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Biological molecules

Introduction functions

The same types of components-proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates along in inorganic ions and
small molecules make up all living organism many of these are large or macromolecules these compound
can have many different functions and their structure relief this providing a firm basis from which to
understand biological function macromolecules are polymers build up from building blocks or monomers

At the end of these chapter you should able to

1. Explain the concept of a monomers and describe how monomers are joined and

2. Various type of biomolecules that is proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids

The monomers and how they are joined
The macromolecule type depends on the monomer unit employed. The order in which the monomers
are linked is necessary to the functions of the molecules. This order determines the biological shape of
the architecture of the molecule and this decides its biological properties. This order is hereditary. In
linking monomers together the basic reactions is condensation. Were two compound are linked water
molecules is removed to condensation there for joins monomers to form polymers the reverse process is
called hydrolysis. The monomers are directional so the chain of monomers itself is directional.

Types of biomolecules
Of all the large biomolecules, proteins are the most diverse structurally and functionally.

Many proteins such as enzymes are water-soluble whereas hair, hoof and feather are all tough,
resistant, and water-insoluble. The various kinds of proteins are selection chosen from 20 basic building
blocks or monomers. The amino acid sequence is unique in which kind of protein and gives rise to
unique structure, chemical behavior and function. Proteins are polypeptides linking amino acids by
peptides bonds, which is a kind of covalent bonding. The three dimensional structure of proteins is
unstable and high temperature can affect the molecule leading to denaturation which does not affect
the peptide bonds.
Each amino acid contains an amino group, a carboxyl group, and an R group or the side chain. This is the
R groups, about 20 different structures, in amino acids that distinguish them from others and give them
their unique characteristics. Some of these are large or small, water-soluble or not, basic or acidic or
aromatic (with benzene ring).

Shapes of protein molecules

Protein with structural role to support or strengthen has simple fibrous structures protein with
structural in water, e.g., collagen, keratin and silk fibroin. Two

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