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List any honors or awards you have received for academic excellence in high school or at special events
such as science contests, writing contests, etc.


- 1st Runner Up (Dramatic Grade 7 Basic Education Department


- Kampeon (Poetic Joust) Grade 9 Basic Education Department

- Best Supporting Actress (Play Grade 9 Basic Education Department


- Academic Awardee (3rd Qtr) Grade 10 Basic Education Department

- Clubs & Orgs Awardee (PRU) Grade 10 Basic Education Department

18. List your extra-curricular activities in the last three years. Indicate the positions or special
responsibilities you held. Include also other skills/talents in music, arts, debate, etc.


Public Relations Unit President Grade 10

Student Coordinating Council Class Representative Grade 11

Socio-Cultural Committee Committee Head Grade 9

Leadership Training Congress (St. Paul College Pasig) Grade 9

Teatro Tanglaw Grade 10 - 11

- PHOTOGRAPH (Play Production) Promotions Committee Head Grade 10

Dance Theater Arts Grade 9

GALINATO, Khriszna Yndranei R.

Everything I experienced and accomplished for the past 18 years helped define who I am today.
Everything I went through guided me to discover the potentials and capabilities I never thought I
possess and definitely, lead me to see things in a different light. Everything that happenedgood and
bad, ups and downs, success and failures, contributed to shaping the very person writing this essay.
However, as what the instructions require, I will only share one.

Timing is more important than being ready. One of the characters in one of the dramas I have
watched said this line towards a girl who was about to confess to a guy she likes. The said line can
mean a lot of different things but based on my own understanding and interpretation, timing is
crucial, especially to grabbing opportunities. Whether you are ready or not, it does not matter.
Everything falls into place with the perfect timing.

I have been performing ever since I learned how to speak. From declamations to singing to
dancing to playing the piano. The stage, big or small, has always been my second home. I had
confidence and I always believed in my self. Unfortunately, stepping into a university that is much
huger compared to my previous school got me weak in the knees. Of course, I was still adjusting to
the community back then. I was testing the waters. As time went by, I saw how people were better
than me. I saw how big of a room there was for me to improve on. I knew that a voice deep inside of
me screamed I can do it! I can go along with their pace! I was born ready!. Yes, I believed in that
because I had my fair share of experience but something was stopping me. Gradually, I lost
confidence and had these doubts. I realized that my world got bigger and I became smaller.

To cut the story short, I became the shy and quiet type of person. My life was basically dull and
banal. During the time I was in 8th grade, I learned about the line mentioned earlier. It dawned upon
me that maybe I do need the perfect timing in order to show everyone what I am capable of. And to
my surprise, it proved me right. There were a lot of opportunities knocking on the door, begging to
be opened and grabbed. But I waited for the right time, exact minute and perfect moment. I
performed Shylocks Defense from the play The Merchant of Venice of William Shakespeare. And
that performance lead me to portray a character in our play production which lead me to win best
supporting actress and that lead me to who I am today.

With Gods guidance and grace, everything went absolutely well. Ever since that experience, I
have always stood by the said line. Now, I am not only a performer in school but also a student leader.
Also, I was able to prove something to myself and discover things about myself through that
experience. Maybe I was not ready or maybe I was. Maybe it was not all about timing. But it has
worked for me and maybe it will work for others too.

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