Reflection Paper - Day 5

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Reflection Paper: Day 5 Field Trips

Kassia Webb

International College of the Cayman Islands

Seminar on Business and Society BE/SO425

As a part of the Business and Society Seminar, on Friday, November 17th, 2017, my

classmates and I traveled to the Cayman Brac. We attended lectures at the District

Administration which was presented by the D.C. Ernie Scott, then to Cayman Brac Power and

Light to meet with Jonathon Tibbetts and lastly went on an island tour.

I learned about the starting of the Cayman Brac Power and Light and other various

important information. Based on Mr. Tibbetts presentation, I learned that Brac imported

generators some years ago. In 1956 the company was incorporated and a building was later

constructed in 1960. Shares were sold for the company and owned by the locals. No one person

was allowed to own more than 10% percent of the company. They built a new plant in 2005,

bought property on the bluff and a new building. They have 2 main engines and 3 back up

engines. They also employ electricians which I learned is more than what CUC employs in

Grand Cayman to actually support a population of sixty thousand people versus under two

thousand people. Their outages are never longer than 30 minutes and they always notify clients

on Facebook about scheduled outages. I understood that the company has implemented a prepaid

or pay as you go system for their customers. If customers balances run low on a Friday, they

actually have until Monday to pay without getting disconnected. It benefits the company as there

is not an excessive amount of debts due to outstanding balances. Their electricity rate has not

changed in 14 years but only the adjustment in fuel costs.

What I have learned about Cayman Brac Power and Light is related to the topic of

Business and Society because; there are local shareholders from the society who collectively

owns the company.

This topic is related to my reading in the official text of the book, precisely in the area,

Shareholders Rights and Corporate Governance. Shareholders are people who invest in a
company and they are the key market stakeholder in the company (Lawrence & Weber (2017).

Because persons from the society purchased shares, this has given them rights to become owners

of the company. According to Lawrence & Weber 2017, For this reason, they have a stake in

how well the company performs (p.279).


Lawrence, Anne T. & Weber, J. (2017). Business and Society: Stakeholders, Ethics, Public

Policy, 15th Edition.

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