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Double Double

MAED 3224
Subject: ( 1st grade math) Central Focus: ( Addition and Subtraction)

Common Core Objective: ( 1.OA.A.1: Use addition Date taught: 10/25/17

and subtraction within 20 to solve word
problems involving situations of adding to,
taking from, putting together, taking apart,
and comparing, with unknowns in all
positions, e.g., by using objects, drawings,
and equations with a symbol for the unknown
number to represent the problem)
Daily Lesson Objective:
Performance- S tudents will be able to add and subtract within 20 to solve word problems with

Conditions- Students will work in groups of 3 or 4 during the explore portion of the lesson and
independently to solve the exit ticket.
Criteria- 80% on exit ticket, 8 out of 10 points, will show mastery of this lesson.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills needed: S tudents should have understanding of addition and subtraction
within 20 and know their doubles ie: 1+1, 2+2, 3+3....

Activity Description of Activities and Setting Time
1. Engage Okay class, for the past few weeks in math you all 5 min
have been working on adding doubles. So like 2+2,
who can tell me what this equals?
-Call on child, let him/her respond
How do you know that equals 4?
-Allow child to express how he/she knows the
correct answer is 4. After child answers draw 2
triangles + 2 triangles on the board to show a
pictorial example of 2+2. Express to the class that
drawing pictures of the math problem can help solve
for the answer.
So for todays lesson, we are going to use our
knowledge of doubles to help us solve math word
problems. (Student) just explained to us that 2+2
equals 4, so if I asked what does 2+3 equal we can
use our knowledge of 2+2 to help solve this
- On the board draw the 4 triangles from the earlier
problem and explain to class that 4 is only 1 less
than 5 so using the double of 2+2 we know we can
add 1 more to get the answer of 5.
2. Explore -Divide students into groups of 3 or 4. Place on their 25-30 min
(including solutions of major tasks) desks containers full of (blocks).
Okay class, in front of you I just place down a
container full of (blocks). In your groups that I just
divided you in, you will be using the (blocks) to show
me how you could use doubles to help solve the
following problems:
-On smartboard have 2 word problems that you will
read to the class.
1. Brooke has 5 apples. Her father goes to the
store and buys 6 more apples. How many
apples did Brooke have?
2. Jonathan had a total of 13 basketball cards.
He accidentally threw some away and now
he only has 6. How many cards did Jonathan
throw away?
For both problems, on a piece of paper, I want you
to write the number sentence that the word problem
is asking you to solve. 5 +6=//13-_=6 (6+_=13) I
want you to draw a picture showing how your group
solved the problem using the (b locks). I want you to
write which double you used to help solve the
problem. Once your group is finished with a problem,
choose one person from your group to raise their
hand so I can come over to your group. Once I give
you an all clear, your group may proceed to work on
the next problem. Anybody have any questions?
-Allow students to ask questions.Repeat the first
word problem. Set timer for 20 minutes and let
students start their work.
**After I check a groups work for the first word
problem, read to that group the second word
-I will walk around the classroom and observe
(formative assessments) helping students if need
-Both problems can be solved multiple ways:
1. 5+5 and 1 more or 6+6 and 1 less
2. 7+7 and 1 less or 6+6 and 1 more
**Students can very well use other doubles they
know to solve the problems like for #2 5+5 and 3
3. Explain -After timer dings, I will ask several groups, based on 5
how they solved the problem, to show the class how
they solved their word problems. I will then express
to the class the way that group solved the problem.
So class, today we learned how knowing and using
our doubles can help us solve other math problems.
We just got done solving an addition and a
subtraction word problem, using what we can now
call the doubles strategy to help us solve the
4. Elaborate/Extend Struggling Students: I will explicitly show students
how to solve these problems, however since there
are multiple ways to solve this problem, students
will then show me how another way to solve this
Enrichment: Have student show me all as many
different doubles they could use to help solve both
5. Evaluate Exit Ticket:
(assessment methods) Blue has 17 pieces of candy. She ate several pieces
and now she only has 8 pieces left. How many
pieces of candy did Blue eat? Draw a picture
showing how you solved this word problem. Write an
equation for the word problem and write which
double you used to help solve this math problem
Student will receive:
3 points for conceptual understanding.
4 points for procedural fluency. ( 2 points for correct
equation and 2 points for showing which double
they used.)
3 points for problem solving.
Students need to get 8 out of 10 points to show
mastery of this lesson.
Materials/Technology: Smartboard, Pencils, Scrap Paper, Blocks

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