind form patterns. After years of use, eventually Perspectives begins to see the
pattern of the patterns and understands that what is happening inside of themselves cognitively is also
happening for other

INTPs, on the other hand, lead with a process called Introverted Thinking, which we call Accuracy.

personalityhacker-intp-vs-intj_mental-frameworksAccuracy is a decision-making function (technically called a

judging function), and works by creating a framework and then sifting through all the data within that
framework, scanning for incongruities and inconsistencies. Its ultimate goal is to nd things that make sense
to the user, and once clarity is gained then the INTP knows the right course of action to take.

Because both areINTJ PERSONALITY

Thinking types meaning, they both make decisions based on impersonal, analytical criteria
its important to both INTJs and INTPs to be intellectually honest. And while both have this same desired
outcome, theres an important nuance between the relationship each has with data.

Since INTJs are leading with an intuitive process there is more credence given to creative internal thought.

They arent scanning for content that could be wrong, theyre scanning for new patterns that could be right.

This is why INTJs must pair their Driver process with the Co-Pilot of Extraverted Thinking, or Effectiveness.
The only way to truly know if those patterns have merit is if they play out in the outer world. If they work,
awesome! That was a great new pattern. If they fail, then its back to the internal drawing board.

For an INTP, the outer world isnt where thoughts are vetted. In fact, INTPs couple their Accuracy with
Extraverted Intuition, or what we call Exploration. The world outside of themselves is where intriguing new
patterns are observed, and its up to them to make sense of what those possibilities could mean.

ENFP argument
A logically consistent PERSONALITY
is the proof that supports their speculation.

This is why INTPs must be so ruthless with their content and data. The criteria isnt necessarily provable to an
outside observer, and so an internally consistent argument may be the best theyve got to give credibility to
their conclusions.

Tesla_colorado_adjustedThink of it in terms of Nikola Tesla (most likely an INTJ) and Albert Einstein (most
likely an INTP).

Tesla thought up ESFP PERSONALITY

extraordinary new technologies, but the real test was whether or not those inventions actually

Einstein, the on the other hand, saw patterns in the outside world and mulled over them until he culled from the
herd everything but thePERSONALITY
ESTP most internally consistent reasons.

Tesla could point to the invention. Einstein had to point to the math.

This results in two very different relationships with data.


For an INTP, clean data is of the utmost importance. Personal biases, what we want to believe, and social
attachments to concepts muddy the waters. This is why theres always some attraction to math, formal logic
and/or binary code for an INTP. These are disciplines that tolerate little to no personal interpretation, which is
hugely satisfying.ISTP PERSONALITY

An INTP will unconsciously vet people for when they can and cannot be trusted with data. For example, they
may have a good friend who always knows when someone is being fake, but cant seem to wrap their head
around time. When talking
ESTJ to them about motivations and intent the INTP knows theyre a trusted source of
information, but they will dismiss that person whenever they talk about how long it will take to get somewhere.

There is such a thing as clean data, one just has to be ever vigilant for it.


is no such thing as data separate from the person holding that data. That is to say, our
perceptions will always color the information we carry and so data is never clean. This is why an INTJ will
frequentlycounter an inquiry for a piece of data with the question, Why do you want to know?

The context changes the content, and so if they dont know why you want to know they cant produce the
data.(Not that it matters, but this can be maddening to an ENTP. Or, at the very least, to this ENTP. :p)

No matter! Its not the empirical nature of the data thats important, its the result it produces thats the
important thing. Which is why INTJs unconsciously vet people for their usefulness, not the data they hold
(unless thats how the person is useful).

Understanding the difference between these two Driver functions is crucial to understanding the difference in

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2. INTP vs INTJ: Two different intrinsic insecurities
generate different strategies
Even when weve graduated beyond our insecurities, the fact that they existed at some point influences our
early strategies for navigating the world.

Its been said by some that both INTPs and INTJs can come across arrogant, which I think is a surface
understanding of whats going on with both types (even when theyre at their Im going to strangle you now

As mentioned before, an INTP is constantly scanning for the cleanest data possible because they cant actually
show proof for their conclusions. Accuracy is by denition a subjective criteria: it makes sense to me.

Like Authenticity users (as mentioned in the INFP vs INFJ article), if the audience isnt getting it an INTP can
become (in order) confused, frustrated and ultimately cynical. There is always some insecurity about others
invalidating their arguments and conclusions, but instead of staying in the realm of hurt (as an INFP may), the
easiest solution is to just assume everyone else is an idiot.

Harboring insecurities is just another way for indicating immaturity, and an immature INTP will show up as The
Authority On All Subjects, assuming they are right and you are wrong. When an INTP is accused of arrogance,
its generally because they have a growing pathology toward being right at all times.

Conversely, the more mature an INTP becomes, the more theyre delighted at being proven wrong. Thats the
outer world helping them cleanse data they may have grown attached to / become biased toward!

This is generally done through the development of their Co-Pilot process of Exploration, a function that opens
frames and actively looks for more information to plug into existing frameworks.

stormthetest-jovialThey also become more cheerful as they develop, losing their grip in cynicism and enjoying
a naturally egalitarian disposition where anyone at any time could offer interesting perspectives and content.

Of course, that doesnt mean an INTP wont still engage in argument and debate. Iron sharpens iron, after all,
and debate is anything but personal.

For an INTJ, there is little to no insecurity about being right. If you dont agree with them they might debate with
you about it, but they understand that perception denes reality and you may just be seeing things
fundamentally differently.

Ultimately, the proof is in Effectiveness, and youll see how wrong you are when the outer world plays it all out.

The insecurity an INTJ faces is more of a well guarded secret. INTJs are surprisingly sensitive, and as
mentioned in our article about the INTJ personality type, anyone they let in can do real damage.

The insecurity lies in just how amazingly vulnerable they are to others. For a hardcore Thinker, its incredibly
disconcerting for the INTJ to realize they are wired to be sensitive without the benet of commensurate
(natural) emotional intelligence.

The arrogant front an INTJ puts up isnt to deflect being proven wrong, its to deflect against the hurt and pain
another person potentially represents. Its a true wall, an impenetrable domain around the inner sanctum that
you may or may not ever be invited into.

The more insecure and immature the INTJ is, the thicker and more impenetrable the wall.

Conversely, the more mature an INTJ the more they understand that their personal happiness is directly linked
to their willingness to be vulnerable. They may still be protective, but they dont close themselves off
universally. The INTJ builds healthy boundaries which allow special people in, who are the lucky recipients of
their extraordinary understanding.

If youre trying to determine your type between INTP and INTJ ask yourself: are you more put-off by being
wrong, or by being vulnerable?

3. INTP vs INTJ: How emotions show up

No matter what your type and no matter how much of a Thinker you are, you have emotions and feelings.
Being a Thinker means you use impersonal criteria to evaluate situations, which generally results in putting
emotions as a lower priority. But they still exist.

When you look at the car model for each of these types (or, for Myers-Briggs geeks, when you look at the
cognitive function stack) youll notice that the INTJ type has a more conscious relationship with their emotional
side, whereas an INTPs emotional awareness is more unconscious and a blind spot.

The Car Model for an INTJ is:

Driver: Introverted Intuition, Perspectives

Co-Pilot: Extraverted Thinking, Effectiveness
10 Yr Old: Introverted Feeling, Authenticity
3 Yr Old: Extraverted Sensing, Sensation

For the INTP its:

Driver: Introverted Thinking, Accuracy

Co-Pilot: Extraverted Intuition, Exploration
10 Yr Old: Introverted Sensing, Memory
3 Yr Old: Extraverted Feeling, Harmony

Not only are the Feeling processes in different positions in the car, they are also different expressions. For an
INTJ its Introverted Feeling, or Authenticity, and for the INTP its Extraverted Feeling, or Harmony.
personalityhacker_davinci-chakrasAuthenticity (at its core) is about understanding the emotional impact
something has on you as an individual, and whats in alignment for you as a person. Its quiet, reflective and
introspective. In fact, Ive heard it described by Harmony types as numbed out, a misunderstanding of how the
process works but an apt illustration of how inwardly turned the process appears from the outside.

Harmony (at its core) is about the emotional impact something has on others, aka the group, and checks in
with social truths (like how we should behave and what peoples reputations are). Its also outwardly expressive
and emotive.

INTJs have a more conscious relationship with their Feeling process, which is in part why theyre sensitive.
Theyre often very aware of how things are impacting them emotionally, though they dont always know what to
do about it.

INTPs, on the other hand, have a very unconscious relationship with their Feeling process and a much higher
threshold for tuning it out. Once it gets triggered, though, its anything but quiet.

When we go to our 3 Yr Old process (also known as our inferior) its generally in times of deep stress. (We can
develop strategies to give our 3 Yr Old some attention to prevent it from controlling us, but most people only
gure this out over time and through the concept of failing better.)

This is called Being in the Grip, and its never a pretty sight. For a generally rational and straight-faced INTP this
can look like a full on temper tantrum. Uncontrollable crying isnt just a possibility, its a probability. And the
INTP having no clue what the hell is happening to them is swept up in the ride.

(When an INTJ is In the Grip it shows up as childlike self-indulgence too much food, alcohol, sex and/or any
other favorite expression of sensory pleasure.)

An INTJ will rarely temper tantrum. Theyre more likely to get prideful as a rst line of defense, and then move
on to sulky and mopey. They may get angry, though this will generally be a controlled internalized version of the
emotion. When an INTP gets angry, its more like a powder keg of explosion.

Understanding each types relationship with their Feeling process isnt just a great tie breaker when proling
yourself or others, its also an important way to hold space for a loved one who may be one of these two types.

4. INTP vs INTJ: Hygiene, organization and status

When one has a purely theoretical understanding of Myers-Briggs its easy to rely on things like, Oh, the INTJ is
a Judger, so theyll be organized and the INTP will be messy.

If only people would just closely follow stereotypes we could lock this thing down and all go home.

Unfortunately, its not so simple.

As mentioned before, the INTJ is leading with Introverted Intuition (Perspectives) which is technically a
perceiving process. That means their flow state is learning and thinking creative thoughts.

Organizing their outer world is absolutely preferential as the more organized things are the more they can
mitigate distractions and stay Perspectiving, so to speak.

But that means getting out of Perspectives to go organize, and sometimes thats about as unappealing as an
idea gets.

They also couple Perspectives with Effectiveness, a process that naturally thinks in terms of delegation. Ive
known INTJs that wished someone would just come along and organize their space for them, but until that
happened they were merely going to shut off sensory awareness and not acknowledge the disaster around

When an INTJ exercises the Effectiveness process this is less likely to be the case, but even then cleaning and
organizing has to be considered a high leverage activity. Which it may or may not be.

personalityhacker-intp-vs-intj_siliconvalley_danesh-and-gilfoyleGenerally the biggest give-away between an

INTJ and INTP (when taking into consideration that one is a J and the other is a P) is in personal grooming.

An INTP having Harmony as their 3 Yr Old process has an exceptionally easy time of just not giving a rats
ass about how they appear to others. Actually, more accurately, they dont give a rats ass if theyre socially
acceptable. They may care how they come across, but thats generally to send a message of not caring.
For the INTP, status is a game other people play, and dressing up just to suit others almost feels icky.

For an INTJ, on the other hand, status is a resource. And resource is always on the radar of Effectiveness.
Playing a status game doesnt feel icky, it feels like a necessary part of life. And its not so much that they dress
for high status, but that they understand just a little effort goes a long way.

Unless theyve given up, and then they turn into the Comic Book Guy on The Simpsons. When an INTJ devolves
they start looking more like an immature INTP.

Alternatively, when an INTP matures they stop seeing hygiene and personal grooming as being under the
thumb of society and more as a way to connect with other people. They dress for leverage, or self-expression,
or a number of other perfectly acceptable reasons to attend to their appearance.

5. INTP vs INTJ:Why we need them both

Ive found INTJs to exhibit amazing intellectual integrity. Ive found INTPs to exhibit extraordinary radical

For a society to exist well we need to have people who wont bullshit themselves and wont bullshit you. We
need creative thinkers that question the status quo, implement new technologies that improve our lives while
at the same time whistle-blowing and calling out that the emperor is, indeed, naked as the day he was born.

When an INTJ develops into the best version of themselves they are the walking think tanks of sustainable

When an INTP develops into the best version of themselves they are the innovators of new paradigms, literally
altering how we understand and see reality.

Both types are imperative, and if you are either type please understand how important you are. Develop into the
best version of yourself by exercising your Co-Pilot process of either Exploration (INTP) or Effectiveness (INTJ).

And hug yourself for me. Cause Im a fan.


p.s. This isby no means an exhaustive list and wed love to hear what you think are tie-breakers between the
types. Leave a comment and let us know what you see as the biggest differences.

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Accuracy, Effectiveness, INTJ, INTJ personality type, INTP, INTP personality type, INTP vs INTJ

Antonia Dodge
Antonia is an author, thought leader, coach, trainer, systems thinker, and personality proling expert. As the co-
owner and Lead Trainer of Personality Hacker, she oversees all the training programs and content that
Personality Hacker produces to help people "hack" their personal growth journey and create more happiness in
their lives.
INTJs sensitivity and emotional vulnerability. But the volatile nature of my
emotions was denitive proof.

Alexander M April 3, 2016


For me I feel as if Im a little of am intj and mostly an intp. Im good with social
interactions but ultimately the only reason I socialize is to feel better about my skills in
predicting people and not because I feel better from hanging out with them or learning
with them. I live my social life showing I dont care and sometimes I rant about the
stupidity of other teenagers(15) young intp that feels alone. I show that people are fake
and put up a lot of bullsbit to feel less insecure about themselves through society. I
spend my life deeply thinking and trying to nd something that satises me with putting
my mind into it-I like reading about astrophysics and I wanna become a theoritical
physicist and I spend a lot of my time arguing with myself about whats wrong or right.
But anywho I think a possible way to divide your intj and intp is by your inferior
function(3 year old function). I sometimes have random emotional outburst. It happens
maybe once every month and a half but when it happens it happens. I spend a lot of my
life not experiencing emotions because they are useless and ways down peoples life for
no reason. My greatest satisfaction is guring out truth and gaining facts and making
theories and thinking in new changing ways to approach situations that we expericance
throughout life and creating new situations that hasnt happened and emotions have
nothing to do with any of that so I enjoy my life through deep conscious thought
throughout it. I always am dazzing off into thought almost appearing like Im deattached
from society without even realizing it. But no matter what I know my worst function is
when I go through the uncontrollable outburst of layer of emotions thats just been
hiding for days just waiting to get released out and the hole time Im like why. Whats is
happening and I have no control its insane I go through sad and mad outburst that
shoot out like the nuclear energy trapped in rest mass. So because of how aware I am of
that, it helps score into the intp part of me. I use a bunch of introverted thinking where I
analyze and brainstorm everything that I can observe. And Ive created things in the spot
with a bit of extroverted intuition and introverted thinking in projects and social life.
Either way Im not sure if intjs go through the outburst as often or as strong and less
frequent as the intp and I do know an intj which helps me divide the differences between
us. Where actually quite close and your inferior functions might divide the difference.

heda chedda July 22, 2017

Youre 15..its probably the hormones. Im 37 and I KNOW its the hormones.

Hampton Ford January 2, 2016


To start, this is an informative and completely accurate article to me. I have tested as an INTJ
and have just a few comments and examples that I think will be useful to this article. I believe
I used to be an INTP or at least shared many more similarities with them than I do now. A
friend of mine (INTP) and myself had a debate last night at a sleep over (high school) and we
debated, cliche as this is, the meaning of life. It started out with me saying my purpose in life
(you are not privy to that). Put simply he said that the here and now is meaningful no matter
what happens when we die. I said that when we die there is nothing then by denition there
will be no consciousness anywhere and thus to me now nothing matters. I reject that idea
because at the heart of who I am, and I understand people are shaped by their environment, I
just cannot accept that view. We both agreed that there is a binary outcome to life or death if
you prefer. Either there is or is not something afterwards and we both agreed that is there was
something and we do remain awareness then we will nd out who is right and who is wrong.
Thus we debated the idea of nothing and the implications on the present and past. This is the
meaning of the old expression If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one there to hear it
does it still make a noise. The answer to this has no evidence or proof, for those intelligent
enough to understand the concept, it comes down to the fact that is only a matter of what we
choose to believe. Because of my forging through life I choose to believe that there is life after
death because I simply have to a purpose intrinsically. My friend on the other hand believes
that only the now that matters. My conclusion from all this is that the INTJ has to have a grand
scheme whether in the ethereal eternity of death or in this life. The INTP chooses to believe
the that there doesnt have to be. Basically your answer to this question will tell you ultimately
if you are an INTJ or INTP. Does the end justify the means or is it the ride that matters? (Hint:
If you say both you are lying, remember it is a choose and who you are denes how you will
respond to this question.) Sorry for the awkward phrasing, I know it is not completely
organized but I will use my personality as an excuse. Please give your opinion on whether you
agree or disagree and more importantly if this is correct. If it is not correct please support
your reasoning.

Jensen February 4, 2016


Sorry, Im completely sidetracking this but, Im an INTP, and when I read about the part
on your comment on If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one there to hear it does
it still make a noise?, my rst reaction was to immediately say no, and my follow up
reasoning was that by saying no, I might be able to lure out any witnesses who would
have known about the tree falling. I mean, not going into how effective my reasoning is,
my rst reaction was I want to know who else is in the forest, I want to know the truth!

I wonder if thats an INTP reaction.

Rod February 22, 2016

If a man waks deep into the forest and there is no woman around to hear him, if he
speaks is he still wrong?

Brian August 25, 2016

If a tree falls and noone heres it it DOES NOT make a sound. Figured that out years
ago. Quantum Physics has been proven, look it up. I must digress, I choose both. I
acknowledge I am here for the ride and practice those habits as best I can,
however I am not only extremely logical, but very spiritual as well. Different strokes
for different folks. Only naivety would suggest otherwise. Your opinion is not my
reality Everything else was cool to read tho. Glad Im not the only one with
unusual traits.

Mike Tuttle March 15, 2016


If a tree falls in a forest, and no one is around to hear it, it does not make a sound. It
simply makes a vibration. It is the presence of ears, wired to a brain sensitive to that
wavelength range, that translates that vibration to sound.


Gene March 17, 2016

Okay, but that assumes that there was nothing else near the tree that would have
heard the sound. Like a squirrel.


Another INTJ ?

Will May 28, 2016

Think Harder.


Edward July 11, 2016

If a tree falls in a forest, and no one is around to hear it.

So, does it matter if there is sound or no sound? What does it serve? And i dont

Another INTJ-A =)

INTP-Bob August 29, 2016

Its a Metaphysical question, one of philosophy, not science, what we can and cant
know. From Wikipedia: If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it,
does it make a sound? is a philosophical thought experiment that raises
questions regarding observation and knowledge of reality. Physics is secondary,
informing the philosophical enquiry into what were capable of knowing of reality.

Sarah INTJ September 28, 2016

If a tree falls in a forest, what we perceive as sound will be produced whether we

are around to hear it or not.

Even if there is no creature around to perceive it as a sound, any action has a

reaction, the tree falling will generate an impact whether you exist or you dont,
thats how the whole universe works.

As humans, we should not believe that the universe exists with all its laws solely
because we are able to perceive it.

Laura December 13, 2016

Haha I love that my thoughts exactly!


Kimball February 4, 2017

So by being there to sense the action of the tree falling in the forest and hearing it
it then makes a noise? this is a foundation of which quantum physics that Einstien
called spooky. the fact that you were able to consciously detect the falling of the
tree with your ears made it a reality and infact was the actualy the creation of the
sound of the falling tree otherwise it would never have made a sound. When we
observe the actions and interactions of quantum physics its the action of our
observing that creates the actions and interactions.
Yes Im an INTP and very appy to be one.

Camus April 30, 2017

If a tree falls in a forest, what we perceive as sound will be produced whether we

are around to hear it or not.

Thats the way I think of it too.

So when we (our brain) die we cant perceive anymore and our memory is gone,
Therefore in order to know if there is an afterlife we would need to know what
happens with our memory. Yes, no?
If we could extract our memory and put in some other organism, wich can handle
the date the way its supposed to be handled ok I give up, for now too many
possibilities XD

Michael September 24, 2016


The denition of a sound is a wave capable of being perceived by hearing functions,

ears, etc.

So given that, if there is no object capable of perceiving these waves, the tree falling
does not make a sound. Of course, we would never know if creatures or organisms or
devices out there in the forest can perceive unless there is inter-species communication
or device is obtained.

David Dunn October 26, 2016

I actually just saw a TED Talk about trees, and how they actually communicate
quite extensively. So in a sense, the entire forest would hear the tree falling.

Being another INTJ, yes, technically it wouldnt be a sound because of the lack of
auditory sensing within trees, but the information of said tree dislodging and
subsequent vibration would be known and recognized within the tree community.

Sam November 19, 2016

capable of being perceived

The denition you gave does not require the wave to be perceived in order to
classify it as a sound. Only that it is capable of such.

If a star shines, and nobody sees it, is it still generating light?

It could be light years away and we havent noticed yet. Its still light. It still has the
capacity to be perceived.

Theres the popular Quantum Mechanics double slit experiment, but how
extensively did they determine what does and doesnt qualify as observation?
Sentience? Does certain matter observe other matter within a certain radius?

intpM January 29, 2017

David: The entire forest would hear it only if its a very small forest.


Madhavi January 11, 2017


About the tree question.

First of all if a tree falls in the forest and to determine whether it made sound or noise
even if nobody heard it are based on the following three broad facts, or the absence of it

1. Key point: Does Nobody include or exclude animals and birds? By nobody did you
include only humans in this terminology or are animals included as well. It can be safe to
assume that some sort of birds or animals would be living either on/in that tree or
adjacent trees. We have no possible way of determining if they ever heard a sound.
Humans may not have been around or anywhere near the forest to heard the noise
produced, but the same is not applicable for animals and birds living in the forest.

2. Key note: Size of the tree can determine whether it was possible for the tree to make a
sound in the rst place. Depending on the size of the tree we can judge whether a sound
or a thud was made in the rst place. (by sound I dont just mean what we humans
perceive as sound, but also the vibrations which would cause a certain sort of noise to
occur, one way or another)

3. Key note: The amount of adjacent trees beside the main tree.
If the forest was a densely populated forest completely lled with trees and completely
lled with leaves, (basically a lush forest), then the adjacent trees depending on their
sizes might have broken the fall, an in turn lessened the sound to a small murmur
(reason for which that even if humans were there, they might not have heard the sound).

But either ways, from my conclusions I can draw up the fact that if a tree, either big or
small, whether broken by a fall or not, whether heard by animals/birds would indeed
make vibrations upon reaching the ground, one might hear it as a murmur or quite
rustles even (depending on the height, width and girth of the tree), but all that is still
considered sound.
By sound Im referring to the wave of compression and rarefaction. A sound will be
produced no matter what, the elasric medium (air) that might have dulled the sound
based on various circumstances.
Also there can be no absence of sound if there was nobody to hear it.

Whatever we term as sound still occurs in the event of a tree falling down, even in our
absence. Whether we are actually able to hear the sound or not is irrelevant.

Ive been tested as INTJ and an INTP on various forums. Id like some insight as to what I
could be.

.:, April 1, 2017

I always thought that the question is about how do we know that something is
happening even if we are not percieving it when we are, well, not percieving it.
What if there is a law of sort that causes events to play out differently, that decides
that lesser laws do apply or do not apply according to whether something capable
of observation is present? And we have no way of determining if yes or no,
because we do that through observation. I think it is similar to how we do not know
what atom does, when we are not looking at it. Except that atom behaving
differently is caused by energy input from light we need to apply to actually
observe it. If we use less, we also see less. I wondered if we couldnt solve this by
using light of different intensity and see graduation of changes in atoms activity
and gure from them what would be actually going on without light. But I am no
expert on physics so there might be some tiny little important detail preventing us
from that.
Anyway, lovely debate. One of the reasons why I love rationals. I am sorry for any
mistakes, english is not my native language.

INFP (probably, different tests gave me different results ENFP, INTP, INFJ and
even ESTP once)

INTJ-P January 14, 2016


thanks for this Antonia, I an INTJ but my emotional acts like the 3yr old occasionally, its quite
distressing to normally be very aware of my emotions but then for me to have a quick break
down, where, embarrassingly, crying does happen for no apparent reason any idea on how to
change that? Could it just be something that happens when i am no longer studying my
emotional self because im focused on other things or am i actually an INTP?

Zach INTP March 21, 2016


Logically, I would have to say that you should look at what exactly is making you sad. If
you nd that you arent sure what exactly is making you sad, then try to nd what makes
you happy. For me, Ill listen to music or play videogames to feel better and distract
myself from my emotions.

Zimm April 22, 2017


If you are aware of your emotions and acknowledge them than you are probably an INTJ
regardless of any breakdown. An INTP will be aware of his emotions, but being a
completly illogical concept, will attempt to ignore or deny said emotions, hence the
eventual breakdown due to an inability to process them in a healthy manner. At least
thays how I understand it, but then again im a INTP, so i might be missing something

Avie February 18, 2016


Hi Antonia,
I love all your articles. they are incredibly insightful while equally accessible! I really enjoyed
reading this one and the one comparing INFJs and INFPs. I have tested as both an INFP but
more often as an ENFP. That said, I always feel there is something missing with in the ENFP
proles despite my extroverted disposition. The INFP breakdown in the INFJ/INFP article
really resonated with me. I was wondering if you could do a comparison of ENFP and INFP so
that I can better understand where I t.

lala February 28, 2016


Hey, Im a 17 year old INTP and have a younger sister who is an INTJ and litrally Im so upset
about everything after reading thisIve been so horrible and arrogant towards my INTJ sister
my whole lifeIve always called her stupid and now her walls are soo thickbut ever since
she was small I had this relentlessness that would bring me back to understanding her but
she again would shut me off and Id call her stupid in frustrationshes so intelligent and I go
really really angry when others call her stupid like in schoolIt sort of makes me cryWe share
the same room and it doesnt help that we see things diffrentlyI even ended up thinking it
was my fault and decided to seek popularity like she doesI was like so depressed for 2 years
because I world work counter to how I operatedI live in such a noisy house I contemplated
being nocturnal/seminoctornalbut I couldnt maintain itI had like a crazy long endless per
suit in happinessbeing 78% introverted didnt help because I didnt know thatso I became
hostilemadbut strangely I became reallyreally eccentric and nihilisticand so unhygenic it
got as bad as people in school saying i stunkthat didnt help because i become more
paranoid and perfectanisic (i paid for the full reprt of myself second closest personality is
INTJ after INTP) I also cried myself to sleep when I found out how illogical my religion islam
was. I didnt pursue in case the outcomes would scare me to death (deeply religious family)
when people told me I was intelligent till now I would refuseits weird but I dont feel
conftable talking about it in some wayI hated it teachers would tell me I was not condent
and there would go my endless cycle again to become popular (sisters popular an happy) but
it would never happenIt wasnt fair because 2 of my sisters would do better than me one
ESFP and even the other INTJits sad really because I never had alone time at the age of 15
and when I did I used my phone as condence in what I was doing wrongat my lowest
depression I did an IQ test and paid for it and got 115 (15 yrs old) which was classed as
superior bordering genius but I obviously thought there was a huge mistake and paranoid and
became even more depressed and materialisticI contemplated suicide but I would
immediately counter it with erce logic and the idea that those who did that were so stupid
and deserved to die if they were going to give up so easilyI dont know what Im saying
reallybut I think im getting healthier slowly now and by understanding me and my little sister
(INTJ) I want break down the barriers I builtI feel so horrible and evilbut I have x that
before my actions dene the course my sisters life in genralIm so evil and incredibly stupid I
even did drugs once to remedy my stupiditystrange because my grades were average and
not in any way below average even in my most mentally depressed state and manged to stay
in set 1 for everthing apart from P.E (obviously)oh well didnt change how stupid I viewed
myselfmy teachers set my A* targets I believed I could but I was stupid and still am I guess
It was so hard to beleive others and especially myself when I had noting to show for itI
actually planned to kill myself but I always stopped because my religion doest allow that and
because I didntOne of my teachers believed in me and told me why he didnt send me down
to the lowest setI had hope and tried and ended up getting 75/80 with minimal effortbut I
still didnt beleive because I convinced myself out of itIt didnt help on results dayI jus was
to depressed anyway6th form cameIt became popular nally didnt help did worsernow I
know who I am who everyone is I feel I guess self conrmation in the study of humans
especially myself and feel sort of like childish inner glow of hope in myself. Im going to x all
the paradoxes around me and like I always do nd a waybut this time my ability will help me
change mine and my family lifeThe world maybe but that sounds scary so I say no way
good thing my best friends are INTP and INFPIt helps. Yeh I sound insecurebut its sort of
true I have to beAfter every crap Ive been throughI have prove Im intelligent but I wont act
after hoarding so much infosuch a paradoxI need a lot of alone time since Im 78%
introverted thinking so I can reassess my life and were I stand and were I should stand and
how I play a role in society. I guess thanks for hearing a stupid kid out.

Zach INTP March 21, 2016


We INTPs love to believe we can solve any problem, even paradoxes, just by thinking
about it. Be very careful, though and try to look at the situation maturely. Because if you
try to help your sister regain your trust, you might have to step out of your safe place.
And try not to think of her or other people as idiots because Ive learned that you can
learn a lot by listening to what the idiots say. And if I believe they are wrong, I try to help
them understand my thinking. If that fails, I usually just chalk it up as them not having an
open mind.

Brian Sky August 25, 2016

Religion? LoL. I was stumped in grade school being given multiple choice. Next..

lala February 28, 2016


Ok you lot might think im infp from my earlier comment but Im not I guess I over glossed the
specicsI evolved all the time but avoided the serious reasons why I did such thingsnow I
understand my natural reason why because I value knowledge and truth but also flexibility
when others didnt compromise to some extentbut you see low knowledge equals weak
judgement and also my school at 15 I moved to were sooo supercial and extraverted about it
to so it didnt help my ambitionI litrally died in that school and still passed with really high
average gradesI dont care for my IQ peak and am not getting retested because I really dont
see that as self conrmation so offense to society and there dumb rules. I found I attracted to
many people at that age as strange as it sounds I was really intj in my behaviour although I
was deeply depressed no wonder jung sad in disintegration they 5 become scattered at 7 just
like my sister (7w8) Im (5w6 the investigator, researcher, analyst, contentrarian) and yeh
obviously I took a break of education to educate myself independently and im getting to the
root of ny issues very easily also I need to mention my intuition Is very high it goes of the
scale and so does everything else for some reason but especially my introversion and
intuitionits so fascinating (its cant admit Im intelligent its like hollow in here lol). I couldnt
appreciate others but I always tried to knew whyso much you can see in my limited
knowledge and lens of society at that age.

Huma Everdeen November 20, 2016


I am cannot begin to tell you what this read has done for me, if I had any doubt it is now totally
obliterated I know now without a doubt that I AM AN INTJ, reading this all I could YES!!

Gord Thor November 22, 2016


Benjamin,I am an INTJ that falls somewhere in between an INTP and I have tested INTP once
or twice. Most people wont realize how deep we contemplate things. When you contemplate
things this deeply you know that people cant be divided neatly into 16 boxes. It seems
obvious to me that the dominance of cognitive functions are due to the strength of
wiring(white matter) between the different parts of the brain. I test 50/50 for right/left brain
dominance and I am willing to bet that you do as well.

Harry Slattery January 8, 2016


As an INTP I recognize your speaking style with the INTJ undertone, I was wondering what
enneagram you are as you dont seem vulgar and though socionics is more functional enneagram is
fairly behaviorist

Jason April 7, 2016


You are a Type 5 enneagram, INTP. Your inability to express emotions comes from
compartmentalizing your connections to the world around you. Think of it as living in a pitch black
apartment and only being able to see with a lantern that lights only the rooms you need to be in at
that point in time. Im guessing youre naturally very inquisitive and accumulate knowledge/research
for days before making a decision about something.

Xavier May 20, 2016


That sounded so familiar to me. Done that exact thing countless times with bills, groceries (taxes
included within pennies to dollars up to several hundred)

robert June 12, 2016


I so totally just read myself in you Benjamin. My usual over-observation absolutely amuses my
wife. I study all things in such data flow ways, but when it comes to trafc patterns on the road, my
wife is stunned when I go into revelations about how the vehicle 3 ahead of us is giving signs of
changing lanes, the one behind them is a mini van and thus its 20% more likely to be turning, due to
the location of a school at the next intersection, and if that happens, then the right lane will be
empty of trafc, thus allowing me a more efcient trip to my destination, though in 6 blocks there is
a junction with a high likelihood of vehicles turning left and clogging the passing lane, thus I will
remain in the right, despite the perceived faster momentum in that lane.. blah blah blah. To say we
overthink things that most people dont even notice is. well theyre all just idiots, anyways, right?

Jesse November 5, 2016


Why, because you have an online account and can login to get your bill before the mail comes?
Hahahaha! Or write down the KW usage from the meter every month.

Ashmita December 15, 2016


Im an INTP and that Estimation Game point absolutely clicked with me.

However, it doesnt always have to be bills for me. I can literally guess the price or value of anything
just by the tone of the person asking it (and subconsciously evaluating the person, their experience
with numbers, what price could they possibly nd amusing etc).

Within seconds the answer flashes in my mind. Other people guessing are generally very far off
When asked how I got it, I begin to explain but then realize its useless explaining and theyre not
REALLY interested in knowing the calculation, so I just nish off with a vague Ya I just do

Love the game!

Great analysis

Yu Lu February 14, 2017


INTX here. Mixes between the two. The general perception among INTPs that emotion and reason
are separate is not accurate. You cant reason without emotion otherwise there would be no
motivation to reason in the rst place. The primary driving emotional force for both types is
contempt. As a result they suck (relatively compared to other types) at personal relationships but
are excellent at analysis. Contempt is good for the latter, but not for the former.
The problem is that most INTs have trouble recognizing the underlying physiological processes
behind their emotions, which is why they think theyre not feeling them. The belief that emotion and
reasoning processes are separate is being increasingly discredited from the evidence coming from
neuroscience. Read Antonio Damasio.

Haiden April 17, 2017


I tested several years ago as an infp, but recently retook the the test and got intp as a result. My
brother in law is an intj, so i checked out this article. I struggle a lot with being wrong, but hopefully
that will change!

Amaya May 15, 2017


Im an INTJ (assertive, female) in a relationship with an INTP (turbulent, male).

Im reaching my thirties in the next year or so, and have been consciously work on developing my 10
year old (introverted feeling) and 3 year old (extroverted sensing) functions for the last 4 years. In
this way, Ive come to be a little less defensive in my life so I dont feel a constant need to protect
my very sensitive internal self from at least the people close to me. Though I will say, Ive crafted a
life that literally shuts out anyone or anything that I dont actually want distracting or creating
emotional distraught in my life. More on that below.

With that introduction

I saw in the comment threads that many people wondered if an INTJ has emotional outbursts or
something to that effect.

I can tell you that I have rarely spontaneously had an emotional outburst. Usually, I must be pushed
in a corner and prodded and prodded (by someone or something out of my control), until my anger
builds to a peak. Then it is like a torrent.

99% of the time, that torrential outburst will not happen.

First, because I really have to care deeply about the person or situation to ever even get to that point
of anger. Since the majority of people and situations in my life are not that deeply important to me, I
generally just become irritated. When I reach that state of irritation, typically the death mask facial
expression that INTJs are known to wear, will shield whatever is going on inside of me. I only ever
vent to people I am super close to, and even then it is in extreme moderation. They would all
conrm that its more likely to hear about my frustration, irritation, hurt, or anger after Ive dealt with
it myself and mostly worked it out.

This is because I feel emotions are private, they are typically temporary, I dont want to ever burden
someone who is a stranger with that kind of expression, and nothing good can usually come from
expressing my hurt/anger/irritation. So, as you can see, outbursts arent likely to happen because I
can (usually) squirrel the emotion away and work it out. And I mean literally work it out. That may be
in my career work, it may be in meditation, or it may be in some sort of physical sport. In fact Id say
that Ive found my greatest relief in non-expressed emotions, by physically working my body.

(Also worth noting, I think that most INTJs function from a general low-level irritation most of the
time. Were really fast thinkers, and its frustrating to live in a world where other people dont tend to
think at that same speed or depth. After almost 30 years of living like this, you can pretty much
master shielding that irritation, or you can be known as a serious asshole. And assholes tend to live
very difcult lives. So.)

Second, the torrential outburst is rarely going to happen because Ill isolate myself away from other
people and stimuli (the stimuli is a BIG ONE for me). If its really bad, Ill need an hour or two to think
it out, work it out, and calm down. But I know better than to try to express myself when Im that
emotionally volatile. Its only going to lead to me saying something awful (because INTJs can be
really ruthlessly cutting, and I denitely t that stereotype), and then Ill have even more conflict.
I think something that helps when youre dating or have some sort of relationship with an INTJ, is to
realize that the majority of us will nd emotionally volatile situations to be a drain of energy and a
waste of time. We could be doing so much more with our minds than stewing in anger. And Id say
we typically become very aware of how much of an energy and time suck the whole emotional
outburst thing can be Because it only leads down a road of more emotional stuff.

Now, if you corner me Its likely there will be an outburst. Forcing me to have a conversation when I
really just want to be left alone, is a surere way for that signature INTJ dont know what to do with
these emotions thing to come up. Now Im mad. I dont like being incompetent. I dont like being
embroiled in emotional stuff with a witness there to see how incompetent I am. And I dont like
being forced to do things against my will.

In that instance, you have a perfect storm for the anger to build and build and build Until I pop.
Then theres yelling, saying nasty things, and in extreme cases I can even hit full-on tantrum mode.
And you know what? I know its coming. Ill warn you. Ill tell you to please leave me alone. I will
demand my privacy. Because I dont want to embarrass myself or hurt someone that I care about
(or have to work with).

When it comes to dating an INTP, this can sometimes be an issue. His 3 year old cognitive function
is harmony (extroverted feeling). When he feels like we arent in a state of harmony, he is distracted
by the thoughts of us not being in agreement, and me being upset. His rst instinct is to then sit
down and hash out what happened, and nd a resolution. He wants harmony, and he wants it to be
outwardly expressed so he can go back to focusing on what he wants to focus on. When he doesnt
have that harmony, he tends to build to an emotional outburst because its like nervous energy in his
brain and body.

This is obviously in conflict with my wanting Authenticity, and nding that my emotions are private
things that I need to gure out on my own rst. I need space, so that I can calm down and work the
emotions out. When I feel cornered, I can only take it for so long and then I lash out.

Weve reached a paradox!

Thankfully, both of us are system people. We love systems, creating them, studying them, perfecting
them. And weve found the best system is that he allows me a set amount of time (20-60 minutes)
to calm down. When Im ready, Ill reach out to him so we can have a conversation. Im mindful that
if I go over the maximum 60 minute window, hes going to be a little freaked out. Ultimately, I dont
want that for someone I care about. So we both work hard so that we can give each other what we
need. He focuses on resilience so that he can give me that space. I focus on effectiveness and
vulnerability so that I can have that conversation as quickly as possible.

In the end, this system works for us about 85% of the time (unfortunately, not all conflict can be
calmed down or discussed in such a short window). And I think were both the better for having
actively developed our less-effective functions.

I hope this helps anyone else who deals with an INTJ in their life, and especially those INTPs who
struggle to give space to their INTJ partners.

Ryan August 31, 2017


The story you told about the heating bill was excellent, because I do the same thing all the time with
everything and I always receive similar reactions. I fall somewhere between INTP and INTJ skewed
toward INTP.

joren April 13, 2015


bravo! How about infj vs intp next? The tertiary ti process can easily confuse the infj into believing
themselves to be a thinking type.
Antonia Dodge April 13, 2015

Good article idea! Thanks.


G.M. April 13, 2015


Yes! I completely agree.

Arabello July 23, 2015


Yes Please! That will be very helpful if it is as great as this one. Thank you for a lovely and insightful

Jenna April 13, 2015


I think growth patterns can be very subjective. I think being healthy is about balance, so the direction of
growth that is needed depends on what extremes are being practiced. I am an INTP and I grew up with a
great deal of social pressure and enforced strictness about my appearance. Its been a growth step for
me to learn to balance that pressure with the weight of what is good for me, subjectively. Perhaps my
circumstances stunted my growth in this area, and Im still working my way back around, though.

This is the best differentiation explanation Ive read for these two types. I think its difcult, because there
can so much overlap. My strongest motives and views when left to my own, do seem to align well with
what is described in the article, though. I think preferences are really key in this kind of differentiation.

Antonia Dodge April 13, 2015


Thats very true, and when I wrote the stuff on personal hygiene I knew there were going to be a
thousands variations on a theme / exceptions to the rule. But it was the only way I knew how to
point to a more common tie breaker and it not be a clean ofce. I know way too many INTJs
surrounded by chaos in their work space.


Jenna DeNardo June 5, 2015


A good point. I can denitely corroborate that.

Well, youre very good at letting go of the exceptions enough to get across an accurate theme.
I think its really helpful.

Terrie January 13, 2016

Its not chaos. Its a open ling system.

Artio J. Bear April 14, 2015


As a maturing INTJ female, married to a mature INTP, I approve this article. You claried well something
we already knew about MBTI and ourselves, but couldnt put into words, so thank you.

Antonia Dodge April 14, 2015


The highest compliment. Thanks!


ryan April 15, 2015


Good lawd. Ive tested as all 4 of the INxx types, ENTP, and even ISTP. For a while INTP seemed a logical
t and the form of the inferior in that types function stack really t many of my most cringeworthy
experiences in this lifethose times when I have been in the grip.

I almost always disregarded test results which suggested INTJ (including the test found on this site)
because, even after spending a great deal of time researching the functions, I think that I was being
unconsciously swayed by stereotypes surrounding that type (its almost as bad as the plethora of bullshit
stereotypes which surround the INFJ type).

Reading this article has, in the very least, led me to re-evaluate and take a long hard look at myself. When
I am in the grip, do I turn into the HULK (INTP) or do I turn into Walter White (INTJ)? Id have to say I more
resemble INTJ when my inferior and tertiary get the better of me. Im all to aware of the pesky emotions
which can be so debilitating, yet ill-equipped to process and handle said emotions in a healthy manner.
When particularly stressed, I often chase physical pleasures for immediate gratication.

I can still see similarities to ITP types, but INTJ is beginning to feel more like home.

A somewhat unrelated question, but Im curious how INTJs defend their Ni-fueled observations and
assumptions in a society which tends to value the cold, hard, tried-and-true facts yielded by Se and Si
observations. Ive noticed in myself a tendency to fake Si to defend arguments I otherwise have no hard
data or experience to back up. It sucks to know when I am right but that I am unable to back it up and I
often will lie or bend the truth to make it sound as though I possess experiential data just to make an
argument seem more valid. I hate doing this and it seems completely phony yet it seems to make
people more likely to take my points or arguments under consideration.

Jenna DeNardo June 5, 2015


I hear you. Ive had kind of a rough time guring out my type. I have always gotten erratic results on
type tests (INFP, INTJ, INFJ, ISFP, etc.) After quite a thorough knowledge of personality type and the
cognitive functions, I thought I had gured it out. Turns out not.

I relate quite a bit to your confusion and questions. I always related the most to the descriptions of
grip experiences as well. In my case it turned out that some of what I thought were grip experiences
were actually just the way my feelings would build up and freak out, because I am a feeler who was
greatly repressing and ignoring my emotional side. I always thought I was a thinker and Ive always
felt that I am very cerebral and logically oriented. However, I would have a lot of issues with my
emotions building up or overwhelming me and I basically was really frustrated with myself and
thought there was something wrong with me.
Thats an interesting thing about type; its not necessarily always how you act, and your real type is
set inside and will not go away, even if you arent expressing it very clearly. I had a huge mental
block about my feelings being of genuine importance, but they did not let up.

Another issue I had was distinguishing my main process as Fi rather than Ti, because it often
doesnt seem like feelings to me, the way that they are conventionally thought of. Also, I am often
calm, analytical, and controlled.

Im not saying this is denitely whats going on with you, but I want to share my experience for you
to consider. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted, since I realized I wasnt being my authentic self
(Greatly thanks to Antonias help. She realized I had the wrong type, did a verication with me, and
found my real one).

I will say, from what Ive learned, Nis tend to be very certain about their intuition, and dont tend to
see themselves as the problem if people dont see their observations as valid. What youre
describing in the last paragraph sounds like an INFP. They use Ne, which sees many options as to
how to present something. They also have Te as an inferior function, which could explain your
concern over not being taken seriously. Also, it may be good to note that in those situations your
*desire* for your arguments to be taken seriously is out-weighing (or out-ranking) your sense of
intellectual honesty, which could point to F as a preference.

I wish you much luck on your quest!

ryan April 15, 2015



Heather Blackwell April 15, 2015


Im am INFJ/INTP/INFP. Figure that one out ; )

Antonia Dodge April 15, 2015


Have you read the INFP vs INFJ article? It explains that INFJs use the cognitive function of
Accuracy, technically called Introverted Thinking, as their 10 Yr Old, a place where a lot INFJs go
when theyre trying to shut off the mechanism that unconsciously absorbs other peoples emotions.

Accuracy is the Driver process of INTPs, so its not uncommon for some INFJs to have confusion
around being INFP and/or INTP.

That said, my rst guess would be that youre an INFP.

INFPs dont emote like most people assume Feelers do, since they lead with Introverted Feeling, or
what we call Authenticity. Introverted Feeling is inwardly turned, and so not as expressive as, say,
Extraverted Feeling (or what we call Harmony). If youre an INFP you may resonate with descriptions
of INFJs, and you may also not feel as strong a Feeler because of misconceptions of what that

Also, INFPs (and ISFPs) resonate with multiple types because the Authenticity process can see so
many different components to themselves.

It would be very rare for you to be an INTP and mistake yourself for either INFP or INFJ types.

Ultimately, you are not three types, but one. Its just a matter of nding the best t. You may want to
use these articles for reference:


Between two types:

Good luck.


amanda April 17, 2015


Interesting! Im a very J-leaning INTJ, I related to a lot of the INTP. My brother is INTP and our differences
have always seemed pretty textbook.

This INTJs 2 cents:

1. For me, pattern recognition *always always always* revolves around whats wrong. The thing that
sticks up, doesnt t, does not compute. Whats right almost counts as a given and gets (needs) very
little attention.

2. Sensitive without the benet of emotional intelligence? Ouch! Sooooo true.

3. Yup.

4. Status is icky! It registers as supercial and false. So do things like make up, jewelry (Im a female
and anything trendy.

5. This seems backwards:

Ive found INTJs to exhibit amazing intellectual integrity. Ive found INTPs to exhibit extraordinary radical

Thats all I got

Victor April 21, 2015


Thanks for this article! It helped clarify some things for me about INTP vs INTJ. I have tested both, with
low scores on the P or J side, but a bit more often INTP. Somehow the scores for J vs P dont seem that
applicable to this character type I think. I recognise parts of both proles in my behaviour and thought
patterns, which makes it rather complicated, but this article made me believe I am probably an INTJ
rather than an INTP, but maybe you can clarify a bit as well?

1) Primary Intuition vs Primary Thinking

If I understand this correctly, INTPs would start at data, where INTJs start at ideas. I tend to start at ideas,
and then see if there is data that matches those ideas. As I am growing older, I notice I am not that
interested in actually nding the data, and prefer that others would do this and come back to me to see if
it supports my ideas. As a child, I also had a massive and vivid imagination, and was able to understand
abstract concepts and translate them to reality quickly. For example, when I was 5, my father gave me a
small booklet on how an internal combustion engine worked. I read it, and said I now knew how it worked.
Baffled, him and my brother challenged me, took me outside and showed me a real engine, and I was able
to point it all out.

At the same time however, I can sift through data looking for patterns and nd inconsistencies. I know
data doesnt speak the truth, as it depends on where it was registered and for what purpose (which is
also what I do professionally). Yet, I am not sure if this is an INTP trait or INTJ.

2) Insecurities
I both hate being wrong and being vulnerable, but probably hate the second more. Few people know me
and understand what drives me. Yet if I am wrong, I do not mind being pointed at that, as it is an
opportunity to learn, but at the same time I have been told more often than once that I can also be very
closed off to new ideas and perspectives.
3) Emotions
Oohhh boy. Emotions are my weak spot, and I have trouble handling them. I know theyre theyre, but I
hardly show them. Negative emotions hit home and I can regonise them, but positive emotions I tend to
notice due to their side-effects. For example, I notice love by the fact that I miss someone, or joy by the
fact that I am relaxed.

I do not recognise the temper tantrums described, but when I am hurt or feel insecure emotionally, I tend
to flee rather than ght. I recognise the feeling of anger, but it boils inside me rather than erupt. It will
express itself in sneering comments, or in a passive attitude.

4) Hygiene, personal status and organization

Personal hygiene is very high on my list. I wont go out the door without being properly bathed, and I
learned it is ok to not shave for a day (and hardly have any facial hair anyway). I do like status and what
car I drive or what impression I make on someone, but that also feels a bit like learned behaviour. The
remark Ive known INTJs that wished someone would just come along and organize their space for them,
but until that happened they were merely going to shut off sensory awareness and not acknowledge the
disaster around them. really hit home though. I thoroughly appreciate a clean and orderly environment,
yet I loathe creating it. I bring order when there is no other alternative, but prefer that someone else
creates that order. Same professionally I like a project planning and prefer to have one, but refuse to
create one myself as I know I can improvise and do it on the fly anyway. I have uttered the remarks Ill
take care that someone takes care of me as a child, which seems telling here as well.

5) Intellectual integrity vs brutal honesty

This one I really dont know, but again lean towards the INTJ part. I am not always honest, and think I
prefer intellectual integrity. If I think I am wrong, I will search out what is needed to regain my condence
in being right. That can be data however, but it can also be ideas. I prefer ideas, and then search for data,
rather than the other way around.

I guess I am answering my own question, and should look more into the INTJ proles than INTP, but it is
so weird that I test INTP more often than INTJ. I also have had feedback both ways that I can be
stubborn, judgmental and somewhat rigid in my ideas, but that is usually when I have made up my mind.
At the same time I have heard that I am open to new ideas, flexible and eager to learn.

Either way, INTPs and INTJs dont seem like the easiest persons to be around

Again, thanks for the article Antonia. I also really like how you renamed the cognitive functions to
something more intuitively understandable.

Nick June 14, 2015


Victor, great comment. I nd myself in a similar quandary, having tested as both INTP and INTJ (my
guess is due to the differing semantics of the questions and my interpretations thereof.) Ive been
disappointed with the various explanations of what an INTJ or an INTP is, so I decided to explore
the roots of Jungian typology (which MBTI evolved from.) Both Jung and Isabel Briggs Myers place
importance on the more fluid nature of typology (type as an orientation, not a destination,) which
seems to make things a bit clearer. What I mean by that is this: perhaps you are an INTJ who has
learned certain Perceiving habits through environmental (social, familial, cultural) influences, or like
myself, perhaps you are an INTP with learned Judging behaviors (but not innate, an important
distinction.) It might be interesting to gure out how you answer the type indicator questions (this is
what I should/usually do, this is what I want to do, etc) Added to this concept of learned behavior,
Jung talks about the Shadow Self, those hidden qualities that must balance out our extraverted
tendencies. How do our shadow selves reveal their personalities in daily or high stress situations?
Hope youve found some sense of fulllment and comfort in your quest to understand yourself,
cheers! (Id love to hear if youve had any more thoughts in recent months about your type and its
signicance to you!)

Jason April 26, 2015

A very insightful article and one that personally vetted many of my personal observations with telling
INTJs and INTPs apart. For the record, I am an INTJ. Some observations on the points you have raised

1. As a perspectives user, I love watching my mind sift through probabilities. And yet, when I try to explain
this concept, it produces confusion in the ears that listen while at the same time inspiring thoughts that
Im a weirdo. Hence, I tend to hide/camouflage this ability for fear of drawing unwanted attention or
expending energy on futile endeavors. Yet, when an INTP explains accuracy as a driving process, its seen
as more socially acceptable process? The point being that INTJs hide/camouflage there perspectives
driving process whereas INTPs are more open about there accuracy process. Hence, when I am in a
room with the 2 types, I tend to distinguish them based on this observation.

2. Denitely put off by being vulnerable :). In fact, a sizable part of my being is devoted to understanding
and combatting this vulnerability. You mentioned that many INTJs had impeccable personal grooming?
This for many is also seen as armor a means to address vulnerability. I suspect for many INTJs, its also
seen as a means to blend into not be seen as different because many INTJs self actualize at an early
age and know that they are intrinsically different from most people.

3. Alot of people just dont understand how emotionally sensitive and receptive we are. There have been
to many incidences in my life where I have assumed the emotional mantle of another and then started
crying uncontrollable all the while my brain is taking notes and doing analysis. The sad thing is, most of
the world will never get to see this vulnerability. Hence, its easy to spot an INTP because they are more
open and honest about there emotions whereas for the INTJ, its a secret.

4. Dead give away between an INTJ and INTP :P. I have however noticed that more mature INTJs start to
replace effectiveness with originality and authenticity in later life. Instead of trying to blend in with the
rest of society on clothing requirements, we tend to emulate our INTP brethren in adopting a style that is
originalsomething that speaks towards our individuality.

5. Your last point had me confused. Radical honest vs Intellectual integrity? I think both groups practice
these concepts. They are not mutually exclusive to one another.

Daphne May 10, 2015


Hello!!! I loved your article! And laughed a lot by some of the thing I read because they were so true! I am
a INTP-a and I really found this interesting because my younger sister (still a teenager) is an INTJ and this
sometimes brings some head-bumping with each other Although I think she is growing as a person and
that makes her mor tolerable for me and I would like to think that Im growing too cause like you said I
dont mind being proven wrong anymore I actually prefer when someone tells me that Im wrong and
shows me why; then of course I spend tons of hours researching everything. Some things I thought were
confusing for me Because I actually am extremely introspective and not because I say so, I actually did
some tests that my high school psychologist asked me to (about type of intelligence and stuff) and one
of my highest was Intra-personal Intelligence although the highest one was Spatial Intelligence and the
existential oneok Im getting out of subject! Anyway my confusion was about that if that was the same
thing as that type of intelligence and funny enough I suck at mathI just dont care enough but Im
excellent debating and just nished my major in Philosophy so, I suppose that being good at math its not
an strict rule lol Anyway I would like some advice to know how to treat my little sis and help her
become the best version of herself, because she is so intelligent but she has some trouble in controlling
herself (gets irritated very easily when she hears something that makes no sense) and criticises a lot
when that happens and well I tell her that is she just accepts that some people or events are stupid and
that she cant do anything about that and makes no sense to feel angry about it then she will be happy
because well Thats what I do..

Daphne May 10, 2015


By the way
What is your conception on these two Types and their view on religion Because I would like to
explain to my mum the reason behind me being an atheist but without hurting her feelings with my
honesty :/

Patricia June 4, 2015


Ill have to say, Im also interested. As an INTJ (26yo), Ive found great personal development
through religion (I kid you not). Although it is mostly an intellectual sort of faith, my Religion of
choice is, thankfully, completely coherent in its teachings. With a load of intellectual reading
material, from theological studies to academic articles, it is not merely God said so, and youll
have to trust me on this, but more God said so, and here is the proof.

In the aspect of INTJ arrogance, for example, it helped me open up a little. As silly as it may
sound, but all the love your neighbor teachings, when truly studied and explained and applied
in real life (there is a lot of theology and action in there), helped me to reign in my 10 Yr Old in
the social aspect. Empathy, understanding that the wrongdoings* of others is not a complete
representation of them, is usually great when trying to NOT be so stuck-up and emotional**.
Also, having a moral code set in stone (ha!) is great to curb any doubts when ethics come
into play (and, as a nurse, they come into play a lot).

My 3Yo old (Sensation) is also happily asleep in the back seat. Adding eternal damnation to
the list of cons really helps one to stop over-eating; more so than the mere knowledge that it is
unhealthy (both physical and mentally). But now I jest

I think the hardest parts of being an INTJ has always been relating to others and being useful.
Most of the action happens in my head, and that is depressing. I overthink problems that do
not exist (yet), imagine my response to situations to which I am not exposed, and even
possible conversations happen mostly in my head. Finding religion and deciding on being a
Nurse (which focuses on the random variables that are human beings) xed both of those
problems, and gave me something to use my brain AND my heart on. And, although a math-
and-physics-loving geek, I am glad that I was put on this way (by God or chance; but Im
betting on the rst one) rather than my rst choice in life (engineering).

* Wrongdoings, for me, are when others dont make sense. In answer to Daphnes sister
problems, Id suggest showing her that, when people do or defend an idea we are opposed to,
to think of them as people with less information than us. Not that they are stupid, as that is
not charitable, but that they do not have the data necessary to reach OUR understanding of
stuff. And we ARE usually right-er
** The emotion was always anger, and a need to hit someone on the head. Discussing polemic
issues (hello, nurse! We have so much polemic in this area) was enough for me to consider
humanity as a whole doomed.

steve August 6, 2015


Bunk. I suggest more logical thinking on your part to strip away any silly inclinations you
may harbor about the existence of god. Youve a tremendous mind there, use it to its
max potential. Stop kidding yourself and wasting resources on nonsense. Youre a
physics geek? you should know better!

Emily September 9, 2015

hahahahaha. Thats me laughing at you for being such a stereotypical internet


Cam December 1, 2015


Patricia, are you one of JW? You smack of it. It would be a good thing.

Gail Gardner INTP April 5, 2016


It is quite possible to come to believe via an intellectual process. See

Make your own decisions.

Ac April 20, 2016

Objectively speaking, you can not prove that inclinations about the existence of
God are silly, a waste of mental potential, or nonsense any more than anyone else
can prove that it is absolute truth, and therefore sensible. The silly comment just
strikes me as a jab more than anything, and really doesnt do your argument or
position of intellectual high-ground any favors.
Anyway, it seems to me that the greater waste of mental potential would be to
dismiss possibilities without defensible cause. If it cannot be proven either way, it
seems irresponsible to then simply dismiss it out of hand and decide on one
Faith taken separately, this position at least seems to stand to logic.

Brian August 25, 2016


Tell yer mom that if she was born on the other side of the world her religion would be
different. Case closed IMO

Brian August 25, 2016

My case seems unusual of sorts. I have always been a truth seeker guided by inner
knowing, is the best way to explain it. A moral compass and highly sensitive. I have
an extremely strict ltering process for what I accept as truth and am always
challenging or willing to challenge my own conclusions and accept a higher truth if
there is one. I had a spiritual awaking, or whatever you want to call it, at 30 yrs old
that I did not ask for nor was I seeking. I was seeking answers, I guess you could
say, but for me to believe (or know) in what I know now, it would need to be proven
to me. And it was Through rigorous tests of my own coupled with unique and
extremely benecial life experiences, intuition, and dare I say guidance. I hated
my feelings when I was younger, even blocked them out and pushed them down.
Certain events transpired and I was forced (willingly through realization) to forgive
and reincorporate my emotions with my logical analytical self. I now refer to
myself as one that utilizes both equally. My mom is 99% intuition 1% logic, maybe
thanks to her? lol. Anyhow, what is the diagnosis for being both? I still claim both.

Brian August 25, 2016

Btw there is no God, we all all Gods. We are all energy, we are all one. There are
creator Gods (ETs) and there is Prime Creator, Source. I dont expect you to be
able to believe or incorporate what I was saying as I would not have been able to
do unless it was proves to me and put through my own rigorous, continuous,
unforgiving tests for Truth. None the less facts are facts Sometimes I wish it
didnt happen to me but it doesnt last long. Ignorance is not bliss for me, even
when I want it to be, I am still always seeking Raw Truth. I will never settle for less.

Shae Cloud July 3, 2016


Searching Google for INTP interpersonal and visual spatial intelligence led me to your
comment. Good to know Im not the only INTP with highest scores being visual spatial and
intrapersonal intelligence. Identication achieved next level of understanding thyself unlocked!

Shae Cloud July 3, 2016


Searching Google for INTP intrapersonal and visual spatial intelligence led me to your
comment. Good to know Im not the only INTP with highest scores being visual spatial and
intrapersonal intelligence. Identication achieved next level of understanding thyself

Asma May 20, 2015


Dear Antonia,
Thanks for the time and effort you put into this. Its very refreshing and insightful.
The time I spent reading your articles was effective

An INTJ fan here, wish you a meaningful day.


Sandra June 9, 2015


Thank you for the article! Ive just realized, after listening to your podcast about developed and
undeveloped decision-making, that my husband is actually an INTP instead of an INTJ as he always tests.
When I compared the decision-making and driver processes between the two types, I couldnt get past
the idea that he was an accuracy driver. Accuracy/exploration just made so much sense to me for him.
But, I was certain that he was a J because of his extreme need for order in his environment. This article
did a great job of helping me understand the apparent inconsistency. However, he has expressed to me
many times that he needs an orderly environment to have an orderly mind, which is denitely J. Do
INTPs ever express a need for order in those terms?

Eeshan February 3, 2016


Yes. I wish I had someone to organize all my mess. Too lazy and egoistic to do it on my own. But
the day its too messy for my standards when I enter my workstation I pick up all the tools (see it
was important to mention this picking up part to show how painful it feels when I actually have to
take care of all the details of the task on my own) and start cleaning the place in a way that would
make my family proud. Even if its the rst thing in the morning.

D June 24, 2015


This was a great read! Ive always tested as an INTP, but I also always worried that I might not be entirely
honest with myself and answer test questions in a way that felt novel, or that allowed me to identify with
some image I wanted to represent. I am thinking this is my Fe poking and tormenting me, maybe. Its
been in my mind a while, but recently a person I recently had as a lab partner in a course I took spurred
some research what type are they? Interacting with them felt a bit like me, yet they were incredibly good
at retaining information from very little lecturing, while I sat there wondering why it worked the way it did,
and what it could do? He sometimes looked at me like he thought I was dumb, heh. I didnt care much
TOO much.

But, anyways, then it came back to me and this research had me second guessing myself am I an INTP?
Maybe INTJ? Maybe ISTP? I analyze myself a lot, and am very aware of my feelings, I do learn hands on,
try to improve myself when I see the need, I can be a perfectionist, but I am very open and love the idea of
anything being possible. I also dont care about appearances.

Because of that, Ive been bouncing around trying to determine which I am. Although, I decided that I am
not an ISTP, and that my Ne might resemble Se on occasion, so I was left with INTP vs INTJ, which you
just claried. TADA! I am an INTPI think! I mean, after reading this I am pretty sure.

Just that when I read about other types, I think back and wonder about my personality, and how its
changed. It seemed to have been more of an ISTP personality when I was pre-teen, more of INTP as a
teen, and into my twenties when I began to take life more seriously I felt more like an INTJ! But, I imagine
this has something to do with learning to t into professional and academic environments? Ive noticed
that, to t in and make anything of myself Im gonna need to adapt and t in. It doesnt feel permanent,
though. At times I just feel like I could understand or be just about any type, or at least imitate any of the
cognitive functions.

Anyways, I wanted to say thank you! I think you did a great job identifying pertinent info and creating
some correlations that really resonated with me! Some stuff I havent read anywhere else before. Good

It might be a huge undertaking, and Im not sure what I am exactly suggesting you do here, but, I would
love to see an article with this level of discernment pinpointing how each type could go about identifying
each other type. I always see people wanting to identify types. Maybe that would be too broad? The
cognitive functions could be more specic!? hmmmm. Gah, Im still typing? /novel

D June 24, 2015


Aaaand you have a program dedicated teaching people how to speed read others, already.
Awesome, that was quick!

Antonia Dodge June 24, 2015


We dont mess around.


Antonia Dodge June 24, 2015


Glad it was helpful! If you are an INTP its not surprising youd feel like a Sensor at times. Your
tertiary mental process (what we call the 10 Yr Old in the car model) is Introverted Sensing, a
process for which youre going to feel a strong connection.

cyr3n June 30, 2015

These articles are always amusing .. it seems like the INTPs and INTJs are the ones taking all these
temperament tests while the rest of humanity traipses through their daily routine of 9-5, gym, sportsball,
nightcap, nookie, then bedtime.

Unequivocally, it sucks to be a female INTP because everything a female is supposed to be is the anti-
thesis of this temperament type. So basically, youre foraged for ideas by others who take credit for your
work and then youre quarantined off so you can still be used but expected to take all the social bullying
because youre not part of the in-crowd. Male INTPs are held in high status, their emotional failings
brushed aside due to their vast manliness and obvious analytical advantage. When they get difcult to
deal with, theyre appeased. When a female INTP gets difcult to deal with, theyre avoided, character
assassinated, or killed (whod miss them?).

Heres the problem though. The only people whod actually see the logical reason why the femme-INTP
feels wronged is a male INTP or INTJ. But these guys are too busy drinking their own ideological koolaid
to really see whats going on in the fox-hole. And the truth is inconvenient..

Dont worry, those male INTPs and INTJs.. have a bitch of a time nding girlfriends. Because women are
all crazy and illogical. Yet when presented with a female INTP or INTJ.. theyre uncomfortable because
she doesnt t neatly into one of their templates.

The matrix is cruelest to those that it sees as a threat. Be good to each other INTP/INTJ.

Julia Hawkes October 5, 2015


Thanks for the virtual hug (: I made sure to

give it to myself Also, I really appreciate the depth of thought that is showcased in this article. I
was getting tired of reading articles and blog posts from people who were basing their perceptions
of different personality types off of stereotypesso, thanks for the accurate originality.

INTPondering November 27, 2015


Truer words were never spoken. We INTP women are at an unparalleled social disadvantage. It gets
easier in midlife as Fe develops, but its still hard. Ultimately, Ive found it easier to make my own
way in the world and live a peaceful, solitary life of the mind than to twist myself inside out trying to
live up to social expectations that I wasnt designed to meet.

Gail Gardner INTP April 5, 2016


We are the kind of woman a man wants as a mistress rather than a wife someone exciting
and intellectually stimulating but more than he wants to deal with on a regular basis.
Someday, maybe we will nd a man who is man enough.

Elistra January 18, 2016


No, its because they want a girl who is inferior to themselves, so they can have the more powerful
position in the relationship. They get greater security and more ego boost that way, see?
Dont worry. Sooner or later, most INTx males get sick of being cheated on, lied to, and jerked
around by xSFJs who, stupid as they are, are STILL smarter than the little head the immature INTx
male was thinking with, when he asked them out.

It is at this point when the INTx male becomes uncommonly receptive to his natural partner, the
female NT.

Patience, my sisters.

Middle-aged ENTJ female

Ac April 20, 2016


It seems even we supposed thinker types arent immune to biased or emotionally colored
conclusions. Perspective, expectations, and feelings, whether theyre hurt or pleased are
always waiting in the wings to throw reasoning for a loop. The moment you stop looking, there
this problem is, rearing its head again and muddying the waters.

-INTP (Female, in case this point is at all relavent.)

Ac April 20, 2016


P.S. Doesnt this argument seem to go against the logical analysis of systems and
general disregard for our place in society that are supposed to be markers of our types
(at least for the INTPs)?
P.P.S. Anyway, personally, Ive always thought of social surroundings as a machine,
operating in a particular way that I can take actions to cause particular results in. The
way Ive always seen it, any system can be gamed. Used or worked with to achieve an
end. Its just a matter of understanding and ability. In a system, particular actions
achieve particular, often predictable results. It seems like its just a matter of deciding if
you care about the system, if so, what result you want, then, what actions would illicit
that result in the system in question.

Alex October 27, 2016


Please note that just because one is an xxFx type does not mean he/she is unintelligent. I am
an INFJ woman with an INTP man, and we help balance each other out. He brings me back to
earth with logic when my imaginative intuition and emotions are running rampant. I remind
him that he is living on earth with other people (whether he likes it or not) and that sometimes
compassion and thinking of others perspectives can improve his happiness and make certain
situations less taxing. In other words, I elevate his F and he elevates my T.

We are all individuals, and at the end of the day the person who ts best with you may be
different than youd expect.

And, on another note, my INTP certainly does not nd me inferior. I doubt a mature INTP
would waste his/her time on someone who doesnt challenge them, interest them, and cant
keep up with, or at least appreciate, that fantastic mind.

Eric June 28, 2017


Ugh. Idk where these kinds of men are, but just reading this makes me roll my eyes. I get a lot
of women are frustrated, but I think your assumptions about men are hurting you just as much
as anything really happening. I can see men that are xSTJs, ESTPs, ENTJs, and INTJs wanting
an inferior woman. These types love dominating.

But INTPs? No way. Constant dominance games, in which the INTP plays either role, are going
to get tiring as hell. They want equals. Speaking for myself, dominance games as a form of
adult play are damned fun, but outside that context being in the company of inferiors is
boring and superiors is stifling and eye-rolly.

Ill take NT females any day. Except for the insecure, emotionally unintelligent, ie immature NT
female, theyre otherwise my desired equal.

Eric June 28, 2017


I think you have some misconceptions and have over generalized about male INTPs (and INTJs, but
Im here to defend my type specically).

Put simply: Im a Hell No to any woman that doesnt both give me intellectual food and prove that
they have more clarity on certain subjects than I do. Im most attracted to women that have a
combination of wit, intelligence, clarity, and physical attractiveness. Given all of this, the only
women I seem to sustain interest in anymore are ENTPs, INTPs and ENTJs, in that order. Ive
stopped dating INFJs and all sensors not by choice but that just seems to be the pattern.

Perhaps female INTPs have it even rougher (I get it analytical female is going to feel
misunderstood), but society does not give a break to male INTPs in the slightest. Were generally
seen as effeminate, or at least socially awkward, nerds rather than anything resembling manly. ESxx
types dominate our social paradigms, with ISxJ types being acceptable as well, and if you fall
outside that group, regardless of gender or type, youre going to have it rough. Do you think the
general population really prefers us compared to, say, ESTJs or ESTPs?

Additionally, keep shining your unique light. Theres guys out there looking for NT females. Sensory
females are boring to a lot of us and NF females are often too difcult to bridge the communication
gap with.

Re August 3, 2015

As one just learning about my INTJ, each article has been enlightening and such a relief to begin to
understand who I am and what makes me tick.

A couple things:
wished someone would just come along and organize their space for them, but until that happened they
were merely going to shut off sensory awareness and not acknowledge the disaster around them. Yup
except I wont let anyone do it!!! Big big no no. I am very visual and I remember through visualization
where the last place something was put. I often end up having to keep it there forever regardless if its a
rational place or not. I use to save every little paper that someone gave me with contact info. Even if I
already put it in my phone. Pegged them all to a corkboard. I visually remembered the piece of paper and
handwriting plus where it was on my board. I could quickly grab it when needed. I cant remember names
for the life of me. I call my mess disorganized organization. Family laughs because I can tell you in a
stack of papers exactly how far down the one needed is even if not touched in months.

The wall hit home beyond belief. When I was 17 a friend said to me, You have this huge impenetrable
wall around you. I looked at him like he grew 3 heads, yet that was all to mask the fear of being found
out!!! Yep, I dont get angry nor cry. When I have it shocked my sister and mother and they were like, its
about damn time.

Concerning outward appearances I completely agree. All i did was because it was necessary. Now, its my
own personality, how I fewl, what I want. Yeah as a female INJ, love fashion as an art, but wear what
looks good and ts who I am as a person.
there is no such thing as data separate from the person holding that data. That is to say, our perceptions
will always color the information we carry and so data is never clean. This is why an INTJ will
frequentlycounter an inquiry for a piece of data with the question, Why do you want to know?

Re August 3, 2015

Shoot darn submit button. Ugh

that last quote had me laughing so hard!!
The context changes the content, and so if they dont know why you want to know they cant produce the
data. HOME RUN! ! Out of the ballpark! You claried something not only could I not put into words, but no
one seems to get whether you explain or not!!

Keep writing, the insight you have is so beyond helpful. I value each post more that the other.

Charis Branson August 3, 2015


Thanks for the feedback! Im glad so much of the information is resonating with you.

Re August 3, 2015

BtwI left my 3 yr. old somewhere. Lolseems that maybe I never had one. I never went excessive in
anything like, alcohol, drugs, food, shopping etc. I always saw what the repercussions or played out all the
scenarios that could take place and just couldnt no matter what justify the outcome being worthwhile for
a bit of excess. Ive always dealt fantastic with stress even though I do get anxiety I can work my way
through it mentally.

Charis Branson August 3, 2015


The 3 yr old can show up in different ways. Im an INFJ so I have the same driver and 3 yr old as you
do. I nd if Im lling my extraverted sensing need in other ways it doesnt get so destructive (as in
overeating, overdrinking, etc.). So, if you engage in regular exercise, yoga or anything that gets you
out of your mind and into your body you are feeding your toddler and keeping it from acting out in
unhealthy ways.

Re August 6, 2015

Thanks. That makes sense. Yes I love hiking and running trails. I think it is an area I need to
nd a consistent healthy outlet for as most still keep me in mind though music while running
helps. I tend to get obsessive with hobbies my one weakness I think. When I love doing
something, I do it sometimes to the extreme. Hmmmguess thats the 3 year old in me after

Mars August 12, 2015


I am an INTJ, bug also I am an INTP too.

Charis Branson August 12, 2015

Thanks for your comments, Mars! If you are an INTP and INTJ you would be the rst person in
history to be two types. More than likely you are one type.

Check out this PHQ podcast on the various reasons we identify with personality types that arent
authentic to us:
(and dont get hung up on the word trauma.)

Francis September 6, 2015


Hi! This is not the only case in history I am also INTJ and I recognize myself there but
depending on the type of test questions 2 answers seem possible, join together according
what situation? and consistent with our personality, everything depends on the adaptability of
each in its environment. Having already done the test several times, Im INTJ often, but it
happens that the test identies me as an INTP

Charis Branson September 6, 2015


I wasnt saying that no one has ever been typed differently by tests. That happens all the
time. I was saying no one can be two distinct personalities. Personality tests are not
consistent across the board and people answer questions differently depending on how
they feel at the time they take the test. So, of course people are going to be typed
differently. I have taken different tests that have typed me as an INTP, INFJ, and ISTP.
Does that mean I am all those personalities? No. I have only ONE personality type. Just
like everybody else.

This article explains why we do not believe it is possible for someone to be two separate

Brian August 25, 2016


Some of the most wonderful people are the ones who dont t into boxes

Brian August 25, 2016


Make that the 2nd person in history.

-Willing to be proven wrong

Mars August 12, 2015


But my testing results of Your Genius Test is INTP, but I know I am also an INTJ undoutedly, I am the big
mixed of them.
Lenviev LR August 14, 2015

I had always believed I was INTP. I consistently tested as INTP through 5 years. But ever since I turned to
cognitive functions test, INTJ has just completely dominated my prole.

Id like to think I dont care about facts, routines or plans and Im only interested in ideas, future
possibilities and unknown adventures. But when Im working, I make plans for everyone in my team and
monitor their progress and can get very annoyed when someone fail to meet deadlines or work quality
expectation. I am obsessed with Efciency to the point of offending people. My Fe is terrible but Fi is very

Now Im starting to think could I have been a lazy and procrastinating INTJ all along, and not a true INTP?
But apart from work matters, Im purely just interested in ideas and like to ponder on and research
abstract ideas/-isms for a long time. I have different approach to all the matters my circle is discussing
and I just want to be an observer.

Now Im not so sure of myself anymore. Could you help me make a case of it?

Charis Branson August 17, 2015


Thanks for the comment Lenviev! Sometimes it helps to ask yourself what you do when you are not
feeling at your best. This can clue us in to what inferior functions you may be using.

For instance, when stressed do you have a tendency to become emotionally manipulative of others.
Even bullying other people to garner sympathy and get your needs met? (Harmony 10 year old
pointing to INTP.)

Or, do you have a tendency to become obsessed with your own convictions regardless of evidence
to the contrary? Do you lean towards self-indulgence and want everything to feel good as opposed
to right? (Authenticity 10 year old pointing to INTJ.)

INTJs can be remarkably lazy if they havent found anything to inspire them, and are spending most
of their time in the back seat of their car. (Trust me on this, Im married to an INTJ.:))

When you are leading your team, streamlining processes, and talent scouting do you feel the most
gratication and excitement? Your use of the word Efcient leads me to believe you might be an
INTJ, but you need to adopt what feels most authentic to you. Have you read this article?

CS August 27, 2015


Ive always tested and identied as an INTJ but Im realizing that I may be degrading to an INTP as your
article puts it. A series of chronic illnesses has isolated me and I spend a lot more time in my own head
may be one cause of this. Anyway, Im trying to dig out of several holes right now, and I think a good way
to start would be by exercising my co-pilot. Since Im not sure whether that would be Effectiveness or
Exploration, what ways specically could I exercise both to yield the best potential results? Thank you in
advance for your help in this!

Nathanael September 5, 2015


Nice article. I think just cant seem to nd enough information to determine who I am between the INTP
and INTJ because test cant seem to help, my results are always randomly INTP or INTJ. Though the more
I search to nd out where I really belong the more I feel anxious and afraid that if I found out I was one I
would lose the characters of the other I posses. If you can help:

Personal behaviours are, Private and secretive, I do not feel comftable to talk, eat or drink in the presence
of people I have just met, for talking at least until I am convinced I know them better. Kind of feel better if
I did my work alone, not much of a fan of group work. I feel uncomfortable if people know or try to know
more about me than I know about them. I do to people what I would want them to do to me. I am untidy
than tidy in most cases

I am have a thing for parttens, I would go to the library and look at books on the shelf and get
uncomfortable with the arangement of books of different heights and sizes in one row, or my favourite,
tiles on the floor, I cant seem to let go of issues like some square pieces of tules are halved. I think it
comes from the fact that I would always want to calculate the area or volume or dimensions of every
shape I see, and swing irregular shapes just annoys me. The other thing is information accuracy. I always
doubt myself too much, always have a thing of going through information thoroughly every once in a
while as if am not sure of its validity or reliability. I would present well researched information with I think
as if to provide room for correction or improvement. I am only sure of a few information, thats why when I
work on personal something I would rather keep it a secret until its done as if I would not want to tell
people about something which I might not succeed at. Further more, when I work on something I plan it
very carefully taking risks and possible negative outcome into account. I do not like it when things I have
planned very carefully dont work out, I get frustrated and cant seem to focus. I somehow have an ability
or knowing what amount of effort I should applly on what I do to achieve the outcomes I want, I seem to
automatically know how to manage my efforts and resources, for instance if I read less for my exams, it
turns out to hace the exact of what I read and does not have what I did not read. I prefer the truth over
comfort, better the bitter truth than a sweet like, I prefer understanding a subject than being a master of a
subject by title. I am good at estimating and predicting, I would nd an answer to a mathematic question
rst before I can work out a way to reach that answer. When I meet a new person I rst keep quiet and
shy, I would just know a bit of who they are then and it turns out to be right most of the time.

Lastly my learning process, if I am to learn a new thing or new information I have to eliminate all possible
doubts by asking a lot of questions to understand the new thing, I would want to paint a specic vivid
picture of a thing by asking you how does the new thing differ from the existing things which are similor
or almost related to it charactaristicaly or and physically.

I would be happy if someone dened me. If needs be, email me to ask me questions on who I am.

Charis Branson September 7, 2015


Hi Nathanael! First a disclaimer: Typing people thru email can be difcult. That said, most of what
you said above screams INTJ to me. Start exploring that type (plug it into the search bar on our site
and you will nd plenty of content).

Here is a Youtube video we did on INTJs:

Ela September 6, 2015


I really enjoyed reading your article, but Teslas name was not Nikolai, it was Nikola. Please could you
correct it?

Jacob September 18, 2015


Thanks really good article

I am an INTJ I have 2 questions about these type
1-is these types tend to have lower EQ than others?
2-is N type person more Right Brained than S type and T type is more left-brained than F type ?

Jacob September 18, 2015


I Apologize if some mistype or mistake is in my sentences Im not a native English.

Charis Branson September 23, 2015


Have you listened to this podcast re: Emotional Intelligence:

There are different schools of thought in regards to right/left brain. Dario Nardi did a study that
seemed to reveal all personality types use all parts of their brains at different times. So, we hold to
the belief that anyone can be right or left brain.

For instance, Im a Feeler but I have never been very creative. Whereas my sister-in-law is a Thinker
and she is crazy creative. I also know some incredibly creative Sensors.

Hope that helps answer your question!

Jacob September 24, 2015


Thanks Ms Branson please check this link

I think perhaps you are an extroverted feeler(left-brained) and your sister is an introverted

I nd out that many different personality of one type exist for example different INTJs.
although I believe every one just have one Dominant Personality but I always think and nd out
every one has a second personality that help to the Dominant for example INTJ with second
INTP few person have two the same, INTJ with second INTJ .
and I believe two personality is in the same group for example both are in group of NTs.
otherwise that person have some psychological issue in some degree.
I read a lot of books and article and its my Idea and not just a guess
could you please think and argue about it with your team perhaps it can solve this ambiguous
in many people that believe in two types for one person.
and thanks for your time and good advices
-Best regard

Brian August 25, 2016


Depends on your perception and understanding of creative does it not? I would say you
are immensely creative by being here. Man I hate the English language. Devils tongue I
say! Too open-ended. Whoever made this language up had bad intent. Hebrew and Latin
was ne. If its not broke dont x it. And denitely dont improve it whilst secretly having
bad intent. Ugh.. heh

Anon September 20, 2015

Ive never been sure which of these types I am. I always test INTJ but the J is always much lower than the
rest(I am usually about 10% J compared to upwards of 60% on the othe three) and I can relate to both of
the descriptions. Having read this article I would type myself as INTJ. Looking back Ive noticed that most
of the experiences Ive used to relate to the INTJ description have been from day to day life whereas most
of the experiences Ive used to relate to the INTP description have been from my studies(Im a Maths
student). Perhaps this is because as mathematicians we are taught to think the way an INTP does but the
INTJ processes still feel more natural and are what I fall back to when taken out of that setting. I also
read your article on the INTJ personality type and really like the exoskeleton description: I went through
the experience gluttony last semester. In general though the article hit home even more so than most
INTJ articles and really helped me to conrm my personality type.

Anon September 21, 2015


Another tiebreaker that I have found useful is how they decide what to do INTJs tend to have an
objective and every possible action is judged based on how it helps to achieve that objective.
Theres a quote from one of the Bourne movies where Nicky is describing Bourne and the other
treadstone agents but could just as easily be a non-INTJ describing INTJs: Its not a mistake. They
dont make mistakes. They dont do random. Theres always an objective. Always a target. (Of
course we do make mistakes, were only human after all, but we tend to be very good at hiding them
from view: I frequently have people accuse me of being too smart to make mistakes which is
obviously untrue.) INTPs nd this kind of thinking restrictive however and would much rather be in a
sandbox environment, completely free to investigate anything that they notice interesting. They are
quite happy to drop one idea at an unnished state in order to explore another idea that appears
more interesting.

Jacob September 22, 2015


This is very useful thanks Anon.

Laurie October 4, 2015


I think the concept of INTJs not doing random and that INTPs are quite happy to drop one
idea at an unnished state in order to explore another idea that appears more interesting as a
great litmus test. It really helped solidify that I am actually an INTP.

Cormunchma October 17, 2015


Learning perhaps. Decision-making, no. Nicki is referring to the operatives decision-making

capacity, not their learning capacity. Youre gravely mistaken if you think INTPs approach
decision-making that way.

INTPondering November 27, 2015


True. As an INTP, my decision-making process involves rigorously thorough evaluation

of every possibility and then elimination of all but the best (least flawed) choice. Its a
serious, methodical process. I think Anon @4:05 got INTP decision-making confused
with INTP work habits, which can indeed be scattered as we become bored by the
subject at hand and distracted by newer, unexplored ideas.
Terrie January 13, 2016

I test out as not strongly either P or J.

At work, the J comes to the front. Give me a goal, and Ill gure out how to get us there.

In my personal life, well, my brain is like a Wikiwalk. Pick a thread and see where it leads you.

Im actually pretty happy not to be strongly one or the other. Best (or worst) of both worlds, I

Brian August 25, 2016


Touche! 3rd person in history. Revolution Time lol

Charis Branson September 23, 2015


Thanks for your comments, Anon! Im sure many readers will appreciate the distinctions you make
regarding INTJs.

Johnny September 29, 2015


Great piece. With regard to your statement: Which is why INTJs unconsciously vet people for their
usefulness, not the data they hold (unless thats how the person is useful).

As an INTJ I love engaging new people in conversation when appropriate contexts arise. I do this by
asking questions with genuine enthusiasm and interest. But my interest *is* the data they hold what
unusual or interesting (to me and them) topics or pursuits in which they engage.

How people are useful to me my unconscious motivation in engaging them is ALWAYS the data
they hold. Once I uncover that I can either share my limited knowledge on the subject, or learn more
about it from them (and usually both, with the latter being far more mentally stimulating).

Johnny September 29, 2015


Oh one more thing about physical appearance and maturity. My goal with dress/appearance as an INTJ
has always been to blend in with whatever cultural norms I am moving within. Am I going to stand out in
some way? is the question I ask myself. I want to be unremarkable and basically invisible with regard to
dress or accouterments.

This motivation is frequently in conflict with my penchant for function, which always takes a backseat to
fashion/form in my preference. This hat stands out and makes me look like a weirdo vs this hat
provides 50% more sun-blockage. When I was younger Id skip the hat but now Ill wear the hat and
struggle slightly with feeling that others perceive me as a weirdo.

Charis Branson September 29, 2015

Thanks Johnny! I love vetting people for their useful information too. I have actually offended some
people with my use of too many probing questions as I try to get to the bottom of something.

As for dress, I would call that a personal trigger of yours. Maybe, for whatever reason, you were
made to feel weird as a child and now have the superfluous need to blend. Whereas you shouldnt
feel that need anymore.

Next time you are feeling uncomfortable for standing out, try to trace that feeling back to its earliest
imprint. This will get you on the path to realizing your need to blend is no longer serving you and can
be rejected now that you are a fully self-actualized adult. Maybe even give yourself a talking to.
Assure that inner child that they are loved and accepted for who they are and being different is a
cause for celebration, not avoidance.

Johnny September 29, 2015


Haha thanks Charis, I appreciate it. Im pretty sure people DO think Im a weirdo when they see
me hiking in a pith helmet and Vibram toe shoes, because objectively and culturally the
appearance is very unusual. Being okay with others negative assessments is a process and I
do hope to master it someday.

I havent discussed the topic with enough other INTJs to see if they share similar feelings on
seeking to blend in culturally speaking. But I would be surprised if it werent somewhat
common in the type.

Charis Branson October 11, 2015


I had to look up Pith Helmet on Google to see what you were referring to. It is very
African Safari, isnt it? If I stared at you for wearing that it would be because I didnt know
the hats existed outside of mid-twentieth century African lms.

After reading your comment above, I asked my INTJ husband if he has an aversion to
standing out and he said he did. I never realized it was a conscious choice on his part.
He doesnt stand out. Jeans/shorts and t-shirt are his common dress of choice. I
thought it was based on comfort. But he admitted he would refuse to wear anything that
attracted attention.

On the other hand, I have a female INTJ friend who has worked on creating a specic
image for herself that draws attention because it is the effective thing to do for the
lifestyle she has chosen.

Smugorchid June 8, 2016


Ive identied as an INTJ since I rst took the MBTI 4 years ago. Ill admit that at the time
I took it I was shocked that I registered as a J and not a P what with the ever present
stack of papers (trinkets, books, etc.). Which my ESTJhusband has neatly gathered from
my usual landing spots and piled somewhere to await my sorting. But ultimately Ive felt
pretty good about it being an INTJ.

That is until recently when the INTP came into my radar. The description speaks to me in
a lot of ways. For instance I get very obsessed with a subject. I learn quite a bit about it.
Google the crap out of it. Read somewhere between 4 and 6 books on it. Then drop it
like its hot for the next obsession.

So Im conflicted. And of course the answer to the conflict is to compare and contrast
and hope someone has something to say that I didnt think about yet. Which lead me
here. To ideas about clothing specically.
Clothing for INTJ v. INTP how does it work? Not sure. But I do have a system for
dressing. Before I share let me backtrack.

For years Ive been obsessed with being appropriately dressed for a specic occasion. I
could spend hours trying to nd the right outt. I dont want to stand out. I want to be
comfortable when I get there by wearing the comfortable pants but also by wearing an
outt that is an appropriate level of fashionable.

One day Id had it and made fashion the obsession. I looked at, poured over, and
collected thousands of pictures. I read books and blogs and studied systems. Finally, I
developed a system for me.

I have a 4 season capsule wardrobe. Before the season changes I update the capsule
with wardrobe staples. Which I determine based similarities in popular outts for the
season. I study their usage in photos to understand how they can be applied. Then when
I feel that something will be the most comfortable thing (of the day) I go with it. But
dress the item to match the setting based on my knowledge about how to use wardrobe
staples. For example I may really feel comfortable in a spaghetti strap tank today but Im
headed to work. No problem add the black blazer.

Since I started using this system I get a lot more compliments on my outt. This makes
me immensely uncomfortable. Theyve noticed (eek!) and Im worried Ive set some sort
of unrealistic expectation for them.

So Im not sure if this is an INTJ or INTP or simply neurotic thing bUT Id love to hear
what people have to say.

Fabi October 4, 2015


This is an interesting read. I stumbled on it because I check my results every few years and try to gain a
little personal insight.

At the end of high school where I came across the Myers-Brigg test, I tested out at INTJ weak J. This
remained consistent through college, until I had what I describe to be my mid-college crisis, where I had
what I personally felt was a radical personality change because I was no longer regularly sheltered or
monitored by my overly controlling mother. Since, Ive been coming up with INTP weak P. This feels like
the change in my world-view clicks with your descriptions of INTJ and INTP eerily well. You have literally
described me in great detail as an INTJ teenager and an INTP adult. I used to be relatively in tune with
myself and capable of doing the monkey dance, but I would rather use my lateral thought processes to jar
people out of this boring lull that I read in their eyes.

I used to want to be a doctor because it could afford my life many options and comfort. Now, Id rather
teach in the admittedly vain attempt to reach out to another brilliant mind.

Charis Branson October 11, 2015


Thanks for the feedback, Fabi! I hope you have nally found your authentic self.

Brian Sky Pelc August 25, 2016


You create your own reality, and have the power to augment it, regardless of personality type

Laurie October 4, 2015

Is it possibly that a person evolves into an different personality type as they get older? I am pretty certain
that I am an INTP at this point because when I read about the different functions and type attributes
(particularly the more in depth ones of INTP week), I nd that I am pretty much the poster child for the
INTP descriptions. I am certainly without a doubt an N, but the T and P are closer to the middle. When I
was younger (like elementary and early high school) I feel I t more of the descriptions of an INTJ. It is
possible that I tried to t in more then (with dress, ambition, etc to please others) so that I seemed to be
more J but now that I am freer to be myself, I resonate with the P part of m personality.

Charis Branson October 11, 2015


Based on our observation no one actually becomes a different type over time. The type we have
been since birth may rene itself, however, as we grow and mature. If you showed up as an INTJ at
some point, it may have been environmentally influenced. You may have been raised by a Judger
who instilled those ideals in you. As you spent time away from that environment, your authentic self
would have surfaced.

Robert October 10, 2015


I understand most of this has subtlety differences. I am an INTJ to the core and I could give two shits
what people think about me. Ive grown my hair out and my clothes are dingy however I will put in a little
more extra effort when going to a job interview or going out to speak for a formal event. But I refuse to
shave -or- cut my hair.

Ive also had skin cancer and undergone a couple years of lost hair, which may be the reason for this as
well as losing my hair (excessive receding hairline). I was also in the Marines for ten years so if you got
your haircut every week (mandatory), would you ever get a haircut again?

These are my life-experiences and I tend to follow your analysis concerning the authentic and blind
spots of effectiveness. Moreover, I am wondering what the differences is are in effectiveness vs.
accuracy. Are these not very similar? Whats the nuances?

Anyhow, I really appreciate what youve done here. This work is amazing and very well written, mapped
out. I wish you the best.

Robert October 10, 2015


I wish I could edit this Im a perfectionist. Can you please change subtlety to subtle and take out
the comma and replace it with and, in the second to last sentence? Yes I have OCD. Its just a pet-
peeve. If not oh-well I guess Ill have to live with it.. Even though I admit it bothers the shit outta

Heather October 18, 2015


Wow, 15 years of MBTI research and this is the rst genuinely accurate description of the differences
between the two types that i have found. As someone who at times ts both type descriptions, yet tests
INTJ 90% of the time, this really helped clarify it for me. Hit the nail right on the head for me. Thanks!

Charis Branson October 18, 2015

Thanks for the honest assessment, Heather! Im glad the information resonated with you so

Sesario October 25, 2015


Hi Antonie, i like your article, though i rarely agree with a random article about cognitive functions and
MBTI. You sure are a good writer. I am seeing people are always debating about how cognitive functions
work. I guess it is because the denition of each cognitive function itself has no clear enough cut lines
between functions, and people tend to have different perspectives about it. So, recently i offered a
framework to how each cognitive function works. You may want to take a look at it, so here is it:

Please dont judge my grammar, i am not a native speaker though. If you are interested, you can re-blog
the framework into your blog and give it a source. I am just tired of how people wont see any personality
type with even a nearly perspective and questions like how do you know you are X or Y? are always be
questioned. But, i can not judge them since the current denition of cognitive functions is not so rm
enough that they see it in so many different ways.

Tiffanei November 4, 2015


I apologize ahead of time, but I found this link today after assuming I t the intj model. I took my rst test
as a teen and scored infj. I assumed it was unchanging but then a few years back I took it again and
scored INTP and then last year INTJ. Now, after reading your post I thought I found a bit of clarity. I
enjoyed your article, but I must confess that even though I am an English teacher, some of the
terminology is hard to understand. I have always looked at myself as intuitive but it seems to come from
what I perceive and feel, not so much what I think, if that makes sense. I am 41 and while I would say I
was sort of shy and geeky (which I loved) as a young girl, I always felt like I was different, viewing life
through a different lens. I began to learn early on that certain things are acceptable and some, not so
much so I adapted and begin to adopt the ways of my peers, almost like a mimic of what I saw and
observed as okay. But as I got older, I began to question who I really was. I have been called cold, bitchy,
snarky, certainly sarcastic, rude, etc. and it actually hurts because its like I dont know how to be anything
but me. Im certainly introverted and can hyperfocus to the point that brushing teeth and bathing is an
afterthought. I love all things sci-, taboo subjects, and paranormal or supernatural. Curious and
interested in so many things, nd researching to be a hobby, and nd that most of my character traits are
the extreme opposite of what women are supposed to be, by societys standard, from another planet. I,
too, feel like similarity between the two types makes it hard to truly tell where I fall. I love to watch,
observe, and then store in my brain. I am a life long learner and love mental stimulation, perhaps to a
fault, because I get stuck in my inner world. Emotionally, it is tricky because I was once told that I act
bipolar, but I replied that I am passionate about things, hate girly chit chat, talking without a purpose, and
dont suffer fools. Even questioned aspergerish traits because while I get that woman should look the
part, aside from my profession, I am content in jeans and teeshirts. But I also have a quirky eccentric
sense of style that some appreciate and others loath. It took a student, two years ago suggesting I try nail
polish and a bit of makeup and I was lost because it was never my thing nor did I know how to do some
of the most basic stuff, related to make up. Perhaps if it were not for a neat freak, domineering mom, I
might be messy but its almost engrained in me, now, that it too is a no no. Aside from , anger and fear, it
is sometimes hard to truly tell what emotion I am feeling, aside from a tingling in my belly which I assume
means I am happy or excited. I do overindulge when upset, with smoking, sex, and yummy foods, and I
often wonder if I missed a calling to a job based in science, math, or medicine because my mind
gravitates toward it although I have no background in any of the three. I realize at 41 that high school
English teacher is not it as I believe my mind might surely turn to mush from the monotony which I
hate!!! Can you offer any insight or suggestions on a distinction?
INTPondering November 27, 2015

Most of this reminds me of myself, and I am an INTP female. By the way, if youre an INTP, the
bipolar comments could be a reaction to the difference between your rst two functions, Ti and
Ne. Ti is our default statecalm, quiet, serious, ready to observe and introspectbut we dont
naturally present it to others. When socializing, we tend to present our Neengaging, quirky, witty,
enthusiastic. However, since Ne is only our second function, we inevitably have to return to our Ti,
and when we do, people can be really thrown for a loop. Where did that fun, talkative, curious
person go, and who is this somber, critical, misanthropic killjoy? It can indeed be very confusing to
others, and sadly, it can make them think were either mentally ill or faking some aspect of our
personalityNope, were just being who we are.

Alexandra May 2, 2016


Sorceress! You have stolen my essence! I strongly relate to each and every thing you said. Reading
that was kind of eerie. I am an INTP, by the way. (Cue eye roll from INTJs) Dare I say that you have
an edge to you? As an INTP I feel like Spock in Star Trek IV, hes loosened up a bit, explores colorful
language, dresses eccentrically, but still logical at the core.

Zac White November 5, 2015


Thanks for the Post. I enjoy reading about different personality types. I consider myself INTP but Im very
close to being INTJ as well. Anyone who knows me can say that I can clean up nice and dress well to look
good. Other times my hair is unruly and they might say I look like a mad scientist. It all depends. I like to
look good and sometimes I dont think its that important and I dont even think about how I look. I believe
there is always a time where balance is a good thing. If I were too dress up and do my hair everyday It
wouldnt mean anything anymore and I would be used to it. If I never got ready and put in effort into my
physical appearance than I would always look like a bum and I dont believe it is good to never try to look
nice. Anyways, I think INTP and INTJ are equal. Both have their pros and cons, but the best version would
be a hybrid between the two. Although I cant say Im not a little biased.

Harris November 24, 2015


Thanks to this article.Im always caught in between INTJ and INTP.But I already conrmed I am INTP,due
to Ti vs Ni big difference.Before;I cant tell the difference between Ni and Ti.This article is helpful.

INTPondering November 28, 2015


This is an insightful article with a lot of very accurate observations! Here are some basic, surface
differences Ive noticed between INTPs and INTJs:

1. INTPs are more emotionally expressive than INTJs in conversation due to their inferior Fe. While both
types are calm and reserved by default, INTPs who are actively engaged in a conversation that interests
them can become quite animated. There may be lots of variation in tone of voice, rapidly changing facial
expressions, and gesturing. INTJs, on the other hand, tend to speak in a relatively flat, unvarying tone and
give away little of what they feel (Te-Fi). They can have an immobile, mask-like facial appearance that
makes them hard to read.

2. INTPs are generally sillier than INTJs because of their auxiliary Ne. While both types can be very
humorous, INTPs who are in an environment where they feel comfortable may display a wackier, zanier
sense of humor than INTJs do. INTJs usually have a dryer, subtler humor (Ni-Te) and may see INTPs as
too silly at times.

3. INTJs are less concerned with offending people than INTPs are. They often take the attitude that
everyone should speak freely and authentically, and if others have a problem with that, then they need to
grow a thicker skin (Te-Fi). INTPs, on the other hand, may believe this in theory but are more likely to
avoid confrontation in practice because they cant think straight in emotionally charged environments due
to their inferior Fe.

4. INTPs tend to ramble more than INTJs do. Its not uncommon for an INTP to lose their train of thought
several times while recounting a story or to insert seemingly random tangents (Ne). They err on the side
of too much detail, and their posts and comments on the Web can look like a wall of text (Ti). In contrast,
INTJs will be briefer, even terse, and will usually get right to the point. Their verbal descriptions often have
better flow and continuity, moving easily from beginning to middle to end, without constantly doubling
back and inserting vaguely related asides (Ni-Te).

5. INTJs may gravitate toward physical activity and thrill-seeking behavior more than INTPs do. Because
of their inferior Se, INTJs may have a penchant for skydiv

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