Police Incident Report Pope-Brocato 082410

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Baker CounWSheriffs Office

Milchell Soulhwlck, Sheliff

3410K Street
BakerCity,OR 97814

IncidentReport: ezotoor
Curerl4s Of: Monday,Auglsi 30,2010

offe'se, pTSTURBANCE Repoded 8l24l2A1O Rcvd 8:38PM Dispalcreri 49155

Deparlmant al242a1! Disp 8:38Pl\4 Ottc€ri 40916
End 81241201A Ckd 9:23PII
Locaaior: 19903rdSt
crtystalei Bakercily API: Gn.!: 104
,rcrdert a.eportofa
Dspatchreceived Disturbance. Plaza
Ofiicer and
responded w
cleared th @ntact'

l.volvement N.me/Address Phone/CommentDOB
Mentioned aLAND,Jasof Philip 812412010
BRoCATO,StephenJoseph 4D4t2010
16551s t St

BRYAN,AndrewCook M at24l2a10
st #3
BakerCiiy OR
cHRlSTlE,Chrisiopher 8/24t2014
198515t hSl
BakerCiiy OR
Bakeroiiy OR
20012rd sT
BakerCity OR
Incident Report: P2o'loo1068
curant As Ot Augusl30,2010

WATKINS, at2412010

Curcnt,4sOf. Monday,August30,2010


Action Taken
Oficer ZacharyDowning
August2 8 ,2 0 1 0

On August24,2010at about2043hoursI responded withOfficerPlazato the disturbance at
1990td St. BakerCity,OR. As I walkedup to the scene behind the Yervasi Law officelsaw
AndrewBryan,MiloPope,ChrisChristieand JenniferWatkinstalkingto one another. Officer
plazawasialkingwithJasonBlandfurtherdownthe sidewalk on Washington St. I askedJennifer
whatwas goingon and she told me she was not sure. She told me SteveBrocaloand Jason
Blandhadsomewordswitheachotherbutshetoldme shedid notknowwhathappenedl asked
herwhereStevewas and shetoldme shethoughthe was insidethe officestill At thistimeI
couldhearJasontellOfficerPlazathat he wasassaulted by Steve.I walkedintothe office
throughthe backdoorand sawSleveBrocatowalkingdownthe hallway.I askedStevewhat
happenedand he toldme JasonBlandand ChrisChristie werephotographing themwhenthey
steppedout of the officebecauseMilowas not at the city councilmeeting like Jason and Chris
thoughthe shouldhavebeen. Hetoldme he andJasongot intoan argumentaboutit l asked
Stev; if it gol physicalbetweenthe two of themand he replied,"No, I did not touchhim "

I did notseeanysignson Stevethat led meto believehe hadbeenin a fight l walkedback

outsideto talkwithofficerPlaza.officefPlazawas interviewing chris and I spokewithJason
who toldme howhe lhoughtit was wronglhat Milo was having beer and pizzawithSteve'who
has a lawsuit againstthe City of Baker,and that l\4ilowas not at the city councilmeetingthat
evening.JasondidtellmethatSteveknockedhishatoffduringtheargumentbut latertold
OfficerPlazaand I that he did not wish to presscharges.



Date/ tD: 8t2at2o1o 45512 DOWNING, irciderri P201001068

Incident Report: P2o1oo1068
Curcnl AsOt MondayAugusl30,2010

Continuation Report

Action Taken
A ugust2 9 ,2 0 1 0

On August24,2010at about2043hours,SteveBrocatogot intoan argument withJasonBlandin
frontoi20012nd Slreet,BakerC1y,Oregon.Duringthe argument knocked
Brocato the baseball
hat Blandwaswearingoff of his head. Blanddid notwishto pursuecharges.

On August24,2O1O at about2043hours,lwas dispatched to Ace Hardware at 20012nd Street'
Bakerbity, Oregonfor the reportof JasonBlandtryingto starta fight WhileI was drivingto the
areadispatchadvisedBlandwas tryingto starta fightwith SteveBrocato.

When I arrivedto the area I saw AndrewBryan,JenniferWatkins,and Milo Pope'all of whomI

knewfromprevious contacts, talkingwithchristopher
ChristieandJasonBland'whomI later
identifiedby theiroregon Driver's licenses. Theywere now standingacrossthe streetfrom Ace
Hardware;n the southside of the road. OfficerDowningarrivednearthe sametime as me See
his supplemental reportfor furtherdetails.

WhenI gotoutof my car I was approachedby JasonBland Blandwas sayinghe was assaulted
by Stev; Brocatoandthateverybody elsetherehadtouchedhim Blandand lwalkedawayfrom
the groupandspoke.

Blandtold me he and Christiehad cometo the areato photographa meetingbetweenBryan,

Watkins,Brocato, and Pope. Blandsaidthe reasonwas becausePopewas currently skippinga
city councilmeetingto be there and he was concerneddue to the fact Brocatowas suingthe cily.
The meetingwas in Pope'sofficeat 19903rdSheet,BakerCity,oregon

Blandsaidhe was sittingin hiscarwhichwas parkedon the northsideof washingtonstreetand

christiewasabout1oofeetwestof himon hisbiketakingthe pictures.Blandtoldmethegroup
caughtChristietakingthe picturesand walkedacrossthe streelto confronthim

Blandsaid Popewalkedacrosslhe streetand got in frontof christie'sbike,straddlingthe front

tire. BlandheardPopecallchristiea creepandwalkedoverto assisthim. Blandarrivedto Pope
to confronthim and was approachedby Brocato.BlandstatedBrocatogot in his face and started
yeltingat himandthenflippedthe baseballhatoff of hisheadby hittingthe billwithhishand.
cr@ nrA sOr MondayA ugust30,2010

was goingto hit him. Theargument

by it and thoughtBrocato
Blandsaidhe feltthreatened
escalatedand proceededbackacrossthe slreetnearthe backof Pope'soffice Oncethe two
were separatedBrocatowent backinlo Pope'sofficeand calledthe police.

InextspokewithChristie.Christiesaidhe had beenthereto photograph

the meeting.Christie
saidat one pointBrocatocameoutsideand sawtheflashof hiscamera.Thewholegroupcame
outsideand everybodybut Brocatocameacrossthe street.

christiesaidPopecalledhima creepandsomeothernames Christie saidhe knewPopeand

did notfeelthreatenedby Popeswords.Christieaddedhe wasworriedPopemighttry to takeor
harmhiscameraso he securedit aroundhis neck Thegroupcontinued to arguewithChristie,
and Blandwalkedup fromhiscarand an argument startedbetweenhimand Pope. Christie said
Brocatothencamefromacrossthe street,got intoBland'sface,and beganyellingat Bland.
ChristiesaidBrocatothenknockedBland'shatoff hisheadby hittingthe bill

ChristiesaidBlandgotveryangrywhenhis halwas hit,he addedhe had neverseenBlandact

like that. The argumentthen escalatedand Popeand Bryanstartedto try and separatethe two
Christiesaidhe couldn'tprovidespeciflcdetailsaboutwhathappened thenbecausehe was
talkingto Watkins.

christiesaidthe afgumentacrossthe streetcontinuedto escalateuntilBrocatowas separated

fromthe two andwentinsideto callthepolice.We arrivedshortlyafter

I thenspokewithBryan.Bryantoldme abouthavingthe meetingwithfriendsand havingBrocato

tellthemthatsomeonewas outsidetakingpictures.Bryansaidtheythenwentoutsideto confront
Christie Bryansaidwhile
them. Bryansaidtheystartedacrossihe streetand Popeconfronted
popewai talkingto himhe noticedsomeonein a vehiclebehindthem. Bryanstartedtowardthe
vehicleandthenBlandgot out andwalkedtowardsthe group

Bryansaid Blandstartedto confrontPopeand then Brocatoand Blandstartedyellingat each

other. BryansaidBrocatoknockedthe hatoff of Bland'sheadandthenthe argument gotvery
heated. Bryansaid he and Popetriedto separatethe two and the argumentcontinuedacrossthe
street. Bry;n said acrossthe streetBrocatoand Blandwere slill yellingbackand forthand looked
as thoughtheymayfight. Bryansaidhe atsowasyellingat Blandandtryingto separate the h^'o
Afterthe two ieparatedBrocatowent insidePope'sofficeand calledthe police Bryansaid
besidestryingto separatethe two therewas no physicalcontact

I nextspokewithPope. Popetoldme aboutthe meetingwithhisfriendsandthenflndingout

someonewastalkingpicturesof them. when lheywentoutsidePopesaidhe walkedacrossthe
streetandtoldChrisiiewhathe thoughtof him. Popesaidwhilehe was talkingwithChristieBland
Incident Report: P2o1ool
CunertAsOfi Monday,

approachedthem. Popestatedhe and BlandarguedandthenBrocatoand Blandgot intoa more

heatedargument.PopesaidBrocatoknockedBland'shatoff andthenthe argument
popesaidhe triedto separateBrocatoand Blandandthe argument continuedacrossthe street.
Popeand Bryangotthe tur'oseparated
Eventually and Brocatowentinsideand calledthe police'
was verbalonly.
Popesaid besidestryingto separatethe two the confrontation

I thenwalkedoverandspokewith Blandagain.ltold Blandhe couldfilea harassment reportif

he wanted.Blandsaidhe did notwishto pursueanycriminal charges.BothBlandandChristie
requested a reportbe pulledto document the incident lexplainedto thema reportwasn'tgoing
to be pulledbutthe incidentwouldstillbe documented system
in our localelectronic

WhenI clearedthe areaI calleddispatchandadvisedthemon whathadhappened

the incidentper ChiefLohner'
On August27,2010the reportwas pulledto document



DateilD: a129t2010 40916 PLAZA,Erik lncident P20tA01A68

Officer'sSignature: Date:

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