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Result: 1 | ACF Fall | 2016 | Round: 11 | Question: 9 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 67543

Question: An artistic group in 17th century Utrecht was partially named after this artist. This
student of Simone Peterzano included a glass of liquid and several necklaces in his version of the
Penitent Magdalene. This artist attracted with his depiction of a barefoot Mary standing in a
shabby doorway in his Loreto Madonna. John the Baptist and Nicodemus lower Christ onto a
stone slab in one of this artist's works. One of this artist's paintings in the Contarelli Chapel
contains a single light source on the right and depicts the title man being summoned by Jesus.
For 10 points, name this Baroque artist who used chiaroscuro in works like The Calling of Saint

ANSWER: Caravaggio [accept Michelangelo Merisi or Michelangelo Amerighi]

Result: 2 | ACF Fall | 2015 | Round: Waterloo and Penn State A | Question: 11 | Fine Arts |
VisualID: 70766

Question: This artist showed Samson drinking from a donkey's jawbone in a painting in which
only the feet of a shrouded man are visible. Another of his paintings shows two peasant kneeling
in prayer to a barefoot Mary who is on a step holding Jesus. This artist of The Seven Works of
Mercy and the Loreto Madonna depicted an orange-robed man at a desk being approached by an
angel in a painting made for the Contarelli Chapel. In another painting by this artist, a beam of
light from the top right illuminates a man at whom Jesus is pointing. For 10 points name this
murderous painter of The Calling of Saint Matthew.

ANSWER: Caravaggio [or Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio]

Result: 3 | BELLOCO | 2014 | Round: Finals 2 | Question: 6 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 47877

Question: This artist painted a backgammon table to the left of a figure who reaches into his
back pocket for a spare card in one work. In another painting, this man depicted Cleopas wearing
a scallop shell as an apostle in green hunches toward the central figure, who stretches his right
hand over a table. This artist of The Cardsharps and The Supper at Emmaus used Mario Minniti
as the model for his Boy with a Basket of Fruit. This man created a painting in which five men
seated at a table count gold coins while Christ summons the title figure. For 10 points, name this
Italian Baroque artist known for his use of chiaroscuro, who painted The Calling of Saint

ANSWER: Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio

Result: 4 | JAMES | 2013 | Round: 7 | Question: 10 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 58760

Question: One painting by this artist depicts the artist himself holding a lantern, along with a
figure fleeing from soldiers. Another work by this man depicts two figures playing cards, though
one figure has a hidden dagger behind his back. Peaches, grapes, and apples are depicted in his
Boy With a Basket of Fruit. One work by this artist of (*) Cardsharps shows the newly
resurrected Jesus revealing himself during the title meal, while another shows Jesus pointing to
the title figure, who is surrounded by tax-collectors. For 10 points, name this Baroque Italian
artist of Supper at Emmaus and The Calling of St. Matthew.

ANSWER: Michaelangelo Merisi de Caravaggio (or Michaelangelo Merisi; do not accept only

Result: 5 | BHSAT | 2012 | Round: 10 | Question: 15 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 50567

Question: In one of his paintings, a man on the left has a patch worn through the right elbow of
his green jacket. On the right of that painting by this artist, a bearded man wears a scallop on his
lapel and a beardless Christ, dressed in red and white, sits in the center. A boy in yellow with a
feather in his hat sits to the right of the title figure of a painting by this artist, which is located in
the Contarelli Chapel. In that painting by this aritst, a ray of light falls on a figure pointing to
himself, the title tax collector. This painter made heavy use of chiaroscuro in his style, which
was known as tenebrism. For 10 points, name this Italian Baroque of The Supper at Emmaus and
The Calling of Saint Matthew.

ANSWER: Caravaggio [or Michelangelo Merisi]

Result: 6 | Chicago Open | 2012 | Round: Bollinger | Question: 14 | Fine Arts | VisualID:

Question: This artist painted a crazy altarpiece in which a criminal sticks his head through bars
of his cell window to suck milk from his daughter's breast while Saint James talks to a torch-
bearing innkeeper and Samson drinks water from an ass's jawbone. One of his works has a title
figure's wings pointing from his thighs to the painting's focal point, the genitals, and is titled
Victorious Cupid. In another work, Mary of Cleophas raises her arms to the sky while John the
Evangelist and Nicodemus hold Christ's body above a stone slab. This artist of The Seven Works
of Mercy painted a boy who reaches for some cherries next to a vase with a sprig of jasmine,
only to recoil in pain. This artist of Boy Bitten By a Lizard was the namesake of a certain school
which included Gerrit van Honthorst and was based in Utrecht. This artist of The Entombment of
Christ also painted an armored saint lying beneath a horse's rear end. FTP, name this man who
murdered people over tennis matches, an Italian Baroque artist who painted The Conversion of
St. Paul.

ANSWER: Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio

Result: 7 | Collegiate Novice | 2011 | Round: 5 | Question: 1 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 34794

Question: This artist names a movement that includes the painter of Mars Chasing Cupid,
Bartolomeo Manfredi. Georges de la Tour painted a work similar to this painter's depiction of
villains cheating at a gambling game. In addition to The Cardsharps, another work by this man
depicts a figure rising from his seat as a diagonal beam of light traces Christ's pointing finger. In
a work housed in the Contarelli Chapel, this man showed Jesus summoning the title tax collector
in the chiaroscuro style. For 10 points, name this Italian painter of The Calling of St. Matthew.

ANSWER: Michelangelo da Merisi da Caravaggio [accept either underlined part]

Result: 8 | Prison Bowl | 2011 | Round: Round05.doc | Question: 20 | Fine Arts | ID: 5854

Question: This man painted a large red curtain hanging over a seemingly pregnant Mary in his
Death of the Virgin. In one of his works, the title figure's hand brushes the edge of a stone slab
jutting out towards the viewer, and in another, a basket of fruit teeters perilously on a table's
edge. In addition to The Entombment of Christ and Supper at Emmaus, this artist painted a work
in which a diagonal beam of light extends Christ's outstretched finger to the figures seated at a
table. For 10 points, name this Baroque painter who frequently used tenebrism, as seen in The
Calling of St. Matthew.

ANSWER: Caravaggio or Michelangelo Merisi

Result: 9 | EFT | 2010 | Round: Round 14 updated.doc | Question: 9 | Fine Arts | ID: 6452

Question: This artist's Ecce Homo was commissioned with Cigoli's and Passignano's by
Cardinal Massimo, who earlier commissioned his paintings depicting a "Crowning with
Thorns." A bunch of Utrecht painters, including Hendrick Terbrugghen, formed a group
named after him. A Jesus dressed in red appears in one of his works, which shows
Cleophas rising from his chair and Peter outstretching his arms. Another work by him shows
an open window at the top with light streaming from the side and a man with a red sleeve
pointing towards the titular tax collector. For 10 points, identify this Chiaroscuro master known
for pieces like Supper at Emmaus and The Calling of St. Matthew.

ANSWER: Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio

Result: 10 | Fall Novice | 2010 | Round: Packet 11.doc | Question: 11 | Fine Arts | ID: 10108
Question: In one painting by him, a man holds a horse's bit as the title figure sprawls on the
ground, while in another an innkeeper serves Jesus as a disciple stretches his arms out. In
addition to the Conversion of St. Paul and Supper at Emmaus, this artist painted a work in which
a beam of light from beyond the picture frame shines on the title gospel writer. For 10 points,
identify this Italian master of chiaroscuro who painted The Calling of St. Matthew.

ANSWER: Michelangelo Merisi de Caravaggio

13 bonuses Were Found

Result: 1 | ACF Regionals |2015 | Illinois A + Ottawa A | 1 | Literature | World | CollegeID:


Question: This author fictionalized the life of Buddy Bolden, an early jazz pioneer who
gradually went insane, in his novel Coming Through Slaughter. For 10 points each:

[10] Name this Canadian author who wrote about a skeleton found by the title Sri Lankan in
Anil's Ghost.

ANSWER: Philip Michael Ondaatje

[10] Ondaatje won the Booker Prize for this 1992 novel, in which the nurse Hana treats a man
with severe burns during World War II.

ANSWER: The English Patient

[10] In The English Patient, this character is a thief whose thumbs were cut off on the orders of
Ranuccio Tommasoni; Tommasoni shares his name with a man murdered by this character's real
world namesake.

ANSWER: David Caravaggio [or David Caravaggio]

Result: 2 | PACE NSC |2015 | 14 | 18 | Fine Arts | Visual | HSID: 17657

Question: Answer the following about 17th century artists who used dramatic lighting, for 10
points each.

[10] Light emerges from an unseen window to the right of the canvas in this Italian Baroque
artist's The Calling of Saint Matthew.
ANSWER: Caravaggio [or Michelangelo Merisi; do not prompt on just "Michelangelo"]

[10] Caravaggio and Artemisia Gentileschi both painted eerily lit versions of this bloody scene
from the Apocrypha, in which one title character decapitates the other after seducing her way
into his tent.

ANSWER: Judith beheading Holofernes [or Judith and Holofernes; or Judith Slaying

[10] Representative canvases by this French artist include St. Joseph the Carpenter and a painting
where Saint Jerome holds a candle to the piece of paper he's reading.

ANSWER: Georges de La Tour

Result: 3 | NASAT |2014 | 14 | 10 | Fine Arts | Visual | CollegeID: 12594

Question: Raphael's Deposition of Christ, which is part of this museum's collection, is sometimes
also known as its namesake "Deposition." For 10 points each:

[10] Identify this art museum in Rome, named for the nephew of Pope Paul V, whose collection
includes several Baroque paintings and the early output of Bernini, such as his David and Apollo
and Daphne.

ANSWER: Galleria Borghese

[10] This Titian painting, in which Cupid dips his hands into a sarcophagus surrounded by the
white-clad bride of Niccolo Aurelio and the nude Venus, hangs at the Galleria Borghese.

ANSWER: Sacred and Profane Love [or Amor Sacro e Amor Profano]

[10] The Galleria also includes a self portrait as the jaundiced Bacchus by this Baroque artist and
murderous tennis fan, who is best known for using chiaroscuro in paintings such as The Calling
of St. Matthew.

ANSWER: Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio [or Michelangelo Merisi; or Amerighi]

Result: 4 | Penn Bowl |2014 | 14 | 16 | Fine Arts | Visual | CollegeID: 9770

Question: This painter made frequent use of a heightened form of chiaroscuro called tenebrism.
For 10 points each:
[10] Name this painter, whose three-part series on the life of Saint Matthew, depicting his
Inspiration, Calling, and Martyrdom, are found in the Contarelli chapel.

ANSWER: Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio

[10] This painting by Caravaggio shows a man in a white skullcap and a bearded man with his
arms outstretched looking at Jesus, who closes his eyes and extends a hand forward to bless a

ANSWER: Supper at Emmaus

[10] St. John screams in horror and flees at the left of this Caravaggio painting, in which a man
holds a lantern while a soldier anachronistically clad in Renaissance armor grabs Jesus.

ANSWER: The Taking of Christ [or Presa di Cristo nell'orto; or Cattura di Cristo]

Result: 5 | VCU Open |2014 | 7 | 9 | Fine Arts | Visual | OpenID: 4541

Question: The title figure of this painting is depicted bent over, with his eyes wide open in the
moment of realization.

[10] Identify this painting where the title figure sticks his dirty right index finger into the open
wound of another figure.

ANSWER: The Incredulity of St. Thomas [or Doubting Thomas or anything mentioning Thomas
and some uncertainty]

[10] The Incredulity of Thomas was painted by this Baroque Italian artist whose other religious
scenes include the Supper at Emmaus where a disciple holds out his arms, and The Calling of St.

ANSWER: Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio

[10] The balding antagonist of this other religious scene by Caravaggio interlaces his fingers
with the title figure and brings his mouth extremely close to the title figure's face. A solider in
black armor with his back to the viewer mostly obscures a man holding up a lantern on the right
of this canvas.

ANSWER: The Betrayal of Christ [or The Taking of Christ or Cattura di Cristo]

Result: 6 | NASAT |2013 | 12 | 20 | Fine Arts | Visual | CollegeID: 11983

Question: In one painting by this artist, two men whisper near a Biblical woman, who turns away
in disgust. For 10 points each:

[10] Name this painter of a version of Susanna and the Elders who also painted a woman from
Bethulia enlisting the aid of her maidservant in Judith Beheading Holofernes.

ANSWER: Artemisia Gentileschi

[10] Gentileschi's depiction of Judith beheading Holofernes was influenced by a version from
this master of chiaroscuro and tenebrism, whose own works include a series on Saint Matthew
and The Supper at Emmaus.

ANSWER: Caravaggio [or Michelangelo Merisi]

[10] This artist, Artemisia's father, originally received credit for Susanna and the Elders. He
painted frescoes for a destroyed casino in Genoa before moving to Paris and then London.

ANSWER: Orazio Lomi Gentileschi [or Orazio Gentileschi; prompt on Gentileschi]

Result: 7 | VCU Closed |2013 | Maryland A and Ohio State A | 6 | Fine Arts | Visual |
CollegeID: 13154

Question: This painter created a scene showing a young woman stealing a ring from a young
man who is gazing affectionately at her, The Fortune Teller. For 10 points each:

[10] Name this Italian artist, who showed Paul fallen off his horse in Conversion on the Way to
Damascus. He used himself as the subject of several of his works, such as Sick Bacchus.

ANSWER: Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio

[10] Caravaggio was a pioneer of this technique, in which backgrounds are made intentionally
dark to contrast with the brightness of the subjects.

ANSWER: chiaroscuro

[10] This French Baroque painter also used chiaroscuro in several paintings where the light
source is a single candle. Those works include The Penitent Magdalene, Magdalene with the
Smoking Flame, and The Dream of St. Joseph.

ANSWER: Georges de la Tour

Result: 8 | VCU Open |2013 | 10 | 9 | Fine Arts | Visual | OpenID: 13498

Question: On the right side of this painting a woman breastfeeds an imprisoned man, and Saint
Martin gives part of his cloak to a naked man on the ground.For 10 points each:

[10] Name this painting in which an angel at the top causes mankind to perform the title acts of

ANSWER: Seven Works of Mercy [or Seven Acts of Mercy or Sette opere di Misericordia]

[10] Seven Works of Mercy was painted by this precursor to the Italian baroque movement. A
tax collector questions whether he is indeed being asked to serve by a beam of light in another
painting by this artist.

ANSWER: Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio

[10] This Caravaggio painting depicts the death of a saint after telling off the King of Ethiopia
for lusting after a nun who was also his niece. In this painting, a soldier stands over the title
figure, prepared to strike him down.

ANSWER: The Martyrdom of Saint Matthew

Result: 9 | ACF Regionals |2012 | Penn | 5 | Fine Arts | Visual | CollegeID: 3254

Question: This man painted a series of frescos for the Piacenza cathedral, and the Museo
Capitolini contains his The Burial of St Petronilla. For 10 points each:

[10] Name this Bolognese Baroque painter of a notable Return of the Prodigal Son, who got his
nickname from the fact that he was cross-eyed.

ANSWER: Il Guercino or Giovanni Francesco Barbieri

[10] Another series of frescoes in the Piacenza cathedral was done by Ludivico of this family.
Another member of this family painted a series called The Loves of the Gods for the Farnese

ANSWER: Carracci

[10] The more conservative style of the Carraccis is often contrasted with the stark, dramatic
style of this Italian Baroque painter of The Calling of St. Matthew, Conversion of St. Paul, and
The Supper at Emmaus.

ANSWER: Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio

Result: 10 | PACE NSC |2012 | 9 | 19 | Fine Arts | Visual | ID: 5158

Question: The right-most figure in this work is wearing a yellow-and-black striped shirt and
reaches into his back pocket for a hidden object. For 10 points each:

[10] Identify this painting in which a man holds up two fingers to indicate what the mark is
looking at. A backgammon table can also be seen in this painting.


[10] The Cardsharps is a painting by this Italian Baroque artist, known for his use of chiaroscuro
and for painting works like The Calling of Saint Matthew.


[10] In one of Caravaggio's versions of this scene, Jesus wears a red robe and reaches his right
hand across the table. The other three figures include Luke, who stretches his arms out wide on
the right side of this work.


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