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Strategic Plan 2013-2015

Governing Board of Directors

Maria Gutzeit, President

B. J. Atkins, Vice President
Kathy Colley
Daniel Mortensen
Lynne Plambeck

District Management
Stephen L. Cole, General Manager
Michael Alvord, Director of Operations
Karin Russell, Director of Finance/Admin. & Board Secretary

Newhall County Water District Strategic Plan 2013 1

Table of Contents

Message from the Board of Directors and General Manager.....................................3

Strategic Plan Overview....................................................................................................4

Strategic Planning Process................................................................................................6

Mission Statement and Core Values................................................................................7

Vision Statement................................................................................................................8

Strategic Elements and Goals..........................................................................................8


Resource Management.............................................................................................11

Operations and Asset Management.......................................................................13

Organizational Efficiency...........................................................................................15

Financial Management.............................................................................................17

History of Newhall County Water District.......................................................................19

Appendix A Definitions....................................................................................................21

Appendix B Plan Development & Continuation Process............................................22

2 Newhall County Water District Strategic Plan 2013

A Message From the Board of Directors and General Manager

Dear Customers,

We are pleased to present Newhall County Water Districts 2013-2015

Strategic Plan. For more than 60 years, Newhall County Water District has
served its customers with quality drinking water at a reasonable cost. True to
the Districts history, we have taken a proactive approach in continuing to
meet the changing needs of this community.

In service to our customers, the Board of Directors and District Management

have focused on a living Strategic Plan presenting five strategic goals to
address the current and future challenges and opportunities facing our
District. This Plan also identifies the necessary measures to ensure the District
remains productive and successful.

Through this Plan, the Newhall County Water District Board of Directors and our
dedicated employees reaffirm our pledge to provide excellent water service
to you, the residents and businesses of the Santa Clarita Valley.

Stephen L. Cole, Maria Gutzeit,

General Manager President of the Board of Directors for
Newhall County Water District

Newhall County Water District Strategic Plan 2013 3

Strategic Plan Overview

Newhall County Water District (District) is business processes more efficiently and
pleased to present its 2013-2015 Strategic effectively, and to improve our customers
Plan. This Plan is a living document, used to experience.
guide our operations and decision-making,
while maintaining a steadfast commitment This Plan adopts the motto of doing more
to strong fiscal stewardship. with less and in a more competitive
environment. We are
committed to responsible
stewardship of resources and
financial accountability of
every dollar for the benefit of
our customers.

This has required some

innovative policymaking and
implementation. For example,
we have been able to reduce
staff by 13 percent, mostly
through attrition, and the
District is within a few years
of implementing a pay-as
you-go funding policy.

The District has been

aggressively replacing
The strategies, objectives and goals its infrastructure, but still, a large
of this Plan will guide the future of our portion of our infrastructure is
District. Initiatives supporting our goals are more than 50 years old and will
contingent on appropriate funding levels. continue to degrade over time.
This Plan identifies actions, activities, and
planning efforts which are currently active Capital investments are
and needed for continued success in required to upgrade, maintain
operations and management of the and replace infrastructure.
District. We are committed to stretching Environmental and regulatory
every dollar for the benefit of our customers. requirements for treating water
We are committed to utilizing developing continue to be even more
technology to cut costs, manage internal stringent and treatment technologies

4 Newhall County Water District Strategic Plan 2013

will continue to evolve. Costs of Newhall County Water District is a
importing water have and are public agency, a Special District of
expected to continue increasing the State of California. We provide
significantly over the next five years, water to more than 44,000 residents
a situation outside of NCWDs control. in portions of the City of Santa Clarita
The District continues to refine and and unincorporated Los Angeles
streamline its water rate structure to County communities, including
assist its customers in achieving water Newhall, Canyon Country, Valencia
use efficiency. and Castaic. The District traces its
roots back to 1913, when it became
The District is governed by a the Santa Clarita Valleys first public
five-member Board of Directors water utility. Our commitment is to
elected by voters to four-year terms. continue to be an important part of
Customers can find their Board the Santa Clarita Valley community,
member representatives name and providing quality water and quality
bio on the Newhall County Water service to our customers.
District website (

Newhall County Water District Strategic Plan 2013 5

Strategic Planning Process
The following flow chart shows how Strategic Goals and resultant actions
are linked to the Core Values, Mission and Vision of the District:







6 Newhall County Water District Strategic Plan 2013

D. Mission Statement and Core Values

The Mission of NCWD is to provide quality water service at a reasonable cost

by practicing careful stewardship of natural resources, utilizing innovative
measures, and providing a quality working environment.

NCWD Core Values:

We are committed to meeting or exceeding every Federal and State

standard for public health and safety.

We are committed to vigorously protecting the water supplies of the District

from contamination or degradation and ensuring supply availability.

We are committed to an efficient and cost effective operation.

We are committed to prudent management of the Districts infrastructure

and resources.

We are committed to providing excellent customer service including public

information and outreach.

We are committed to long range planning.

We are committed to responsible regional and community relationships.

We are committed to conducting our business in an open, honest and

ethical manner.

Newhall County Water District Strategic Plan 2013 7

E. Vision Statement

The Vision of NCWD is to provide long term availability of high quality water
through leadership and collaborative partnerships.

F. Strategic Elements and Goals

Strategic Elements and Strategic Goals represent the vital areas of the Districts
operation, planning, and management. Strategic Elements are derived from
the foundational Mission, Core Value, and Vision statements of the District. They
are linked to action through Strategic Goals within the five-year period serving to
assure important areas of the District are well supported and moved forward per
Board direction. Strategic Elements and supportive Strategic Goals are presented
in the following five (5) sections. The District staff creates an annual Work Plan
to accomplish each goal.

The Strategic Elements are:


Resource Financial
Management Management

Operations Organizational
and Asset

8 Newhall County Water District Strategic Plan 2013


E stablish a wide range of beneficial relationships

to strengthen the District by promoting and
sustaining effective communication between
the District, its customers the community and

Newhall County Water District Strategic Plan 2013 9

Customer Relations

Reach out to understand and anticipate customers needs

Develop and implement programs which build relationships with our

customers meeting their needs

Community and Stakeholder Relations

Ensure permanence of Assembly Bill 134 and the importance of separation

between wholesale and retail operations

Facilitate open and transparent two-way communication between the

District and the community

Actively participate in leadership roles in professional, industry and

community organizations

Pursue mutually beneficial partnerships on common issues to support

the Districts goals and objectives

Governmental Relations

Maintain positive relationships with local, city, county, state and

other inter-governmental agencies

Pursue legislative advocacy

10 Newhall County Water District Strategic Plan 2013


M anage water resources and pursue new

water sources to insure a sustainable
supply by strategic collaboration, using
sound water efficiency methods,
evaluating technical information and
carefully monitoring supply and demand

Newhall County Water District Strategic Plan 2013 11

Manage NCWDs Water Efficiency Target (WET) Programs

Continue to develop and promote water efficiency policies

Implement a water efficiency strategy to achieve compliance with

20x2020 legislation

Integrated Regional Water Resource Planning

Participate in regional organizations to assist in developing programs

and projects enhancing the health of the local water resources

Water Supply Reliability Program

Vigorously protect Districts historical usage of local groundwater

Maintain and further develop a diversified portfolio of water supplies,

including; imported water; local groundwater; recycled water;
water use efficiency; supplemental water; and alternative
water supplies

Partner with other SCV water suppliers to ensure necessary

water banking and supplemental water programs

Water Quality Monitoring and Protection Program

Actively pursue the protection and enhancement of local

groundwater resources

Achieve all water quality standards

12 Newhall County Water District Strategic Plan 2013

and Asset

C ost effectively maintain, replace and construct

infrastructure to provide a safe and reliable
water supply for current and future customers by
using quality materials, progressive methods, and
continuing preventive maintenance programs.

Newhall County Water District Strategic Plan 2013 13

Plan, design and construct facilities using the most efficient, innovative
and reliable technologies.

Focus on implementing innovative design and technological solutions

to support achievement of all strategic objectives

Maintain a Highly Effective Asset Management Program

Maintain and fund Long Range Capital Improvement Program (CIP)

Provide preventative routine maintenance to the Districts infrastructure

Identify and catalog the Districts critical assets and systematically
develop a replacement and restoration program

14 Newhall County Water District Strategic Plan 2013


C reate and maintain an organizational culture

promoting innovation, teamwork, integrity,
leadership and efficiency. Ensure employment
and retention of high quality, motivated workforce
by providing competitive compensation and
benefits, safe workplace, and opportunities for
training and development.

Newhall County Water District Strategic Plan 2013 15

Employee training, career development and retention

Maintain a workforce planning and career development program

providing organization staffing assessments, education and training

Commitment to be a leader in developing sustainable solutions for

resolving long-term benefit liabilities

Establish a clear policy for Districts standards of work achievement,

work environment, safe work practices and personnel evaluation

Communicate work expectations and quality standards on a

regular basis utilizing performance feedback sessions, coaching
and other methods

Ensure appropriate training for Board of Directors and staff

Periodically review and update the District Strategic Plan

16 Newhall County Water District Strategic Plan 2013


M anage operating revenues and

expenses to maximize value to the
customer. Monitor short and long-term
finances to provide appropriate
financial data for making decisions
while providing a transparent
commitment to financial excellence.

Newhall County Water District Strategic Plan 2013 17

Commitment to financial excellence

Comply with accounting and financial reporting regulations

Employ performance based budgeting which continues ensuring revenue

covers all the Districts financial obligations

Maintain a strong financial position providing for short and long-term

District needs

Maintain a reserve fund providing for the variables associated with

District funding requirements

Financial transparency and accountability to customers and public

Assure critical financial issues impacting customers are adequately

communicated to the public

Provide timely financial reporting to the Board and the public

Manage and invest cash to maximize yield, minimize risk and meet
cash flow requirements

Long range planning

Manage revenue programs to provide for replacement, system

betterment, and meeting regulatory requirements

Ensure developer agreements are supporting the funding of

long-term master plans

Ensure budget has addressed and is providing for a long range

CIP program

18 Newhall County Water District Strategic Plan 2013

History of Newhall County Water District

In 2013, Newhall County Water District celebrated 60 years of service

in the Santa Clarita Valley. However, the Districts roots can be traced
back one century.

In fact, the origins of the present day water district begin 1913 when
the former Newhall Water Company was created. At that time, it used
six underground wells to supply less than 300 people in the southern-
most district of the Santa Clarita Valley.

The present day Newhall County Water District was officially formed
in January 13, 1953, by a vote of the people who decided it was in
the best interest of the community to have a public agency operating
the water system. The private Newhall Water Company was sold for
$130,000, and is now governed by five publicly elected directors
accountable directly to the Districts customers.

Newhall County Water District Strategic Plan 2013 19

Today, the District covers approximately a 34-square mile service area
and serves more than 44,000 residents in Newhall, Castaic, Pinetree and
Tesoro. Each year, the District delivers more than 3 billion gallons of
water or approximately 10,000 acre-feet, the standard measurement
for water. Importantly, nearly 60 percent of this water is sourced from
local groundwater wells. The District maintains an annual budget of
approximately $11 million for operating costs and $2 million for capital

Under the guidance of this Strategic Plan, the District is well suited
to provide a safe, reliable and cost-effective service to the local
community for another 100 years.

20 Newhall County Water District Strategic Plan 2013

Appendix A


1. Mission Statement: A declaration of an organizations purpose. Ideally,

all activities of the District should be in support of the Mission Statement.

2. Vision Statement: Describes the program and its potential impact in the
future. A Districts Vision Statement provides a framework to achieve long
range goals through strategic action plans.

3. Core Values: Statements of principal beliefs to which the District and its
employees are committed. Activities and the general business of the
District should be conducted with the Core Values in mind.

4. Strategic Issues/Elements: These are the broad, primary areas of District

operations, planning, and management that need to be addressed and
supported by Strategic Goals/Objectives to ensure optimum progress.

5. Strategic Goals/Objectives: Strategic Actions are specific and measurable

activities or targets addressing the strategic elements.

6. Work Plan: Day-to-day actions and projects (not covered in detail in the
Strategic Plan) designed so the Strategic Goals are accomplished.

Newhall County Water District Strategic Plan 2013 21

Appendix B

Plan Development and Continuation Process

In 2005, the Board of Directors retained the following plan elements: Mission
BHI Management Consulting to facilitate Statement, Core Values, Strategic
and coordinate the initial Strategic Elements, and initial work on Strategic
Plan development. BHI first gathered Goals. A steering committee consisting
input from District employees at two of the Board president and upper
meetings. The following items were management worked with BHI to
discussed; mission statement, core complete the list of Strategic Goals
values, current and future issues. The and refine the Plan prior to presentation
Board supported this process as a way to the full Board for review and final
to allow all employees to participate in approval.
the foundation of the Strategic Plan.
BHI then asked the Board of Directors to Since then the Districts Plan has been
complete a questionnaire that was used proactively updated on a frequent
to begin defining the framework for the basis by the Districts Board and staff.
desired plan elements for the District. The Plan will be continually monitored
Two Board/upper management and reviewed.
workshops were conducted to develop

22 Newhall County Water District Strategic Plan 2013

Tel. (661) 259-3610
23780 North Pine Street Newhall, CA 91321

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