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Date: 3/11/17


- I want to know some brief background information about Venezuela.

- What are the problems in this country?


- Venezuela located at South America near Columbia, Guyana, and Brazil.

- Capital: Caracas

- Major language is Spanish

- Major religion is Christianity

- President: Nicolas Maduro

- Venezuela is one of the most famous countries in the production of oil.

- Venezuela is known for its various resources which are diamonds, gold, flammable gas,
gold, bauxite, press mineral, hydroelectric power.

- Venezuela is part of the (OPEC) international organization.

- Problems: shortages of food and medicines, economic crisis, hyperinflation, and poverty.
Analysis and opinion:

- I have heard that Venezuela is an oil country but there are many more resources that they

- When I was in the middle school, I learned about OPEC and now I see it again with
Venezuela. Therefore, I think that it may be something important to know.

- I thought that Venezuelas main language is English but they mainly speak Spanish.

- I thought that Venezuela is a rich country but they also face to the problems of economic
and poverty.


- Venezuela country profile. (2017, November 1). Retrieved November 3, 2017, from

- Venezuela Natural Resources. (2017, January 11). Retrieved November 3, 2017, from

-Venezuela's worst economic crisis: What went wrong?. (2017, May 4). Retrieved November
3, 2017, from
Date: 10/11/17

Questions: What are the causes and effects of the issues in Venezuela?


-Venezuela has the world's biggest oil sources. Around 95% of Venezuela's salary originated
from its exportation of oil. In any case, things got really ghastly when oil costs started to
dive in 2014. Venezuela's state-run oil association, PDVSA, hasn't paid the associations that
help extricate its oil, for instance, Schlumberger (SLB). In this manner, those association
began to reduce operation with PDVSA.

-More than 70% of the Venezuelans lost a normal of 8.7 kilos of weight and around 9.6
million of population eat just two or less suppers daily, because of the increase of inflation

-Poverty cause education problems, since individuals can't bear the cost of training for their
children and it can lead to child development issue. According to Department for Education
statistics, children that are from low-income families are less likely to perform well in
school. Poverty makes children living in poverty more likely to gain bad health attitude,
behavior and mental illness as they grow older. Youngster who are poor are typically unfit to
perform in social, which will gravely affect the youngster confidence and companionships.
This can also lead the child to become more violence. Children living in a family where the
head of the family are unemployed were most likely to commit crimes.

Analysis and opinion:

- I was curious that why are there so many problems in Venezuela while they are holding the
big source of oil. Finally, I know that they do not pay for the association that help extricate
oil. Their mistake made the big problem to the whole country. They should be careful and
save their main income as much as they can. They should manage more carefully to prevent
the problem like this.

- Venezuela does not have well-organized on their economy. There are some problems
happened such as inflation which affects Venezuelans life. It is quite sad because some
children do not go to school and do not eat enough because of poverty.


- Graham, L. (2017, February 20). Venezuelas crisis causes its people to cut meals and lose
weight. Retrieved November 10, 2017, from

- 5 Effects of Poverty. (2017, April 23). Retrieved November 10, 2017, from
Date: 23/11/17

Questions: What are the suggestions to improve the country?


- Investing money on infrastructure.

- Install water purifiers.

- Hire soldiers to protect those areas and adjust the law to be stricter.

- Create a program that borrow money from other foreign countries.

Analysis and opinion:

There are many ways that they can do to improve their country.

Investing money on infrastructure, the country is more likely to attract foreign investors. I
think it may help to increase the countrys income.

Install water purifiers because they should provide clear water for their people. A lot pf
Venezuelas citizen do not have clear water to drink. Their health will be worst.

Hire soldiers to protect those areas and adjust the law to be stricter. The country should be
protected from inside and outside.

Create a program that borrow money from other foreign countries. However, they need to
make sure that the other will trust them and let them borrow.

References: -
Date: 24/11/17

Questions: Where (city or province) is the problem worse in your country - local level -
and state information/data/statistics showing how/why it is worse?


Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela: children and

adolescents aged under 18 years experiencing
drinking water deprivation, by smaller administrative
divisions, 2011 (Percentages).

The map shows the Venezuelan states. The ones in green have a poverty rate below the
average and in the red ones.

The states that had a poverty index below

the 2002 average of 48.6% were the Capital
District (29.2%), Miranda (34.9%), Vargas
(35.1%), Anzoategui (35.1%), Nueva Esparta
(40.7%), Delta Amacuro (48.1%) and Aragua
Analysis and opinion:

- Not the whole country has a serious problem of hunger and poverty.

- It was really hard to find the information about the cities that have poverty and hunger
problem. Moreover, the reasons of these problems are not mentioned in the text so we
have to guess by reasonable. For me, it was not easy to do this question.

-In my opinion, the city that located far from the sea will have higher rate of poverty and
water deprivation because the areas around the sea can do the marketing easier. They can
exchange thing with other countries easier.

- The information is not enough to conclude.


- Venezuela, RB. (n.d.). Retrieved November 24, 2017, from

- Guide to Estimating Child Poverty. (n.d.) Retrieved November 24, 2017, from
Date: 30/11/17


- What should the cards look like? (Template)

- How can the players know that they answer correctly or not?

- The answer should be in the separate paper?

- Assign each member role.


- We decided to group the cards into four colors (four topics) which are yellow, red blue,
and green.

- Rock, paper, and scissor will decide the one who gain point each round if the players can
both answer the question or both cannot.

- The answer will be on the card so only the one who ask the question can see it.

- I and Minnie will be focusing on the design of cards first, while Jump and Win will start to
think about the questions and answers.

- The template was designed in computer.

Analysis and opinion:

- I like that we worked as a group. We gave our opinion about the design of the card and we
helped and planned together to put the information into the card. We can finished to draft
the template.

References: -
Date: 27/11/27

Questions: Think about the questions and answers on the cards.


1. What is the main cause of widespread hunger and political instabilities?

Answer: Wars for the ownership of dictatorship in 19th and 20th centuries.

2. Why did the organizations that assist Venezuela's state-run oil organization to extract oil
stop cooperating?
Answer: PDVSA hasn't paid the organizations that assisted them extract its oil.

3. What caused the improvement plans by President Carlos Andrs Prez to go unused?
Answer: coup d'etat

4. What effects does poverty have on child development?

Answer: Poverty causes education problems and makes children gain bad health attitude and
mental illnesses as they grow older. This can also lead to them being more violent.

5. What happened to the well-being of Venezuelans when the inflation rate increased?
Answer: The Venezuelans lost an average of 8.7 kilos of weight. Around 9.6 million of
population eat only two or fewer meals a day.
Attribute: Scissor

6. Question: What is the cause of inflation?

Answer: The government had insufficient revenue so they pumped out money rapidly
resulting in tremendous inflation rate.
Attribute: Scissor

Analysis and opinion:

- I can finish to create the questions quite fast because the information is ready and we can
summarize those information and put it on the card immediately.

- I think these cards will help the players gain the information about Venezuela. I tried to
play it and it helped me to review very well.

References: -
Date: 1/12/27

Goal: Finish the product.

Summary: Today we bring the cards to cut and glue together. However, we cannot finish it
in class so we continue doing it after school.

Analysis and opinion:

- I think the fastest way to finish is to distribute the work for each member. Therefore, we
decided to work separately.

- Finally, we can finish to create the cards.

References: -

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