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OXFORD Reading 38 [missing sentences Pe 3 min _IS Ustening 39 [1 Matehing information pe 05 » 7 Use of English 39 i Mutiplecheke gap fll 20 yan 18 Writing 40-41 Writing an eral be 20 ein | Weiting an informal letter > 7 nie Speaking 41-42 | Fisituationat roleplay ie 25 min Picwure-bosed discussion p> Reading 44 [Fimtuhtiple manehing 90 ove Listening 45 LiTruefFalse statements pe 20 min Use of English 46 Editing (word search) pe ou nie writing 46 [Ei Writing a student magazine article > 99 ain ‘speaking 47 17 Staisties based discussion pe 20 mln oepate 10 mien 5 Reading 48 an [Multiple matching pe = Soma Listening 49 | Factual eror correction p> 0 min Use of English 0 [7 Multipte-choice gap fil p> 30 min Writing 5051 | Writing a leatle pp 30 in ‘Writing a formal letter De 70. Speaking 51-52 i Shuationst role-play jp 80 stn Pieturebaset discussion Pe 59 mir Reading $4 Missing sentences pr Listening 55 Mentifying true statements be 25 mn Use of English: 55 {Verb form gap fil 58 min Writing 56 [Wirt @ discursive essay fm G0 rin Speaking 5657 Pietue-basel discussion Pe 25 Debate be 20 i ea Reading 58 aan 0 Matching headings to paragraphs b> con Listening 59 | C completing notes Use of English 58 7 Word formation gap fl Writing 60-61 [wring an invitation 5 min [Writing an informal etter pe ‘Speaking 62 [situational roleplay B25 min = Pleture-based discussion Reading 64 CiMissing sentences Be 20 min Listening 65 [Matching statements to speakers Be 25 rin Use of English 65 Open deze Pe 20 vain writing 66 Writing an argumentative essay 99 min ‘Speaking 66-67 [Picture based discussion Be 25 [Wo ebate m 20 is Use the Study Diary t plan and keep track af your exam preparation. Tick J each section, you have completed. Revord your score. Make notes that help you Improve your results stupy Diary 3 me com Work | Reading 68 CO Missing sentences 35 © 7 Listening 69 i Multiple matching pe 20 me is | Open doze pe 35 win _s ‘Writing a format letter pe 7 sin Situational te pay pe 35 mn - - 7 (2 Picturebased discussion pe 25 sin Reading 74 Multiple choice statements 25 min 15 Listening 75 [2 Matching statements te speakers 20 min 18 Use of English 76 | (1Banked gap fil B25 sin ar writing 77 [Diting a formal letter application Be 70 min - ‘Speaking 77 1 Picture-based discussion B20 min Cr Task Time Score Your notes heath — | Reacting 78 Gap il (mssing phrases) P20 18 Listening 79 ED Muhiplecheice statements 25 min 7 Use oF English 60 | DOpendoze B25 min 1 | [ writing 60 | Wting an informal etter be 89» | Speaking 81-82 | Situational role play 20 i 1 Picture based discussion De 25 rn Listening 83 [Competing notes be 20 mi 18 Use of English £3 | (Multiplechoice gap fill B15 mir 7 Reading 64 Ordering paragrapts be 20 min a Writing 86 Wing ter mite ear fate map 60 rin Speaking 8687 | (1 Picturebased discussion 20 mi Debate be 25 min re) sk i Score Your notes Sport Reading 68 Mixing sentences be 49 mi _6 LUstening &9 To Maltiple- choice statements be 25 min [ss Use of English 90 | Lidumbled sentences Pe 20 min _i6 ‘writing 90-51 [avititng an email IS min Weng an informal letter Be 75 sin Speaking 91-52 | CStuationtcoleplay be 25 mtn - 7 Picture-based discussion pe 20 min Reading 98 | Tuefalse statements 35 mh 16 Listening 94 (Completing notes be a5 in 16 Use of English 94 | FWord formation gap fil 30 vin =a Writing 95 C Witing 2 argumentative essay Be 99 mi : Speaking 96-57 | Ficture-based discussion pe 25 sin [Debate je 29 rin 4 STUDY o1ney Use the Study Diary 10 plan and keep track of your exam preparation. Tick / each section ‘Make notes that help you improve your results you have completed. Record your sor Reading DP 2sminutes [FPO aseod 5 tints 4 Read the article in exercise 3-3 Read this shost article about British and American families. quickly. Then put the Choose the best phrase from A-K to fill in gaps 1-10, to following headings that complete the text. There is one phrase that you won't need summarise each paragraph to use, in the correct order. . what he mean when Ne FAMILY talk about family WHEN British and American people use the word family © The way families lived in i! ‘the mother, father and their children. In a general the post social context, ‘the family is usually *_____ mean this 1 nudear family. 2. Society in Britain and the US *______a nuclear family 3 {iving in the same house and *______ each others lives. Fifty years ago, the typical family was a husband and a wife, 2 Read the article in exercise 3 ‘and two oF three children. The father spent all day at work again quickly, and answer and *___ decisions about how the money he earned the questions. ‘was spent. The mather stayed at home to manage the house 1 What is a ‘nuctear family? ‘and look after the children. Children were* their 2 How did the father spend ree red tai te aah rene ace oe dae titty v any modern families five rather y. and because appl day hfty years ‘of this some people think that the family unit is dying and 3. How dd the mosbe sect an couse let mre bu ther spend a typical day fifty living together usually got married when? ___ a family, Years ago? but this happens less now. Another trend fs *___ * 4 Why are some people married later in life and to have fewer children, so the size of worried about society the avecage fori Sg OnINES os today? ee $- Do couples that live together always get A taken to G made most ofthe 6 Meme idem forni B closely involved in H_ which normally consists of Are at ae families th © getting martied [they wanted to start than tk 7 ae or smal D they often mean only J expected to obey ‘an those fifty years aR0! Eis being weakened K nally based on STE F for people to get Remember, the meaning of the SS Se SSS missing phrase is important, but tread the completed sentence Listening o> Segue again to check that the chosen Sees 4 Read the instructions to exercise 6 and answer the following questions. 1 Who will you be listening to in the recording? 2 Who is the advice aimed al? 3. What other useful information can you find in the instructions? 5 Read the statements in exercise 6 and decide which of the possible titles below might best summarise the text you are going to hear. a How can we ensure our children’s safety when they're alone at home? b_ The dangers that chitdren have to face in their everyday lives How to train our children to be independent when they grow up 8 FAMILY LIFE Smart answer key on page 158 How To stuDy Ifyou have access to English-speaking radio or television broadcasts, try to listen to and watch programmes on. topics that you are interested in. It is best to do this on, regular basis, if possible for atleast 15 minutes a day. This wilt help you to get a feel forthe language. Mc ie 6 %or First read sentences A-J below. You are going to hear a psychologist giving advice to parents. Decide which five out of the ten pieces of advice are given in the recording. ‘A (2 Your decision should not only be based ‘on your children’s age. B (7 Tell your children not to answer telephone calls. © (7 Instruct your children to open the door only to people they know well. Don’t leave your children alone for more than three hours. E (0 Teach your children to keep the house key in their schootbag. F (1 Don’t allow your children to use the cooker. G (1 Teach your children what to do in case of fire. HC) Aska neighbour to keep an eye on what's going on. 1 LJ Keep alcohol out of the reach of your children, Don’t stress your children by talking about possible dangers. EXAM TIP The fest time you listen, mark all those sentences which ‘match the statements made ia the recording. Quickly ‘check if you have marked the same nurnber of ‘sentences specified in the instructions. If necessary, find the missing answers when you listen for the second time. “Sart answer key on page 158 Use of English > 45 minutes 7 Put the correct form of the verb clean in each, gap. 1 Tenjoy __ the house every Monday morning. 2 It’s Monday lunchtime and |___ the house already. 3. I think most of the houses in my street at least once a week. 4. My mother says my father thinks the house by magic! 5. My friends arrived while | my room. 6 In the future, houses __ by robots. 8 Pat the correct noun form of the underlined verb in the gap to complete the definitions. 1 IF yo vent something important, this may become famous. 2 Something that acrives, such as a plane fight, is an 3. You can say you improve something, or that you make an —_ to it 4. Something you publish, such as a book or 2 magazine, isa. S- IF you explain something clearly, then you are giving a clear 6 Someone who trains people to da something isa 9 Write similar definitions to the ones in exercise § to explain the following verbs and nouns. 1 believe and belief 2 depart and departure 3. perform and performance HOW To sTuDY You can expand your vocabulary by learning the different pacts of speech for words - for example, from ‘the verb expect you can make the noun expectation, ancl the adjectives expected anc! unexpected. Keep a ‘vocabulary notebook or ists and include difereat parts of speech. Fatty ue 9 " S rorm of the word in brackets into each gap. SoscnoNSCON ae) | you stop to think about it the history of housework is the history of everything. Housework * (CHANGE) an ‘amazing amount in only the last hundred ‘years or $0. ‘The *_(INVENT) of ‘electricity was very important, and it led to the?______ (ARRIVE) of the washing. machine, the vacusim cleaner, the dishwasher, and s0 on. Housework: } *____ (BE) much harder without them | fifty years ago. I's not just technology that’s different ~ these days, most husbands, 5 (EXPECT) by their wivesto | share the housework. Overall, then, we can see a reat*_____ IMPROVE) in relation to housework, especially for } ‘women ~ although the environmental cost ‘of modern housework is high. ' > 20 minutes ig an email & 35 minutes Read the task and the advertisement in exercise 13 carefully. Then read the below, and decide if the writer has all the requested information. Tick the appropriate box. 1 who/you? 2 where/from? 7 3. when/sleep? 4 when/eat? 9 S$. when/study? 0 6 whatjelse? ESS I'm David. | sleep like a log from 10 p.m. Until the alarm goes off et 7 a.m. | have breakfast at 730 a.m., lunch at midday and then dinner at 6 p.m. | really don’t like doing homework. | try to play football as often as possible, and usually manage to every day. ans FE Piura Eo 13 You see this advertisement in an Internet forum. Write your response in an email of 40-50 words. W6RLD DAILY LIVES SURVEY Ronee ies CC Ric Help us find out! Send ws an email Ucn SO Ce ee ey ee Na RE cee EXAM TIP ‘When yoo waite a shor text, such 26 an email message, _always check you have included all the necessary points from the instructions. Writing an informal letter P55 minutes 414 Are these statements about writing informal letters true oF false? 1's normal to wse conteactions, Uke they're for they are, in informal letters. T / F 2 You don’t need to use paragraphs in Informal letters. T / F 3. Planning what to write is less important for informal letiers yhan for formal letters, T / F 4. You should try to make informal letters a5 interesting as possible, for example by using a range of verbs ancl adjectives. T / F S_ The most common tense used in informal letters is the Present Continuous. TF 6 Informat letters tend (0 be shorter than formal letters. T / F 7 You should think carefully about the reader of informal letters. T / F Smart ansiver key on page 159 Read this extract from a letter. It contains Speaking > 45 minutes eight grammar mistakes. Can you find them and correct them? Situational role-play B> 25 minutes Everybody think my sister is very good-looking. 4 yoo List vad the dialogue below and Shetass nuge wardrobe hil widvcies and) 77 M72 Listen and read the dialogue below a she always well dressed ~ but | think she wears > too many makeup! She seems se’ quite 1 WypRLIgMan ging todo fo Nena popular, why she has a wide circle of friends. She's always either out with friends and at 3 What is Agneta going to help Mark with? home talking with the phone to them. Agneta I'm really pleased you can help me, Mark, Mark That's OK. | know there's too much ned co housework for one person to do, What ‘would you like me to do? Below is part of a letter you receive from ‘Agmeta Could you dean the windows? your penfriend abroad, Write your reply in Mark OK. But Ym quite busy right now. Can we 100-120 words. do it in the evening, perhaps? ‘Agneta I'm going to the cinema later. Are you ™ free after schon)? . Mark Yes, I'l mect you at your house after tke a ‘you at your my uncle. So I'd really tike +o Sot i Agneta Fantastic! And Uhen I must return the know about your Favourite fren How ean Thee year" gh ‘Mark Could you help me with my tnish Family menber. lho is 2 Why homesiork? 13 realy iit ths week 4 ela Sur do you like him or her So much? ‘Agneta Sore What does he or she look ike? 18 Underline the parts of the dialogue that hiclped you to answer the questions in What does he or she do? exercise 17. eee 19. What kinds of housework are there? How many more can you add to the list? "Aways plan your writing carefully. Look carefully at the {opie oF question and let ideas come into your head, ‘Then stefl to organise them into a suitable order. Then _ write one or more sentences foreach idea. Build the series of sentences into paragraphs. When you have “finisheel your frst draft, check very carefully for mistakes, ‘One way to practise speaking accurately isto write a dialogue, check it for mistakes, and then practise speaking it, with a partner if possible. Smart answer key on page (59 Ragaty URE Tt Beir > 5 minutes 20 Your friend’s parents are away for a few days. You have agreed to help your friend with some housework, + ind out what housework your friend needs help with. + Find out a time you're both free. ‘+ Agree what your friend will do for you in return, Picture-based discussion Pm 20 minure 21 Here are some sentences students said about families. Fach sentence contains a mistake. Can you find ad correct the mistakes? 1. Ifyou have older brothers and sisters, they can giving you useful advice. 2 Ina big family, never you may learn to be independent 3. So your family is small, you'll probably have your own bedroom, 4. Your brothers and sisters can play by you when your parents are busy. 12 FaNWY UFE a 22 ¢ choose from the words below to complete the expressions used for giving opinions. a 1 2 3 4 Hot ss in © tos on —— my experience, a small family is better. According _—— a TV programme | saw, there are fewer big families now. As far___ I'm concesned, the bigger the better It depends ___- where you live, but | prefer small famines. W TO STUDY When you study for tasks lke exercise 23 here, practise several times. Each time, concentrate on a diferent factor, e.g. choice of vocabulary, pronunciation, speaking fluently, and so on. 23 Look at the two photos of families. Compare and contrast them. Include the following poiats: + advice and support + independence + space at home + attention from parents ‘Smant answer Key on page 159 List R i st a 5 s @ il Bagge ‘Smart a fine Listening (> 40 minutes 4 Read these pairs of sentences 1-6 and the corresponding statements 1-6 in exercise 3. In each case, which one of the two sentences here means the same as the statement in exercise 3? 1a John’s parents grew up here, and so did he, b John’s parents come from up notth, and moved here before he was born. John's farnily always seemed very happy to Angela. Angela thinks there are some problems in John’s family. Angela's family are having a big party next month, bbut she'd prefer to do something else. Angela can't wait for this party next month — everyone's coming John’s expected to join his uncle's company, but it’s really boring there. John really wants his uncle to give him a fob in his company. Angela's big sister has really helped her by telling her what to do. Angela's always told her older sister what she should do. John’s brother's never studied at university. John's brother is no longer at college. Underline the word or words in exercise 1 which make the sentence different in meaning from the statement in exercise 3, Smart answer bey oa page 156 Pac co 3 Soo You will home wo friends, John and Angela, talking about their families. Read through statements 1-6. As, you listen, decide if each statement is true (1) or false (B), according to the information you hear. 1 John grew op in the same town as his parents. — 2 Angela says John’s family is a happy one. — 3. Angela is looking forwart to a big family party next month, — John hopes to work in his uncle's business in the future Angela's older sister has given her useful advice. — John’s brother recently left university. — EXAM TIP In the listening exam, the task items are in the same order as you hear them in the recording, When you listen for the fist time, check which statements you're nat given any information about (all false), then decide if the remaining statements are true or fase when you listen for the second time, Use of English > 35 minutes 4 Choose from these words to complete the sentences below. One word is used twice, and one word isn't used in any gap. to than © too © also » that ~ both » and 1 ike coffee __ tea. 1 like coffee and tea. like coffee and tea. 1 like coffee and tea — 1 like coffee more — tea, 1 prefer coffee tea. Vd rather have coffee tea, ‘Complete these sentences by writing one word in cach gi 1 He wants to improve, —__ he practises a fot. 2 he wants to improve, he practises a lot. 3 He wants to improve ~ that’s —_ he practises a lot 4 —__to his ambition to succeed, he does a lat of practice, 5 —_ of his ambition to win, he’s always practising, 6 His desire to do well means ___. he practises a great deal. FAMILY LIFE 13 © Read these sentences. Choose from the verbs listed after the Reading boon sentences to complete the gaps. Notice that the word out comes after cach gap and is connected to the meaning of te 8. Read the title of the a verb. Think about the form of the verb. in exercise 9 on page 15. 1 The group are ___ out a new CD next month. ‘Which of the following: 2 You must —__ out of the hotel by 11 a.m, Tonice does'the Mieiog 3. She injured her knee and out of the race. article suggest? 4. The detective investigated until he —_— out who the murderer 1 Fathers are ready to was. participate in taking 5 You'll succeed if you —— out your plan. of childten, and thisis 6 They —— out for the mountains carly in the morning. surprising 2. Fathers should be encouraged to particlp in childcare more acti 3 Working women want carry — bringing « check © set» found ~ pulled (ere fo their partners to take 7 Complete the text by choosing the correct option: A, B, C ae Caneiaeie a IAS ou responsibilities. Now read the text quich What's the point of family history? lachaneaceneed Family history is '_ referred to as genealogy. It is one of the world’s most popular pastimes, and millions of people around EXAM TIP the planet are investigating their origins as I write this. From When you have completed @ *__ beginners to experienced genealogists, the attraction of “_- multiplechoice task, check that out more about the past through your own family is hard to you did not leave a question resist. Once you have “out on the research road, the work ‘unanswered. If you really ortt know the correct answer, it better to guess than not 10 give an answer. can become absolutely fascinating. There are many reasons * As you explore this route to the past, you'll develop new skills, which you can use in many ways. You'll also enjoy the excitement of the detective ‘_. The voyage of discovery into your family’s past often leads to a greater understanding of history. [P also a social pastime, and will "__ you into contact with many new and like-minded people. 1A and 8 to Cabo DD both 2 A ful B complete whole —_D_ thorough 3 A finding B meeting Clearing D knowing 4 A set B done © put D made SA because B since Cwhy = Ds 6 A couse B movement C step process 7 A send B carry C give D bring a Sy ed EXAM TIP Before you look at the choices A-D for each gap, try to think of a word that could ft in the gap. Even if you can’t think of a particular word, decide what ppart of speech — verb, noun, etc. ~it needs to be. 14 FAMILY LFF Smart answer key om page i READING EXAM os 9 Read the newspaper article below on how fathers take part in looking after their children. Choose the best answer: #, b, © or d, to questions 1-4, Why fathers want to look after the baby (yes, really) One of the most extensive surveys of fathers has now shown that, far from the stereotype, most men would like to share childcare duties with ‘their partners or wives. 1 Why would many fathers like to go to parenting classes? To lea how to do day-toxlay childcare, Because they want to attend important school events. © Because they think it’s important to be involved in the day-to-day care of oe ‘The survey made by the Equal Opportunities Commission Capea wy seseratictarmherGoe Nesp |g She ne mcecnet in : indny-to-day childcare and does not mind helping, ith San canis ee over the delunahg and washing-up -ifonly when his pares ‘sts him to. the EOC intoriewed stow ates and | 2 How do Enforcer Dad ww thet role in iter purners about theirhome and work ie Most fathers | uticare? urea wasimporontta be he’ forthe chen | aca asthe yey evente such as schoo! sports day, their first ty lppearance in the school play and for at least one meal a responsibility, Ter Many agreed that parenting classes would be a good b They teach their children discipline tray to give them more confidence around the home by setting an example for them. Foca on he suey va four tps tates were |g They Keep eden ame while dete frm the traditional ype of ad to The ple He roars Ne Dad who i as mach vor hag ce he ex basin aan even tere between these iO bpeS Its important for them to be In the fust category comes Enforcer Dad, the old involved in the day-to-day care of fashioned disciplinarian who does not sec himself is their children. in ey carts for ther retake | 3. How do Fully Involved Dads find time role model. ‘Most fathers do not sce this as their only role. to share childcare responsibilities with The two Biggest categories are Entertainer Dad and | theit partners? Ushi Dea eenaner'Dea te at his best Keeping Ns |g” They nin the home and the famly, thildren laughing while hi partner gels on with eae eee oe hot chres fel arnging tec col an Supe Reece aesigh he expects the mother tobe the -D- They ft their work commitments to ‘team leader’ in al) things domestic. their partner's arrangements. Finally, and probably every woman's dream. is Fully | ¢ They often leave the office early. involved Dea es equally engaged inronning the home | They think its thelr partner’ tthe family ani sees the rae of te father and the EE ET cay other as practically identical. Fully Tavelved Dads adjust lorrebay ee ther work snangements to their partners professional cir workplace. ee ae dette cdr commltrent: sad TOMA iea | gte Mallee Tea eeg topes one nh ns eategry Tere ae enantio Nap Sst ere nrg an eve pe, Julie Mellor, chairwoman of the FOC, said that fathers parents with equal pay and flexible were sfil not given enough flexibility at work and mothers working hours. Would fecl fully supported only if employers treated (and |) They should allow parents to work pc) both sexes ea. Murs art dads should Be ble ee ieee ae as Wek ati Foe how thy wan fo sore he reponies of een aaa Ca oe es have cual Pay, decent csldcare and € They should give women more nore opportunities to work flexible hours, many fathers support so they can take on more of Thal costove fo nd it hard tobe therefor tel children Ire ea eecicsste es a Ghd many women will continue to be disadvantaged at jis wets rot nce debt auneh fr ENS |g They shold pay women more cr botn mune and dads fomilyresporsibiites being because they are often disadvantaged ‘acknowledged,’ Mellor said in the workplace. ee ae a 60 Beranswer bey on page 160 FANIY URE 45 Writing p> movies Writing an argumentative essay 10 Look at the list below. Who is more important to you, your family or your friends, in relation to these things? Tick the box for each one. Family Friends homework music holidays sport food If you're working with a partner, discuss your answers. Talk about your reasons. ‘11 Read these sentences taken from essays about family and friends. Fill in the gaps with a suitable word from the fist below, Use each word only once. ‘There are two gaps in cach sentence. answer «think ~ factors » considering reasons ~ conclusion * importance © refer ever © Took 1 When ___ family and s simple tight or wrong 2. When we __ about this subject, it depends on which society we ___to. 3. There are a number of ___ why I believe ‘hat he family is still as Important as _. 4 thw at the issue of education, the ___ of the family is clear. $. Taking all these ___into account, my 1s that the role of family is changing, but it remains highly important. y, there isn't a Chea ro 12 Write an essay of 200-250 words tor or against this statement: People used to think that the family played an important role in society, but times have changed and now the farnily is much tess important. EXAM TIP When waiting essays, always spend time thinking about your ideas and opinions betore you try to start writing the essay. Record these in notes ~ either as lists or mind ‘maps. In your essay, use each main idea as the basis of a poragraph. 16 FAMILY UFE Speaking 55 mi Pict hased discussion DP 30 minutes 13 If you're working alone, answer each question in no more than three sentences. If you're working with a partner, discuss different ways of answering each question, 1 What was your first day at school like? How. did you feel? 2 What is it you're going to miss most when you leave schoal? Why? 3. How do married couples help each other? 4 Should everybody get married? 44 Read these sentences, Think about their meaning and what may be missing in the gaps. Then choose the correct phrase from. the list underneath to complete the sentences. 1. Your schoo! education has a significant effec on ___ your life. 2 School isn’t as important as university, where you make __ what to study for your career. 3. Most people want to start a family, and marriage 1s __. this. 4 ‘The partnership of marriage is individuals sharing a home. two. your own choice of = the rest of the first step towards © more than just Eee 10 415 ‘The two photos show different tuming points in life. Which image do you think represents a more important turning point? Why? Compare and contrast the pictures. EXAM TIP Don't worry if you can’t thik of much to say in the ‘exam. Start with straightforward observations ~ things ‘which are easy and clear to say about the photo or photos ~ and build on these until you reach more complex ideas. Smart answer key on pave 160,

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