2017 Texas History Fall Semester Exam Review

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Texas History Fall Semester Exam Review

1. Using only your brain (no notes, books, Internet, or anything else) go through the entire
review and answer every question you remember.
a. Put check marks next to questions you can easily answer.
b. ? Put question marks next to the questions you think you might know the answer
c. Put stars next to the questions you dont have any idea what the answer is.
2. Go back through the review and use what is available to you to answer the questions.
Use these resources in this order:
a. Your own notes
b. Notes from CooperHistory.com
c. The textbook
3. On each school night between now and your exam, study the questions with stars and
question marks for 15 minutes.

Part I: Geography and Native Texans

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Texas History Fall Semester Exam Review

Use the map on the first page for the first four questions.

Label the Red River.

Label a major city in the Mountains and Basins region.
Label the city of Houston.
Label Austin with a star.

How did Native Texan groups treat their environment? (The verb begins with a. Write
a complete sentence.)

Which Native Texan tribe lived in the Mountains and Basins region?

Which Native Texan tribe lived in East Texas in the Coastal Plains?

In which direction would you have to travel in Texas to go from a low elevation to a high

What does the study of artifacts help us determine? (Write a complete sentence.)

Part II: Exploration and Early Colonization

What were some of the accomplishments and challenges faced by Cabeza de Vaca in
Texas? (Write at least two complete sentences.)

What was the major reason missions failed? (Write a complete sentence.)

What were the three Gs sought by Spanish explorers?

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Texas History Fall Semester Exam Review

Where did La Salle get shipwrecked and what was he trying to reach?
a) Shipwrecked at:
b) Trying to reach:

Which group of people had a desire to find gold in the Americas?

Which time period (around 100 years) best describes the Era of European Exploration?

Why did the Spanish build missions in Texas?

What explorer hoped to find Cibola (seven cities of gold) in Texas?

Native Texan groups viewed the construction of missions with ___________, because
few people would trust someone building one of those on their land.

What is the Spanish word for cowboy?

Name two major cities in Texas with names in Spanish (Hint: one is in the mountains and
basins region, another is where the Alamo is located.)

Part III: Mexican Colonization and Empresarios

Name at least three empresarios.



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Texas History Fall Semester Exam Review

What was the nickname of the families Stephen F. Austin brought to settle in Texas?

The Old Three Hundred, Moses Austin, and Martn De Len were all part of the
_________ National Era. (Hint: What country controlled Texas at the time?)

What group of people were concerned about Native Texan attacks during the Mexican
National Era?

What religion did the Mexican Federal Constitution of 1824 require all settlers to be?

Give some useful descriptions of Green DeWitt.




At which battle was the GutierrezMagee Expedition defeated?

What motivated the Spanish to colonize Texas? What motivated the Anglos?
a) Spanish:

b) Anglo colonists:

Which empresario started the first significant Anglo colony in Texas?

Which filibuster expedition had the purpose of continuing the rebellion of Father
Hidalgo against Spanish rule?

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Texas History Fall Semester Exam Review

Part IV: The Texas Revolution

What law had a main purpose of stopping U.S. immigration to Texas?

Describe the battle of San Jacinto. How long did it last? Who were the leaders of both
sides? (Write at least two complete sentences.)

Which battle resulted in the surrender of Santa Anna?

Who wrote letters asking for help from the Alamo?

Which battle was fought in an open land area, meaning that the Texans were likely to be

Name three of the major battles of the Revolution Era.




Which Texan was executed at Goliad after surrendering to Mexican troops at Coleto

What was Sam Houstons role in the Texas Revolution?

Which battle involved the Come and Take It flag?

Part V: Republic of Texas and Early Statehood

Who won the Texas presidential election because both of his opponents died before
election day?

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Texas History Fall Semester Exam Review

Who was President of Texas when it was annexed into the United States?

Name three issues Mirabeau Lamar had with the Native Americans while he was
President of Texas:



Who is MOST remembered for helping to develop Texas educational system?

Most people from _________ supported the annexation of Texas because the U.S. could
pay its debts.

Sam Houston was against building a _________ because he thought it would cost too
much money.

Which treaty ended the Mexican War?

What do we call an agreement in which each side gives up some of their demands?

Which country was worried about the issue of slavery before annexing Texas?

Most Texans voted for _______ __________ for president because of his leadership

What is the belief that the United States should expand to the Pacific Ocean called?

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