James E. Taylor HS Key Club November Newsletter

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November 2017


CaringOur Way Of Life.

Leadership, Character Values, Caring, Inclusiveness.
Only a life lived
For others is worth living
-Albert Einstein
Key Club Pledge
I pledge, on my honor,
to uphold the Objects of

Key Club International;

to build my home,
school and
community;to serve my
nation and God;and
Notes from the
combat all forces which
Editor tend to undermine

Hello fellow key club members!

these institutions.
This is your favorite editor, Dena
here to welcome you to the
November Newsletter! This year
Inside This Issue
was filled with so much fun and I Quote of the Month.................2
hoped you enjoyed your break.
Exams are coming up so I hope Upcoming Events.........................3
you do well for whatever exams Check It Out..........................3
you are taking. On the bright side
break is coming up soon and you Presidents Corner........................4
know what that means..MORE
FUNNNN! During break there will
Secretary Speak...........................5
be volunteering opportunity and What Have We Done?................6
also socials so come and enjoy! I
really hope you like this Holiday Events............8
newsletter and catch you later! Winter Activities...10
Contact Info.................15

-Dena Do
Dec 7- Winterclub Social @ Cinco Ranch HS

Dec 8- We will make gingerbread houses at Gingerbread Bash in

the THS freshman commons.

Dec 16- Fulshear Festival of Lights @ Main Street, downtown


**Check the website for updates on events and sign ups!**


Attention club members!
We do not have a x2vol anymore but please sign in with us
every time you arrive at an event. We will log in the hours for
you instead of going through x2vol!

Hello Key Clubbers!

It is finally fall and I couldnt be more excited! While it is the month of
Thanksgiving and pumpkin spice lattes, November is also the month of
giving thanks to Key Club with Key Club Week! I just want to thank
everyone who participated in the week and showed their Key Club pride
through various ways ranging from wearing their club shirt to thanking Ms.
Fader for her work as our sponsor to dressing fancy on our Formal Friday
tradition. I also want to thank the club for our amazing efforts in the Wolfe
Elementary School Book Drive and mention that the books donated by
members go to restocking their library after Hurricane Harvey destroyed
many of their books. Though it has been months since Harvey, we still feel
its effects and I hope that this Thanksgiving has given us more to be
grateful for after surviving a natural disaster. Things to look forward to as
November draws to a close are our last meeting of the semester on Nov.
30th in the Main Commons LGI and us prepping for INDIE and DCON
coming up at the start of 2018. The DCON Theme was announced to be
Saving the World Through Service and we look forward to getting a head
count of excited members who plan to attend. INDIE, or our international
dinner and fundraiser, is also drawing near as January 12 comes closer
and closer and I hope to see you all there to celebrate various cultures
seen in our own community and donate towards Hurricane Harvey relief!

Yours in service, Ivana Lin

James Taylor 2017-2018 Key Club President


My Key Club moment was during freshman year, when I first volunteered at the
Houston Food Bank with my friends and my brother. Since we were not fifteen
years or older, we were not allowed to lift heavy boxes, so the volunteer
coordinator directed us to pack the boxes with donated food items that fit the
requirements. We would also sort the food to check expiration dates to ensure
proper food was being donated to the hungry of Houston. It was an extremely
humbling experience, and one that I truly enjoyed. I always regard my first trip to
the Houston Food Bank as the inciting moment that kick started my love for
volunteering around my community. The fact that I was really making a
difference by feeding the hungry really resonated with me, and continued
following me throughout the rest of my high school career.
- Sidney Thomas


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Chipotle Social
Our members hung out and
ate chipotle.

Holiday Events
Every year clubs at our school, Habitat for Humanity, hosts the Gingerbread
Bash to raise money for their big build project, which requires $1000. Habitat
works with building houses and providing shelter for the less fortunate and for
the homeless; since our District Project this year is helping the homeless I
thought it would be perfect if we collaborated with them on their big event.
It will be in December, and we will be volunteering with them for members to
get hours as well as if they sign up to build a gingerbread house they will get
hours because they are paying money to support their build project.
I have been to every gingerbread bash the club has hosted and they have
all been very fun; it is also a holiday social in general because there is food, a
photo wall, music, and contests. You can sign up in groups of 3 to build a
gingerbread house, and you have to pay an entrance fee of $20-$25. They
chose this event because we are building houses, which is symbolic to when
they have their real build project and actually build a house.

Another holiday event we have coming up is an interclub with Cinco High

School and Tompkins High Schools Key Clubs. It will be hosted at Cincos LGI
in December, and although we are still planning out the final details we
came up with some ideas of what we want to do. We thought of building
gingerbread houses as well or watching a Christmas movie with hot
chocolate but neither of those felt like we were doing anything productive,
so we came up with the idea of creating care packages for the homeless for
winter which also corresponds with the District Project. We will ask members to
bring things like toiletries, blankets, socks, and nonperishable food items up
until the day of the event (for hours), and then we will assemble the
packages at the event. We hope to make them look really cute with bows
and maybe cards, and we will set up stations and have different packages
with different items. We have not decided how we will distribute them yet,
but I am sure we will find an organization who will accept them.
Lastly, for our December DCM we will be having an ice skating social at a
local mall which has become kind of a tradition for Division 3W. Luckily the
mall is close to our school and is popular among students so Im hoping for a
big turnout from the officers and members alike.
-Tameem Al-Nahhas, President

. Social
College resumes shouldnt be the only reason why students join clubs in high
school. School clubs are a great place where you can create lasting
memories and make lifelong friends. Its a place where you can not only
discover more about your passions but also yourself as a person. That is
exactly what James E. Taylors Key Club hopes and strives to achieve for their
members. With over 150 members, it can be quite challenging when it comes
to socializing and getting to know everyone in the club. Thats where socials
and volunteering events come in handy to help break the ice between
members. Since Christmas and other winter holidays are right around the
corner, a holiday themed social or event would be perfect to attract not only
the new members of Key Club but also anyone who is in the festive spirit.

A game night with different board games and holiday activities would be a
wonderful way to de-stress from all the final exam preparation and other
school work at the end of the semester. Snacks and drinks such as hot
chocolate, candy canes, and cookies could be provided; after all,
everything is better when there is food. Since you need to socialize and
include everyone when playing board games, its a great way to get to
know everyone. Also, because there are smaller groups of people playing
different games, its easier to bond and spend quality time with one another
instead of only having a one minute shallow conversation with everyone in
one big game or ice breaker. Some holiday activities could include making
Christmas cards or Christmas tree ornaments for the elderly at retirement
homes. A good Christmas themed movie could be playing in another room
for people who want a break from the games or simply just want to chill and
relax with their friends.

For a more specific event orientated for people who like to sing, they could
go around to retirement homes and/or foster homes and go Christmas
caroling. Not only will volunteers be getting hours, they will definitely get
closer to each other by singing together, even though it might be a bit
awkward in the beginning.

Overall, this holiday season should be filled with love, happiness, and of
course quality time spent with your Key Club peers. I hope at least one of
these two social/events caught your attention and maybe we can bring it to
reality for you!
- Carrie Xi, 10th grade rep

Winter Activities
With winter break nearing, free time and other activities present themselves to
students. Activities that during the school weeks would have never have been able to
fit into their busy schedules. With this newly allotted time, although there seems to
be plenty to go around, it can still be hard to motivate students to give up some of
their newly acquired time to participate in club activities. From the memories of my
own experiences with key club over the course of the year and the various activities I
participated in, maybe the essence of key club and the community it creates might
be accentuated.
During my first year of high school, with the pressures of starting at a
new school and the prospects of my future seemingly all determined within the span
of four years, I decided to not join any clubs. I thought that with all of the added
responsibilities that high school would entail, I would have no time for any other
extracurricular activities. In reality though the projects and volunteer opportunity that
I saw all of my friends participate in, and the relatively small struggles that freshmen
year held in comparison with future struggles, led me to reconsider my original plans.
During the various breaks we had in the school year as well as the following
summer, I wanted to get a head start and start making connections with the officers
and members. There were volunteer events here and there but the most exciting and
interesting portions of the holiday season club activities within key clubs were the
socials and meet and greets. There were hangouts scattered throughout the year
that were hosted by different officers which allowed me to, although being a year
late, integrate myself into the community of the club. I remember a distinct moment
during that holidays. It was with one of the past officers and another one of the
service leaders of our club. We met that year at a get together at Starbucks and
Proud Pie and with the cool winter air filling the usually hot and humid Texas
landscape, a hot, relaxing cup of coffee provided the perfect environment for sharing
and friendship building. We talked about everything from school life, the future, to our
passion for volunteering and community outreach. It was one of the best
experiences Ive ever had with Key club and it inspired me to reach for new heights
with the club and even apply for positions in hopes of bringing my own ideas to
better improve the club. The point of the club in my opinion is community and
relationship building, with all the volunteering that we do, the most important thing is
to create a community that is safe and beautiful and not about the hours or for future
college applications but for the joy that we can bring others and in turn ourselves.
- Joshua To, Webmaster

DCON Theme:


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text @231153 to 81010 thskeyclub


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