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In biology, cell theory is the historic scientific theory, now universally conclusions about plants and animals, two

wo of the three tenets of cell

accepted, that living organisms are made up of cells. Cells are the theory were postulated.
basic unit of structure in all organisms and also the basic unit of
reproduction. With continual improvements made to microscopes over 1. All living organisms are composed of one or more cells
time, magnification technology advanced enough to discover cells in
2. The cell is the most basic unit of life
the 17th century. This discovery is largely attributed to Robert Hooke,
and began the scientific study of cells, also known as cell biology. Schleiden's theory of free cell formation through crystallization was
Over a century later, many debates about cells began amongst refuted in the 1850s by Robert Remak, Rudolf Virchow, and Albert
scientists. Most of these debates involved the nature of cellular Kolliker.[6] In 1855, Rudolf Virchow added the third tenet to cell
regeneration, and the idea of cells as a fundamental unit of life. Cell theory. In Latin, this tenet states Omnis cellula e cellula.[9] This
theory was eventually formulated in 1839. This is usually credited translated to:
to Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann. However, many other
scientists like Rudolf Virchow contributed to the theory. 3. All cells arise only from pre-existing cells

The three tenets to the cell theory are as described below: However, the idea that all cells come from pre-existing cells had in
fact already been proposed by Robert Remak; it has been suggested
1. All living organisms are composed of one or more cells. that Virchow plagiarized Remak and did not give him credit.[15]
(However, this is considered a controversy because non- Remak published observations in 1852 on cell division, claiming
cellular life such as viruses are disputed as a life Schleiden and Schawnn were incorrect about generation schemes. He
form.[1] See Non-cellular life.) instead said that binary fission, which was first introduced by
Dumortier, was how reproduction of new animal cells were made.
2. The cell is the basic unit of structure and organization in
Once this tenet was added, the classical cell theory was complete.
3. Cells arise from pre-existing cells.
Credit for developing cell theory is usually given to two scientists:
Theodor Schwann and Matthias Jakob Schleiden.] While Rudolf
Virchow contributed to the theory, he is not as credited for his
attributions toward it. In 1839, Schleiden suggested that every
structural part of a plant was made up of cells or the result of cells. He
also suggested that cells were made by a crystallization process either
within other cells or from the outside.[13] However, this was not an
original idea of Schleiden. He claimed this theory as his own, though
Barthelemy Dumortier had stated it years before him. This
crystallization process is no longer accepted with modern cell theory.
In 1839, Theodor Schwann states that along with plants, animals are
composed of cells or the product of cells in their structures.[14] This
was a major advancement in the field of biology since little was known
about animal structure up to this point compared to plants. From these
Cell Organelles cisternae red blood cells
mitochondria flattened stacked membrane folds carries oxygen, glucose
produces energy through cellular respiration liposome vesicle
rough endoplasmic reticulum small membrane bounded transport vesicles moves protein, lipid and carbohydrate
transport and storage peroxisome nuclear envelope
ribosomes microbodies found in animal cells surrounds the nucleus
create proteins glyoxysome vacuole
smooth endoplasmic reticulum microbodies found in plant cells contains food or water
creates lipids or fat centrioles cell membrane
chloroplast for cellular division and cellular separates cell contents from the environment
creates glucose microtubules
golgi apparatus provide internal support
supports structure and helps move
synthesis, packages and releases concentrate synthesized proteins nucleus
proteins or lipids
lysosomes information center of the cell
golgi body
contain hydrolytic enzymes for digestion nucleolus
protein or lipid enters the cytoplasm
cilia site of ribosome synthesis
hair like structures chromatin
where all chemicals take place
flagellum threadlike mass of DNA
tail skeletal
short sugar chains attached to proteins
contractile vacuole tissues attached by tendons to bones

pump water out of cell smooth

glyco lipids
tissues on the wall of the guts; the iris of the
lipids attached to proteins eye.

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