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The film "Rizal in Dapitan" is about the life of Jose Rizal (Albert Martinez) while he was inside the
Dapitan. He was detained because of his opposition to the friars and
Spanish Goverment, which caused his exile in Dapitan.

During the early days of his stay in Dapitan. He is forced to turn to God by his friend who is a priest,
Fr. Obach (Chris Michelena). He still stood on his position which caused leaving of the parish. Rizal
made his stay very significant in Dapitan where not only was he become an ordinary prisoner but he also
became a physician, teacher, engineer and agriculturist.

Rizals mother, Doa Teodora Alonzo (Rustica Carpio) and Sister Mary (Candy Pangilinan) and Narcisa
(Tess Dumpit) came to Dapitan as his request to be with them bringing with them a bad news about
Leonors death. Because of the news, Rizal was gob smacked making himself losing to reality.

Until one day, he met the adopted daughter of George Taufer--- Josephine Bracken (Amanda Page).
Josephine came to the Philippines to accompany his step father and see Rizal for consultation. Rizal was
not able to treat Brackens father, she left with the promise of coming back to the Philippines.

Bracken kept her promise. Rizal and Bracken planned to get married. They asked the priest to bless and
wed them. The Priest was hesitant to give what they both wants not until Rizal turns back to the
Catholic Church. For wanting to be married, they still got married even if the presence of a priest is not
their. Their relationship went well until Rizal found out Brackens infedility causing their fight which
resulted her miscarriage.

The movie ended with the farewell of people to Rizal before leaving for Cuba with his loved ones.

Olive M.
Historical Content

a) Rizal as a Community Developer

He decided to improve the place using his talents and to awaken the civic consciousness of the
local people. He constructed the towns first water system wherein the supply comes from a little
mountain stream across the river from Dapitan and follows the contour for the whole distance. He
spent months in draining the marshes to get rid of malaria that infested Dapitan. He equipped the
town with a lighting system which consist of coconut oil lamps placed in dark streets of Dapitan.

b.) Rizals romantic story

Of all the attractive women who aroused Rizals romantic interest, Josephine Bracken was
something else for him. She was the only woman whom he married and had a child with but then
later on died due to miscarriage. After finding out Leonors death, he fell in love with Josephine
and all along she was always with him since she got back from Hongkong to reunite with Rizal.
Josephine became a good wife to Rizal by serving him and in return, Rizal takes good care of her
and loved her very much.

c.) A Reformist or Revolutionary

Rizal wanted changes or reforms; assimilation. He wanted that Filipinos will be given rights that
they deserve. He did not choose to start a revolution because he knew that the Philippines was not
yet ready to stand on its own during his time. He used his liberal ideas rather in asking for the
reforms. Despite of not supporting the revolution, he still have contributed in this revolution
somehow as his works and writings were the corner stone of the revolution; He was the
inspiration for the Katipuneros during those time. I consider more of as a reformist evidenced by
his works and writings.

d.) Rizals Political views and religious beliefs

Rizal is called a Mason; he was attracted to Masonry precisely because the fraternity accepted all
persons of good will who believed in a Supreme Being. Masonry believes in the equality of all
people which he was wanting for his fellow Filipinos to have. It was democratic which was not in
accord with the teachings of the Catholic Church. Rizal gave the greatest importance to human

Olive M.
capacity to reason. His Christianity did not rely on friar orders and not even follow mandatory
performance of religious rituals, sacraments and ceremonies. In his political view, Philippines
should not be taken advantage of instead be developed, educated and trained. Despite of how the
Spanish Government treated our country, he was bitter enough to criticize in his writings the
apparent backwardness of Spanish Government methods.

Flaws of the movie

In the film, as we remember Pablo Mercado, who presented himself to Rizal as his nuclear family
member, had a fight to him because he is suppose to be assassinated. But, in the true historical context
the fight did not take place. First, Rizal gives the traditional hospitality that the Filipinos have, given it a
break and a talk under the moonlight, and he let Pablo Mercado sleep to his house. After that, he let
Mercado leave his house at the early morning. After his knowing that Mercado is still in Dapitan, he
reported the event to Captain Juan Sitges, whom from that time is the provincial captain of Dapitan. He
reported that there is a man pretending to be his cousin and he has a suspicious on it. Then, the captain
make a move and assigned Anastacio Adriatico to take the investigation and they found out that
Mercado's true name is Florencio Namanan a spy of the Recollect friars to take a espinage to Rizal's
letter to his compatriot based in Manila. And the arrest of Namanan takes place but, days later Captain
Sitges released the spy. On the other hand, to inform his family in Manila, Rizal send letter to his
brother-in-law Manuel Hidalgo stating about what happen to him and to the espinage happening. Rizal
was not threatened to kill nor fought with that impostor.

Also, they did not portray Rizal having the capabilities of talking and writing in Bisayan. Under the
letter of Rizal to Blumentritt he identify that he already learn how to speak Bisayan. Lastly, they did not
present that Narcisa and his daughter Angelica, 3 of his nephew, and 6 of his students accompany him to
Manila cruise via Steamer Espana. Not like in the film, they portrayed that it is only Josephine Bracken
only accompanying him in the trip.

Olive M.
Technical Aspects

In films and screenplays, the technical aspects always have a significant role to perform. Facets like the
casting, script, and music are the primordial technicalities that are checked and critics are given. The
casting of the film was decisively done. The Actors and actresses have been integrated to produce a
more realistic film. The portrayal of Albert Martinez as Rizal was excellent because of the firmness in
movements and formality he had done. Rizal seemed to be a notable intellectual in the film like what he
really is in reality.

Amanda Page as Josephine Bracken was also commendable because considering Josephines
nationality; Amanda portrayed her role very well. These major characters have been supported by the
roles of Teodora Alonso, Maria, Narcisa, and many others that had contributed as to how Rizal has been
shaped into a laudable individual.

The script was excellent because the facts were formally presented. The choices of music were also
good because it made the scenes be more dramatic and realistic. The only problem I encountered with
the film is when Albert delivers his lines; some of it was not clear to confuse me with the scene.

The cinematography was really good because the effects used made the film back into the Century.
The totality of the film was a harmonious collaboration of all its inferior respects that contributed to a
perfectly organized output. The different aspects of the film have been an efficacious toll in educating
the ignorant minds of the present generation. The knowledge on what happened to Rizal in Dapitan has
been stated as factual as possible and this would surely be an efficient way for the viewers like me to
understand the context of Rizals exile in Dapitan.

Olive M.
Did Rizal have a bad life in Dapitan?

As exiled to Dapitan, Rizal seemed to have had a good life. He was able to do things according to what
he desires and contributed a lot to the local people of Dapitan.

Somehow I think Rizal did not even bother nor worry that he was isolated to the place where he should
be. I reckon he did have a good life during his last years knowing that he developed the community for
everyones convenience, he even was able to treat people as being an ophthalmologist, and of course
because of his talents; he would not have known his last love, Josephine Bracken.

Rizal was amazingly admired by everyone and because of his modesty and generosity, he was accepted
by the local people of Dapitan as not a prisoner but someone who they trust and believe that helped them
and qualified enough to educate their sons. By this he got along well with these people and lived as a
common person.

He contributed so much in Dapitan and for that he is still remembered today. His developed works and
built houses in Dapitan are preserved well and will always be treasured.

Olive M.

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