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the FNRI Calendar HAA, “Addressing the nutrient needs of pregnant and lactating women through Pinggang Pinoy” Mandate ‘As per E.0. 396, November 1, 2008 ‘Undertake researches that define the Ciizenry’s rutonal status, with reference to the mainutton problem, its causes and eects ‘Develop and recommend policy options, Strategies, programs and. projects which ‘address the malhutition "problem for implementation by appropriate agencies; and + Dituso knowodge and technologies in food ‘and nutition and provide SRT “services. to relevant stakeholoers Nission ‘As the lead agoncy in food and ution ‘research and development, the FAS mission ‘she: + provision of accurate data, corect information ‘and innovative technologies to ght ‘malnutiion, Quality Policy We are committed to provide products and serves in food and nutiton to both the ‘goverment and private sectors and other Stakeholders with he highest standards of ‘quality and reliably witin our capabilites and resources according to customer requirements and to continually improve the effectiveness of ‘our Qualty Management System (QMS) at all times in order to most our customers! saisfacton. Vi SION ‘Consistent with tha FNR's mandates isis vision ‘of optimum nutiton for all Filipinos, socialy an ‘economically empowered through scientifically ‘sound, envierment-tiendly and globally ‘competitive technologies. Core Values + Excollonce + Acton-ovient Teamwork “Sincerity ts with pride and pleasure that | jin the Food and Nutrition Research Institute (00ST-FNAI) in presenting to you the 2017 Menu Guide Calendar. This sa special issue that focuses on empowering the modern Filipina with proper support for ensuring a successful pregnancy. Indeed, there is no other experience more challenging, or more rewarding, than the Journey towards motherhood. The first 1,000 days, stating from conception in the ‘womb, isthe most critical time ina chi’ ite, as itis the phase that dictates ther state of nutrition, physical health, and well-being up to adulthood. While nutrient requirements are increased inthis phase, it also serves as a great opportunity for ‘mothers to help ther chiidren achieve an optimum state of development, through appropriate and nutritious food, proper habits, and micronutrient supplements ~ which will utimately help prevent diseases that may inhibit the development of children’s bodies and minds. Centered on the Pinggang Pinoy project ~ which isa nutrition guide developed by the DOST-FNAI in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), Department of Heath (DOH), and the National Nutrition Council (NNC) ~ the 2017 Menu Guide Calendar serves as a mother’s best companion throughout her pregnancy, providing 12 monthly, special seven-day cycle menus as well as a ‘eatured recipe each month, which can also be enjoyed by growing children and the whole family It fs my hope, together with the DOST-FNRI, that you enjoy, and find informative, the recipes contained in this menu calendar. AS more Filipinas take charge in leading healthier lives, more Filipino families wil be able to break the viious cycle of malnutrition ‘Salamat at Mabuhay ang Filipina! FORTUNATO T. DE LA PENA Secretary Department of Science and Technology from the Secretary am happy to present to you the 2017 Menu Guide Calendar withthe theme “Adoessng the nutrient needs of pregnant and lactating women through Pinggang Pinoy The theme of the 2017 Menu Guide Calendar is based on results ofthe 2015 Updating of Nuttonal Salus of Fipino Chidren and Other Population Groups. The survey shoved that about 1 in 4 Drognant women and. an alarming 386% of pregnant teen age gis were nuttionall-atsisk For lactating mothers, the prevlence of Crone Energy Deficiency (CED)“underveight. increased slighty from 11.9% in 2011, 125% in 2013 and 138% in 2015, Ovewoight prevalence also inceased from 77% in 2011, 24.7% n 2013 and 22.4 2015. Athoggh anemia prevalence decined significant fram 2008 to 2013 for bon pregnant and acting women. Teen age pregnant women were more at risk fr ania. Anemia was also mare prevalent ‘mong lactating mates who lve in ura areas. Maternal nuttin before and during pregnancy atfecs the mather's heath an ber infant's grow Thus, it important that nurent needs be met trough proper fod an dit. The 2017 Menu Guise Calndar wil nlp address. pressing concems as well asthe maitananoe of heath and wal-bing of pregnant and lactating women Nutrient needs during pregnancy and lactation ae higher tan at any other tie for most waren Therefore, i is important that requirements for energy. protein, vlamins and minerals be met uring pregnancy and lactation. For vitamins, most imporant are folic ac, ascorbic acd andthe B ‘amin (such as thiamin ribofavin and nan and 6 and B12), and vilamins A and D. Among the minerals, ron, cali, magnesium, adn, zinc and ord are most essentially needed Mba oavirements need tobe translated ito foods Tofind oli rch rom each food group energy (ig, bow Bolsiag and body regulating) must be tate daly ‘This can be presente inthe Pinang Pinoy which is «nen, easj-to-undestand food guide that uses & fama foo plate made 10 convey the right ood ‘F0up proportions on @per-mea basis to meet the ody’ energy and nutient needs of the target benicar, To dite, the DOST-FNRI has successfully developed and asceminated diferent Pnggang Pinoy versions foc hee, adolescents, adult, elder, and pregnant and lactating women. These canbe used by nutrition ‘workers and aed teh professionals as a untied reference guide in nutrtion education for suggests serving ses of recipes and mel, Thus, the FNAL 2017 wal-4ype Menu Guide Calendar wil feature 4 week, 7-day cjle menus with 3 main meals plus 2 snacks useful for planning family meals Ie wil also include recipes with estimates of energy ‘and nutrintcontbution ver seniag. Of the 19 recipes, 13 belong to the fshvmea/poutr gue category are vegetable dishes and 1 is sup. Mapu {od and nutton tps, and nuttin arles related to ‘he heme are als included, ‘Wonope tat with this calendar, nttonist- tins, home economists, health and nuttion community workers, studenadolescents, and_ homemakers especialy the pregnant and lactating women and housewives, caregiersin hes or instutions wil be inspire to plan and serve nuttious family meal, Tis vill contribute in reducing the incidence of double burden of mahnuttion andthe risk of rnot-cammunicabeeseasesin the cout. Happy Pinggang Pinoy year to al of ws. (God bless and Mabuhay! MARIO V. CAPANZANA, Ph.D. Director Food and Nutrition Research Institute Message from the Director ADOUT Tf he 2017 Menu Guide Calendar with the theme “Addressing the ‘utrlont needs of pregnant and lactating women through Pinggang ‘Pinoy”is intended for pregnant and lactating women. Its also designed for nutitionistdiettians, home economists, heath and nutrition community workers, students, adolescents, and homemakers specifically caregivers inthe homes or institutions tasked with planning and serving appropriate meals for families and institutions This year’s theme focuses on pregnant and lactating women, particularly their nutritional needs as thsi a vulnerable condition for both the mother and the baby during the period of gestation as well as wen the baby is, bor. Of al the ite stages, pregnancy is unique since the well-being of the baby is dependent on the well-being of the mother. ‘During the frst 1,000 days of a childs life whichis from conception until the child reaches 2 years old, mother's nutrition is very crucial in assuring the baby’s and mother’s heath and prevent mortality and early morbidity of the child. Featured recipes/combo meals are to be served for lunch and dinner for pregnant and lactating women as well as forthe whole family. Recipes are nutritious, affordable and easy-to-prepare, Pinggang Pinoy and helpful tips during pregnancy and lactation are included to guide pregnant and lactating women in ensuring health of their babies as wells, themselves. Pork, asim see thinly 3 cups 1 Marinate pork wih soy sauce and 9g fort Soy sauce 2 Thsps ; out. Chicken egg beaten t pe 2. bree ork in corstarch and deep ry not Cornstarch Heup } oun golden brown Cooking of fr fying 4 cups 3 Drain to remove exces i Set asi, Cooking of forsautting 2 Taps 4 4. tna pa, neat i Sauté gate and onion. 5. Aad say sauce catsup, vinegar, sugar and watering obo Gari, crushes, chopped 2 Thsps Onion, Bombay, chopped 2 Thsps & ~ ‘soy saves 2 Thsps sip icon 5 6 Appl abet pp. Smet 10 seit he z apna. a ante 5. 1A port ld wel whe sac Pieape cuts 1 cs Bex penper en sips cup ~ felesper ve saps sup . Seng Sa 3 maori pork +c save with vogeaes Nutrition Facts otal cooking tne: 1 hour and 45 minutes Cost per serving: Pup 36.75, soter coup Buttered|beans! Carrot, cubed, blanched 1 vacups a sano bo oes 2 ees and) R on tomicames ted ep Sat oath E bug und b - an Tot cooing ne: £5 mats Tostpr sean ap 1.80 4. Ina pa, met outer. 2 naa carrots and beans, Cover and ‘sine for 2 mines. ‘38. Aa cor. Season with stand eoper. Remove tom re Serving Si: 14 cup 2 JANUARY 2017 203 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 peiege: January Tu 3 10 1? 24 31 Ww Th 4 5 Nl 12 18 19 25 26 2017 B 20 27 Sa 14 21 28 Ingredients: Cooking oll 2 Thsps Garlic, crushed, chopped 3 Tbsps Onion, Bombay, chopped 3 Thsps ‘Shrimp, suahe, shelled 3 cups Squash, cubed 2 Yecups Sitaw, cut into 1" 3 cups Shrimp juice from crushed head, 1 ¥ cups strained Coconut milk, 2%extraction 1 cup Salt, iodized 1 tsp Coconut milk, pure % cup Procedure: 1. Ina pan, heat ol. Sauté garlic, onion and shrimps. 2. Add squash and sitaw. Cover and simmer for 5 minutes, 3. Add shrimp juice and 2°extraction coconut milk. Season with salt. Cover and bring to a boil 4. Simmer for 10 minutes. '5. Add pure coconut milk. Blend wel. Stir to avoid scorching. Continue simmering ‘uncovered. Pye pew Pheri Serving Size: 1/2 cup shrimps + 4 cup vegetables alge dice WCE ATE Total cooking time: hours Gost per serving: Php 75.40 [utetion Fact, Su 12 19 26 13 20 27 Tu 14 21 28 sa 203 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e ru a r 2 31 Ww Th 1 2 8 9 5 16 22 23 2017 10 17 24 Sa 11 18 25 Ingredients: Cooking 2 Tosps Ginger crusted 3 Toss Gar, cused, chopped 3 Thsps Onion, Bombay. chopped 3 Thsps Chicken ver, wole 3 cups Back pepe, around tsp Soy sauce cup Vingarcoconut cup wae cup angtong eaves and tender ‘fall washed Water fe bling Tomato seeded, choppet nie, Bombay hopped ‘ata! lee agoong its in apan eat. Sut ginger, ti, onion ad ver, Cover and simmer {or 20 minutes ou ves cooked. 2. pepper, soy sae, iagar and water, Simmer for another 0 mines, Serving Siz: cup Nutrition Facte, scuuiuenssbesitananeint Total cooking time: 1 hour Cost pr serving: Pp 21.05, ma Kangkong’ 10 cups E 1. Blanch kangkong in bolted water for 8 minutes. Orain. 2 ine ning bor ends kato, eae ‘ase tase oe Too oo i Serving Siz: cup tl coking tie: 35 minutes eV Cia Oh WA Su 12 19 26 Februar uw 1B 20 27 Tu 14 21 28 March 5 22 29 2017 Th 16 23 30 10 17 24 31 Sa 11 18 25 Ingredients: Ginger, crushed ¥ cup Garlic, crushed, chopped % cup Onion, Bombay, chopped % cup Salt, iodized 2 tsps Black pepper, whole 1 Tbsp Vinegar, coconut 1 cup Water % cup Sil, long, green 3 pos Hasa-hasa 10 pes Ampalaya tit, sliced 3 cups Procedure: 1.1na bow, combine ginger, garlic, onion, salt, pepper, vinegar, water and sil 2. Line a stainless steel pan or palayok with fish and ampalaya rt. 3. Add the vinegar mixture, Gover. Bring to @ boil and simmer for 10 minutes or unt the tshis cooked Total cooking time: 1 hour ‘Serving Size: 2 pes fish + 31 cup vegetables Cost per serving: Php 44.95 APRIL 2017 2 3 4 #5 § 0 TN 2 16 7 18° «19 23 23 24 25 26 2017 Chicken breast, diced Black pepper, ground tsp Bell pepper, green, strips % cup Bell pepper, red, strips % cup Tomato sauce % cup Salt, iodized % tsp Sugar, white tsp ‘Water 1 cup Green peas, frozen 1 cup 1. In.a bowl, marinate chicken in patis and pepper for 30 minutes to one hour. 2.1m a pan, heat oil. Sauté garlic, onion and chicken, Cover and cook until chicken is tender. 3. Add potato and carrot. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes. 4. Add bell pepper. Simmer for another 5 minutes. 5. Add tomato sauce and season with salt and sugar. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes. 6. Add water. Cover and bring to a boil. 7. Add green peas. Blend well Patis 1 Tbsp Cooking oil 2 Thsps Garlic, crushed, chopped 3 Thsps Onion, Bombay, chopped 3 Thsps Potato, cubed 2 cups Carrot, cubed 2 cups Serving Size: 3 matchbox size chicken + 1 cup vegetables Total cooking time: 1 hour and 20 minutes Cost per serving: Php 42.50 Nutrilon Facts 23 4 5 6 7 8B Labor Day N 16 23 30 2017 Th 11 18 25 T2 19 26 Sa 13 20 27 Total cooking time: 1 hour and $5 minutes Cost per serving: Php 28.20 Ingredients: ‘Mungo, green, dried Water for boiling Cooking oil Garlic, crushed, chopped Onion, Bombay, chopped ‘Tomato, seeded, chopped Tinapa, galunggong, flaked Water Salt, iodized ‘Ampalaya fruit, sliced ‘Ampalaya eaves Procedure: 1. Ina pot, combine munggo and water. Cover and bring to a boil. Simmer for 45, 1% cups 6 cups 3 Tbsps 3 Tosps 3 Tosps 3 Thsps 1% cups 3 cups 2tsp 3 cups 5 cups minutes or until tender. Set aside. 2. Ina pan, heat oil. Sauté garlic, onion, tomato and tinapa. ‘3. Add cooked munggo and water. Cover and bring to boil 4. Season with sat ‘5. Add ampalaya fruit. Simmer for § minutes. 6. Add ampalaya leaves. Simmer for another 2 ‘minutes. JUNE 2017 be 11 18 25 1203 4 5 6 Independence Day 2017 Th —_ 15 22 29 16 23 30 Sa 10 17 24 Pork, kasim, cubed Water for boiling Onion, Bombay, sliced Salt, iodized Black pepper, whole Kamote, yellow, cubed Banana, saba, medium Tipe, sliced Baguio beans, sliced Pechay baguio, sliced Procedure: 1. Ina pan, combine pork and water Cover and bring to a bol 2. Lower the heat and simmer until the pork is tender. 3. Add onion, salt and pepper. Cover and bring to a boil. Simmer. 4. Add kamote and saba. Cover and ‘simmer for 2 minutes. '5. Add baguio beans and pechay. ‘Simmer for another 2 minutes. Ingredients: 2¥ecups 9 cups Yecup 1 tsp 1 Tosp 1 ¥ecups 3 pes 2 cups 5 ¥ecups Total cooking time: 1 hour and 15 minutes Cost per serving: Php 35.45 ‘Serving Size: 3 matchbox size pork + ‘1a cup vegetables Nutrition Facts Su N 16 23 30 10 17 24 31 617 23 24 Tu 11 18 25 July Nutrition Month 12 19 26 2017 Th 13 20 27 14 21 28 Sa 5 22 29 Procedure: .in.apan eat Doe ty tone ua olen brown. rant remove excess i Set aside another pan, heat ol. Sauté gare, ‘non ana kc. ‘3. season with sy suc, sur, pepper Ingredients: Cooking ofr fying tobwa 2 cups Tova siced (1 pe sce ito #) 15 pes Cooking for saning 3 haps Gai, crushed, chopped 3 Tbsps Onion Bombay, chopped 3 Thsps cha, sed 2 haps ‘Soy alge cup ‘oper, waite 1 Thsp and sat ‘Black pepper ground % tsp 4. wate. Cover an simmer for 5 Sa ded tsp minutes Water 1 cup 15. Ad tokva Blend wel Sime or ‘note 9 mints, Serving Size: 12 sas Procedure: 1. Steam squash ina steamer or 1 mints. 2. ina mining bow, mash the steamed squash. Set aie. 13. 1na pan, heat Sate gate an aio. 4. Add squash. Simmer for 5 inate. 5. Aa water. Season wih salt and pepper. Cover and bring to ol 6 Aa the mk and rede eat to medium unt ‘ery boing, Dont et the soup bol or he milk wl cara 7. Add sugar Simmer or int. Sauash,sleed. 2 ses (2in.X i, ect) Cooking ot 3 Tops Gare, crushed, chopped 1 Tos. Onion: Bombay, chopped 2 Tsps Water 5 cps Sat iodied 1189 ack peer, ground pinch ik evapratae cop Sugar, white 1 Tosp Satyoricaves cups [Nutrition Facts — ‘Ad stot. Cook or mit. Serving Si: 1% cups out and 5 minutes 3.10 Tota cooking tine Cost per sering AUGUST 2017 1 23 45 67 8 Ninoy Aauine Day August National Breastfeeding Month Tu 1 8 5 22 29 Ww 2 9 16 23 30 2017 Th 3 10 1? 24 31 11 18 25 Sa 12 19 26 Ingredients: Total cooking time: 1 hour ‘Serving Size: 3 matchbox size chicken + and 25 minutes 1 cup vegetables Cost per serving: Php 33.60 Cooking oll 3 Thsps Ginger, crushed % cup Onion, Bombay, chopped 3 Thsps Garlic, crushed, chopped 3 Tbsps Chicken, breast, fle, sliced 3 cups ‘salt, iodized 2 tsps Papaya green, unripe, sliced 3 % cups Water 5 cups Malunggay leaves 3 cups Procedure: 1. in a pan, heat oil. Sauté ginger, onion, garlic and chicken. Cover and cook Until chicken is tender. 2. Season with sat ‘3. Add papaya. Cover and cook 4. Add water. Bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. 5. Add malunggay. Simmer for another ‘minute Sys a= Sees Su 10 17 24 1203 4 5 11 18 25 Tu 12 19 26 w 13 20 27 2017 = 2 September Th 7 14 21 28 —_ 5 22 29 Procedure: 1. cean and wash gatungp0n9- Galunggon, cleaned 15 pes Drain ‘Sal oie 2159 2 Season wih sat ooking i tying 4 caps 3. naan, eto Fry galunggon. ran excess a. otal cooking time: 45 minutes Cost per seving Php 44.40, Ingredients: Procedure: cootingot 278 Binakbet. 4. na pa, eto Sut gui, oo, Geese tests ‘eatin suman Soar ered Tse 2 ho ssth Coven ok or 0 rs. fans one. Ve 3. Ads wna Sine 2 mies Suuesh cued Yecips 4. Aad ofr, sta an eget. imme or Coane ‘ae ne tte eee , Oia See) os ene simationt teas Serving Sie 1 cup Total ooking tne: nour and 10 minutes Cost per serving: Php 14.60, OCTOBER 2017 so oM WoW om F so 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 24 31 Ww Th 4 5 Nl 2 18 19 25 26 2017 13 20 27 Sa 14 21 28 Ingredients: Cooking oil 3 Thsps Garlic, crushed, chopped 3 Tbsps Onion, Bombay, chopped 3 Tosps Pork, kasim, ground 3 cups Salt, iodized 1 Ye tsps. Black pepper, ground % tsp Carrot, cubed 2 cups Water 5 cups Patola, sliced 2 ¥ cups Misua noodles 1/3 cup ‘Malunggay leaves 3 cups Procedure: 1.1m pan, heat ol. Sauté garlic, onion and ‘ground pork. Cover and simmer for 5 ‘minutes. 2. Season with salt and pepper. : December Su M Tu Ww Th io 1 2 DB 14 1? 28 19 20 21 viata Eve Cheetos Day 24 25 26 27 28 ' 2017 featured recipe Pork, Kasim, cubed Garlio, crushed, chopped Onion, Bombay, chopped Calamansi Soy sauce Water for boiling pork —— Cooking oi Potato, cubed cups A Cartot cubed 2 vs cups Boll pepper, ed, sips % cup , Boll pepper, aren, sips % cup Tomato sauce ¥ cup > Salt, iodized 1 % tsps Black pepper, ground ¥4tsp Sugar, white 2 tsps Procedure: 1. Marinate pork with galic, onion, calamansi and soy sauce for 1 hour. ae 2. Ina pan,combine water and marinated pork. Cover and bring to boil ¢ 3. Lower the heat and simmer until the porkis tender. cpeaainote 4. Drain the pork. Set aside the pork broth, ooo 5. Ina pan, heat ol Saute pork. Cover and simmer. Tota cooking time: 2 hours 6. Ade in pork broth potato and carat. Cover and Serving Size: 3 matchbox size pork + _aid 10 minutes simmer for 10 minutes 4 cups vegetables Cost per serving: Php 49.70 - Add bell pepper and tomato sauce. Simmer for ‘another 10 minutes. son with salt, pepper and sugar. Nutrition Facts ae featured recipe Ingredients: pe sare, cushel ees Tons YY ei Black pepper, ground % tsp Sugar, white 2 Tbsp Cauliflower, sliced 3 cups bo ae wy 7 £ Baguio beans, sliced 2 cups J Bel pepper, red, strips % cup Water ¥cup z Procedure: ‘ Cover and cook until chicken is tender. SUC, id 1. 2 season wih soy saves, sat, peper an sos 3, add caulflower, ca, bagl bears, el ene ana wu 4. cover a ng ta Samer 10 mites Tot ooking ine teu Serving Size: 3 matchbox size chicken + 25 minutes 1% eh vegetables Cost per serving: Php 54.10 Nutrition Facts, Sunday ‘eaKrAST snacks 1M Chess pied sandwich Chicken aang on meta ast = oat Wednesday aREAKFAST Poached oy Freebat fatten { Renmin nent Pontes ‘nyt onwen ny meow Gin ago Bote town ee Vanna sate snacks. ‘AM Onde onde Ginger tea | elo sace Pub Glazed cassava Week 1 ssuenweeoequenvveusives Monday “BREAKFAST. Saleen wh ones anonns Pde! aoe mh i ne Mora sup tang mh tore Poet owen Fatal Ym ary Paasren vont ope fetes tadbom | Mra Poaastae =a satoxs ‘= Gaye pasts ‘av Sas sina wn pues ek fit See kane ce Piel go cord pe : Hveneweeerepouuuuvesues, nihiricemensnctenices EEaeney f mEARrAST Friday Seavbary pes Steamed cnr fara ceo ran age ee —— tote mae Seal Sas Nate at med Dien cen te Crean of asparagis soup me Thong wi ze con salsa Laat Boies e Moon sie re sxAcKs ‘i be patow PU Sweetened baba wih ngta PM Sruash icy wi Kaos Sunday vecveresyps + susueewreeequouy BREAKFAST Monday — Twesday fear espe sce wth mins oneneast EMA tote ie Feinahingpon gig siaonay Oe Cone wei Tate! Sheba ia gh mh cay tote Wels alse ede wn 3 uo Fried chicken ) re Crapy tote sisig — om OE RE pee fotesce oa atelbownce fom Sent rr a3 doie re onwen Danan owwen aol fancied ges vere ' onto pense ONNER Seed carat ‘=e. Sr Shisroneuore tins tote beer fsirccmbe Sako Saar ei SNACKS Ue hlaya smtoxs s 4 Anata fat Lops ree fatfohavratonoe | SANGRE tnt Cana Ga tee Anat ot ea mit Pct moe eoevcenswevevesses fas, hursde Thursday BREAKFAST sneaKeast rs Sagan tat Teta alma wi cars and awaian pizza pandesal ee ian Cote ha Poa aah ih amps unc Soest te Potting sans Sets ey soto yagi go tan Sotedom Doane eam wen ‘Sapa de 0 a eos evento tin Frome sa finde feted own re oiston is mimi sancxs snacks ‘AM Blt wih ral coconut PM - Po Bian wh sad 09g Week 2 ‘U-Inbaw a mais PU Sopso na murggo Wednesday BREAKFAST tater Sauer kare stawmth hneteon mest Bate ro oe Cotes win mi ncn ‘ame a actana ‘Soar aa wih eaves lead goon ia inwer ‘Ship wih qailegp and cashew us Patosaiat Bote ie neo swacxs ‘AM Vegetable empaace PM iso bso Sohirdey SREAKFAST ‘vecad. iadong gay 09 Boles roe (of wth ic wnct Ginteag hip with alabase and itor Boies noe Grapes DINNER Porclanga shang Fria gue Soied noe sacs AM Kamo tes PM Town sapoard Sup eee Week 3 ‘AM Banana on, PA = Mas ca jundey | 7 si ae v Mondoy po le ‘BREAKFAST ‘Rambutan- on Ripe paoaya Pork tocino na Daing a bangus ‘Str ted toge and carrots: ane Kamote ops saad ‘Boiled roe cepestns — Boies nee + “Hot chocolat | om SereAS eel ‘wn i | oe ee ate aed Se pe ny Boiled en ‘Steamed brocont and qaullower: Boiled nos Poe fers a DINNER = “DINNER oy ae aaa a ‘Boot wit broccoli and spinach “Mango-cucumber-tomato salsa ut a Boiled rice Boiled toe peace “Avocado ‘Leche flan can yelo a Ee | —— owes oy ere ae ee ee 2 VSeuee feo ee nee HAC ECON CEE EU UUOE EES sueueurerereite a Wednesday t ae +Sahiday veoh Thorsday Friday ee owes ‘BREAKFAST BREAKFAST {Mang = | ae ive he Ne ea ace = ‘Kesong put) ‘Gai nce i { Tea tase oe a ee a wwe, Se sea near a ses SSR test cateree ‘and ampalys Frity among jy = ee a aS = = 4 ; T ‘Seafood kare-kare with bagoong iar = | al ss es a inven f = | Watameton nee Clear soup with kali Chicken nasal with foyamansi Trae Pork picadillo with cafrots and potaloes Papaya atsara SNACKS: ga al —— A Same et rave = = ae ‘SNACKS { Wednasdoy BREAKFAST ainto Tune ovat ede Hotere unex atts a tpon ‘Asbo arng Bale own ce Shaguls Svnday reaxrasr Fonepaste Feat Seed tonates fearon Cderomnte nen Oyster chicken gers Sapte asad Bote Fresh ut conte ‘DIweR Pork naga Bote os Bole Saban nga) ‘sacs 2M rao oe mercedes PM Bo may aoe Sweet ard sour beat Bas (Coley an ge bean salad Bled ie Site suacKs ‘a-Sqash aia PM Shawarma ea Week 4 Tuesday Monday BREAKFAST tee BREAKFAST a tan Fe cece . Pandesa! Brown ct rata —_ a Poni i “Ampalaya salad fee aps wh apg real owed town ee = tatnain nen ven hopeey wn een sips tg yh Shopsy ‘ced meton tagalog sa maiamig = ~ sucKs uc, ete nal PM - Parc patot erent coveseeeqynasseeees ST prea orenast ~Prarsdey- ‘BREAKFAST ‘Ratles- neaxrast — a Stn cre eet ey Erte ‘ Vere ase career ca Suny sep a, freak a ene ane ‘une oat ‘veggies. Caner era wn yep oi x nea folate on Cheha ot tora fans tote ee 2 oat natn ogea nner ee ere in ea tts ryt Pe ead r Mangosteen Fest ep aes (Gatog tas tw pats a eats pried “AML Baked magaroni Srataoe savcxs 2-Baked aa At Sina at spn hg smvcxs PM arta Ib Boke pe Pu tp fe: Critical Window of Opportunity Smee heist 1,000 days of te - whch cavers the pera from conception up othe second yat acids te the most rial perio of one's growth ané development ‘uring te “st ,000 days" good ntton fs very crus for ensuring a heathy start nie and avoiding ery moray and moray. Nalnutrtion dung ts etic periodof development for a child nas not been adequately addressed i the Pilppins. There has been slow and tle reduction in the preva lence of underweight intans and young chien ithe past cade as revealed by te National Nutrition Survey (NHS) rom 2001-2015. Te fect of por maternal heath and nutrition goes through aisous cyl. Maltin that ocurs during childhood, adolescence and pregnancy has &negtve impact ‘on bithweight ofthe nwa: When 2 chi sues frm asease, nuttin absorption is aeted ta retards growth and Gevelpment, whch remains unt aolescence Wen woman gets pregnant, she wil aly gv ith fo an undernourished chil. Ti hil wil become sparen tron fo an unernourished baby, andthe cle may 0 on anton. Thetadngs ofthe Maternal Heath and Natron and nts and Young Chia FesIng (CF) of the NUS sed light onthe county's standing towards Miennim Development Goals (MOGs) and Son reducing chid mortal and improving maternal heath thatende In 2015. The results so served as benchmark data forthe Sustan- able Development Goals which sucaeés te MDGs. ‘Among he gang results am the survey, pregnant teenagers were mare vulnerable see Iey ae more nun atsk or nic energy detent and anemic han ther adult mathe counterparts. Mothers the poorest and paor quails, wit ow educa atanmet ol gaily employed, and most ining irra areas ended to nave no acess to matoral hah serves. n tems of TY, an imravement i he rate a bel initaan of breastfeeding and exlsivebrestenting has been Feportes However, les than 1 never 5 chlren 6-23 mont od met Ihe minimum ear versity seore (DDS) of, suggesting that malorty ofthe cre nhs ape ‘70 dd not rceve complementary Toad of good nutans quay. Thus, adaressing he needs of pregnant wore, ifnts and young ehiaren forte Fist 1,000 days wil break the itergeerational cyl of manutrton, and hopetly prove the wel-eng ofthe population. noe’ rational stats recy iloeces he ea and nana tts of ar elt fom prgnany ‘uth. Prope: Reh an nutonl mais sho be fstaiabed by the mother trom the sa teal even Ewflore concapton. pane mathe are vleabe 10 ‘Several Peal a nliona sk sown by Smeal (ata Accoramg to the Food and. Muon Research Intte's(D0ST-Fu 2018 Updating ofthe Nationa Sis of Fino Chaten ana OterPoplton Groans, ately rate MUR) pte inience of women's Gath tesulig tom complestors at proqarey and thilgiah na gen popstion remains hgh 49 gene for every 10,000 eich (ne messape rom he NGF says, “Fra hey este and good nuton, exercise regulary, do not smoke and ‘oid inking aconole beverages to help prevent sty elated nor communicable cseases" Prgnant woman art encouraged 10 sey flow this Fecommendation 10 achiev opium ution for self and her baby and prevent complications or ith defects to the baby hat may as rom consumption ot Alcoholic beverages and cgarete smoke Drinking aloha beverages should be avoided all throughout pregnancy Because affects the pial and ental grow of the baby. The taby may acauire fea ‘aeanol syndrome, a dlsoder that permanenty amapes the cata! nervous system, especlly the bra ‘pregnant woman shoul voit smoking and exposu to secondhand: smoke. Metine, which comes rom Inhaling cigarete smoke, enters he mothe’ ceutary ‘stem and also tat of te fetus trough the plier When this happens, oxgen supply of the fetus is amgromisea. Te fetus grows slowly and can est 10 Tew birthweight can also result petri Some recent sludles have also shown at smoking nj during pregnancy ean ead to birth detects such ‘as congenital heat detects, Heath pregnant women should have 30 minutes or ‘more of moderate ftnsty physical acy every ay Regular exercise can help preven excess weight ga reduce preprancy rete problems, ike back pan ‘weling, and constipation. I can also Improve sleep Drepare for ebor ‘and lessen recovery time afer hla. Examples a estes tat a pregnant woman an do ae wang erable dancing, belly dein, yo and swimming, However, belo exercising, tis bier to anu doctor frst, especialy when a woman fas not ben atv for alang time or has aigh-rsk pregnancy, In action, a pregnant moter should drink plenty ot. ‘is, espcaly water. Dung pregnancy, a womans ood. volume Increases ramataly, ths, hag enough fis can hep prevent commen probs sh ‘ss constipation and denyraton roqnant women should give importance to 200d et and proper nutiton because the ‘uttloral slays oftheir babies depends on them," Vealhy det can male a great catioution toa heathy pregnancy. ‘he Food and Nurtion Research Intute of the Deparment af Scene. and Teeholagy (DOST-FNAI) developed a ew food ui for bregant mothers and actang women, THs Called Pggong Pinoy. This ool eps Inaiaduals choose a vary of foods trom the WR Go, Grow and law praups on per meal ass Be suet inlet tems which eve in carbohyrates (Ge ands), proens (Grow aos), fs (G0 foods) sna varias and mierals (Glow foots) anda lt of Td, Coing food choles to a ew Kings of oo usualy result in an imbalance det. Hat ofthe plate represents Glow foods consisting of futs and vegetbes. Eat mare ‘vegetables than ts Ge and Grow fads shoul i up he aber mala the pe. with Go Taos (9, ce, or, bread, otmea, and ootros) taking a biget patio than Gow ‘ods (et: mei, ens, pouity, ish, beans and legumes), ‘ter nea tips for pregnant and lactating women included in Paggang Pinay are the teow: Eales say, te, faty an sugared foods to peevent cron clsases Take flan supplements to mes daly requenens Do ot sme and ak lott beverages + Understan ntion lformatin on produc labels to make smart food chokes. Te Pinggag Pinoy also suggests tat pregnant women have regular prenatal check-ups and galver herbals in ah eae faces. PINGGANG PINOY" om Ho Go Flce ana ‘Mteratves| Rice Pandesal Loat Breaa Cooked Noodles (e. pansit Root crop (e. kamote Ped Cy mas Pres or oe (e.9, saging, Prey Deer Presa ‘Age Groups 1 cups 8 pices, small 6 sles, small 1% cups 1% medium pieces cet od rr S.ocmare lasses 10 or more gasses (Pregnant Women) (Lattng Women) 78 weight of expectant mams indicates wheter r nat they observe proper nutri, Proper nuttin means eating height Kind and amount of foods. Based on he weight‘or‘eght table of the Food and Nutiton Research Intute Deparment of Science ané Tecnology (DOST-FNA) by month of pregnancy, the ota welgt ga forthe entire curation of pregancy ean range fom 13.45 klograms 2339 pounds) fora mom who s 142 cenimetrs (4 Tet and 6 inches) tl, 194 tlograms (or 4268 pounds) for' mom who stands 170 ceatimeters (or ee a9 hres) The average weigh gain for a fubterm pregnancy is 125 kilograms but the recommended weight gain over pregnancy depends upon the mons stature and pre-reprancy auional stats. Weight forthe particular Rlght and specie month of regnancy tats below the splted range inde tat mom snot gaining enough ‘elt On theater nang, weght that above he stipulate weight range dete at ‘the mom is vereight or gaining weight ery fast. Underweight moms need to gin more ‘eign whle those wo ar overweight eed to ain se weight. Not ean the el ‘weight during the teen imesters or mano pegrany poses some rks, her ‘nthe part of mom othe bay nie the wom ‘An undereight mom-to-be may have a low birth weight infant. An overweight ror-o-e may tNewse give Dh tan overweight infant ané may experence act 0 prlange labor pregnant woman need oat oreo mee nat ony her own sional neds but also that ofthe proming fetus ined the womb. She needs adaitona 200 haloes pr eay from te fourth aah tothe ninth mont of pregnancy aecordag to the Recommended Energy an trent Intakes (REM), 2002. The REN was developed by the RENI Tenia! Working Group (1WG) Commitee and REN! Task Forces composed of professionals in the neath and hutritonal scenes. Adon, she needs oneeas her daly ike ote nents ‘compared to anor pregnant woman Nutrients Pregnant Protein (grams) 68 58 Vitamin A (micrograms tinal Equvalont 00 500 vitamin (iigras) 20 70 thiamin (itigrams) 1 14 Fbtiavin (itis) 47 14 niacin (iigrams niacin squivalent), 18 “ iron (iigrams) {34 @w mest E 38 (a tmester) 7 Eating mere, however, snot enough. It soulé be of the right kind and amount. Tronic fods and tamin ch feods should be Wloded i the daly meas To prevent on-efiengy. ran-eh foods inde her, est, ie, lean met, £99 alk, and ely and yelow vegetables, The wan Cen Toad, tie pe or pean mango pay, chi, pineapple, melon and watermelon wil make te tod effeey Use ron. Remeber tat preper nutri ang repur check-up ofa mom-o-be Is Me ky to ensuring a hel bay! RECIPE DEVELOPMENT UNIT FOOD RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT GROUP ‘Marieta M. Bumanglag Sete ee Se Maylene P. Cajucom ‘Sees aa ‘May Ann D.Gironella Sco ee Sea mee |. Samorano ‘cote CREATIVE AND PUBLICATION UNIT TECHNICAL ADVISERS ‘TECHNOLOGY DIFFUSION AND S&T SERVICES DIVISION Ma. Melia 6. Glorioso ‘Mario V. Capanzana, Ph.D. Sina Sen fees See then Romeo R. Artur Ferdinand B. Oamar, DPA samotrahe ene 1. ene eden OE Caer me und Rian A. Doringo oma tenses ‘Cecilia Cristina S. Acun, M.D., Ph.D. Erlinda V. lao scores hexacht Engr, Rosemarie G. Garcia Sono eae Joyce R. Tobias Leah A Pers Suing Ste eee Sci, Error Tae wae ‘Mitlor S. Gonzales, Ph.D. Sie Se ene ge TESTO

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