Why I Am Doing Mba

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In todays society there is a massive choice of career fields to choose from, With so
many career choices, finding the right educational program to enroll in can be a challenge but
if its business that you want to go into then its a good idea to enroll in a program that will
provide you with the requisite knowledge, skills and knowledge to fit right into the business
community or even for service as well. and an MBA program is the perfect choice. Despite the
fact that an MBA can be an expensive choice it is a richly rewarding undertaking..

1.What are my winning aspiration.

The first and foremost step of securing your dream job is to know what your dream job is?

Many people coming to the MBA are very clear about what they want to do post MBA and
where they want to be 5 10 years after they graduate.

For me doing MBA my winning aspirations are enhanced knowledge, skills a better human
being and the more important the confident in myself which could be strengthen me to ace any
difficulty o the life and the foremost is the leadership qualities

After completing MBA its helps me create opportunities like job in multinations and a
continues growth also I could establish my business my myself without any hesitations or
hurdles as MBA makes a Person a readymade business thats the beauty of MBA.

Below are some aspirations for doing MBA

High Salary Potential

Be Your Own Boss

Better Career Opportunities

Ideal for Networking


Worldwide recognition of its credentials

Enhances Knowledge

Enhances Communication Skills

Personal Development
Develop priceless managerial skills
Get free access to a large business network
Start your own company from scratch
Open the door to thriving career opportunities
Experience a new place and culture during your studies

2.Where will I play.


Most entrepreneurs dream of successfully establishing their own business, but sadly, the vast
majority of small business endeavors fail before they hit the two-year mark. Why is this? There
are a number of different contributing factors, of course, but one of the most probable causes
is the lack of business acumen many have when they decide to open a shop.

So my main after cometing my MBA is to setup my own business which should be online
business and at the same I want to continue my job till my business doesnt get to level of my

3.How will you win

I can win by applying correctly what I have studied in MBA no matter wheter I will be doing job
or running my own business but if I apply correctly then Ill get the fruitrull results and in that
way I can win.

4.What capabilities must be in place.

As I am doing my MBA in marketing field so my target is to have high command on the


1. Critical Thinking

In a 2010 survey by the American Management Association (AMA), a majority of executives

responded that they need employees with solid critical thinking skills, but the current pool of
workers has not sufficiently developed them. Critical thinking, or the ability to analyze
situations or statements and determine their validity, is the foundation on which modern
management professionals build their careers. Critical thinking breeds creative thinking, which
in turn solves problems. This is exactly what employers need from managers.

2. Project Management
In business today, you dont have to hold the title of project manager to be one. Projects can
be simple or complex, short- or long-term, but in marketing, they are increasingly happening in
quick response to social media opportunities and customer engagement. Future marketing
managers will need to sharpen their project management skills in order to lead their teams and
accomplish their objectives.

3. Analytical Skills

Successful marketing managers have analytical minds. They know the value of the vast amount
of data available today, and are highly interested in what that data can reveal about consumer
behavior, efficacy of various marketing approaches and more. The best managers also know
how to look beyond the data and pick up on trends and patterns that can lead to better, more
successful marketing efforts.

4. Holistic Approach

Future managers will approach marketing by thinking in terms of integrated, interconnected

systems, and how they affect each other. From trade show displays to Twitter feeds, its vitally
important to see how the relationships between all parts of the marketing plan work, and to
manage them effectively.

5. Technical Skills

Because technology will continue to advance and closely influence how marketing is
accomplished, it will always be important for marketing managers to be tech savvy. Customer
engagement will occur in more ways, and competing for their attention will mean delivering the
services and information they want, through user-friendly apps and relationship-building tools.
So while marketing managers will depend on technology innovators to create the tools, they
must be familiar with what consumers want and how best to deliver it.

5.What management system are required.

Management system requirement depends on our choices and ability but in an efficient way
and to evaluate ourselves following managements systems are must required

1. Interpersonal skills

Interpersonal skills are, of course, essential for anyone in a leadership role, in which working
with and inspiring others can really make the difference between success and failure be it
with clients, peers or those youre managing. And lets not forget, lacking such skills will
seriously impede your ability to engage in that all-important networking no ones going to
share the hottest new opportunity with you if you cant engage with them.
2. Strategic thinking

Strategic thinking is a cornerstone of the MBA one of the main intended outcomes of the
degree has always been to help you move from a functional role to a big picture one. Are you
able to see the future of an organization, and how its going to get there, factoring in the agility
to deal with competitors and market forces? If so, you will find yourself much in demand with
top MBA employers.

3. Entrepreneurial skills
Entrepreneurial skills are the ability to spot a gap in the market, judgment enough to know
whether its worth filling and the creativity and technical understanding, if not ability, to do so
can be invaluable to a dynamic organization with designs on growth. And remember, not every
example of entrepreneurship needs to change the world.

4. Communication skills
Being able to communicate up, down and across is essential in any management
position. Communications skills are an area employers have often found candidates somewhat
lacking. Luckily this is also a skillset which an MBA will help you to foster, with working in
diverse groups with all its concomitant challenges playing a significant role in MBA learning.

5. Leadership Skills
A good manager will possess leadership skills to facilitate the carrying out of functional roles by
his or her subordinates not an easy undertaking, by any means. However, a good leader will
inspire those who work with them and around them, make them feel valued and give the whole
undertaking a sense of direction. Notably, this was the skill surveyed top MBA employers were
most satisfied that MBAs possessed.

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